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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jan 1962, p. 1

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THE PORT N ie ™ a fix o . kd at sain | ape i 18 - J > PERRY STAR * . Ee SA v ' LATE "Authorized as Second Class Ma by the Post Ottice Dept., Ottave, for payment of postage in cash" PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1962 $2.00 Per Year, Single Copy 6¢ : The Part The Scotty Uren Trophy, presented By the late Blake Uren of Orillia to "#he olub in Zone 6 doing the: most 'Work in conservation for that: yesr. eotty Uren' lost his life in a-drown- 'ing accident some ten years ago while Still a very young lad. The sad part of it all is that Blake and his brother "Ross (Scotty's father and uncle) are Presumed lost in a flying accident by = off Manitoulin Island this] 'past June. It is a great honour to be awarded Thi trophy for -the greatest: con: "tribution to conservation in 1961, as \ there were some 89 clubs in up and numerically Port Perry e of 'the smallest. To compete And were 'certain basic conservation themes to be followed as a 'Hunter Training, Course of which the Port Perry Club "has a very excellent record. x = The {following 16 items were "also ineluded in the work of the club and were instrumental in the judging. © 1, Posted 20 Danger Signs on silt i | dreas of New Causeway on 7A High- way crossing Lake Scugog, paid by the Club. 2, Contacted Dept. of Highways and requested an additional Culvert on the above Causeway which ted | and installed for Migration of Fish to Spawning areas. 3. Club members opened a channel through silt at 7A Causeway to permit movement of fish through culverts,| >" to allow fish to get to esp water for winter. 4 Satoty slaps rected by motes i" -- } ey E wisi 4 ps Al pte et rng CR -- Secugog. 5. Club memb j through 27" ice The 'Seotty Uren Memorial Trophy | of Conservation for 1961, daa on . . awarded to Port Perry Rod and Gun | behalf of the club by the secretary, Club for outstanding work in the field | Stan Tripp. re dangerous lee. fonctions. ong Laks : 3% fnew plan last August. BELA Tein "I be made by the Government without | 8. Erected Fishing Reg. signs. 9. Annual Carp Derby. Educational to public ta take coarse fish. Club supplied all prizes, also bait and feed. 160 entries, and over 500 fish weighed in, in two days. 10. Advised other clubs re the oper- ation of Carp. Derby; bait recipe; 'benefit to carp infested waters. In Lake Scugog area now 509% of fisher- men are carp fishermen. pl. ~ 11, Members assisted Conservation Officer in removing tops of Beaver dams in Nonquon River to allow the .Muskies to migrate_back to--Lake Scugog. Approximately | 15 miles of the | river covered. y Rod and Gun Club awarded the ----------}James-has-been-announced-by-the-Rt: --|---12. Soundings taken on west side of Lake - Scugog to make any future oxygen samples more adequate. 13. Banded pheasants and released them with Dept. of L. and F. bands, and wlll take census of same and also migration and will report on same. 14. Annual banquet to create fellow- ship and education. Guest Speakers and Movies on Conservation. 16. Further checked on Woodducks. Boxes previously erected and decided that they were more harmful than beneficial as they harbored raccoon which are a predator of wild ducks. ----16:-The- Secretary of the Club-under{-- the label (By Hec) conducts a "Con- servation Column" in. 8 newspapers. | Winners Chosen "In Outdoor Lighting Contest The Annual Contest for the most attractive outdoor Christmas lighting of homes is proving to be an increas- ingly difficult task for the judges. More and more homes are improving these attractive displays and it is harder than ever to choose three as the best from among. the many wor- thy of note. - +] Those who were awarded the prizes are, Bob Archer, Bill Lowcock and Chas, Lowne. The prize this year was an electric blanket. Also worthy of honourable mention are the following, Chief Cameron, 'Harold Martin, Dr, Bathie and Stan Mumford. The contest is sponsored annually by the Chamber of Commerce and the Hydro-Electric System. Church Honours Rev. T. A. Nind The appointment of Rev. Thomas Arthur Nind, of Port Hope, as an honorary canon to the Cathedral of St. Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, Lord Bishop of Toronto. Canon Nind served 50 years as a priest in the Anglican Church before his retirement in 1952. Canon Nind commenced his ministry in 1901 with-his ordination as deacon by the Bishop of Osaka, Japan. The next year he was ordained priest. He came to Canada in 1909 to ser- vice in Minden and in the decades following, in Bowmanville, 1910-1916; Bobcaygeon, 1916 - 1920; Markham, 1920 - 1923; St. Dunstan, Toronto, 1923-1928; Port Perry and Brooklin, 1928-1937;-and then Grafton until his retirement. . PORT: PERRY held in the Municipal Office, Saturday, December 23, 1961 at 9 a.m. Deputy-Reeve 'W. T. Harris, Coun- cillors Arthur T. Cox, Irving A. Boyd. MINUTES of Dec. 9th, 1961 were read and adopted on motion, Carried. SPECIFICATIONS for proposed new Fire Truck was presented. