Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jan 1962, p. 6

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= app Highest "prices or crippled _ paid horses, cattle : Have. | your tank checked now before 2,~Jan, 6/68 % 1.--Mar. 1/62 CEL SL A 8 6--~THE PORT PERRY BTAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1962 DIRECTORY GILSON & McPH ADEN Insurance PORT PERRY ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office: Corner John & North Sts. 1: Mar, 20/6. MacKaye y Jowvellors aye Ontario Expert Watch and Clock Repairs by | a certified watchmaker, Have your watch cleaned by the new ultrasonic method. All work. guaranteed one year, © : Scissors Sharpened e «Mail Order Service 1.76--Jan, 18/62 APEX 1] SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry --Phone---986-2282 Leslie MéDonald, Service Man aretha INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever: your insurance needs = may be consult ~ EMMERSON INSURANCE 983-2421 PORT PERRY ROOFING " "OF ALL'KINDS Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding "Estimates given on all kinds =: of work. EARL WALLACE "Port Perry : Ont. ED. PECONI & SON LTD. for dead Pigs or small animals removed free. Phone ZEnith 32800. No toll charge. | 24 hour service. License No. 69 C 61 Box 11, Argyle, Ont. 2.--Sept. 21/62 Joe Podres - CARPENTER - CABINET ~~ MAKER Re-Modelling - Repairs. Floor Tiling, Ceiling Tile Kitchen Cupboards, etc,, etc. Workmanship Guaranteed -- For free estimates "Phone 985-2156, Port Perry 1.256 feb.8 SEPTIC TANKS ; cleaned by PUMP 'EQUIPMENT trouble starts. 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry. Jan. 11/62. WES LANE Plumbing - Healing]: Port Perry, Ont. Phone 985- UB Walor: For Sale Delivered. JOHN NESBITT, Nestleton, Phone Blackstock Jsiits. i tam wm, ~ Piano Tuning hy P. STOUFFER : iano technician and tuner "pont PERRY, ONT. Dec. 81/62. |e A. E. Johnson | OPTOMETRIST i EYES EXAMINED PRRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Mary St., Port Perry | Wed. 9-12 noon. Mon.-Fri 7 to 8 p. m | Phone for an appointment 985-2383 728-2721 Mar, 1/62. FOR Income Tax ND Bookkeeping Services SEE Alex Shepherd Suite 17, Emmerson Motel Phone 9856-7031 2.--Jan, 18/62 THURS., JANUARY 18th--Auction Sale of Livestock, 46 Cattle, 2b Pigs, Cattle, Blood Tested and Vaccinated, the property of Joseph-Redmond; Lot 16, Con. 8, Cartwright Township, 1 mile North of 7A Hwy. at Nestleton. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.830 p.m. Don Thompson, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., JANUARY 18th--Auction Sale of 66 Hereford Cattle, Cows, Calves and Bred Heifers, two Pure- Bred Bulls, the property of John Bloxom, Lot 4, Concession 1, Veralum Twp., 1 mile West of Dunsford on Hwy, 36. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.80 p.m. Wm. Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT., JAN. 20 -- Auction Sale of 20 Holstein Cattle, Sow & Pigs, 2 -f-rush-your-name-and address for full | Phone 985-2226 "1954 Dodge sedhn -- $125.00 'Buy your John Deere Farm-Equip- Horses, Implements, Hay, Grain and Furniture, the Estate of Ralph E. Reeson, Lot 22, Con. 6, Whitby Twp., on Hwy. 7 & 12 just north of Brook- lin. 'Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 12.30 pm. Ted Heron, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioncer. LOCAL MAN REQUIRED To be our Representative in this County. Pleasant, dignified work with top earnings, Full or Part time, repeat sales year after year, no lay offs, no slack seasons, age no barrier, car needed, Territories are filling fast, information. No Obligation. Develop- ment Director, Box 817, London, Canada. - Feb, 1 Brock Motor Sales TRUCK SALE! LAST OF 1961 CHEVROLET MODELS ON §PECIAL ONLY 3- LEFT 1960 Chevrolet Biscagne 4-door V-8 automatic 1959 Meteor 9-pass 4-door, very clean -TON tation wagon, 1968 Chev ton pick-up : 1056 Chev. 8- stake, 166" wheel base, D.P." ' ment now and save! Balers, tractors, plows, manure' spreaders, ; seed