Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jan 1962, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1962 THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF ASCENSION Re¥, E. W. Fuller, B.A. Sunday, January 14th-- 11.30 a.m.--Morning Prayer 5 ------ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator: Kemneth I. MacKenzie, M.A. (Uxbridge) : Minister: Mr. Willlam Perry, B.A, Sunday, January 14th-- 10 a.m.--Church Service 11 a.m.~-- Sunday School Rev. 75 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH * Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Mialster Sunday, January -14th-- 10.00 a.n.--Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.--Church Service -11 a.m.--Kindergarten and junior classes, Sunday School. J 7 The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D. Sunday, January 14th-- : 10. 16. am. --SCUGOG Church 11.16 a.m.--SCUGOG "Head" S. S. 11.16 a,m.--MANCHESTER Church 1.15: p.m.----PROSPECT Church llemember the 'Sabbath Day to keep it Holy. Come and worship, 25 o ep PORT PERRY BAPTIST Sunday, Jahuary l4th-- 9.60 a.m ~Sunday School for all ~~" ages 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.--Evangelistic service MONDAY, 7.16 p.m.--Young People WED., 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Fveryone Welcome A Aug. 31 Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOUIS PEARCE, DECEASED All persons having 'claims against the Estdté of Louise Pearce, late of the City of Oshdwa, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 22nd day of December, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 15th day. of. February, 1962, full par- ticulars of their claims. after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed a- _mong the parties entitled thereto, eld MEV they shall then have notice. this 8th day of January, 1962, - .GREER '& KELLY, Jan. 25 Barristers, &c., ---- Box 131; Port Perry, Ontario - Solicitors for the above estate. Thank You We wish, to thank the Combined iH gui Service Organizations of Port Perry pga for the lovely box we received at g Christmas. Mrs. G. Heayn and Patients. LANE, Tressa Fowler -- "Suddenly at Hampton, Ont. ofi Saturday, Jan- uary 6, 1962, Tressa Fowler, in her Lane, 46 King Street East, Bowman- ville, and dear mother of Ronald and Joan. Funeral: from. Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tuesday, Jan- ~uary 9, 1962; Interment-in- Bowman. ville Cemotery.. SAH TR Se Immediately | : having regard only to claims of which' DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, | 52nd year, beloved wife of George| Coming Events Attention! Keep Saturday, Jan. 27th open for Robbie Burns Supper and Entertain- ment. Masonic Temple, at 6:80 p,m, Price $1.60. ° Jan, 1L SAVE UP TO 209%, on new Frigidaire refrigerators, driers, and other appliances. Phone 985-7704. Hospital Auxiliary Meeting The Women's Hospital Auxiliary monthly meeting will be held at the Hospital on January 16th at 2.80 p.m. Freezers, ranges, Euchre and Dance Will be held Friday, January 12th at 8.30 p.m. in the Epsom School. Ladies please provide Lunch. Silver collection. Friday, Jan. 12th at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Temple Hall. Sponsored by the Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Jackpot $60.00, (increased $10.00 each time). Admission Tbe. McQUINN---Gayle and James are happy to announce the birth of a baby girl, Karen Ruthie Annette, at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital on December 28, 1961, 9 lbs. 2% ozs. A sister for Valerie and Paul. Birth GIBSON -- Art and Yvonne are happy to announce the birth of their son Raymond Arthur, 9 lbs, 8 ozs, at the Community Memorial Hospital, on December 26, 1961. A little brother for Elaine and Janice. Birth CAWK V ker are proud to announce the arrival of their son Mark Bradford on Wed, Jan. 3, at the Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital. A brother for Andy, Michael, Lea and Scott. --oQo0-- In Memoriam SULMAN -- In loving memory of our dear Father, G. Ernest, who pass- ed away Jan. 13, 