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the specifications to four fire equip- ment firms: Wilson & Cousins Co, Ltd,, 240 Birmingham St., Toronto 14, Ont. C. E. Hickey & Sons Ltd, 6890 Cannon Street East, Hamilton, Ont, King-Seagrave, Woodstock, Ontario, LaFrance Fire Engine & Foamite Ltd., 60 Coronet Road, Toronto 18, Ontario. The Clerk was algo instructed to send copies of the Chassis specification to two local dealers, Beare Motors, and Bob Archer Motors. RESOLUTION No. 1--That Tenders be called for the purchase of a New Fire Pumper, as per specifications to be reccived by the Clerk-Treasurer before January 13th, 1962, any 'tender not necessarily acecpted. Carried. RESOLUTION -- That tenders be called for the purchase of a cab and chassis as per the specifications to be used for a Fire Pumper. To be re- 'ceived by the Clerk-Treasurer before January 13, 1962. Any tender not necessarily "accepted. Carried. SPECIFICATIONS for proposed New Dump Truck. Held over. LEASE for Canadian H. W. Goss- ard Co. Held over. MR. CHRISTIAN of the Depart- ment of Commerce & Development, 454 University Ave., Toronto 2. The Clerk was instructed to write and Minutes of thé Regular Meeting of Council of the Village of Port Perry PRESENT -- Reeve J, J. Gibson, OUNCIL NEWS Water Heater Maintenance Instructor Course. Held ovr. LETTER from H. R. Graff dated Dec. 16, 1962 re "Complete Your Home with Electric Heat." Held over. LETTER from Summer Equipment Ltd. dated Dec, 18, 1961 "We are ask- ing our representative in your area truck and advise you of the result. Filed. LETTER from The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada dated Dec. 10th, 1961. "The following briefly outlines a new method for answering the Police telephone when the office is unman- ned . .... Left for the attention of Councillor Arthur 1. Cox, Chairman of the Po- nice Department, COFY of Resolution passed by the Port terry Planning Board at a meeting of Dec. 16, 1961 re Wm. Tripp subdivision. Held over, LETTER from Mr. L. Arthur Burch Fire Chief of City of St. Catherines, aated Dec. 20, 1961, Filed. STATEMENT of Fines for Novem- ber, 1961--$136.00 showing the. Muni= cipal share as $67.67. Filed. The PILING of SNOW at the Corn- er of John and Queen Streets -- The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. gack Hope with a copy to peare Motors Ltd. as follows: The piling of snow along the street line at the corner of John and Queen St. is cosnidered dangerous and also creates flooding and the ice problem on the street, If there is & heavy snowfall, the piling of snow at this. corner could unstrucet the view of traffic. Beare Motors have been required to shove their snow to the west side of John St. and south of the library so that when it melts it reaches the creek. make arranegments for him to meet with members of Council. PASSING ACCOUNTS --7% lowing statement of accoy authorized for payment: General Department ... | Street Maintenance "Property & Parks ......... Public Welfare ......c...ccvan.... 85.00 "Waterworks Dept. ............ 1,713.66 Waterworks Deb. Acct. By-Law 1349 .................. 16,726.03 Hydro-Electric Dept. ........ 16,209.05 Carried. $108, 068. 24 Lucky Draw Winner for a three-stream education system | nace of the left." consisting of academic, technical and endorsement of the Ontario Second- ary School Teachers' Federation at the Federation's Annual Assembly held here in the last week in Decem- Among the 260 delegates, repre- senting 18,200 secondary school tea- chers across Ontario, were Mr. James Parkhill and My. Jack Judge of Osh-] awa Central Collegiate, Mr. A. An: drew and Mr. Jack Kane of the-Whit- by Collegiate and Mr. J. Lee and Mr.. 0. Ewart oh Sutton Distriet High 'School, "The Assembly at the same time ex- 'pressed its displeasure over the fact tI she profession had not been con- sulted by the Department of Educa- tion 'prior to the Announcement of the | ing year, 'High--School, - 1956. "Gilmore, treasurer, It asked that "no farther a | . bi Comittee Contemplating fur. | © alteration. consulting the profession, 'and that official representative of OSSTF cost of "to sit on. any Depart-| countries. her: The Federation's sentiinenta fi this matter were underscored by the tiring president of the Fe A Rosens, of Delhi, Ont., t| UK. grant.' alary base of. $4,800. against teachers of a; TIT Ontario's New Educational Plan . Hamilton -- The new Ontario plan that keeps the right hand in ignor-| commercial divisions, was given the | D: Glenn Kilmer, vice-principal of Pauline Johnson Collegiate- Vocation- al School, Brantford, was elected pre- sident of the Federation for the com- Born in Saskatoon, and a graduate of Queen's University, Mr. Kilmer taught in Norfolk County and Elgin County