Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Jul 1962, p. 4

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em re -- ot Tae 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1962 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH-- CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A, B.D., S.T.M Sunday, July 8th-- 11.30 a.m.-- Morning Prayer. Mr. Jack Findlay, speaker. [, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister There will be no services in the United Church during the month of The congregation are asked to worship in St. John's Presbyterian Church during this month. A July. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Perry, B.A., B.D., Minister Sunday, July 8th-- During the month of July services will be held in St. John's Church for the combined Presbyterian and United The minister Church congregations. and the congregation extend a cordial welcome to all who would join us in morning worship at 11.00 A.M. No Sunday School during July and August. \ The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Sunday, July 8th-- 9.15 a.m.-- PROSPECT Church 10.15 a.m.--MANCHESTER Church 10.16 a.m.--SCUGOG "Head" S.S. 11.156 a.m.--SCUGOG Church PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown Sunday, July 8th-- 9.50 a.m.--Sunday School for all ages. 11.00 a.m.--""Singed by Fire" 7.00 p.m.--""Progressive Pilgrims" Monday, 7.00 p.m.--Young People Wed., 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting -- Everyone Welcome -- - In Memoriam READER In treasured memory of Mother and Grandmother Ella Reader, who passed away July 6th, 1956. Years of striving, little of play Loving and giving the whole of the way; A cherished smile, a heart of gold; To the dearest mother the world could hold, Happy memories fond and true . From us who thought the world of you. Dearly loved and sadly missed by son Owen and daughter-in-law Ora and family. Death STAPLE, Dorothy--Suddenly at her home Port Perry, Ont., on Sunday, July 1st, 1962, Dorothy Baldwin, be- loved wife of Frank H. Staple and dear mother of Walter Henry, of Toronto and sister of Harry Baldwin of Cumberland, in her 70th year. Service from Church of the Ascen- sion, Port Perry on Tucsday, at 1.00 p.m. Interment Norwood Cemetery. Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks for flowers, cards, fruit, visits and enquiries; also many thanks to Dr. John Diamond and all the nurses and staff of the Port Perry hospital. - Elmer Clark. Card of Thanks I wish to thank my friends, neigh- bours and relatives for cards, flowers, boxes of fruit; also the people that visited me while in the , Community Memorial Hospital. Many thanks to Mrs, Hanna; Dr. Diamond, Dr. Stur- ges and the staff of the Port Perry Hospital. _ Mrs. George Irwin ---- Birth DUSTY---Ralph and Ruby are happy to announce the birth of their son Ian Ralph at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, ont on June 27th 1962, ZY A; Coming Events THURSD&Y, JULY 6th in the New Legion Hall, Port Perry at 8:00 p.m Jackpot $110.00. Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Legion. Admission 76c. Adults only. T.F. Sightseeing Bus Trip 12th, 13th, 14th of August. Quebec, | Montreal, Ottawa. Phone for par-| ticulars 985-2304. Bake Sale Friday, July 6th at 2 p.m. in the old I.G.A. Store, under the auspices of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Mem- bers please bring baking. Bake Sale There will be a bake sale on Fri- day, July 6th in the basement of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Proceeds to go to the C.Y.O. Please come one and all. Legion Picnic All members and their families of Branch 419, Port Perry are invited to attend a picnic on Sunday, July 16th at Poplar Park. Pony rides, races, swimming, etc. Time 1 p.m. Mem- bership card your admission ticket. Flease provide your own lunch. Jly12 . LA ER Sk a ANNE : din : ais Re Ty ony RELIG DNASE SA 1 Prince Albert Rev. Perry, of Port Perry as usual, ably occupied the pulpit for worship on Sunday. The congregation appre- ciated the violin solo by Mr, B. Snel- grove, accompanied by his wife at the piano. B. Martyn and R. Forster took vp the offering. