4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, DERRY Aludeinduvtucitg $e beth hie Nel aA a, 1962 ANGLICAN CHU RCH CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., B.D, S.T.M. Good Friday, April 20th-- 1 to 3 p.m. Vigil of Our Lord's Passion. Guest preacher, Dr. Graham Cotter. Easter Day, April 22nd-- 11.30 a.m.-- Holy Communion, 4 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator: Kenneth F. MacKenzie, M.A. (Uxbridge) Minister: Mr. William Perry, B.A. Sunday, April 22nd-- Rev. Morning Worship -Sunday School ¢ 10 a.m, 11 aan. UNITED CHURCH B.A., Minister PORT PERRY Rev. E. S. Linstead, Sunday, April 22nd-- 11.00 a.m.- Church Service 10.00 wm. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Kindergarten and junior classes, Sunday School. A \ The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: i Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, Sunday, April 22nd-- 10.15 aan.- -SCUGOG Church 11.15 a.m.---SCUGOG "Head" S.8 1. dan. 1.15 p.m.--PROSPE B.D. CT Church Come and rejoice with us that Chiist the darkness of death, and opened up the way of all through into has triumphed over of us to walk right Eternity. i. : A PORT PERRY BAPTIST Sunday, April 22nd-- 9.50 a.m.--Sunday School for. all ages- - - 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship Evangelistic service 7.16 p.m. 8.00 p.an.--Prayer Meeting 7.00 p.m. MONDAY, WED. Young People --Everyone Welcome-- oq Dec. 61 Winner of Draw The Winner of the Camera Hockey Club was Ron Perry--Ticket No. 40. Bray, We of the Port Perry Minor Hodes Club wish to thank everyone who sup- ported our club to make this Draw] the success that it was. Ross Sweetman, Treas. Death COWLING, Nancy A. Perry Nancy A. Dodds, beloved wife of the late Fred Cowling, dear mother of Kenneth Moore, loving sister of Ellen (Mrs. W. Heard) of Whitby, Robt. Dodds of California, Vera (Mrs. M. Moase) and Nelson Williams of Port Perry, in her 78th year. Funeral from Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker Port Perry on Tues., at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Pine Grove Cemetery. -- At Port In Memoriam KIGHT -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father Arthur James (Ted) who passed away April 18th, 1957. Till memory fades and life departs You-Jive forever in our hearts. Lovingly remembered by wife Ruth, son Arthur, daughters Marian and Bonnie. ! home. SMITH -CORONA Galaxie * LILIES *x GLOXINA x MUM POTS * VIOLETS * CUT FLOWERS "MANCHESTER Church Draw sponsored by the Port Perry Minor Port on Sunday, April 15th, 1962, ELEANOR'S FLO Coming Events Easter Tea AND HOME BAKE SALE The Annual Tea and Home Bake Sale sponsored by the Women's Auxi- linty of the Church of the Ascension will be held in the Parish Hall, on Saturday, April 28th from 3 to 6 p.m. Apr.26 Notice to Mothers Anyone interested in a Nursery School for pre-school children please contact Mrs. I. Hodgins, Phone 986- 20717, before April 200th, 1962. Apr. 19 Euchre Will be held in Scugog Township Hall on Wednesday, April 26th at 8.30 sharp. Proceeds in aid of new Hos- pital Electro-Cardiograph. Lunch served. Admission 50c. Euchre and Dance In Epsom School on Thursday, April 19th, Silver collection. Ladies please provide lunch. Rummage Sale To be held on Sat., May 12th at the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension. Don't Forget at Myrtle Community Hall on Sat., April 21st. Music by Bonnie Belle and her Islanders. Admission 75¢. Come and bring a friend. Dance Annual Bazaar AND AFTERNOON TEA Will be held in the lower-hall-of-Co- lumbus United Church on Wednesday, April 25th under the auspices of the U.C.W. Mrs. R. H., Cornish, Treas. of U.C.W. Presbytery will open the Bazaar at 2.30, 1| Guide Mothers The April meeting of the Guide Mothers I..A. will be held on Tues- day, April 24th at 8.15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Leslie McDonald. Women's Hospital Auxiliary The Women's Hospital Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Gordon Goode on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Dymond presided, and opened with an inspir- ing prayer. Following reports from the secretary and treasurer, the fol- lowing doantions toward the new elec- trocardiograph were gratefully ac- knowledged: Mrs. Reta Rodman oes $26.00 Anonymous iene .. 2.00 Maybelle Rebekah Lodge ...... 