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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Jul 1962, p. 7

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in favour of the several persons whose _hames appear _on General Accounts ___ 8. Moved that the Reeve and the "in favour of the several persons whose ' Us RSE 5 Pi 5 ICAERRA S IRARA BROOKLIN NEWS | For Coming Events -- News Articles -- Advertising -- Church Activities WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ROADS -- Chairman Reeve Down advised Council that the Road Staff had requested increase of 2b¢ an hour, but that the Board were recommend- ing 5¢ per hour across the board plus the Pension Plan. This was discussed at length and finalized on Motion, that the Road Staff be granted Pension Plan only. Carried. It was agreed that a Road Board Meeting be held on Wednesday, July 4th at 7.30 p.m. x TWP. PROPERTY -- Chairman D. Roberts advised that tenders were to be drawn up and bids invited for de- corating the hall. FIRE COMMITTEE-- Chairman F. Thompson reported to Council that he had been in touch with Mr. T. I. Sims, B.A. Sc., County Engineer, regarding the possible use of the C.P.R. water line to establish fire protection at North Myrtle. Mr. Sims checked the available plans and advised that the following basic information would be necessary. before 'a report could he made, (a) The difference in elevation be- tween the location of the proposed] hydrant and the source of water supply (Willow Lake) (b) The length of pipe line. (¢) The size of main, together with an estimate of its condition. Mr. Sims regretted that he could not be of more assistance, and sug- gested that this matter be referred to a consulting engineer who would con- i duct the necessary survey and provide the required information. It was moved that the Fire Com- Humberforth under date of June 22, mittee be authorized to go ahead with | a survey by an engineer. Agreed, Resolutions-- . I. Moved that the P.U.C. be re- quested for their recommendations of replacing units whereby operating costs will be the same. The Motion was put and carried on! a recorded vote of 4 Yeas and 1 Nay as follows: YEAS--Deputy Reeve Lovelock, Councillors Thompson, Dryden and Roberts. NAYS--Reeve Down, 2. Moved that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to draw up a by- law to establish the Pension Plan as outlined by the Government for Twp. Employees who wish to participate. Carried. 3. Moved that the Treasurer of the Township of Whitby be authorized to provide an amount up to $26.00 from petty cash for the use of the Roads Department when supported by voucher and charged to Roads Aec- count. Carried. 4. Moved that the members of the Whitby Township Council attending Roads Inspection for 1962 be paid at the rate of $10.00 per day. Carried. b. Moved that Wm. Edwards be advised by the Clerk of the Town- ship of Whitby that Council will not authorize maintenance of water drain- age on private land. Carried. G6. Moved that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of The Towsnhip of Whitby | i Sheet No. 5, numbering 1 to 42 in- clusive, except account #23 in the amount of $903.76 for Mrs. Lucille Robinson to be withheld. Amount of accounts $5,049.46. Carried. 7. Moved that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby au- thorized to issue cheques on the ac- count of the Tiyp. of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on Relief Accounts Sheet No. 6, numbering 1 to 5, inclusive, amount of accounts $153.60. Carried. Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby names appear on Road Accounts Sheet No. 6, numbering 1 to b4 inclusive, amount of accounts $18,768.25. Carried [ dent reported on the 7th Concession | negotiated by Mr, E. R. Heron. The , ported by Reeve Down and the Coun- tric Power Commission of Ontario for 9. Moved that Council adjourn te ----- Carried. 