drills, hay tools, all in stock. Scott outboard motors, new and used Peterborough boats and TeeéNee trailers. BROCK MOTOR® SALES Phons 73 + Sunderland, Ont. 95.204 © | Jan, 26 ME LR 4 4 {< - ie F i edt AT CPR Rr % AF fost 4 3 EAE aa i RR, Bose 5 PRC LAR wn Sade ER A SC up iy peso SRST hs ' CLASSIFI Phone YUkon 5-2331 CLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST BE IN BY 9 am WEDNESDAY SAYE OVER 209% --Less than $3.00 per week for a new 20 cu. ft. Frigi- daire Freezer. Phone 986-7704. FOR SALE--1968 Oldsmobile Sedan, fully equipped, radio, white walls, ete. $260.00, Terms or Cash. | Phone 85-7704. FOR SALE--Complete set of Com- mercial Art Mannuals, 1.C.S., plus supplementary art books, wooden manikin, ete. Apply Port Perry Star, usk for Archie, FOI SALE--8 Holstein Steers. Call 186-2140, FOR SALE -- One large barn and two small sheds, to be removed from property this winter, Gordon Reesor, 985-2408. Jan, 18 STORE FOR RENT in Port Perry, presently occupied by Western Tire. John Ballard. 986-7946. TF FOR RENT--2 bedroom apartment compeltely self contained. Drier fa- cilities. -Apply Bob Howsam, 985- 7880. TF. FOR RENT--5H room apartment, all conveniences. Town water, 1st floor, close to school. Available Feb. 1st. Apply Box No. 62, Port Perry Star. FOR RENT--Heated apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Available immediate- ly. 9856-7789. Jan, 18 FOR RENT--3 large bright rooms and bath. All conveniences. Self contained. 986-2169, FOR RENT--4 Jarge rooms in priv- ate home, Queen St, Large yard, use of dryer, heated. Phone 986-2866. Possession Feb, 1st. Jan, 11 APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Mo- dern self contained apartment with two bedrooms. 985-2478. TF POTATOES -- Sebago, 75 1b: bag, $1.60. Free Delivery. 985-7997. ---- WANTED TO RENT -- In or near Port Perry, 5 or 6 room house for March 1st or sooner, Bathroom and furnace. Couple, no children. 986- 2412, d7/tf: WANTED--Book keeper, part time work. Apply stating qualifications to Box 61, Port Perry Star. STRAYED--Black and Tan Hound in Scugog Township, Owner may have same by paying expenses. Gord. ColHns. _ Jan. 18 Notice fo Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE ROBERT TILL, DECEASED : All persons having claims against 'the Estate of George Robert Till, late of the Village of Greenbank, in the County of Ontario, Bailiff, who died on or about the 24th day of Novem- ber, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send -to-the undersigned on or before the 16th day of February, 1962, full particulars of their claims. Immedi- ately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distribut- ed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario his 2nd day of January, 1962. GREER & KELLY, Barristers, &e., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario Causeway Bowling Lanes OPEN BOWLING FRIDAYS ~~ 7 to 11 p.m, tf, the group and hostess and a social ~-Solicitors for the above estate, [® A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN JAMESWAY, first in POWER CHORING offers a GOLDEN OP- PORTUNITY "for an aggressive young man with ambition and ability to make high earnings as a POWER CHORING DEALER. JAMESWAY"S complete line of year round power choring products and finance plans mean year round income and a business of your own, If you want to make money in the fast-expanding FARMSTEAD, MECHANIZATION market, con- tact Jamesway right away. D. W. RICHARDSON GENERAL MANAGER JAMESWAY CO. LIMITED PHONE 653-6264 PRESTON, ONT. Notice to "Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY TAYLOR, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Taylor, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 9th day of December, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of February, 1962, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed a- mong the parties entitled thereto; having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 