26.00 Order of the Eastern Star.... 26.00 A friend ...cnivimninsiminaie 10.00 Mrs. Patterson's Tea .... . 12.60 Total to date ¢C.).ccvvcrnniniennss $99.60 Several pairs o "hootees as well as a set for twins were handed in, and our thanks to those ladies who have contributed, with special mention to beautiful gift to our auxiliary. A discussion of decorating the children's ward followed, and estim- ates have been given. for the work. We also decided to distribute place mats to local restaurants to commem: orate Hospital Week. Plans were completed for the Hos- | pital Day tea to be held at Mrs. Dy- mond's home on. Friday, May 11th. Everyone then enjoyed lunch served | by Jean ,and we appreciated her kind- | ness in inviting the auxiliary to her DRANGEAS IXED PANS BABY AZALEAS *x POTS of ROSES * EASTER NOVELTIES QUEEN STREET i PORT PERRY Phone 985-2295 Mrs. N. McMillan of Oshawa, for her} Scott 4-H Clubs Organize The Uxbridge district 4-H clubs Canadians who want their Easter will have another very satisfactory! parcels to arrive safely in Britain will year, if the interest shown at the or-| ave to ensure that customs declara- gunizational mecting is any indica-| tjons are completely filled out and tion. Sixteen boys and girls between properly attached to each parcel, it the ages of twelve and twenty enrolled | as pointed out today by the Post- in the Scott 4-11 Calf Club, seventeen | jyuster General, the Hon. William. in the Scott 4-H Grain Club, and | panilton, twelve younger boys and girls in the Scott Junior Beef Calf Club. Customs on Easter Parcels The Postmaster General said infor- mation has been received from the British Post Office that many parcels from Canada are being delayed at ports of entry because of faulty cus- toms declarations. He said many Canadians use general terms such as 'candy', 'clothing', or 'Easter gifts' on the declarations. This is not a declaration. The British re- ulations require that the exact na- is secretary. Elected president of | ture of the contents must be indicated, the Junior Calf Club was Grant Mus- | #3 well as their value. tard, Uxbridge, R.R. 2, with Jeff Mi Bailey, Uxbridge, R.R. 4, secretary. Ross Bailey, Uxbridge, R.R. 4, is. the 'new president of the 4-H Calf Club, with Marion Couch, Blackwater, R.R. 2, vice president, and Patsy Bailey, Uxbridge, R.R. 4, secretary. President of the 4-H Grain Club is Charles Hill, Goodwood; Leonard Powell, Stouffville, R.R. 3, is vice- president, and Barry Leask, Leaskdale proper . Hamilton pointed out that im- proper completion of the customs de- clarations can easily result in gifts being delayed and may even lead to seizure of the parcels or imposition of penalties. If the declaration does not provide sufficient information, the package must be opened by British These clubs are sponsored by the Scott Agricultural Society, the Ux- bridge Kiwanis Club and the Uxbridge Kinsmen Club and the Riverdale Ki- wanis Club of Toronto. The program is under the direction of H. L. Fair, Agricultural Representative, and Club | customs officers or the addresses has Leaders Duncan McTavish, and Alan | to be asked for further details. Ball of the Calf Club; Cloyne Stear- Mr. man of the Grain Club; and Hugh Baird and John Leask of the Junior Calf Club. Hamilton expressed the hope that Canadians will avoid unnecessary the contents of each packet accurately, separately and in detail. By follow- ing these regulations, he said, they can rest assured that their parcels will arrive at destination without dif- ficulty or delay. _ Each member agreed to personally take charge of feed and care for one calf, or one acre of grain from now until the time of Scott Fair. Each member will keep records of the cost delay and inconvenience by describing | Sunderland 4-H Clubs Organize Nineteen farm boys and girls joined the Sunderland 4-H Dairy Calf Club and thirteen the Brock 4-H Grain Club at the organizational meeting on Thursday, April 6th. The clubs are under the direction of H. L. Fair, Agricultural Representative,'and club leaders, Don Hadden and Neil Raines of the Calf Club and John Hawthorne of the Grain Club. Each Calf Club member agreed to. feed and care for one calf from now until September and to show the calf at Sunderland Fair. Each Grain Club member will grow one acre of Garry oats and show a