4 Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m. meet again on June 26th at 7.30 p.m. NEI | WA June 25th, 1962 A Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Whitby was held in the Council. Chambers, Brooklin on Monday, June 25th, 1962 at 7.40 p.m. with all members present except Coun- cillor Dryden. Councillor Dryden was absent as a result of injuries sus- tained in an automobile accident, On Motion the Minutes of Meeting #14 were adopted as printed. Carried. Deputations & Interviews-- Mrs. A. Campbell was present to ask for special consideration in an application for a permit to build a house with 1328 sq. ft. floor area in an agricultural area requiring a mini- mum of 1500 sq. ft. It was agreed that this request be referred to the next meeting of Planning Board and consideration would be given to their recommendation at the July 9th meet- ing of Council. - == Mr. Robt. KE. Dale, Solicitor repre- senting Humberforth Investments Ltd. was present to explain the terms of the agreement entered into by 1962. This agreement was accepted by Resolution #2. Later in the meet- ing By-law 1850 was passed to cover the required zoning change. Mr. Wn. Lawson was present with an agreement executed by himself as | Trustee covering the portion of Lot 20, Conce$sion 1 upon which = Dise- Buy had been requesting zonng chan- ges. This agreement was accepted by Resolution #1 and By-law 1849 was!' passed later to cover the zoning chan- ges as requested. Mr. Merrill Ross, Road Superinten- | widening agreements with Messrs. Gordon Taber and Lloyd Prouse. It was agreed that these be accepted as completion of James Street was re- cil congratulated Mr. Ross on the ex- cellence of the work done." ~~ - Mr. Ross asked about the Council decision on his request for a salary increase and was informed that noj action had been taken on the request. Mr. Ross asked for Council's appro- val of the Department of Highways estimate for the C.N.R. Crossing im- provements on Thickson Road. Mr. Ross suggested that an additiona) a- mount be included for contingencies and the Council agreed that this re- vised amount totalling $8,600.00 be submitted to the Board of Transport Commissioners upon receipt of de- tailed plans and specifications, Correspondence-- 1. A letter from Mr. Douglas C.! Woolley of Cobban, Woolley and Dale | explained the revisions in a Site plan | Agreement executed by Humberforth Investments Ltd. and enclosed there- with. This agreement was presented to Council by Mr. Dale and accepted | by Resolution #2. 2. A letter from Mr. T, K. Creigh- ton outlined recommended changes in! the agreement with Humberforth In- vestments Ltd. and it was noted that these changes had been incorporated | in the completed agreement. This letter was filed, | 3. A Site Plan Agreement by Mr, Wm. G. Lawson, Solicitor and Trus- tee was presented to Council and ac- cepted by Resolution #1, 4. Supplementary Road Expendi- ture By-law No. 1846 was approved by Mr. J. P, Howard, Municipal En- gincer, D.H.O. in the amount of $47,300--a reduction of $60.00 from the original amount. This approval was filed, 6. A request from the Hydro-E]ec- a Grant of Easement across "KE", Plan 601 for a power transmission line to service the Brooklin Water System Pump House was referred back to Council by the Water Com- mittee. Completion of the Grant of Easement was authorized by Resolu- tion #8. Mark H PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3122 HEALTH INSURANCE -- DOCTOR BILLS PAID At Home, Office, Hospital, Surgical Fees. Weekly Income Paid from Sickness or Accident Individual - Family Lockyer - or Group Packages tof himself, Councillor "Po Eng. at the CPR; water supply | system at Myrtle Station. | -- a 6. A certified copy of By-law No. 2166 of the County of Ontario re: Assessment Equalization for rating purposes in 1963 was reecived and | filed. : 7. A copy of By-law No. 4065 to amend "The Zoning By-law" of the City of Oshawa---"internal spot re- zoning" --was received and filed. | 8. A letter from Mr. J. R. I'rost, Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Whitby acknowledged payment of | $16,000.00 by the Township of Whitby for 5% 9 Debentures dated June 15th, 1962 and advised that delivery has been delayed due to printing difficul- ties. This letter was filed. 9. A letter from Continental Casu- | alty Co. advised Council that Group | Accident Insurance could now be oh- | tained for elected officials and depart- ment heads and deputies while travel- ling on Council business. Since a discussion of the 'entire matter of in- surance coverage is expected at the next meeting this letter was tabled for | consideration at that time. 10. Aletter from Mr. Murray Potts | tendering his resignation from the Planning Board was received with re- gret and referred to the Planning Bd. | for recommendation. Committee Reports-- I. -FINANCE -- Mrs. M. Lovelock! reported that some action should be | taken at once to settle the terms of | employment of Mrs. LL. Robinson and | requested that a final decision be | reached at this meeting. This was discussed at length and Resolution #5 was passed. Upon the request of the Clerk for definite instructions re: Salary By-law Resolution No. 6 was passed. Resolution No. 7 was passed to cover payroll deductions for the Pro-! vineinl Pension Plan. 2. ROADS--Reeve Down reported the successful completion of the re-| construction of James St. "Since the | Road employees wish to meet with | this Committee it was suggested that such meeting could take place at the July 4th Committee Meeting. 