2nd day of January, 1962. GREER & KELLY, . Barristers, &e., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario Solicitors for the above estate. Blackstock Mrs. J. A. McArthur was hostess for the January meeting of the Wo- -men's Institute on Wednesday after- noon when 25 ladies attended. After the singing of the Ode and reading of the Collect, the president welcomed three visitors. Minutes wereé read by the Secretary. Amongst considerable business dealt with:-- Mrs. C. Smith and Mrs. Ralph Larmer are to secure materials from Red Cross in Bowman. ville for ladies to sew or knit. A com- mittee was appointed to secure ar- ticles for exhibit at Port Perry fair and Mrs. D. Dorrell was to see that a plan of exhibit for Blackstock Fair be arranged. Treasurer's report was quite gratifying. The roll call was well responded to by "A good book I have read". Mrs. Stanford Van Camp, Citizen- Jan. 26 ed for the programme. -Mrs, Percy Van Camp read 'A New Year's Creed'. Mrs. 8: Van Camp read an article-- "To-day", and in the absence of Mrs Albert Wright, read the reply to the motto--"Lake Time to Read, it is the Foundation of Wisdom", - Mrs. Me- Arthur gave a fine paper on "Aids to Effective speaking" in which she men- tioned, posture, the value of a smile, voice, breathing,' effective words, and a desire to serve and understand. Meeting closed with the Queen after which-a-delicious-lunch-was served by | 3 hour enjoyed. i The Inaugural, Service for the Unit- ed Church Women of 'Blackstock was held .on Thursday afternoon led by 'Rev. P. Romeril who also. gave the Address--"Vision of the Future". The following officers were "installed: -- President -- Mrs, J. Carnaghan; 1st Jand Publicity--Mrs. C. Hill; Litera- ship and Education Convenor presid-|- Mrs: H. Kyte; Secretary--Mrs, Mur- ray Byers; Treasurer--Mrs. Jean Mec- Laughlin; Program--Mrs. Romeril and Mrs. R. Van Camp and 1 from each unit; Parsonage--Mrs. A. Taylor and Mrs. G. Strong; Co-operation with Christian Education--Mrs. R, Larmer; Co-op, with Missionary Education-- Mrs. 8. Dorrell; Stewardship, Recruit- ing and Membership -- Mrs, R, Mec- Laughlin and 1 from each unit; Sup- ply and Social Assistance--Mrs. C. Wright and Mrs. R. Mountjoy; Press ture and Publications--Mrs, R. Tay- lor; Community Friendship and Visi- tation----; Social functions and kit- chen--Mrs. H. Van Camp, Mrs. H. McLaughlin and 1 from each unit; Nominations -- Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Mrs, D. Dorrell; Representative on Board of Stewards -- Mrs, H. Kyte; Representative on Board of Educa- tion--Mrs. I. Thompson; Unit leaders 7 attenton and discussed: Three dates were drawn to our, While lunch was being prepared, | Marie conducted a contest involving Jan, 12--A Congregational Supper at the brands of cigarettes vanes "Grace" on Friday evening, Jan, 17--A U.C.W. meeting for a rep- resentative committee in the after- noon at 2:00 p.m. in the King St. United Church of Oshawa." Tuesday, Jan. 23--Our Mystery Sis; ter Supper at the Nightingale Rest- on TV. Due to illness and impassable roads at the Head it was necessary to forgo the Sunday School Session. We. convey our sympathy to Geo. Lane, formerly of the Island in the aurant at 7 p.m. Those who cannot recent bereavement of his wife, the attend, please contact Dorothy Mar- former Teresa Fowler, also an earlier tyn, two days previous to above date.' resident of the Island. --Mrs. R. Duff, Mrs, G. Larmer and two others. . Holy Communion was administered at the United and also the Anglican Church Sunday morning. Due to the poor weather and roads, the congre- gations were considerably smaller than usual. 'Snow plows were work- ing as possible but high winds were filling roads in again all day and many lanes and drive ways were blocked. . Mr, Walter Larmer, Verdon, Mani- toba, is visiting his many relatives in -this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Millett, Toronto, Saturday evening. Mr. Rupt. Byers and Mrs, Edna Gib- son, Bowmanville; Miss Miriam Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. Leith Byers; Janice were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Swain, Don and Ralph. Sympathy is extended .to -all the Swain families and Mr, and Mrs. 