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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Apr 1962, p. 1

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s i rita cbs it : 33 i . Ro RESTA RM + ea hid ina Barrera uated PRA wt "THE PORT PERRY ST SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS . "Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1962 $2.00 Per Year, Single Copy 67' | OWER RESIDENTIAL TO 84 MILLS - Up Commercial fo 91 Mills Married at Shallow Lake Child Severely | Honeydale W.I | The Ice Went Out] PORT PERRY COUNCIL NEWS njured - lec Nia e ril 15th Clas. Ti ie Injured Elect Slat Ap R i . held in the Municipal Office on Satur- A rng gastlen, Jequed on Sim. BR dmg nd oh the The ice, after being buffeted from | day, April 14th at 9.00 a.m. coe St. S. about 3. uesday after- » " | chore . Wi : noon when Alan, young son of Mr. and The Pres. Mrs. E. Bryant conducted there in share, was finally. fushed PRESENT-~Reevq 3. 1. Gideon in : lown the lake and out of sight by a| the Chair, Deputy-Reeve R. A. Kenny i d he b down ' ' Mrs. Bo» Shiner Wo§ Susy : he Meeting] AHSAAIAg to the Biajness strong breeze on Sunday, April 16th. | Councillors A. T. Cox, Bruce F. Beare motorcycle driven by Robert Jeffs o . . Let's hope for warmer winds now that | and Irving A. Boyd. Prince Albert. The child was rushed| Conveners of all committees| ©" 3 : . to Oshawa General Hospital and found | brought in excellent reports, indicat- Spring is just around the corner. on Motion the inte of the re- to be suffering from serious head in-| ing 8 busy year in Institute work. gular meeting of Marc and the juries, He was later removed to Sick The many Speesstul Projets includ. Sue Weatng on. 44 oth be ad- Children's Hospital, On Wed. Alun | 64 Pring bazaar, teas, short cour- WEDDING By Law #1358 oe Fire Agreement is said to be as well as can be expect-| 56% two Junior Homemaking Clubs with the Twp. of Scugog and By-Law od. J sponsored, fall fair exhibits, 157) EARL WHITAKER WEDS #1369 re Fire Agreement with the : At the time of the accident the child SI Vn RA DIANNA STICKWOOD Twp. of Cartwright, was held over for iis reported to have run out into thef TTL FCT CN Scholarship! Baskets of mauve mums and yellow | further information. road from the front of a parked truck. At present no charges have been laid. An unfortunate aspect of the acci- dent is that the call for the ambulance was not made at once, each person at the scene believing that someone else had put in a call, so that there was some delay in getting the youngster to medical treatment. Bob Jeffs suffered facial lacera- funds, a radio and record player for | daffodils formed a pretty setting in| RESOLUTION -- That the account Honeydale School, local Hospital, | Seagrave United Church, when Dian-| of Dilworth Equipment Ltd. in the gifts for Ontario Hospital patients, [ na Faith Stickwood, foster daughter | amount of $4,480.50 for the purchase Cancer Society, local Fair Board, |of Mr. and Mrs. Milt Stone, became of International B-250 Diesel Tractor Minor Hockey, a family burned out, | the bride of Earl Whitaker, son of | with Backhoe Loader, be paid, in sc- and many other worthwhile Tutaroste, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whitaker, cordance with the letter of April 6, and activities. The Rev. McNeil officiated. Soloist | 1962--Invoice #6818. Carried. Mrs. S. Ploughman, District Direct- | was Mr. John Phoenix. By-Law #1361 to amend By-Law or, gave an account of the District' Given in marriage by her uncle,| #1224 to regulate the erection and to Executive Meeting held in Brooklin ' Allan Foster, the bride wore a street | provide for the safety of buildings; il | tions and bruises. Council Chambers, recently. ; length gown of white french brocade | for the purpose of amending the fees EIN The District Annual will be held in With a full skirt and portrait neckline | charged was given third reading, i Raglan Church, Thurs, May 24th,-- trimmed with pearls and rhinestones. | passed, signed, and the seal of the | Dr. Dymond the Shirley Branch will be hostesses.