sample of their grain at the Fair. Angus Sinclair was elected Presi- den of the 4-H Calf Club, with Mor- ley Davidson, Vice-President and Ron- ald Thompson, Secretary. Jim David- son is President of the 4-H Grain Club, Alex Colville is Vice-President and Allan Graham is Secretary. The Brock Agricultural Society is the local sponsor of these clubs. Seed for the Grain Club was donated by the Sunderland Co-operative Services. FOREN he wha ad 0) bam clothes dry better your oloctri clothes drye: Saves Work! involved in his project, and compare |---- these with the returns. Meetings will be held monthly, at which various as- pects of crop and livestock production will be discussed. At the conclusion of the meeting,] Mr. Fair explained the new 4-H Achievement Certificates, which will be presented to members who have completed at least six projects. Card of Thanks TARA EIA SATURDAY, Mrs. Chas. Venning and family would like to express sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, begu- tiful floral offerings and messages of "THIEF nl Cartoon _ STEVE REEVES sympathy during their recent bereave- ment in the: loss of a loving husband and father. ONLY 0 EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ~ 8.00 p.m. Sharp Doors Open at 7.30 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.00 P.M. Doors Open at 1.30 p.m. Theatre Closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday E SHOW emergencies, Lantern Battery - (plus sales tax where applicable) GORDON PRENTICE ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST (Ess0) MAKESURE YOU GET YOUR ATLAS ~ ALL-PURPOSE SAFETY, A SAFETY BEACON with a red flashing light 5 Whether you're at home or in the field, on the [ road, on the trail or in a boat, you'll find the Atlas all-purpose safety lantern the handiest, most useful lantern you've ever seen. This offer Is for a limited time only so make sure you get --your-Atfas-all-purpose safety lantern soon ! YOURS $ NOW : " R ONLY (navy Doty battery) "MUCH BELOW ITS ACTUAL RETAIL VALUE AVAILABLE ONLY FROM THE IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT WHOSE NAME APPEARS BELOW FARM TRADE AGENT 985-2572 ::: PORT PERRY ANTERN EASTER SPECIAL TREATS BE SURE and get on D e DELICIOUS CAKES iD for EASTER Pick up your HOT CROSS BUNS for Good Friday Treat Give SMILES"N CHUCKLES choice CHOCOLATES attractively wrapped; also Easter Choc. Novelties 'Wentworth Bakery PHONE 985-2172 W. J. WATSON OFFICIAL OPENING Fri., April 19th 1/4 MILE EAST OF UXBRIDGE ON HWY. 47 SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS -- $1.00 WEEK DAYS -- 50c. Ta NA iad FARM HAS GROUND WATER' OTENCY- Pf 0 stays potent I CTED gr to aid diseases The potency-protected molecule in Ter- ramycin Animal Formula makes it the superior antibiotic for drinking water treat- ment of disease in ground water areas. Other antibiotics break down and lose potency rapidly in alkaline water. Terramycin Animal Formula promotes growth, prevents stress setbacks and fights scours, respiratory diseases, rhini- . tis and leptrospiroisis in hogs, shipping fever in cattle, enterotoxemia in lambs and ssheep and infectious enteritis in mink. Potent, economical Terramycin dissolves instantly in water; administer itin drinking water, feed or individually. Complete directions on package. Other Potent TERRAMYCIN- Animal Health Products: Poultry Formula with Anti-Germ 77:¢ Liquid Formula for Mastitis « A & D Scours Tablets « Injectable Solution Get a test paper from: your dealer and see If your farm water Is alka- line. If it Is, you need Terramycin, the antiblotic that stays potentionger In alkaline water. *90% of Canadian. farms have ground SINCE 1849 __waler supplies which... are usually alkaline, 2362A - SPECIAL $495 Rechargeable Flashlight ONLY $2.00. Send $2.00 OFFERI and carlton top off any Terramycin Animal Health Product to "Flashlight", P.O. Box 1111, Monlreal 3, Que. MASTER FEEDS Phone 985-2131 Port Perry, Ont. "ONTARIO RIDING P-C ASSOCIATION . NOMINATION MEETING in_the Ande WHITBY ; April 26, 8 pan : SPECIAL GUESTS : HON. MIKE STARR, M.P. Ontario Riding QUINTO MARTINI, M.P. Hamilton West nomination meeting. Phone Bob Kenny 955-2210. if you wish to go. e EVERYBODY WELCOME e (Ontario Progressive Conservative Ass'n) i] A bus will leave at 7.15 from Beare's Gardge for this . EASTER - BASKETS 20¢ 10 98¢ and