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgins were leaders of the juniors in the basement during service. Wednesday evening Mrs. Ken Mid- dleton opened her home by playing hostess to a beautiful linen shower in honour of her sister Miss Maxine Vacation Ei Bus Trip 11th, Skerratt, a bride elect for this month. Local and out of town residents ga- thered in the appropriately decorated living-room. A dainty lunch was served to all. Thursday evening Mrs. B. Snel- grove opened her home for a miscel- laneous shower held in honour of Mrs. R. Sturman, formerly Helen Hope. Mrs. Pugh acted as chairlady for a program. Piano number by Mrs. Snelgrove, guitar selection given by Bonnie Pugh, two contests con- ducted by Mrs. H. Hodgins and Mrs. L. Beacock, a piano solo by Jean Snel- grove and a reading "Gramma's Apron" by Mrs. T. Hodgins. The bride Helen, was ushered to a special chair and started undoing the many useful presents. The bride's sisters, Lois and Jean assisted throughout. The bride expressed a hearty thank- you, followed by a liberal lunch served to all present. An interesting ceremony took place Thursday afternoon on the campus of the Reach Consolidated School as the end of another school term was draw- ing to an end. The teaching staff and "student body stood erect while the principal Mr. T. H. Becker acted as chairman, « Mrs. William Thomas Harris enter- tained at her home recently in honour of her daughter, Miriam Evelyn Har. ris, whose marriage to Charles Mar- tin Walter Labanovich takes place Saturday, July 7th, United Church. Receiving the guests were the host- ess, the guest of honour, Mrs. Walter Labanovich, mother of the bride- elect's fiance and Mrs. W. H. Harris, grandmother of the bride-elect. Mrs. W. T. Harris received in -a white linen dress embroidered with pink; she wore pink accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The guest of honour chose a pure silk floral dress in shades of blue, white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Labanovich chose a cotton sheath in tones of white and amethyst and a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. W. H. Harris wore a frock of silk cornflower blue with white polka dots. Her corsage was of white chry- santhemums, A silver candelebra with white tap- ers and two antique silver suger bowls of white orange blossoms, canterbury bells, peonies and hydrangea and maiden hair fern graced the tea table. Presiding were: Miss Eunice Har- ris and Miss Morwena Harris, Mrs. Sy lvia Lawrence Six puipls of the Jean Bright Dancing Class, accompanied by their teacher, Miss Jean Bright, entered the competitions -held -at- the Bandland Festival, at Kitchener-Waterloo, re- cently, This is one of the largest competi- tions held in Ontario and drew the interest of over 1600 people. Con- testants were entered from all over the province, as well as many repre- sentatives from the United States. Miss Sylvia Lawrence, 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence, of Blackstock, entered the Canadian Novice Class and won lau- Tels for her spendid performgnce in Baton Twirling. She brought home the third place trophy. Sylvia is a Grade 12 student at the Cartwright High B8chool. The girls all made a fair good showing at thelr first attempt fn com- petition, Darlene Steward, of Uxbridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Btew- ard, placed 14th of 29 in the 10 year old class, Betty-Anne Foote, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gordoh' Foote, Uxbridge, placed 9th out of 15 in' "the 12 year old class, The Bteppette Twirling Team, from Peterborough, which included Jan Codderre; Susan Johnson; Cheryl Rol lings and Jean Bright placed 4th out in Port Perry, 3 £4 5 ne A ig urging the pupils to always try to do their very best and thus maintain a high standard of achievement, He commenced presenting awards for scholastic and athletic endeavors, CITIZENSHIP-- Louise Moore, Larry Rose, Lea Donnelly. ATHLETIC-- Bill Hutchison, John Popowich, Isabel Strong, Jewel Mac- Connel, Bob Popowich. The chairman voiced appreciation to the local -G.N.S. Club for their generous thoughts for donating five trophies and a bursary, the value of fifteen dollars. At this time five club members, Murs. K. Middleton, Mrs. S. Glass, Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. M. Pugh and Mrs. F. Canning pleasantly presented the trophies to deserving academic pupils. Grade 1-2--Joe Johnson. Grade 3-4--Maxine Harten Grade 5-6---Marsha Mullholand Grade 7--Karen Geer Grade 8--Bill Holtby, who also re- ceived the bursary. Mr. Becker thanked the members, wishing continued success and happy vacation to everyone present. A well arranged surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins in special honour of Mrs. Hodgins' two brothers Mr. Sam Camp- sall