Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Jul 1962, p. 7

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a\ grep Ee < LEY SAT SH Si by « BROOKLIN For Coming Events -- News Articles -- Advertising -- Church Activities PC --) -- -- --) --) -- --- NEWS J a 0 --- ty "2 Brooklin Sr. School & Meadowcrest Jr. School Examination Results BROOKLIN--Listed below are the promotions at the Brooklin Senior School, following June examinations. The teaching staff is made up by the following: Ronald McKinzey, principal; William Boyd, Joyce M. Graham and Ruth Foster. GRADE b to GRADE 6-- Kathy Andrews, Pat Boule (1), Bill Bowers, Douglas Burleigh, Mary Finch, Bob Godfrey, Tony Gray, Lyn- da Hamer, Peter Heron (C), Shawn Humphreys, Dennis Manning, Sue Mitchell, Joan Oldham, Gail Ormis- ton, Tom Rutherford, Fred Seymour (C), Larry Weales. GRADE 6 to GRADE 7-- David Bailey, Bob Baxter (C), Dor- othy Downey, Beverly Edwards, Brian IFice, Mark Guest, Terry Hess, Philip Kennedy, Don Mitchell, Yvonne Mor- rison, Robert Richardson, Grant Re.) berts, Nancy Thompson, Sheila Thon son, Sherry Yates, GRADE 6 to GRADE 7 Dick Agar, Alison Butler, Sherry Lynn Campbell (C), Suzanne Camp- bell, Donna Cooke, Gary Cooper, Neil Crawford (C), Judy Dingman, Nancy Draper, Ken Finch, Diane Hamilton, Judy Humphreys, Carol Johnston (Tr), Hugh Johnston (C), Rene Kehoe, Pa- tricia Klasen, Fraser MacKenzie, Joan Nicholson, Pat Pitt, Ivan Rey- nolds, Carol Roberts (C), Bob Short, Randy Soper, John Stevenson, Hubert Vanginhoven (C), June Anne Wilson, Bryce Yorke, Gosse Zylstra, Harm Zylstra, GRADE 7 to GRADE 8 -- Rodger Bailey, Beverly Barker, Marie Buldyke, Linda Burleigh, Brad Campbell, Wayne Dawson, Jane Dere- 'mo, ~Michael--Dopp, Nancy Gerrard, David Gray, Linda Greer, Frances Geron. James Kennedy Peter Keogh, Tom- my Lakey, Kenneth Lambert, Carol Manning, Keith Miller, Patricia Mit- -- Jane Ormiston, Ann Potts, Brad Powell '(C), Stuart Rashleigh, Carl Roberts, John Robinson, Lynda Ruth- eorford, Rosalie Seymour, Christina Shankland, Peter Vipond, William White, Michael Wood, Judy Wood- ward. GRADE 8 to GRADE 9-- To attend Anderson Street Iligh, Henry Street High, Pickering, Dun- barton, and Oshawa, according to subjects chosen: James "Allison, Beverly Appleton, Ann Bartlett, Janice Bird, Judy Bon- istell, Mike Boule (T), Eric Butler, Norine Carnochan, Wayne Davidson, Frances Draper, Ken Edwards, Jim Finch (T), Joe Grills (T), Susan Gul- liver, Valerie Guthere, Boh Hull, Woel Hamer (T), Joanne Heron, Margaret Hewie, Joan Hoar, Gerry Hurst (T), Joan Kennedy, Gordon Langfield, Kathy Legg, Ross Legg (T), iyllis Mackey, Jim Nesbitt. Susan Nott, Brenda Ormiston, Milt Parkin, John Phillip, Bonnie Snudden, Peter Thornton, Peter Walendzewicz, Ria Wilson, John Young, Harry Zyl- -stra. " MEADOWCREST JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN to GRADE 1--- Judy Appleton, Linda Bailey, Owen Bailey, Edward Bayley, Bradley Beath Kim Bemis, Brian Biggs, Ronnie Bot- da, Alan Bowden, Johnny Buldyke, -- Terry Cain, Mary Jean Clark, Carol Craig, Patsy DeLong, David Dean, © Bruce Dingman, Sandra Down, Peter Eschscholtz, Glyn Evans, Sharon Fairservice, ; Mario Frendo - Cumbo, Tina Ger- row, Gail Grant, Brian Hamer, Shar- on Hayden, Cathy Hill, Edward Hol- man, Stephen Knight, Sharon Laws, Nancy Lee, Jeffrey Lehman, Steven Matthews, David Matice, Robin