Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jan 1962, p. 5

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oil i'd eal i LBS --_ A ----------------e-------------- ee fit rn i played host to Bowmanville Atom iin Bowmanville--2, Port Perry--0, Pickard, David Menzies, Dave Ballin- i. gal; Forwards--Graham Powell, Barry 4% 4 SP SR FAL SINT AFUE RID £57 SFr SF al . AREA LE nF 3 > » ¥ 4, - ay = Fy > A PRE A " : yeh alts Sls " 7 xt FE SUVS , v he Candie AE VF SERA 9 ot 3 5 # ' 2, # «% H al FELLA Vy SOT aS REBAR DIR STIR IREAE Sy BRET BEE Th WEST PRIS 20 SR 54 4 Sl) E&Y. ARTES THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1962-8 C--O --------- y, ) PHONE: 985-2521 © PORT PERRY VE --_-- -- --)-- WwW wall ¥ Totpastot yapers- he. rlandvp | Pre-pasted papers - 69c. rolland up ~ Floor Tile 2 RR i] Minor Hockey PORT PERRY MIDGETS TIE BOWMANVILLE IN BOWMANVILLE Port Playing their best game of the year, were only 82 seconds away from a win when Bowmanville tied the score 8-6. Port led the entire game after Barry Beare scored their first goal. The first line of Graham Powell, Barry Oke and Larry Skerratt all scored a goal apiece. Bob Lee also scored, after carrying the puck the entire length of the ice. This was an odd play .as the goalie partially stop- ped Bob's shot which went high in the | air and fell back down into the net. Roger Stephens in goal for Port Perry _ was sensational, three times stopping breakaways. / ~~ Port's line up is: -- Goal--Roger Stephens;. defence -- Bob Lee, Roger Oke, Larry Skerratf, Barry Beare, Larry Brown, Dale McNenley, Ricky Snooks; Coach -- Jack Owens; Man- ager--Ron Wallace. Mo Cd ATOM ALL-STARS The Port Perry Atom All-Stars All-Stars Friday Night, Jan. 6th. This to many of the spectators turned out to be a very exciting game. = With the Bowmanville team scoring two - goals against the Port Perry team. This is the first loss for this team in five games, of which four of thém have been played against Oshawa teams, : ; _ Parents and friends if you want to gee the best, for the least. Come and see the little Stars of today, your Port Perry Minor Hockey Club, ; Lx .° TYKES Phinney's vs. Doupe'a ith Fred: Phinney's team being. all red up, also with the excellent goal fending of Rickey Short. This team in bottom place scored two goals past Doupe's Goalie, and Doupe's not being able to get on the score sheet. Phin ney's goals being scored by Garry the modern way with... ( 200 PATTERNS IN STOCK Plastic Covered - Pre-Pasted SMALL ROOM LOTS 8c, 10c., 12. Mom's and Dad's come down and W see the best entertainment that your} i ed the. usual game for the Port Perry | This was the game to end all games. | J anuary Annual Clearance Sale Boys Oxfords - Brown Reg. $6.95 for $3.95 Men's Work Shirts AAA Men's Pyjamas Flannellgfte - $2.98 ~ Dack Shoes - Men Cléaring Lines % Discount ALLPAPER APER | $3.95 value for $2.98 Men's Heavy Knit All Wool Sweaters 25% Discount EN RA ~ Linoleum RENLREA nesday Night NFER RANTES REE GRE Kd J 25% Discount % Flannellette - $1.89, $1.98 lens White Shirts January 22nd-- s and Ladies, ) Children's Coats- All id Snow Suits J 25% Discount : Remnants - Floor ? I wee ©, Coverings 1-3 Off regular prices aa Aa aS a MEN'S SUITS +2 3-4 5-6 |o1-2 3-4 5-6 Medalist Line - $59.95 with free pants DADE TH FIAT CRN | | January 29th-- Jackson's and McKeon for the Red Wigs played well and kept the score Over 210 Singles-- own. EE - 8.-Grieves--302; K. Harper--261; B. Collins--267; G. Hastings--264; I. Lewis--246; J. McLaughlin=246; C. ; | Hewitt -- 246; M. Prentice -- 242; E.