3. PUBLIC WELFARE -- No Re- | port. 4. TOWNSHIP PROPERTY -- Ne! report. iA } ) 5. FIRE -- Mr. F. Thompson re- ported that his committee composed: Roberts and Reeve Down had met with Chief Wat- son and Mr. Geo. Lofthouse on June | 19th at the Garrard Road Fire Hall | ing near the Fire Hall were discus- sed. Mr. Lofthouse did not wish to sell any land to enlarge the Fire Hall | lot but was agreeable to fill being placed on the west side of Lot 1 (north of the Fire Hall) to provide a parking area. Mr. Lofthouse was also agreeable to a well being located on his property north of the Fire Hall and to allow the use of the rear por- tion of Lot 2 for a weeping tile bed. It was suggested that an alternative to the local well might be to connect the Fire Hall by means of a 1" plastic pipe to the Wyldewood Heights Co- operative Water System. Mr. Thomp- son agreed to further investigate these matters and réport again at a future meeting. Chairman Thompson reported a meeting with Mr. Graydon Horton, Mr. Hort- on was of the opinion that more in- formation as to size, location and condition of the water pipe would be of help but would suggest that the installation and water supply for two hydrants would seem to be feasible, According to information obtained from two long time residents -of Myrtle Station a former C.P.R. em- ployee (Mr. Warriner or Warren) now retired and resident in Toronto could be of great assistance to Mr. Horton in providing the information required. Tt was agreed that an effort be made to trace this man and arrange a meet- ing with he and Mr. Horton as soon as possible, 6. SPECIAL PURPOSES---In the absence of Chairman J, Dryden the following report of the Special Pur- poses Committee Meeting of June 21 was read into the record: Recommended amendments to Hum- berforth Investments and Wm. Law- son Site Plan Agreements-- (1) Moved with regard to Humber- forth Investments Agreement only that "no building permit will be ap- plied for" be added to Clause 1, (2) Moved - with regard to both agreements (a) That an additional clause be added to provide that the property will remain in single or joint ownership, (b) That "as required by the gov- | La ¥ Council "by moving one of the existing street [lights and this was acted upon hy | | salaries for the year 1962 far the . conditions imposed by Dr. McKinney. Improved sanitary facilities and park. first and second time and be referred i the Corporation be -affixed thereto. C1826, 1827 and 1849 be received and ~Resolutionsg=--""" ELL) ARE bowtie, i iol vi} aE i - Lions Elect International President deposit with, convey, transfer, mort- gage, pledge, bypothecute, assign, de- liver and/or give to the said Bank as security for any moneys borrowed or to be borrowed all or any of the pre- [ sent or future property and assets of the organization of every kind and whether real or personal, moveable or immoveable, and ] (d) To receive from the said Bank any negotiable instruments or other property and assets of the organiza. tion of every kind and give receipts therefor, and (e¢) To execute any agreement with { Curtis D. Lovill of Gurdiner, Maine, was elected Interna- tional President of Lions Inter- national at the Association's 45th Annual Convention in Nice, France. Lions International, with 640,000 members in 118 countries, is the world's largest service club organization. Lions International is best known for its many youth pro- grams, community service proj- ects, sight conservation activi- ties and aid to the blind. Last year Lions Clubs around the globe completed more than 200,000 individual community i service projects. cerning - municipality and or the Pro- vinee of Ontario" he added to Clause | 1.