Mec- Cool, Donnie McCoy, Debra Moreau, Gordon Nolan, Leo O'Leary, Pamela Ormiston, Muriel - Pengelly, Denise Robertson, Eddie Ruis, Kerry Anne "Shankland, Gary - Shepherd, - Elaine Smith, Larry Watson, David Wichall, Ellen Wilgon, Terry Wilson, GRADE 1 to GRADE 2-- Ricky Batty, Lynn Ann Bayley, ~%.... Wilma Cornelissen, Kevin Craig, Way-|- ne Crawford, James Daniels, Robert Desveaux, Joe Frendo-Cumbo,. Paul - Frendo-Cumbo, Donna Hamilton, Gar- ry Henderson, Gordon Hooker, Blair Lauwra Huskens, Judith Lee, Billy Lockyer, Jimmy Pengelly, Donna Potts, Cora Powell, Nancy Ross, Ricky Scaife, Wayne Steve ns, I'rederiea Struyk, Garry Trivett & ), Cheryl Watson, Ann Willman. GRADE 3 to GRADS 1A--- bie chell; Kjeld Nielson, Jolin O'Leary (C), | Mooyer, James Pitt, (¢), Marilyn Stell, Gary Stevens, Sharon Sykes, Glyn Thomson, Roy (C), Elizabeth Voogjary, Gay Van Ginhoven, Susan Wage, Wil- liam Zylstra, GRADE 1 to GRADE 2 -- Anne Alderson, June Boake, Donna Bonnerville, Patti Brown, Susan Carn- with, Larry Down, Leslie Emerson, Jumes Fraser, Ricky Gaidychuek, Louise Halie, Marilyn Hamer, Gordon Hodson, Stanley Hollinshead, Judy Johnston, Dovathy Linders, Mary Mathison, John McCoy, Lynn Melel- lan, Laurie Milner, Neil Peteh, Lynne Purkiss, Phillip Roberts, Raymond Roberts, Diana Robertson, Deborah Sedore, Kenny Vipond, Deborah Wal- Kathy Watson (C), Cathy Wil. Daniel Seymour Thomson lace, son. GRADE 2 to GRADE 3- Steven Ablett, Jimmy Bayley, Diane Buldyke, ry Cornelissen, Stephen Ashley, Allen Brooks (CQ), Bruce Campbell, Hen 'Wanda Craig, Dianne Ricky Gerrow, Douglas Graham, Deborah Guest, Ralph Hoar, Edwards, Glen Bryson, Brian Dingman, Jane Grant, Beverly Hawksley, Lynda Hod- son, Darrell Long, Roswitha Malisch ewski, Carol Mitchell, William Vipond. GRADI 2 to GRADE 3 Brenda Bowers, Gregory Cart- wright, Fara Clark, Sharon Corlies, John Devemo, Gerald Desveaux, Judy Down, Donald Fishley, Brian Grills, Ronald Haines, Lionel Ingleton, Deb- MacKenzie, William Medlund, Mary Lou Mitchell, Nellie Mooyer, Jerry Plakmeyer, Larry Thackuk. GRADE 1 to GRADE 2-- i Ronald Egan, Henry FFrendo-Cumbo, Murray Richardson, GRADE 3 to GRADE 4-- Elaine Alderson, Donald Bailey, Linda Batty, Ronald Batty, Ben Boni- steel, Wanda Bowers, Stephen Brooks; ( hrmiston, Wayne Church, Wayne Curl, Debra Gaidychuk, Marcia Hurst (C) Nancy | "Township Johnston, Linda Judith Muar- shall, Penfound, Stephen Pitt, olds, Terry Shankland, Ginhoven, Vello Wilson, Kydd, Gary Reyn- Carol Van Voogjury, Donald GRADE 3 to GRAD 4- Betty Appleton, Molly Bailey, James | Bartlett, Lyn Boule, Timothy Coller an, Richard Clark, Carol Crawford,' William Down, Paul Frendo - Cambo | (C), Susan Gates, Janie Hamer, Neil Henderson, Roy (C), Yvonne Jouny Linders, Maryanne Milner, Nancy Murray tonald Hoker Kirkwood, Lana Lent, Bruce Miller, Mitchell, Peacock, Snudden, Gerald Stephens (OC), Mina | Kenneth | ci to erect a structure We! ndy y Ttunnisos, Ww ly, GRADE 4 to GRADE b Harry Agar, Brian Beath, Jack Jennifer Bailey, Robert Bell, William Corlies, IForde (C), lan' Grant, Sheila Gray, Darlene Hess, Brian Kydd, Ro- bert Laws, Wilham Lee, Lynne Legg, David McCoy, Michael Neville, Patri- cia Nolan, Terrance O'Leary, Linda Milkey, Dorothy Roberts, Dawna Wagyg Ul), Linda Wilson, Diana Wood, GRADE 4 to GRADE Gary Ablett, Donald Batty, Keith Batty, Dale Bonneville, Barry Bow- den, David