Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jan 1962, p. 8

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Bt Nr // G2 ya Er Di AT 7 a RY en ph p= Ed Ea at a xT 37, LIA 2 -- 2 . mma nl - mn ps " ae Co 0 pe a oF, eg i ag wr \ A ) 1 a LN RARE ERROR, ' A 8--~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY. 4th, 1962 Ashburn Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Ashton visited Mr. at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Rogers, of Epsom, on Thursday, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, family, of Deep River; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher; Harold, Diane & Mar- | and Mrs. W, Mr. and Murs. : Pickering; Mr. Frank Mitchell and ang son Douglas, and Miss Muriel p.m. Perry, of Port Perry garet; Mrs. Gordon Fisher of Oshawa Ruttan, till were Thursday dinner guests o E. Humphrey. and Mrs. Wm. bert and Lenore, of Don Mills; Mr. Kenneth Heron and son of | The and Mrs. Wm. guests of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Heron. Lawrence Doble, of Richmond Mrs. McAndless Ro- Mr. three years, EE at ES VEN NERA Hd Ee xml PARR E & ? Mr, and Mrs, James Doble; Mr. and Laurel and ¢ Chris, of Toronto, were Friday guests j of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton. and Mrs, Grant Parrott spent | Christmas with relatives at Belleville, Annual School Meeting was Perry held on Wednesday, Dec. 27th at 2.00 with a good attendance. were Sunday John Hopkins was elected trustee for A a Mr. | RED&V 20-02, PEACHES in Feature! - Save 10c! - Lynn Valley Feature! - Mild -- 5¢ Off! -- 12-02, CHEESE WEDGES 3 2-1b. Cello @kg. 6p 2-1b, Cello@¥Pkg. SULTANA RAISINS Feature! . Save 6 Instan§ COFFEE 69 Feature! - Save 7d Rice Krisples, 9134 'K' CEREAL 2for55¢ Golden Hour PARTY MIX Save 4c! Feature! - Valley View Breakfast PRUNES Feature! - Australlan Red & White Book - pkg. 50 MATCHES 19. 5-1b. bag "ICE SALT 26: Sunspun Pint Bricks ICE CREAM, 25 Feature! - SALAD Pressing 33: Feature! - 10¢c Off Pag GENTLE} FELS pkg 7 5c Bakery Feature! Crisp 'N' Seve ROLLS 19- Feature! - Save fio! .- Culverhouse - Choice Quality 2 ford 5¢ Apple with Raspberry or Strawberry - 48-oz, Jar BLENDED JAMS 69 Maple Leaf - 12-02, wedges - Med. 45¢, Old TIL: BIRDS EYE FROZEN 4 vous Save 60! - 8-03, pkgs, | FISH STICKS 29: Save 4c! 9-08. pkg. FRENCH FRIES 2 35¢| Jc - Red & White 5-08, Jay , pkgs, or Kellogg's 634-0x. Cello Bags 29 Sunspun 16-05. Jar - Save 12¢! R4-0x, Sise - Weston or Sunbeam . Reg, 25¢, Pkg, 10 FRE 'When You 5.1. GRANULATED SUGAR y 4 General Electric Lamp Bulbs at Regular Price Best Buy! - Save 4c! Best Buy! - Save 6cl§- Deluxe Macaroni with Chee KRAFT DINNERS = 39. - Skim Milk Powder -- 6-1b. INSTANT MILKO 89- "Best Buy! - Save 4¢ Best Buy! - Save 1 JELLY OWDER Red & White Homogenized - Redeem your 80 coupons . $1.69 -- 8:1b, package 'SHORT (Ground Beet 3 Ibs. RIB ROASTS "Mild Seasoned", "Hickory 8 'WEINERS «-- 1b\5: "Fresh Minced - Specially Blend -n MEE f.. 3% Y CAN ON cv Li [HRA Brats g Ribs Ib. +i. per pair st Quality - Golden Yollow | BANANAS 2:29 ~ Famous Georgian Bay Fancy Grade 2-1b, Poly Beg SPY APPLES 29: "Waxed «Purple Top = No. 1 Grade | TURNIPS Clean, Washed, No. 1 Grade, 10-0. celle SPINACH 2.for eftective s at the listed Red & White Food Stores only 's "food Market eran | Ib. 5c a dori 4 [and Mrs. Albert. MeL augili in and" fi Blackstock The final meeting of the United Church W.A. was held in the C. E, room Wednesday afternoon, Dec, 27 with 20 ladies and 2 children present. The president read some suggest- fons for World Peace. Theme Hymn was su and WA. prayer repeated in dik fe + Mrs, Richard VanCamp 'was. in charge of the Devotional period and after offering a prayer had hymn 'Joy to the World' sung. She then read the prophecy of the Birth of Christ from Isaiah and Matthew's account. Her subject was then divided into four parts 'The Wonderful Councillor'. was eziven by Mrs. 'Mervyn Graham, "The Mighty God by Mrs. Ed Harris; "The Rote andy Father" by Mrs. Harold Kyte and the 'Prince of Peace' By Mrs, Merrill Van Camp. Mrs, Phyllis Sinclair 'sang the solo -- "Oh Silent Night". © Mrs. Richard Van Camp then. spoke on Christian Citi- zenship asking that Christmas be kept the year round by forgetting all that you think fs due you and seeing what good you can ot into life. Bury ugly thoughts and make a gar- den of love, After the singing of "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name", she offered prayer, Some very interesting Christmas Customs of Other Lands were told in answer to the poll call. Reports of all departments were given and as far as possible all bsiness