-Subsec. (g) of each of the agree- ments, Therefore the Special Committee vecommends (1) that | approve agreements with | Humberforth Investments and Wm. | G. Lawson, Trustee with the above amendments: and (2) that Council | pass an amendment to Zoning By-law | 1784 as amended to provide rezoning | for the properties after such agree- | Purposes | ments have been finalized. On motion this report was ndopted. | General Business-- A report on the request for better | street lighting at the corner of Park- | view Drive and Gar'mrd Road indi- cated that this could be accomplished Resolution #8. y i Reeve Down reported that owners of the Oshawa Kartway had request- ed some relaxation of the sanitary Council agreed that compliance with Dr. McKinney's request for running water and flush toilets would he ne- cessary before -a-ticence could be is- sued. [ By-Laws-- : Lo Moved that a By-law to amend By- lnsy. Number 17814 of the Corporation, | as amended by By-law 1794, 1800, 1826 and 1827 be received and read a | to a Committee of the Whole Council, then read third time, numbered 1849 and passed, and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and the Sea) of Carried. Moved that a By-law to amend by- law number 1784 of the Corporation, as amended by By-law 1794. 1800, rend a first and second time and be referred to a Committee of the whole Council. Carried. Moved that a By-law to amend By- law number 1784 of the Corporation, ag amended by By-law 1794, 1800, 1826 and 1827 and 1849 be read a third time, numbered. 1860 and passed, and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation he affixed thereto. Carried. I. Moved that the Site plan agree- ment presented by Mr. W. Lawson representing Disce-Ely be accepted. Carried. 2. Moved that the Site plan agree- ment presented by Mr. R. Dale rep- resenting Humberforth Investments Ltd, he accepted, Carried. 3. Moved that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the casement agreement to the Hydro- Power Commission across Block "E" Plan 601. Carried, 4. Moved that the resolution sup- plied by the Bank of Commerce he incorporated in this resolution as fol- lows: - ' (1) That the Reeve, together with the Treasurer or Deputy-Treasurer are hereby authorized for and in the name of the organization from time to time and until further notice to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- merce: (a) To draw, accept, sign, make, endorse, negotiate and dispose of all or any bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques and orders for the pay- ment of money, and (b) To pay and receive all moneys and give acquittances for the same, and : (¢) To horrow money (whether by way of overdraft or otherwise, how- soever from the CANADIAN IM- PERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE and or authority to the Bank relating to the banking business of the organiza- , tion either generally or with regard to any particular transaction. (f) To transact generally with the suid Bank any business he/they may see fit; (2) ALSO THAT The Treasurer or Deputy-Treasuver or any one of them, is are hereby authorized for and in Cthe name of the organization from Ctime to time and until further notice to the said bank: To rent safety deposit boxes and have access thereto and to surrender the same: (3) ALSO THAT The Treasurer or Deputy-Treasurer or any one of them, is/are hereby authorized for and in the name of the organization from time to time and until further notice to the said Bank: (a) To discount, negotiate, deposit with or transfer to the said Bank (but for credit of the account of the organization only) all or any bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques or orders for the payment of money and other negotinble instruments and for the said purpose to endorse the same or any of -them, and th) To receive all paid cheques and other debit vouchers charged to any aceount of the organization and give | receipts therefor," Cavrled. 5. Moved that the vate of salary for Mrs. lL. Robinson he established ut $1.60 per hour retroactive to Jan. 1st, 1962 and continuing when needed for casual help until December 31st, 1962. Carried. 6. Moved that the Clerk be author- ized to draw up a by-law covering Township of Whitby employees here- in named: Alex Craigie--§4,200.00, plus $100. car allowance. Total--$4,300. Bert Carter--$3,800.00 plus $800. car allowance. Total--$4,600. Mrs. Thornton--8$2,600.00. "Ted Heron--$4,200.00, plus $700.00 | car allowance. Total--$4,900. | Wilma Roberts--$1,200.00 (6 mos.) Dr. McKinney--$1,600.00, Mis. Robingon--8$1,900. (maximum) Further that Mr. Craigie be classed as Welfare Administrator. Carried. | 7. Moved that the Clerk be au- thorized to deduct pension plan pay- ments from employees enrolled in said plan commencing from July 1st pay. Carried. 8. Moved that the Clerk be auth- orized to contact the proper autharity and instruct him to have the street light location on (Garrard Road one pole north of Parkview and Garrard Rond. Carried. 