| A rhinestone halo caught her illu-| Corporation affixed thereto. - A e The Local Leaders' Training School sion veil and she carried red and white| MILL RATE FOR 1962--RESOLU- il Sp eaks at course chosen by Honeydale for the roses. TION--That the mill rate be set at 4 g gi : CES EASE AGL Se coming year is as follows: --1st choice 4 Miss Marilyn ou, oe matd of | 84 mills residential and 91 mills for TB HOM AC J. FA ER WEDS | roses entwined with ivy. 'Her only . B. Me | honour 'in yost pean de, sale stieath; commercial. | WRT ed Sh jewellery being a string of 'cultured eefing {Condiinied o7i Back Page) | with a matching lace overdress and| PASSING ACCOUNTS--Resolution Shallow Lake United Church was | Pearls, the gift of the groom. Hon. M. B. Dymond, Ontario min- | Sait une ed. She carried rose xia! the Ehewing Satemet huss gracefully decorated with flowers and| The brides attendants wore cock-| ister of health, Friday night warned a am {The bridesmaids Miss Jean Whita-| General Depart. eri 010.82 candelebras when Miss Connie Marie| tail length gowns of peau de soie,| against becoming contemptuous of Canadian Legion ker and Miss doves Suong, wore mat) goo iy Asonat ars ad i Bailey became the bride of Mr.| with matching bouffant overskirts.| Tuberculosis because it had decreased ching goiiysof petal pink dnd carried Se Da DMINY air : pd Thomas J. Farmer. The matron of honour wore Lilac, and | over the past few years. "It can still Ladies' Auxiliary michonsdirid, ~ Welfare Account A i The bride is the daughter of Mr.' the bridesmaids were in soft Mint] strike and it can still kill", he said. Floyd Whitaker acted as best man. Spey 5 Darke Payioil 15283 and Mrs. Leonard W. Bailey, Shallow Green. They wore veiled hats topbed Dis Dymond wee fuss Ipesioe The Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal! Ushers were Don Beacock and Tim' Hydro Elec. Account a 5,524.86 ; Lake, Ontario, and the bridegroom is with peau de soie bows, and matching the official opening June bed he Canadian Legion Br. 419 Port Perry Taft of Prince Albert. Waterworks Account 7.09 i the son of Mr. and Mrs, John F. mitts, and carried a cascade of white [ North Ontario Mass sryey Low y held their monthly business meeting The reception was held in the church Wotcrn orhe DUbCEt sos Farmer, Weston, Ontario, ~ Rev. Mr. carnations. A lovely reception fol-| the parlours of Trinity Un wel, on April 10th with a good attendance. parlors. The bride's mother received Account By-law 1849........ 9,606.02 Carbert, officiated at the ceremony lowed at Sauble Beach Golf Club, the| Uxbridge. bed ized | Zone Commander R. Bate.of Bowman- in French blue brocade with white ' and Mrs. Doreen Robins was soloist, bride's mother receiving guests gown-| The survey is now being organlzed| J, °° cont for her annual of- accessories, and the grooms mother in Carried $20,459.37 i. Mr. Bailey gave his daughter in "ed in a French Brocade sheath dress| and. present for the dinner Fieung ficial visit. marriage and she was attended by ' with matching coat and accessories| were some one hundred persons who , 3, Gwen Border as matron of hon- and-an Orchid Corsage. The groom's| will be participating. The general blue and white with white accesories. The meeting opened in the usual During the dinner toasts were very manner. Following the roll call and capably presented by Floyd Whitaker,] MEMO--Mr. Wm. Tripp has agreed a a a io | a si 0 a " a i Eide was pygies, fone wii Hence were nn Dan Rukaruck and Morley Bruce. Pree : or ws Petana borrow- | I esm : y meet] , d | pd RY sniie bridesmaid. | with overskirt, panelled with French| Dr. Dymond stated that WA ix Eh on e. Bate in charge o Wo) Kipp hii the couple! e , Ti pHice en ts { : Wrox ip] in Hug 8 re Lae hing foe eegories and 2 hy Sy aoe "During the business sessjon a mo- Guests were present from Toronto, LE from Canadian Pacific 2 ' ushers dy 2 wer india I ne Donald For travelling the bride chose a palo| down.. Thefe are still some 2030 Hon Was D400 30 der Fetes a Shae Port Perry my surrounding | joi Hass Pn ds will Ls) he Wadge, and Mr. David Farmer, bro- | green Italian Wool suit, white flower- | active