finished, Pre- sident Mrs, Carnaghan expressed thanks to all for splendid co-opera- tion through the year. After the singing of hymn «Bilent Night" and rayer; a. delicious lunch was served p> the group. .Mrs, Graham, group Cok thanked al her group. shower was held in the Community Hall on Friday night in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buma (Audrey Van Ryswyk). Mr. John Hamilton was M.C. for the even- ing and called on-the following pro- gramme:--Choral speaking by Lois Bean. Eloanee Loshie: tnd Chery] Wright; Recitation by Eleanor Wright and song by. Dianne Vanderhuel; a Piano solo by Lois Wright; Reading by Lorna Wright. With a few JbOreRinE reine atid the Best Wishes of the audience, Mr. Hamilton presented the lovely éollee- tion of gifts. After bride and groom had expressed their thanks and had ample time to view their gifts, lunch was served. This was followed with dancing to music provided by Dayes Brothers Orchestra. In St. John's Church Sunday morn- ing Canon Ashmore as usual delivered an excellent sermon. The Sunday School saw slides of the Arctic and area where r forage, and some Eskimos and Missionaries. "In the United-Churech, Rev. Romeril took as his Sublet "He is Master of Tinie". "the Anthem "God WiJI Speak to' his' Children". 'Promotion service was held in Sun: day School. A great many pupils re- cited memory work and moved on to a higher department. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'Marlow, Mrs. Margaret Carley, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Swain, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry, Mr. Neil Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain, Mr, Ernie Swain, Messrs. Ru- rt and Roy: Werry, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Taylor attended 'the funeral of Mr. Andrew Powers in Lindsay on Wednesday. Sympa thy i again extended Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Pearce, this week on the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Petlow, Scugog.. = Mr. and Mrs. €ourtnes Graham and . A miscellaneo | Miss Joyce and Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur} Toms were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning have sold their home in' Bowmanville and moved to the home recently, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Cadmus. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Arundel- Evans, Montreal, spent a few days at their summer home {the former Greer --a aah Mr. and Mys, Harry McLaughlin and Mrs. J. Forder, Nestleton; Mr. Laur. ence McLaughlin. Guelph; Mr, and Mrs. Herb Hooey and Mr. Harry San- "| derson were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and boys. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and family were: Mr. and. Mrs. Zake Adams and family, Bowmanville, and for New Yea 8 were: Mr. and Mrs, Andrews and Mr, : Bud - Whitaker, - Prince Mr. ahd Mis. Jilbert Archer 8 Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Elm Archer and family, Whitby, : Mrs. Wm. Harold Wright Hurketon; 'Mr. and Mri, Harel Mr. 'and Mrs, hiidren, Toronto; y Ted Mrs. Ted Mr. an ri Ross J Ashton & family: Haydon; Mrs, fa. Carl aghlin; and Neil; Mr and, ol oii: lin and family: Mr. and Mrs. Harold ihifalt mid amily gathering in the 0 Centre, Blaekatock on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, Noel Morton and David visi Mosara, Roy and Bill Ferguson Su ay afternoon. Mr. and verton, visi Wright and al on Sunday, ily, Columbus; | i rs. Harold: user, Toi : Mr, and Mrs. Walter Wright and girls; Mr, a Mis, loyd Wright aod family joi rest of the Wri family at the od, of Mr. and Garnet Wright Port Perry on Padus: Mr. and Mrs. Don Pargeter and fa- mily; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and Allan, Port Perry, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, M, Graham. Messrs. Roy and Bill Ferguson at- tended a gathering at the home of Mrs. Roy Drummond, Toronto, New | Year's Day. On Tuesday the Bank of Commerce, Port Perry entertained the Cartwright Council and School Board to a dinner at Conway Gardens. Mrs. P. Romeril returned home from Guernsey on Wednesday and ac- companying her was her sister Miss | Beryl Hibbs who is engaged to Seach in High School here. Rev. and Mrs. Romeril and Miss Hibbs visited relatives in Hamilton Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Horn, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. Earl Trewin and family of Enniskillen were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMahon Lotus, were Monday guests of Mr, on Mrs. Ted McMahon and family. The O.N.O, dance Monday, 12.30 am, was well attended and a good time was