Brooks, Glenys Burgess, Randy Church, Wendy Dingman, be bert gan, Joseph Frendo-Cumbo, John Frendo-Cumbo, "Bony Gerrow, Larry Graham, Brian Hayden, Beth Ingleton, Marlene Kennedy, Sharon McLean, Richard Mountjoy (3), John | David Shankland, Jimmie Short, Judith Soper, Phillip Stevenson, Allan Thachuk, Paticiaz\Watson, Pat- ricin Wilson, N GRADE 5 to GRADE 6 "Kenneth Alison (C), Judith Bayley, Arthur Bergs, Shitley Buldyke, Don=| na Davidson, Ellen Deremo, Down, Mary Hoar, Nancy Douglas Johnston, George Kerr, lsa- hel Langficld (©), Teity (C), Lynda Lee, Donna McCoy, Fred Nes- bitt, Barrie Nolan, William Nolan, Kenneth Nott, Patricia Nott, Danny O'Leary, Marilyn Peacock, Bruce Potts, June Rashleigh, Gail Shankland, Paul Smith, Fvelyn Stephenson, John Van Ginhoven (C). Kenneth Hooker, Lee of Whithy Hite Board Moting MEETING #7--June 28th, 1962, A regular Meeting of the Planning of the Township of Whithy was held in the Council Chambers, Brooklin on Thursday, June 28 1962 at 7:50 p.m. with Chairman Geo, E. Lofthouse and Members W. H. Down, Wm. Munn- ing and John Batty present. On Motion by Wm. Manning, Sce- onded by H. Down the minutes of May Meeting were adopted as printed and distributed. Letter of June 28, 1962 from Wm. Ridgley re: Garrard Rd. North was read, which made the following pro- posal--valid until July 15, 1962, The letter stated that they were prepared to give to the Township immediately the following: 1, The 10 ft. widening of Garrard Road. 2. The completion of Hazelwood Drive by September 1st, 1962, from 'Manning Road to the north boundary of our land, completed to the standard of road in the Co-op, Subdivision immediately to the north. Upon com- pletion this road is to be certified by the Township completed for registra- tion purposes as regards service re- quirements, In consideration of the above, they requested the following: 1. Overall draft approval of plan of subdivision as submitted. 2. Release for final approvel of 16 lots (12 on Garrard--2 on Man- ning) by September-1st, 1962. 3. An understanding by the Town- ship Council to allow them to register a minimum of 10 lots in each year hereafter. --Mr, Wilson was present to speak in support of the letter and closed by suggesting that the Planning Baord arrange a meeting with his partners to iron out a few of the minor Hubbard, Nigel Knight (C), Albert | a oy vag | problems. Myr. ply as suggested, and advised Mr. Wilson that this would be dealt with later in the evening. This matter was later and ittwas moved by -H. Down;-See-- onded by J. Batty that the Board give tenative approval of 16 lots, 12 on Garrard Road and 4 on. Manning Rd, provided 'that a deed re 10 ft; road widening is given to the Township and provided that they open Hazel- wood Drive from the northerly limit of their property to Manning Road and up to a standard equivalent to our Sahdividers agreement, and proval of the Road Superintendent, i Hipsters } Carried, Mrs. John Anderson was present in support of application to rezone part of Lot 20, Broken Front Conces- sion, presently zoned Agricultural to R-3. This was discussed and it was Moved by Wm. Manning, Seconded by J. Batty that the Board recommend to Council the rezoning of this parcel to R--3, Carried, Mr. A. Campbell was present re consent application on part of Lot 21, Con, 4--Thickson Road --to separate 160 ft. x 800 ft. from a