Schools, was principal of Port Burwell Continuation School and vice-principal of Essex District near-- Windsor, before assuming his post in Brantford in Margaret A. Robinson, of Toronto 'was elected first vice-president; David Younger of Sudbury, second vice- president, and Thomas 'W. Latta, Lon- 'don, Ont., third vice-president. = Burlington, ..continues The Federation recommended' sub- stantially increased allowances for ex- hangeé teachers to Ontario from the nited Kingdom, in order to reduce the financial hardship now felt 'by U.K. teachers dué to the difference in living between the two "Under the plan put forward; allow= | ances for UK. teachers in Ontario [Would be increased by $1,600. The W.K. teacher now gets approximately 1,000 additional from the British Ministry of Education and $250 from e salary of the Ontario teacher who his exchange opposite number, The Federation voted to increase this lat-. ter figure to $760: and to recommend | to the Ontario Departnient of Educa: "tiow that it give $1,000. on top of the [#4 On' teachers' salarfes the Assembly for the fourth successive year recom- ended that new teachers with mini- ifieations have a starting request tothe Depattment of -Ednca:| tion that there be mo" isHmitation 1 no th manual train Win tr so vie ie Mr. Herman Midgley, Port Perry was the winner of an I.G.A. Food Voucher drawn at Beare Motors Ltd. on Saturday last. The next draw will be made at 5 p.m. on Saturday, January 6th. Obituary- MR. CLARENCE LLOYD LOVE . Mr. Clarence Lloyd Love passed away at Binscorth, Man,; on Friday, Dec. 22nd, 1961. The deceased was in -his--66th---year--and- had -not---enjoyed the best of health for some months. Lloyd was born and grew to man- hood in Greenbank Community;--son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Love. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife Tessie of Binscorth, Man., one daugh- ter Edith of Winnipeg, one sister, Mrs. Gordon Taylor of Epsom and seven brothers, Britton of Edmonton, Alta., Oswald of St. Josephs Island, George and -Tilford; Greenbank, Clif- ford and Clayton of Port Perry and Bert of Whitby, Ont. Interment was Binscarth, Manitoba, : 0. A: _ as Fire Alarms The Port Perry Fire Brigade were summoned to the scene of three fires during the past week. Sunday morn: ing; fast before church time, a eall wat made as fire had broken out in the Baptist Church, However mems bers'of the congregation were able to nuell this before any amount of dam- age wag done, © ad in the morning fire was discoves. _|your sampling, would BY- L AW No. 1362 to authorize the borrowing of $30,000.00 from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was read three times, passed, signed and the seal of the Corporation affix- ed thereto. Carried. MEMO--Work on Hydro survey. 21 hours at $1.26 -- $26.26. Council decided that the hydro de- partment should reimburse the Gen- eral Department in the amount of $26. 26. LETTER from Mr. H. R. Graff re Co-operative collection of accounts. RESOLUTION -- That the Port Perry Hydro System approve of the Co-operative Collection of accounts as outlined by the H.E.P.C. of Barrie as of letter of December 7th, 1961. Carried. LETTER from H.E.P.C. of Ontario re new Policy & Coverage for Hydro Public Liability & Property Damage Insurance. The Clerk was instructed to file this policy with other insur- -ance-policies: STATEMENT re use of Backhoe-- Machine only: 1960--$1,100.00 1961-- 2,471.12 Held over, for next meeting. COPY of LETTER dated Dec. 13/6 sent to Horton Steel Works Ltd. by Mr. R. E. Sims re progress on con- tract for construction of 300,000 gal, Steel Water Reservoir and pointing out several minor matters for atten- tion. ~ Filed. It was left with the Clerk to have Mr. Middleton cover the grate at the new water tower to prevent water from running into the pit. LETTER from Mr, R. E, Sims dated Dec. 18th, 1961 re enginseting 5 fee for work on 300,000 1.G. Standp pe. This matter was left with Reeve J. J. Gibson to contact Mr, Sims. LETTER from O.W.R.C. dated Dec. Iith, 1961-Re reporting of sampling of water. "In the future, in the reporting. of rou please in- dicate on the report which you send in with the samples the number of Lin the hie bE he.ot | tely there were no ¢hi by ding at the time. ave broken out in oe' some anxio ts. Tittle Anions 0) Cr ered the is Depa y =] . red hin fi only: stight damage re- : BeDmpOsites and the times at which ORs ky both a : eeve, Councillors & Clerk. ~The alarm also went about mid:| RESOLUTION -- That the Clerk on N Years Eve. Firemen | oder on ripen for poz of beg? to a_blaze near the Port "Municipal 7 for and soon had it under | Reeve, Councor, Clerk. and grabs which are made to make up the ey are taken." i The Clerk was instrueted to contact Mr. Ken Middleton and see that the julrements are met with, MO Shh riptions to the Muni- pal World for 1 1962--for Reeve, Dep, 2g ah Would you please therefore see that all snow