1956. His helping hand and smiling face, We oft' do recall, . "He had an sHeowraging word for "each, And died beloved of all, Lavingly remembered by son Peter and Daughter-in-law Mayrene | J |] Notice fo Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT SAMUEL TETLOW, ~ DECEASED 1 CAN persons having. ein against the Estate of Robert Samuel Tetlow, late of -the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 26th day of 'December, A.D.; 1961, are hereby noti=} fied to send to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of February, 1962, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port 'Perry, Ontario, this 8th day of January, 1962. "GREER & KELLY, Barristers, &c., Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario Jan. 2b Solicitors for the above estate. arta: TH at Catholic Pari fyi oid i} : WEDNESDAY, JAN, 10th. at Catholic. School, Uxbridge : : aan WELCOME, (No charge) ER--Alan and Eleanor. Caw-| In Memoriam DRINKWATER---In loving memory of our dear Mother, Muriel Mae Lyle, who entered into eternal rest, Jan. 11th, 1961. A year today, dear Mother was called To here Eternal Rest. Gone where the angels sing so sweet And taken when God knew best, We miss her here so very much,. Her presence oft seems nigh; But we all hope in Heaven to meet Where no one says-good-bye. Lovingly remembered by her family In Memoriam LEACH--In loving memory of my father, Roy Leach, who passed away Jan, 9th, 1960. If T had all the world to give, I'd give it, yes and more, To hear his voice and see his smile And greet him at my door. But all IT can do dear father Is go and tend your grave And leave behind tokens of love To the best father God ever made. I like to think when Life is done "Wherever Heaven may be That he'll be standing at the door Up there to welcome me. Ever remembered by his son George, daughter-in-law Lillian and Grandchildren. In Memoriam TOMS--In loving memory of my dear husband and father, Fred, who passed away Jan. 11, 1961. In silence he suffered With patience he bore, . Until God called him home To suffer no more. And now looking back in memory As along life's pathway we trod, TY bless those years we spent together And leave the rest with God. Long remembered and sadly missed by wife Tillie and family. In Memoriam DRINKWATER--In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister Murie' Mae Lyle, who departed this life, January 11, 1961. Her weary hours and days of -pain, Her troubled nights are past; And in our aching hearts we know She-has found sweet rest at last. - Lovingly remembered by Mother, Brothers and Sisters. J In Appreciation I appreciate very much and wish to thank our friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers received, numerous cards, and many messages of inquiry while I was in Oshawa hospital and Port Perry. Thanking you one and all. Ethel Grose. In Appreciation I appreciate very much and wish to thank Dr, Kandel, Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Rowsell for their services and at- tention while I was in Oshawa Hos- pital and Port Perry. -Also-the nurses who cared for me in Community Me- morial Hospital. Thanking you every one. Mrs. E. Grose. -- Card of Thanks to my neighbours, friends and rela- tives for their kindness shown me with visits, cards, fruit and flowers during my stay in the Port Perry Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Kandel, nurses and staff, also to Rev. McNeil, David Beecroft. 1 wish to express my sincere thanks | ¥ 2S ERAT MY afer oy SR a tend. B Somat Death HARRISON, Ruth Vietoria -- Sud- denly at her residence, Port Perry, on Sat., Jan. 6th, 1962, Ruth Mark, dear- ly beloved wife of David Harrison, dear mother of Jean (Mrs. A. Mark) of Toronto, Norma (Mrs. S. Weyrich) of Whitby, Ross of Oshawa, Lloyd, Rena (Mrs. R, Webster) and Merle (Mrs. H, Short) all of Port Perry, in her 68th year. Funeral was held at McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry on Tuesday, January 9, 1962. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. B Card of Thanks The family of the late Robert Tet- low wish to express their sincere ap- preciation for the many floral trib- utes, cards and letters; also the Grace United Church, Scugog Head W.A,, Grace W.A,, the Choir, F & F Hunt Club, Canadian Legion, relatives, friends and neighbours. A special forting words, also McDermott- Panabaker for efficient services. Mary Tetlow, Joyce, Phyllis and families. *¢ 8s @ Card of Thanks I wish to. extend my thanks to all my. friends and neighbours for their cards, gifts and flowers; also to Dr. John Diamond, the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, for their care and atten- tion, Edgar Butt. NL EE J Card of Thanks The leaders of the First Sods Auxiliary for their thoughtfulness shown to us Guin the' Christmas Season, * = 9 Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks to of Port Perry for the lovely Christ- mas Fruit Basket we received. -- Printed in: o ' BOSTON, LOS ANGELES LONDON THE CHRISTIAN 18 DBD MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Accurate Complete International News Coverage The Christian Sclence Monitor -- One Norway: St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. [] I year $20 [J 6 months $10 "0 3 months $5 Name Address City 5 Zone Stuie ; 4 - -'RB-16 ANNUAL UXBRIDG Monday \i -- $e agli EVERYONE CR Harold Page Sec Treas. pian Ontario County Farm Safety Council DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BOARD ROOM: 1th af 1.30 p The purpose of the nieeting is to receive: reports, elec officers and directors and plan for the 1962 Farm Safety Program MEETING ONTARIO oF J | ! A bi WELCOME hl Norman Lehman, Chairman 1 i. - g "B" Pack wish to thank the Mother's | the Combined Service Organizations, "Mabel and Muriel New: A ad -- Manchester Due to weather conditions there was no Service at Church on Sunday. On Sunday, Jan. 14th the Special Service will be held for the inauguration of U.C.W. (United Church Women). of Manchester Area. The inaugural meeting of the 1962 Reach Township Council was held on Monday, January '8th with 'all meni- | bers present:--Reeve Edward Oyler, Deputy-Reeve Earl Martyn, Council- lors Crosier; Bruce and Doble. The first meeting of the U.C.W. will be held on January 11th at the home of Mrs. O. Croxall: The ladies of the community are invited to at- tend. ' Mr. Billy Thompson of Brantford spent the week-end with his 'grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Franklin 'visited his sister, Mrs, Jessie Weir, Brooklin on Sundags: thanks to Rev. J. Braham for | a . Give Pay Hike at Ont. Corny Jail Pay increases for the employees of the Ontario County Jail were approved in principle by Ontario County Council last week in the amount of $300 a year for permanent employees and 'a $2 a day increase for cagnal em- ployées. Spain ESR ~ The increases 'which were py . mended by the standing committee on County Property in its fourth report are subject to the acceptance of Branch No. 180 of the Civil Service Association of Ontario. With the implementation of the above recommendation the salary schedule for employees of the - jail would be: Governor--$6,100 min., $5,680 max.; - Chief Turpkey and Maintenance Of. ficer, both $4,140 min, $4,620 max.; Guards, $8,640 to $4,020; Matron, $3,060 to $8,640 and Secretary, $3,540 to $4,020. All permanent employes would receive an annual increment of $120. The casual employees' salary in. crease would be increased to $12 a day for men and $10 a day for women. Of Dresses, CLEARANCE SALE irts, Blouses, Etc. Also some Bras & Girdles the Plot The meeting ¢ iF. G. Christie; Pres. MUNICIPAL BUILDING, Port Perry, at 2.00 p.m. on Saturday, January 20th Owners will be held in the -- N. W. : Heayn, Sec.-Treas. Jan, 18 Prices Effective This Week-End WED. - SAT. GREEN. BEANS CCR i ' AYLMER 'Faiicy BLUE LAKE _ 16 oz. wo Price Albert . : Daily 8.30 9 pm. : : Tuesday, 830 to 1pm. | = © FREE DELIVERY | ALLENS APPLE JUICE 29c. / Store Hours DON'T CARRY HEAVY FOOD PARCELS Plenty of Parking Space a : ~ Phone: 985-2492 FRPP TR Bi Fo + -31c 5 1 49c IAD 33c

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