and Mr. John Campbell, and their respective wives, who were visiting at the time from Porcupine whose twenty-fifth wedding anniversary was same date. As a result the two couples were special guests. Present for the re-union were Mr. and Mrs, Murrin, Marylyn Hodgins, all of Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. S. Glass and their fa- milies. The happy group enjoyed viewing gifts, eating sumptuous food plus offering greetings. Company with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. W. T. Harris Entertains At Troussean Tea (B. F. Koch, Mrs. A. W. Brock, Mrs. W. G. Chapman, Miss Elizabeth Cro- zier of Rochester, N.Y., Mrs. Robert J. Harris of Uxbridge, Mrs. F. D. Slemmon and Mrs. 0. W. Hancock of Ottawa, Mrs. E. S. Linstead, Mrs. Fred Harris, Oshawa, Mrs. Wm. Mec- Cutcheon, Belleville and Mrs. J. C. Whitby. Mrs. A. W. Brock and Mrs. F. D. Slemon invited the guests to the dining-room. Assisting were: Mrs, James Harris, Mrs. Hugh Harris and Mrs. R. Matthews of Oshawa, Mrs. John Harris of Uxbridge, Mrs. H. H. Ireland of Ottawa, Miss Elaine Spen- cer, Brooklin, Mrs. John MacDuff, Whitby, Miss Georgia Brock, Miss Jane McCutcheon, of Belleville, Mrs. Frank Godley, Miss Alice Dodd and Mrs. Geoffrey Taylor, Mrs. James Cairns and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey were in charge of the Guest Book. Assisting in the Trouseau Rooms were Miss Ethel Dodd, Murs. W. G. Chapman and Mrs. Wm. Me- Cutcheon, and Mrs. B. F. Koch. Miss Jayne Harris of Whitby and Miss Peggy Ann McCutcheon of Belleville attended the door. Following "the tea 'a dinner party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Harris at Conway Gardens for the family and out of town guests, Wins Third Place at Kitchener Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bright accom- panied the girls and acted as chaper- ones. Everyone reported a wonder. ful week-end and felt the experience well-worth the effort. PRE-NUPTIAL EVENTS On Saturday, May 12th, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. McCutcheon of Belleville entertained at a dinner at the Toronto Skating and Cricket Club. Miss Miriam Harris was presented with a corsage of white orchids and sweet- heart roses. * * * On Saturday, May 19th, Mrs. B. F. Koch and Mrs. F. D. Slemmon en- tertained for Miss Harris at the home of Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. ' * * * A kitchen shower was given by Mrs. Robert Matthews of Oshawa and held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Wil- liams on June 14th. "A corsage of pink and white carnations was pre- sented to the bride-elect. EEE On June 16th a miscellaneous shower was given by four aunts of the bride-clect's fiance--Mrs. Walter Ko- coj, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. Joseph Debosky and Mrs. Wm. Dillings. It was held on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Labanovich. This was followed by a dinner party attended by 75 people and Miriam was presented with a corsage of red roses. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John MacDuff Miss Elaine Spencer entertained on the evening of June 28th at a Bar- becue. The bride-elect and her fiance were presented with lawn chairs and a patio table. QUALITY GUARANTEED When you order your new supply of cheques see the Port Perry Star. We can guarantee that cheques ordered from us will meet the bank's require- Jments regarding 'the magnetic ink code. Place your orders. early. Prices reasonable. of Canada of 12 in their class; Burnfield & Ballard are proud and pleased to have had a part in the recent renovations and alterations "at The Royal Bank Port Perry Branch and extend sincere wishes for many years of prosperity in our village Butson included Mrs. Mr. Jas. Ellis, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, W. Butson and E. Wagg, Oshawa. This family ga- thering was planned in honour of Mr. | jand Mrs, Clarence Butson's twenty- third wedding anniversary. As cus- tomary the happy pair were recipients of the usual frills, plus all enjoying a delicious meal. Sorry to note Mr. J. McMillan is confined to the hospital. Sunday visitors with Mrs. C. Luke were Mrs. J. Miller, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Don. Miller and daughter, Co- bourg. CoA Mrs. Rose Somerville has been visit- ing relatives at Sandford. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Perry, Tor- onto, enjoyed the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins have re- turned from a pleasant week at Por- cupine visiting relatives. : Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Martyn were among the many who attended the "Warden's Picnie" Fern Cottage, Lake Couchiching. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, Hampton were Sunday company with Mr. and Mrs. sl. Beacock, Ashburn Rev. W. Perry, B.A. had charge of the service in Burn's Church on Sun- day, July 1st at 7.30 p.m. and Mr. Hugh Knight sang a solo. During the months of July and August the service will- be in the evening at 7.30. The annual Sunday School picnic was held at Geneva Park on Thurs. June 28th with an attendance of one hundred and twenty-five. The after- noon was spent in swimming and after a most delicious supper, races and games were enjoyed by all. Miss Mary Hopkins spent last week in Toronto. Mrs. Clarence Bryant; Misses Hilda Hopkins; Vera Leach and Sharon Hopkins accompanied the members of the Brooklin Horticultural Society on a bus trip to visit the Rose Gardens at Niagara Falls on Wednesday. Mrs. H. Doble spent the holiday week-end with her sons in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor and Nancy spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Burroughs and family at their cottage at Fishtail Lake. Miss Joy Bradley, of .Oshawa, spent last week with her parents Mr; and Mrs. Luther Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Donald: Purdy, of Toronto were Saturday: yisitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton? i Mrs. W. Hopkins and son Maurice is spending the week at Camp Kes- wick. The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class was held at the home of 'Mrs. Douglas Ashton on Wednesday, June 13th at 8.16 p.m. with an at- tendance of twenty-eight. The President Mrs. D. Ashton pre- sided and the meeting opened with the singing of Hymn 419. Prayer by Mrs. Russell Batten and the Scrip- ture lesson Exodus Chapter 15 read by Mrs. H. Doble. The minutes were read; Mrs. W. > Hopkins expressed thanks and appre- ciation on behalf of her husband for cards received during his recent ill- ness. Mrs. N. of Mrs. Chas. Appleton expressed | thanks for sympathy received in the passing of her mother. There will be no meetings held in July and August. Rev. C. Nelson, of Oshawa, will be with us for the Sept. meeting in the church basement. Hymn "Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us", was sung. Two readings Anderson on behalf were given by Mrs. Russell Richard- son "Giving and Forgiving", and "The Little Brown Church in the Vale". Mrs. Luther Bradley had charge of the topic and brought a most inspiring message. Mrs. Edgar Heron sang a solo. The meeting closed with the re- peating of the benediction. Chalk Lake Public School Promotions To GRADE IX-- Wayne Ashton Muriel Bryant To GRADE VIII-- Sharon Harper Vineke Madsen To GRADE VI-- Allan Ashton Wendy Amos (C) Kirsten Madsen Jack McIntyre To GRADE V-- Heather Amos (C) Irma Janowski Kenny Knight I' 'o GRADE 1IV-- Sylvia Bryant (H) Diana Janowski (C) Henry Janowski Harvey Parrinder (H) To GRADE III-- Donnie Knight Elin Madsen (H) Joan Parrinder (H) To GRADE I1-- Jimmy Amos Cecylia Janowski Trolles Madsen (Wayne Amos) Darlene Christie, Teacher GRADE 4 Mary Angus, Ronald Crozier, Kath- leen Demara, Edith Johnson, David Middleton, Ronnie Whitter, Ruth Wilson. ) GRADE 3 Ruth Aldred, Richard Appleton, Ke- vin Cannon, Michael Cawker, Dale Fralick, Susan Healey, Eddy Johnson, Clara Krieg, Hida Krieg, Deborah Leahy, Carol Manns, Evelyn Slute, S. 8. "2, Scugog School Promotions Eddy Wilson. GRADE 2 John Angus, Jimmy Ashbridge, Laura | Brekke, non, Lea Richard Barrie John mond Reader, Whitter. Janice Burnfield, Laura Can- Cawker, Linda DeHart, Edgar, Marilyn Johnson, Leahy, Phillippe Middleton, Molloy, Penny Prentice, Ray- John Vanstrien, Shari Edna Beckett, Teacher PORT PERRY REESOR F UEL & LUMBER Phone 985-7951 BLUE COAL Summer Price $29.00 per fon Discount of $1.00 per ton IF PAID WITHIN 15 DAYS OF DELIVERY UXBRIDGE ARENA ROLLER SKATING WEDNESDAY -- 8 - 10 p.m. - FRIDAY -- 8 - 10.30 p.m. SATURDAY -- 8 - 10.30 pm. © COME OUT & ENJOY YOURSELF e We Sugaly « Save Labour Costs Material and fell you how Bathrooms, Furnaces, "Pressure Systems, Efc. 3% CASH DISCOUNT : - ON ALSO Materials PORT PERRY : DO IT YOURSELF : PLUMBING AND ATL. FREE ESTIMATES ON COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS PRO - LINE PICKARD HARDWARE PHONE 985-7962 Hoey cain apn 4 RA AAPA

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