9. Moved that this Council does now adjourn until next regular meet- ing to be held July 9th, at 1.30 p.m. Carried. Brooklin Man on 'Arson Charge George Duncan Nott, 86, of 5b Gar- side avenue, Brooklin, was Tuesday remanded for one week on two charg- es arising out of a fire in his home. He appeared before Magistrate Craw- ford Guest in Whitby police court, who, at the suggestion of Crown At- torney_ Bruce Affleck, refused hail to the accused, Nott was charged with arson by Whitby OPP last week after investi- gation into a fire at his home, On Tuesday, a further charge of wilfully setting fire to articles in his home was read ta him. Crown Attorney Affleek told the court that since the fire, Nott's fa- ther-in-law had suffered a heart at- tack and Nott's wife had hecome seri- ously ill. He said that the family were frightened of Nott and request- ed that Magistrate Guest refuse any bail. His worship concurred and remand- ed Nott in custody until next Tuesday ILENE EII EEE SELSSTRILELRLLEISLLISILIILLLILL ~ QUALITY: GUARANTEED When you order your new supply. of cheques see the Port Perry Star. We can guarantee that cheques ordered from us will meet the bank's require- ments regarding the magnetic ink code. Place your orders early. Prices reasonable, THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 19627 a a idan" setat | Equalization of Assessment ed discussion, that of equalization ended on Tuesday with council, on a for county purposes. split vote, accepting the equalization | cated the local assessment was high, Debated in Ontario County Ontario County Council's most heat- | cated that local assessments were | low, the local assessment was hiked If they indi- proposed by County Assessor Gordon | the local assessment was loweréd for or not a county assessment commis- sioner will be named and all local as- sessment departments be disbanded. This year, County Assessor Hep- ditch was permitted to retain J. B. Coombe, an assessment consultant, while he made his report on equaliza- tion. During the morning session of council at Whitby, both Mr. Hepditeh and Mr. Coombe found themselves un- swering hundreds of questions from the representatives in the 19 muni- cipalities which make up the county. Cause for the debate is the fact that equalization consists of a table of assessment, covering cach entire mu- nicipality, being presented and adopt- ed by the various municipalities. It 15 not easy for an assessor to explain why someone's assessment has been hiked by $60,000, especially if that someone happens to be one of the assessor's employees. Reeve Edward Oyler, »f Reach Twp. fired the opening volley in the de- bate by noting that four of the 3ix municipalities represented on- the equalization committee had enjoyed reductions in their assessments and the other two had only suffered slight increases. "How would you get it that way?" he asked, } Assessor Hepditeh replied that it might be an unfortunate acicdent that it surned out that way but explained the method used in arriving at the equalized figures. Random Checks ~He explained that random spot checks had heen made in every muni- cipality in the county, taking into.con- sideration every type of assessment in each municipality. Then, he said, the results of these checks had been studied and applied to the local as- sessments. If the spot checks indi- Hepditeh but also with council know- county purposes. ing that they would debate whether Seven of thes municipalities had their local assessments reduced, 12 had been raised. In reply to a question about collu- sion with the committee, Mr, Hep- ditch denied that any such thing had occurred. Reeve Patrick Sheehan, of Ajax, a member of the assessment committee, took exception to Mr. Oyler's question and said that he would not put up with 'such a remark by Reeve Oyler or anyone else. Consultant J. P. Coombe said he considered Mr. Oyler's suggestion un- fair. "1 have not worked at this (assess- ment consultant) for 40 years," he suid, "and risk losing my reputation for a fee of $2,000." County Commissioner He told members of the council that although the loca) assessors were do- ing good work, the only solution to uniformity over the whole county ap- peared to he a county assessment commissioner. } r Members of the various munieipali- ties then launched their objections to | the hikes in assessment which had been recommended by My. Hepditeh. These were well fielded by hoth Mr. Hepditeh and Mr. Coombe who had | come to the meeting well armed with