reported. Mrs. Carl McLaughlin and boys en- tertained the Harris family Sunday evening. A Mountjoy - Johnston and Dorrell get-to-gether was held in the Recrea- tion Centre New Year's day, when the following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea and Naney, Bronte; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wannon, Donald and girl friend, St. Catherines; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Me- Callum, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Byers, Jim and Janice; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hoskin, Ron and Larry; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and fa- mily; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher; Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Mountjoy and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and fa- mily; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston; Mr .and-Mrs; Roy Avery and 'family, 'illbury; Mr. and Mrs. Keith John- ston' and girls, Belleville; Mr. Earl Dorrell; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and girls; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dor- tell and Darcy and Mr. Harry San- derson. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and fa- mily spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Cook, Brooklin. Gordie Malcolm spent a few days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. A. J. Cook, Brookli: n, Mr. Tom Ednie, Toronto, spent New Year's with his parents Mr. and Mrs. -R."'Ednie and family. Sorry to say "Mr, Ednie is not improving and is to this w Mrs. Ida Taylor spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Malcolm, Yelverton and New 'Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolms. Sorry to report Mrs. Wesley Brad- burn had the misfortune to fall last Friday and is in Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Henry and fa- mily, Bowmanville, were New Year's guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Henry. Isabel and Betty Henry had spent last week with their grandparents. New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duff and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lown and family, Port Perrv Miss Anna Belle Kelly, Brampton; | Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Graham; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong, Ralph, Bob and Beth Strong,: Mrs. Phyllis. Sinclair and Beverley, Sidney Ferguson .and' girls, castle were New Years guests of Mr and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes spent| Sunday with Mrs. Malcolm Elford, Port Perry and all called on Malcolm in Western hospital, Toronto. On Tuesday, Jan. 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes attended 'the funeral of Mrs. Goodson, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn, Don- ald, Ivan and David Mackie visited Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janet- ville; Sunday, -- 7} Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Murray and girls, Cresswell, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor weré with the Noble family at Uxbridge. On Tues- day the Roy and Arnol : and Mrs. Harry McLaughlii nd' Mrs. J, Forder attended anotir family ¢| Gathering at the home of - Anson Taylor, Scarboro. 4 BOWLING FRIDAYS == = 7 to 11° pm. SATURDAYS - ~ 8 to 1 p.m io. dn -- PORONTOIudgs Robie Fotagth] = annaunced Wed., Jan, adi 'subur- 3 "Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, 'Mr. and Mrs.| 'New-| =: and Mrs, ban Etobicoke will have cocktail bass. Nov. 26, the judge found that 60.54 per cent had voted approval. This reverses an earlier count which de- feated bars by less than one per cent. Dining luonges were approved at the original vote. The recount showed 24,863 in favor and 16,688 against cocktail bars. After recounting 40,000 votes cast)" \ CAWKER BRAS a Bacon - 1's .. STEATRE "UXBRIDGE _ THURS, FRI, SAT. JANUARY ath, 5th z 6th Cartoon WALT DISN EY'S PETER PAN ONLY 0 EVERY THURSDAY, Doors Open Doors Open Theatre Closed Monday, -SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2. 00 PM. at 7.30 pam. at 1.30 p.m. LE Tuesday and Wednesda a | = L & Canon ( Good Nowe for Homomakere 5 "A Serve Frozen I fort be "The pig has Pd 1. 'an be cal i . its variety of EA) ham, bacon - FERSICSERENT CNS ribs, chops one of the f ,~ 'popular which has re o™ way into a frozen prepared rk. aes oi of n.0f fot t formerly took several hours of oven time to rk and additional 4 hei it now tional Soin minus when ion slide 3 urge how, about Ls bis 8" bu you have ue ative | ER Pork Dinner In 25 Minutes nes mre

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