removed from your property ed to the same location or to west of your property, we- to be removed i LETTER from Mr. H. R. Graff--ré to make inquiries regarding a suitable] - Starrs Plea For Industry Co-operation \ OTTAWA -- Labor Minister Starr said last Thursday that better rela- tions between labor and management in Canada are an important key to the country's future prosperity. In a New Year's message, Mr. Starr renewed his plea to labor and management to co-operate in the so- lution of industrial problems, "I know that in this country labor and management are gonscious of the need for closer co-operation," he said. "Every effort should be made by both to bring this about at this time." The minister said the economy of Canada is expanding and added: "The outlook for the year ahead is good. ~All of us, goveriments, labor and management, working together, should be able to make it a happy and prosperous year for Canada." Mr. Starr said new and positive programs are being pressed by the ¥ 'government--an all-out export drive, vigorous vocational training programs to fit workers with new skills, winter works incentives for municipal pro- jeets. : The minister predicted technieal' and vocational facilities for education will be expanded by 509% within 21% years instead of five years as originally a Lk P Goodfellow Makes Two New Positions TORONTO--Two new posts of as- * sistant deputy minister were created last Thursday by Highways Minister Goodfellow and the positions filled by an Ngee RArNer. at CT ADJOURN -- On motion =¢oH adjourned. Carried. ) nine Four in Running For Oni. Warden A four-way battle looms this yea. for Ontario County's top office, that of Warden. The warden for the 1962 'council will be elected at county coun- cil's inaugural meeting on Jan. 16, at 2 pam. in the county building at Whitby, ' or Se Unofficially, four reeves are in the running: John MecCrorvie, of Beaver- ton, Earl Dowswell, of Uxbridge Twp, Shermun- Scott of - Pickering -Town- ship, and Patrick Shechan, of the town of Ajax. If all four are nominated and an "election is necessary, the new warden will be elected by open ballot. Each member of the council is asked by County Clerk William Manning, who will preside over this election, for whom he casts his vote. Each mem- ber will rise and announce his favored candidate. . The vote continues until one candi- -date emerges with a clear majority. - Beaverton village has not been rep- resented by the county warden since 1944, when the late Dr. C. J. Devine was clected warden, The last' warden from Uxbridge Township was John Rae who was elected in 1946. Picker ing Township's last warden was Wm. Westney, elected in 1949. 1 Ajax, one of the newest municipali- ties in the county, has never been given the honor of being the home of the warden, The late John Mills, the town's first reeve, contested the seat unsuccessfully a few years ago. 'Mr, Sheehan, last year deputy-reeve, moved up 'to the reeve's chair at the last election and at the last meeting of county council let it be known that he-would-scck the warden's-office; In the coming days, the candidates for this office will be doing their cam- paigning, if any, among the reeves and deputy-reeves of the county, Un: like candidates in any other election, they will be pretty sure before Jan, 16 just how they will rate. A reeve who pledges support for a candidate during the campaign would have to Town Solicitor renege publicly if he changed his the renek J department personnel. | affected by the deal with Wh and thé railways oppased tion, \N A. Clarke, formerly chief engin, assistant deputy minis- and A, T. C. Mec- N " } A ' at to ministration; ren ! ty minister for adm . H. W. Adcock, formerly hi of operations, was named chief high ways engineer. : Mr. Clarke was born in Ottawa and attended Queen's University. My MeNab is a native of Acton Cockshut Compa Change Expectes BRANTFORD -- is changeover in nu RS 1) place early next month if shavel of Cockshutt Farm Equipmg approve acquisition of the firm equipment division by the wi tor Company. : An official of Cockshutt sal cently the work force which ui runs between 1,300 and 1,500 hil trimmed to 750 in anticipati changeover, Peak employi 3,200 shortly after the Seco War. Ne 00 Brantford Coach and Bod any, a subsidiary of Cockshu continue to operate, here 18 about 500. = A Cockshut- spokesman sald" shut lines and those of White's sidiary, Oliver Corporation Li of Canada, would be marketed ately but how long this sity would continue he would not Freig ht Rate] Rejected By B 'OTTAWA -- The Board of port Commissioners last tossed out a freight rate bid might have opened the ported goods to gain spec restricted to goods made The board rejected a by Stewarts and Lloyds o be granted the same fred imported oil-well casing charged by the railways on Canada piping. Canadian: oil casing ms The agreed charge an a

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