'Clarence Marlow on the death of Mra. [ Weir Swain in Toronto, Interment was in Cadmus cemetery on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Staniland have returned from a holiday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hammell and family, Montreal. Glad to report Mrs. Wallace Mar- ow returned home from Toronto hospital Saturday, Stugog: EH tke TE 1 is too late %o! ments on the various Christmas par- ties in the schools and chureh. How- ever we must not ignore an opport- unity to express our appreciation to the teachers for giving the pupils and their parents an occasion for sharing | their tajents and accomplishments. We - had the satisfaction of seeing how the children had developed in musie, dan. | cing and drama within four months. display their concert ability as well -Swain; Mr. :Bob Bennett; Mrs. Long, | Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers, Jim and | The children. enjoyed being able to| 8 give detailed com- HS WHY WAIT aig SPRING? | DO IT Now WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Home LIAB cNemen oans are available through r a wide varlety of other Improve- dy borrow up to $4,000 with up to o repay. These loans are also available to the owners of rental properties. [ll DO IT NOW WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm Improvement oans, backed by the Domin- lon Government are available from your bank-- up to $7,500 at five per cent simple interest and up to ten years to repay. These loans cover the purchase of all types of farm equipment and improvement to the farm "house and farm buildings. EDOITNOW --- WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Enquire about Government-backed loans for Improvements to small business establishments through the chartered banks --up to $25,000 and up to ten years to repay. For advice and assistance, call your local National Employment Office Issued by authority of Hon. Michael Starr, Minister of Labour, Canada as school work. On: Wednesday evening of Jan 8: the Head U.C.W. met at the home of | Doreen Ashbridge. We were very pleased to have Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Braham present, also Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Easton. The new president, Marie Healey, conducted her first meeting of the year with much efficiency. The 'main | thoughts of the program focused on' the New Year. : | Reta Wilson gave "A New Year's Meditation". "> to ¢ompose a Telegram, using the letters of "New Year". Marie's was judged to be the best for, "Norma Ellis wed yestniay evening, Aunt Ruth" The roll call of Resolutions, caused some meditation and some mirth. Another reading implored us to watch the corners of our mouths by Vice--Mrs, Neil' "Malcolm; 2nd Vice-- i a upwards, : attempting to keeping them turned EPATIEN 0 tg em mp fof. any size, shape ies for which we as tinuous Business 1" Contin new- magnetic : . SEE US SATURDAYS -- 8 to 11 p.m, RUSINESS FORMS { from us. If we can't print: them oursplyes ne ea order them from one of the specialized obtained at reasonable prices through us. The Part Perry Star Co. w or style can be obtained are agents. [Items such forms, counter check G ink cheques, etc., ean be * ho pn Ruth suggested a contest where we |g 1: hyn ! 1 ANEANENNNNNNGEEP . ~~ ANNUAL JANUARY STORE WIDE FIXTURES s+ Room Dividers ¢ Door Chimes + Wall Plagues ats 10% to! 150% OFF NOTHING HELD BACK FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK DURING THIS EVENT. HURRY DOWN NOW! | ---- LIGHTING UNLIMITED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE --_ 128-0022 SARS SEERRERE AOR Ra » Lamp Tables § &, I> A ------ i A -- Sp ---- on

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