cases Qf TB discovered each Ball: A Toport was hoon lem . willy ob ged it H 2 Sill i kg the ther of the groom, all of Weston, Ont. | ed hat and bronze accessories. Her year. This represented some 2.6 per the purchass of the stoves. gy ndlosch Wehil of Up Wish'of 01k "The bride wore a floor length gown | outfit was completed with a Gardenia | cent per 100,000 population in 1960 Sk wie Sucked reguidings the chairs o endian fares ) Dritain to the f hit Chant Lace, with lilypoint Quteais, apd $k %uny be slightly Jes in 298], as it was felt that further estimates Welland Man Joins poe iy Filed. mem y Pec the lovely neckline of the' After a trip through eastern Ont-| Ontario, the speaker stated, has prob- ouncil", . "sequins, with an interesting panelled couple will take up residence in vig inl by imi oh 18 Tire Zone Rally in Oshawa on May 29, and 1 ot te Dept. , Gardens Apartments, Weston, Ont. : J] F 8 ii, tri gn FEAR guests came from, Tor- yr 9 ¢ cases of any ois Susase ity dren 3 Coregion ass rm a A municipality ny es . grant t y Owen Sound, iscovered in any one year, e > } ws length veil of white tulle Ysich ii ii om. Weston and So a population would be up in srms wnti which will be held in Minkare pais Earl Gordon Bailey, graduate of |of 26 percent. The amount o of grant "she carried a bouquet of dark re amilton Lo freant vias found to Aang 2b in September. t was decide at McMaster University and Osgoode | is limited to $5,000, : out. Tuberculosis will continue to be | tW0 delegates from the Port Perry pp.) is ow associated in the practice] Councillors Irving Boyd and Bruce I 3 ; os Auxiliary should attend. An invita- of law with Bruce V. Mackey at 861% | Beare reported on the Arena Board C th li Hillio Herald a Bh * ple for tion was received from the Whitby King Stoo East, Oshawa. proposing to close in the East end of a 0 1C p ' Auxiliary to visit them on April 26. the Arena for a Recreational Hall, di and reparing the roof, the main draw- back being the necessary finances. LETTER from Chief R. J. Cameron dated April 1, 1962, with police report | for March. Filed. : LETTER "from the - Ontarié Good Roads Association dated March 29th, 1962, re Road 8chool for Road Super- intendents for May 14th and 16th, 1962. Filed. LETTER from Mr. R. E. Sima dated March 30, 1962, re Reconatruc. tion County Suburban Road #2: "The Oshawa Suburban Road Com- mission will assume the cost of relo- It should not be assumed that be- . [ cause sanatoria are being closed that Reports were given by the various WT | "Hi. Folks: 2 NERA A = committees. Before the meeting was Women' S$ League 'the disease is conquered, He explained, adtoitned, Ome, Baie male 5 few The reason for two such hospitals be-| "> . Last Thursday, our school was hon- 1 brief remarks and was presented with 'The Catholic Women's League held 0" 4" privileged to have the | inB.closed to date is because cases aref coy, "not SS their April Meeting in the Parish pA pand perform. before: the | being discovered earlier and because lowed with-a lovely lunch served. - Hall, Tuesday evening, April 10th,| students and teachers. The program |? shorter hospitalization time fs re- : with seventeen members present. Mrs. i was varied, ranging from themes from 41 Schilling opened the meeting with | "Mr. Lucky" to excerpts from "South | ", There were three excellent | prayer. The minutes of the last Pacifie". Te ker turnover of patients that free : a = solos; two musicals and ome vocal, | 9uic Pp C N i] meeting were read. The Treasurer, The wut. wis most entertaining and | hospital beds and not the decreage: in 4 omination li gave her report. The Convenors then 4 pleasant change from school work. -the number of cases. LJ ; When the day comes that we get M fin gave their reports. The Correspond. Near the end of May Cadet Inspec- | down to the World Health Organiza- ee g ence was rend and discussed, The; tion figure of 1% then can we say| WHITBY--With a national election tion will take place; so cadet work is| tion figure : Annual Convention in Toronto on May poginning in earnest, Recently, a|that we have tuberculosis in hand, |in