| Bailey--243; J. Hull--236; D. Menzies --2386; R. Moore--236, 213; A. Wake- ford--286; M. Cook--227; B. Oke-- 227; E. Badour -- 222; M. Jeffrey-- 217; G. Thompson--215; A. Chandler ==214: -M: Wallace--213; C.. Wilbur-- 212; M. Owen -- 211; J. Morris -- 211, Over 600 Triples-- _ K. Harper--649; B. Collins": 8. Grieves -- 226; G. Hastings --o..; G. Thompson--606, 2 - High Single-- Shirley Grieves--802, High Triple-- Ey Kacey Harper--649, Bowling League | Schedule © | an Re BANTAM HOCKEY On Monday, Jan. 8th the Port Perry Bantams played an exhibition game with Cannington Bantams in Port Perry. This game turned out to be boys. They started out very slow, but finished strong by scoring 6 goals in the last period"to end up with a tie. Dickie Stephens scored 3 goals, Jim MacMaster and Gord McMillan scored a goal each. The line of Stephens, MacMaster and Ballard played a great 8rd period as did McMillan and Bill Beare on defence. - Teacher Gets . 'Fast Action OTTAWA--The public school teach- er herding her class through the se- curity-conscious National 'Art Gallery here used a whistle to control her flock. : The first shrill blast brought more ©, 2ND BCHEDULE ~~ © | action than she expected, it was re. January 15th-- Ta lated Friday last week. 12 Grey - Blue ~~ "All hell broke loose. Gunrds came] 3-4 Purple - Green Vian running from every direction," said| 6-6 Gold - Brown. - . a witness, 1-2 Yellow - 'White =. oth 8.4 Red + Pink A whistle is a signal that a theft) 5g plask . Orange fs taking place. ° - gc RAL generally located in the hinter- ~~ the nation's leading producer - als, mill "supplies, and indus -- February 12th-- i '| Monday Night |! Good Nowe for Homemakere '=%% Hearty Fare For Februa v WIENERS AND BEANS CHWI '2 pound wieners, cut in Y%-inch slices 2 cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped groea pepper 2 teaspoon chili powder 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 cans (1 pound, 4 ounces each) Kidney beans, drained I can (10 fluid ounces) condensed tomato soup 1 teaspoon vinegar 2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce The weather outside is frightful while the food inside is delightful ... that is if you're a clever menu planner... as you probably are. Ignore winter's icy blast with warming, hearty foods. Set a gay but simple table to serve a tempt- ing chili dish to your family. Most of the ingredients come right from your pantry shelf, Start with canned condensed tomato soup, famous as a soup and good as a cooking ingredient, Combine it with canned kidney beans, wien- ers, green pepper, onion, and <hili powder for this February special. Ln skillet, cook wieners, onion, green pepper, and chili powder in butter until wieners are hrowned. Add remaining ingredients. Cover: cook over low heat about 15 min- utes, stirring now and then. Makes U SETVINES., Crackers, and a crisp salad gar- nished with cucumber slices are perfect accompaniments to this chili dish. J Lol - ' ] ( February 5th-- 03 ; Brown--5 Pink--0 Tip Top - $69.95 . 1-2 Grey - White | Golds--5 White--0 a ai S| sa purple - Pink Cl Green- a Red---0 . J 5-6 Gold - Orange ith f b 1-2 Yellow - Blue High Single-- Wi ree pants 3-4 Red - Green Mary Amell--286 ("+ 5-6 Black - Brown High Triple-- Grace Hastings---655 Gold - Pink ' Grey - Orange Purple - White Black - Green Yellow - Brown Red - Blue Over 600 Triples-- G. Hastings--66b J. Vernon--619 F. Dowson---612 Over 200 Singles-- M. Amell--286; N. Blair--282; G. Hastings--264, 202; V. Cawker--260; Underhay--243; F. Dowson--288; Canada's pulp and paper mills, 14nds, are unseen by most Cana -- dlans;- yet- the entire--country = benefits from the operations of this one great enterprise that is and exporter. | i The pulp and paper mills convert the forest harvest into a varlety of products, including the newsprint for this and all other Canadian newspapers, In addition to meeting Canada's paper, paperboard, and pulp re. quirements, the {industry ac counts for more than a fifth of the value of all Canada's ex ports. The _industry-is also the nation's leading