figures nequired as a result of their i spot checks and other assessment in- "vestigations. ha + Council on a 26-13 vote later adopt- ed the equalized assessment of the various municipalities, © Ag soon as this was done Reeve Sherman Scott, of Pickering Town- | ship, served notice that today he will | introduce a motion to have a county " assessment commissioner named and have all local assessment departments + abolished. -- Oshawa Times R.C.AF. Trenton Air Force Day To be the Biggest Yet RCAF Trenton will present the big- gest and what is hoped will. be. the finest Airshow offered to visitors from all parts of Central and Eastern Ontavio when the 1962 edition of Trenton Air Force Day will be cele- brated in Trenton on Saturday, July 21st. Headlining an imposing array of both giant transport aircraft and the latest in supersonic jet aircraft will be the internationally acclaimed RCAF Golden Hawks. The Hawks are cur- rently engaged in their annual trans- continental tour of Major U.S. Air- shows and Canadian Air Force Day and civilian displays and will arrive in Trenton on July 20, well-trained and ready to deliver another of thei spine tingling demonstrations of per- cision aerobatics, The sleek gold, red and white Mark VI F-8 Subres have added several new manoevers to their repetoire and this year's show will definitely be a must for those who have seen Canada's official aero- hatic team in action previously ar any who have not yet heen awed by the speed and precisian of jet air- craft, rere mmm TT Airshow enthusiasts will be pleased to learn that the RCALI's newest su- personic jet additions, namely the CF- 104 Starfighter and the CF-101 Voo- doo are expected to make an appear- ance at Trenton on July 21, and all visitors will have an apportunity to see close-hand and also in flight these modern flying machines capable of Bands, booths, and a host of other services will be present and groups and. individuals would he well advised to set aside Saturday, July 21, and organize an afternoon outing at Tren- ton for this outstanding annual event. Gates open at 12 o'clock noon and all those driving in from distant areas are advised to come early. Public Re- lations Officials at Trenton remind all concerned that there is no admis. sion charge for this event. A general apen house policy will be in effect and once again the theme will be "Bring Your Camera and Record Your Visit", Ontario County Agri. Calendar Tuesday, July 10th, 7.30 p.m.-- Port Perry, Farm of Gray Bros.-- Annual Ontario County Holstein Club Twilight Meeting. Also Ont. County Dairy Princess Competi- tion. Saturday, July Lith, 9.30 a.m.-- Peterborough, Morrow Park Quinte District Junior Farmer IMield Day. Sunday, July 15th, 2.30 p.m.-- Beaverton, Old Stone Church Federation of Agriculture Annual Church Service. Wednesday, July 18th, 7.30 p.m.-- speeds in the range of 1600 miles per hour, Sabres from Air Defence Command, Argus and Neptunes from Maritime Command, Chipmunks from Training Command and a host of Trenton's own Transport" fleet including the C130B Hercules, €-119 Flying Box Car, North Stars, Cosmopolitans, the Cari- | hou, Dakotos, the SA-16 Albatross, Otters, CC106 Yukon and others too nameions to mention, will fly past. Something new i: added to the Air- how in the form of the "102KU Hoe- down", and aerial square-dance, per- formed by helicopters from 102 Search and Rescue Unit at Trenton, For early arrivals and individuals interested in the numerous ground facilities at Trenton, a colorful dis- play of static aircraft and exhibits will he available and centred in the massive six acre Yukon Cantilever Beaverton, Farm of Clifford Ross. - Soil and Crop Improvement Meet- ing at Rod Row Test Plots with Oats and Barley. Thursday, July 19th, 7.30 p.m. -- Claremont, Farm of Frank Carson | Seil and Crop Improvement Meet- ing at Rod Row Test Plots with Oats and Barley. luesday, August 14th, 8.80 p.m.-- Atherley, Byers' Implement Shop August Meeting for Mara 4-H Tractor Club, J hursday, August 16th, 9.00 a.m.-- Fort Perry District-----Annual Ont. County Land Judging Competition. Saturday, August 18th, 3.00 p.m.-- Beaverton----Annual 0.A.C. Alumni picnie, * Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 20th, 21st and 22nd-- Oshawa Fair, Hangar, especially built to house the fleet of 136 capacity passenger Yu- kon giants, Friday, August 81st, 9.00 a.m.-- C.N.E. Toronto--Annual Junior Farmer Livestock Judging | Competition, i Ll PA Sn, Be A pe SO Hey a

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