the near future the Duthil Ril: n ith Aoguired by our Highway Con read and discussed concerning det exam was written by officer and | Dr. Dymond stated. ing Progressive Conserva ves will be . Wa " 5 F DE d transportation. It was NCO. candidates and they will short-| ~The speaker was introduced by Mr. | holding their official Naminating EARL G. BAILEY, B.A, L.L.B. i On Maroy Sous oJonrnes for fri Si i x h child ly be placed within the ranks, "5 Storey Beare, Port Perry and thanked | Convention next Thursday, 'April 26 Mr. Bailey is the son of Mrs. Car-| dinner until 116 p.m. Car decided to give a gift to ach ¢ : , for his interesting addr 88 by W.]at.8 p.m. man Bailey of Welland, and the late RESOLUTION--That the offer of i Ba My Convivan boards "Open House" will_be held on the| (Bill) Low, Uxbridge. ~~ The Anderson Street High School Mr. Bailey. He attended the Welland Ste ted 1 5a shire h.- The building of cupboards _. >> OMe We ) $5.00. be acce ho ot en pcb Ppt no Friday after the holidays; so projects| Greetings were extended by Mayor} in Whitby will be the scene of activi- - High and Vocational Schools and re- at the Fire Hall. Carried. | I i Because of Good Friday, the bingo i | i should be sought. : Wa ool, LETTER from Mr. F. A. Lashley | ~~ gown was embroidered with pearls and - ario and the United States, the young ably one of the lowest mortality rates | ==, = were veiled of tio Bruce V. ackey ol ot hte ds | | | | | | | 1} night 'will be held on Friday, April 27. quired. Many of these patients con- tinue to take large quantities of pills each day at home, It is therefore the beéi hed vet. Mrs, Ate being prepared and the teachers | Stanley Beach. Mrs. L. Berry, Health | ties and a large crowd is expected to ceived his Bachelor of Arts Degree| | ormpp goo oe Dept. of Muni- pi sol Le ey which are preparing; themselves that is. Education Consultant, Mr. A. G. Hiltz, | be-on-hand for the event. in Economics from McMaster Univer- cipal Affairs dated April 6, 1962: "To resident of the County TB and| Mike Starr, Ontario Ridings Mem- sity, Hamilton. He graduated with nd the Building By-Law does not she has completed, and the hand- mye Easter holidays begin Thurs. P fealth association and Mr. W. Ken-| ber of Parliament for the "ipast ten a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Os- Rms § Py-Law { : oi require the approval of the Minister] i hooked mat donated by Mrs. Kroes. gay and will provide a 'welcome rost nedy of the Ontario Department of | years and the Minister of Labour in goode Hall Law School in 1960. Af- gi Planning ¥p Development or the pA Tickets are to be sold on these for Our for the students and teachers. How- Health. 'the federal government will'again be ter serving his term of articles with Ontario Municipal Board." Filed. | Fall Bazaar, and arangements were yer, the grade XIII students time will| 1), "p B, Wishart gave a demon- | seeking the support of hig electors the law firm of Maccomb, Colter and . | made to have tickets at our next nos ly. besspent in studying as their | yt ation of the Heaf Test and brief re- | and a special guest speaker has been Sullivan in Welland, he returned to RESOLUTION--That two 4-drawer meeting. The little aprons with & confidentials begin shortly after the ports were given by chairmen of the | arranged in Quinto Martini, the popu- Osgoode Hall for the Bar Admission legal size Filing Cabinets, Model 1904, STATEMENT of work performed by the Ontario Hydro for March, 1962, Left for the attention of the Hydro Chairman, Arthur T. Cox. LETTER from H. N. Gibson dated April 14, 1962: ' "I would like to make application for water service to my new house on the North side of Alma Street, the East half of Lot 17. "I am willling to pay a portion of the cost as may be determined by the type of line which would be installed. "Last year Mr. Raines who owns property on the South Side of Alma | Street expressed the willingness of paying a portion of the cost." RESOULTION---That, this being an area under subdivision control, Messrs. Howard N. Gibson and Victor Raines are hereby given permission to lay a 4 inch water