manufacturing employer and wage-payer Hence, its operations stimulate: and quicken every facet of trade, commerce, agriculture and business in the land. For example, pulp-and paper is the chief user of the railways and by far the leading consumer of electric .power in Canada It is also a leading buyer of chemi trial equipment. To feed their woodsworkers alone, the mills buy each year, some 14 million pounds of meat. 20 million eggs, 10 million & pounds of flour, 3 million cases ; u 1 C. Whitter---232, 218; M. J. Till--229; son helps provide. : = 2 1-2 Gold - Green | 1-2 Purple - Orange Bowling League M. Eden--226; M. Lawrence--226; T. pa B 1 L 3-4 Grey - Brown 3-4 Gold - White January 8th, 1962-- Call--224; J. Vernon--215, 218; D. g ow Ing eague 6-6 Purple - Blue 5-6 Grey - Pink | ' Points Won | Willinms--214, 203; H. Bathie--209; VERS: January Srd-- 1-2 Black - Pink 1-2 Red - Brown Blacks--7 Grey--a 1 Ev. Stevens--207; A. Mulder--205; J. Gardiner's va. Jackson A 3-4 Yellow - Orange 3:4 Black - Blue Orange Purple--2 | Cooke -- 205; J. Leroux -- 205; L. : Teams 'Pta. T T. Pts. 5-6 Red - White FH Nera iran ) ang ro p : aa In the first game of the Tyke 3 - ter tbs mmmmstrar epee IRE iis Yellow---17 Blue---2 + Raines--202; E. Shaw--200. League on Saturday, saw Gardiner's | Spitfires we. 1 29 SN Sp STOR A TSR oo a. Red Wings dominate the play and] North Stars .......... 2 a ) nearly upset the Juke Abbie Lancasters .......ue. b 21 . ; . . team who scored the tieing goal w Ean ak 21 U vn I d v B f C d , iD i l 2 ian teat to pla. Horrisanss oF. 8 nseen Industry beneiits Canadians Lverywhere The Red Wings built up an early 2- Sa rs 18 ne ; _ oo lead on goals by S. Hillier and R. ha SARI i bed National Pulp and r . Bek a i Evans, Ted Hall scored Jackson's Kittyhawks coven 8 16 Paper Day Marks uo » "She, first goal to narrow the margin and { givers 3 16 : . rs tne chi 'Donny McCartney scored the tleing | Helicopters i) 14 150 Years of National "goal. Both teams-had many scoring } yas 11 Contributions -- chances but John Murray in goal for} gnderlands 8 : 3 CANN Ee a 34:1 OF a AE anda, A giant newsprint machine (top), as long as a footh ll f* 14. may spin out a 20 foot ribbon of paper at speeds of more than twenty miles an hu ¢ nadian mills, with a newsprint output three times that of any other country, supply alma t half the free world's newspaper pages. Each day they produce the equivalent of a five-foet rihhuii of paper stretching from Toronto to Baghdad. Below, a pulp and paper logger gels i. ly to move a log, the industry's raw material, while a camp cook prepares a daily batch of pastries and bread. of canned milk and more than 6 million. pounds of powdered milk and other in foods. Thus the Industry is also a leating purchaser of agricultural com. modities. 0s 104 pulp d paper day state Conservative estimates reveal | further opportunities for the to all within thie industry of ment, . Fowler, president that world demand will double! millions of Canadians whose their growing trading responsi of fiadian Fulp and Paper in the next fifteen years," con: livelihood depends, directly and hilities. Equally important, it . Associstioh daid, "This day will; tinued Mr, Fowler. "This means!indirectly, on the well-heing of vill create a wider understand- pe kind us that we are that Canada, with her resour-|the pulp and paper mills, ng of the importance of the in a odin which the world ces, will be in a position to in-{~ With a variety of events the "srests unon which. the prosper: will make Increasing demands! crease greatly her foreign mills of "the industry are set ity of Canada so largely de on Canada for pulp and paper./ trade." This will provide still iting aside a Day as a reminder;pends. Waller and Jim, Thompson. Ste gt pp ih

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