parcel 303 ft, 6 in. x 300 ft. 10 ft. widéning deeded on previous consent for whole parcel, It was Moved by J. Batty, Seconded by H. Down that consent. be granted, "Carried." It was further Moved by Wm, Man- ning, Seconded by J. Batty that the 'Council be advised that due to the fact that the Board have insisted in the past that applicants abide by the existing By-law (1500 aq. ft. ) that we digenssed rezoning in this case as location is pean an Ul EE SS a Ear Sia i strictly rural, : aul Melellan (C), Catherine | Lofthouse mentioned water sup- | support of application for division land re Lot 16, Plan 537 Scott It ad the Acton property to separate 71% ft. frontage from 1 wag the reeling of the Board that 150 ft. frontage, stating that at-rwe g0 in ie Thnited for thi purpose, time the new by-law was pressed, 1 particularly with regard to off stree: V.LA. land owners were asoured that | parking, but that the site is central their land would be excluded fron the ono in he opinitn of the Play by-law. . "nig tonrd. Following discussion it "was Moved From Mv. 1. K. Creighton, Solicitor, by J. Batty, Seconded by H. Down fetter dated June 7th re legality of that this matter be discussed with Meo) 0 ting dud collecting: fous £04 {bo Little, Planning Consultant for | pplication under the Planning Act. | opinion, as soon as possible. Carried, Mr. Creighton advised that in bis CMe Croxall was present sod pres opinion there is no justification. for ented to the Board a proposed Phan ge nel chines The collection of of Subdivision of part of Lot 220 Const rees penerally hy Municipalities is al | (being: part of the Villaee of Brooks fawayve supported by Special Statutory Hin. Following discussion with Mec Authority, The only statutory auth I! roxall it was Moved by Wino Man arity relating to Planning seems to pans Seconded by Jo Batty that tens be oo fee not exceeding 25.00 on nn tative approval be pranted abject plication madd to a Committee of | to conditions of Subdivider Aero Adjustments as per Section 18 (5H) ment. Carried. of the Planning Act. Mr. Jim Potter representing NV It was agreed that this he left for Allan Watts was present in support ao future meeting, fof application for rezoning of pot of Letter of June 6, 1962 from kL {Lot 28, Con, 3 from Greenbelt to 1-10 Sines BLA Re, County Fngrineer, re ~Thig was discused at length and it Wo Riley County Road #1, advising Ro- | | ap| Myr. Ken Wright was pre-cnt Chiat the quired was the feeling of the Boned that "On inspection of this the Board that there 1 land above the (load and recetiend Wag ine wold tw the property Planning: feels widenin sufficient plain for quired Building Inspector Tait of a building to the issuance not contravene zoning by-law." pert the provisions of Letter of June Ath, 1962 trom the cinded. Carvied, ! Department of Public Works re: Moved hy Ho Down, Seconded hy Brooklin proposed site for Post Office Wins Manning that consent he granted Building advising that they were to Mr Riley for separation of 2 acres interested in the Bessie Acton prop of Lot 26 Con. 4 Carried. erty which is located nest ta Shorts Consent application from James G. Drag Store on Baldwin Street, and MeVey on part of Lot 25 Con. 8, of approval | injrequested the to noconsent as Seconded hy Riley of moved August 3, their considering County of Ontario has acs land from Myr, further