main along Alma Street East from Simcoe Street at their ex- pense with the understanding that the Coroporation of Port Perry will build the necessary road as orderly con- struction progresses, provided that the subdividers or owners concerned deed sufficient land to the Corporation of Port Perry to bring the width of the road to 66 feet. The above being subject to the approval of the local 'Planinng Board. Carried. EARTH DRILL Discussed -- The Clerk-was instructed to get prices on the purchase of an earth drill as it was felt that this piece of equipment would save considerable time when in- stalling water services. CHARGE to WATERWORKS for use of Backhoe and Tractor--Council decided that the Waterworks Depart- ment be charged a flat rate of $1,000. per year for the use of the tractor and backhoe. This was based on the pre- vious year's use of the backhoe and will eliminate the recording of hours. PRICE on HARD HATS--The Clerk was instructed to get prices from Safety Supply for hard hats to be used by the workers, particularly in trenches. RESOLUTION re MILL RATES for 1962--That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a By-Law to strike the 1962 Mill Rate at 84 milla for Residential, and 91 Mills for Commercial, the firat payment due on May 8, 1962, and the second payment due on September 11, 1962. Carried, LETTER from Mr. H. L. Smits ad- viting that he is no longer in the bi- (Continued on Page 2) Not Our Ken "That wasn't what I thought I waa charged with," 'said Kenneth Jackson, 40, who told the court he came "from a village about 80 miles away". "You thought you were charged with curb cruising 7" asked Magistrate 'Robert Taylor. "Yes". "Causing a disturbance by imped- ing or molesting other persona is the technical way of saying curb cruis- ing," explained the magistrate. bet-Sgt. George McGowan reported that at 11.60 p.m. Jackson was twice seen on Sherbourne St. stopping his auto "beside young women: pedeat- *rians and attempting to engage them in conversation," Juckson pleaded guilty and was fined $26 or five days. * . * The ubove statement, published in a recent issue of the Toronto Star does not apply to Kenneth Jackson of Port Perry. More Fires!! Once again the dangers of the, hon- fire have been forced on our atten- tion, On Monday of this week the Fire Department was called to a grass fire on the premises of R. Sandison, | g: donation of a cent for each inch of pojjdays, Ifyou should happen too, vey committees. lar M.P. from Hamilton West who is course from which he recently gradu- | at a price of $76.95 each be purchased south of Utica. your waist weré handed in, and & dy gee any forlorn seniors wandering """The survey will begin in the upper] also Parliamentary Assistant to the ated with honours standing. from Walsley & Magill of Oshawa. | Sum Wa realized around, this will probably be the rea- | Jo.4 of the County and work south] Minister of Transport. Mr. Bailey is married to the former | Carried. On Tuesday a bonfire got Oo os es Father Marynen closed the meeting 50M: = vor ig liwith Uxbridge and Port Perry being | Those Ontario County people-who Jean -Samells, daughter..of Mr. and |. MEMO--Removal of trees on street control on the farm of Mr. Stick by Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. the holiday so have a happy Easter. The dates for each community will be fairs are all encouraged to be on hand age of Port Perry. Mr. and Mra. | Clerk was instructed to reer this | quifed by the flames, with the loss filing. : announced soon. next Thursday, April 26 in Whitby. Bailey will be residing in Oshawa. matter to the Village Solicitor. EE -- on & prayer. A lovely lunch was This is the last report until after | two of the last centres to bé 'done.| maintain an interest in political af- Mrs. George W. Samells of the yill- allowances without permission. The | Scugog Island, awd the barn was en-- of & number of pigs and hens. FOR EASTER HATS. od SPECIAL PRICES Visit RSCO'S sn0 "HAT ROOM" 2 bahia a aaa sop RR RBPAT lis : A -- petit EY » died: La ik -- A i -- ean = Forcast {

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