necessary for Riley, acquisition re land as ranted by Wm. I. Down that 1961 date he Ease of Handling Bonus pays off for Mervyn Brand of Turlleford, Sask. Remfory Bonus pays off for Johny's Towing, Dawson Creek, B.C. es ns A 74 WHITE & ny Clee Reliability Bonus pays off for Snow White Steam oandsy; A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Built-in bonuses will pay offin your operation, foo! Your GMC dealer has ~ the full bonus facfs...see him today 134%} y/o Board's comments and using rond no necessity August 3,1 Manning, Motion re res. Versatility Bonus pays off for trucker Ray Crawford of Vancouver, B.C. Sydney, N.S. Mr. James Vasilakis writes: "We are happy with our fleet of GMC panels." THE PORT r Ee RRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 12th, 1962-1 to separate 240 ft. x 500.ft. 3 acres firmed. Carried. from a Y3.2 acre fur. From the Municipal Planning Con- Moved by Wm. Manning, Scconded sultants Co. Ltd ount dated May by H. Down that consent be granted G1-t, 1962 for services rendered to to Mir. McVey Carried May 24th, 1962, Amount $187.06. From Nora Jorden, consent apple | Vioved by Wm. Manning, Seconded cation on parts of Lote ~ ond 9- BI by I Down that account be paid. Pend Plan of Brooklin (Lot 6 on Carried. suseyistered plan 76 Tt frontare x Moved by HL Down, Seconded by J. Ind £16 in. Rat that Meeting adjourn to meet Moved by Wm. Manning, Seconded wan Phursday, July 26th, at 8:00 by H. Down that consent be vranted oiclocks Meeting adjourned 11:30 pan. to Mrs. Jordan. Carried | : From City of Oshawa, note = amendment to Oshawa zoning (Internal spot rezoning only) | | Ced: ix Creek It was agreed that same he H and filed. Ihe Revo Harvey Bidhop, Mis. Irom Cyril Davi orcent apple [Bishop and elaldren, of Winnipes ciation on southerly OF fo or Tot 110 Min ated Myo and My Fond. C&W Plan 9088 5g tin I {Hare dust weed with water services availabl 2 hh nd Miso Ron Laroeque and Moved by Wine Manning, Secondo Tg Doherty visited relatives at by H. Down that consent la ELL Vide netawan fast week-end tv Mr. bavies. : | ML Choe Poon and Meo and Mrs, Fram Murvay N. Port Veltdy aria Farowell, of Toronto visited restrnation fram Planning Board nin Pari one day lust week. veferved by Council for cecomien Ve nie Bellic and garanddaugh- dations as to his veplacement Forhe LF wake, Wis, is visiting budince-of his appointment chan cottons Meo \W ae Blain and family I=, 1065), this week. It was Moved by LL Pony, Seconded Ln iy, of Ipsom visited her by Wm. Manning that letter of ape L000, and Brenda Cummings procintion he sent to Meo Potts for Liat week. ' series rendered. Carried Janes Naylor confirmine TOI SETH FERS. consent granted between meetings fog oo 1 acre of land part of Lot 220 Cong QUALITY GUARANTEED Lao rox 20 ft immediately) Whew vou order your new supply of north of TEP casenent wd Cues see the Port Perry Star. We fronting on Hopboe Sto for crete can vaaantee that cheques ordered and operating wospecial wondworb me prom as will meet the bank's require plant. cis reearding the magnetic ink was Moved hy JL Batty, Seconded | cade liee your orders carly. by Ho Down that con ent he con Piiees reasonable, BUILT GMC TRUCKS Ne? Bob Archer Motors Limited PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 986-2462 md RR srs A OR So a BE

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