IIs nd od. " me 2 wi or rr be 3 A es > -~ RE a as oh ir -~ i eA v 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, Spy JULY 19th, 1962 Council News (Continued from Front Page) A DEPUTATION from the Port Perry Fublic School Board comprised of Messrs. Stanley Bruton, Bill Wil- liams and Gordon Goode, stating that before they put crushed gravel on the drive and constructed a new curb that they would like Council to install a catch basin, the cost to be borne by the School Board. The Council approved of this re- quest. COPY of Resolution from the Town of Clinton re letter carrier service in thase Urban Municipalities not now having such service. STATEMENT of Fines for May/62!| be purchased from Jackson-Robson -$302.00. 85. Filed. INSURANCE Village Share being $141.. placed on Legion No action taken, | | Ship BC cs 2 a Building behind $3,000.00. Filed. PRICES on Hard Hats from Jack: son-Robson Industrials Ltd. With peak only---$4.45. Brim all the way around--$4.85, RESOLUTION---That 6 hard hats the Post Office-- Industrials Ltd.--peak only -- price $4.46 each. Carried. MEMO---Mr. John Hlozan reports « 1 Tonder . Young - Plump - Grade "A" | CHICKENS LOOK FOR "TREND" at Your Nearest RED & WHITE STORE! Red & White's Own Family of Fine Meat Products! SOLD ONLY AT YOUR RED & WHITE STORE "It's Trend at Red & White" - Extra Lean - Woll Strenked - 1 1b. Flat Pkg. "TREND" Red & White's Own Specially Seasoned - For Bryuy CL BACON "TREND" WIENERS Red & White's "Quality Controlled" Mild Seasomed - 1 1b. Pkg. "TREND" SAUSAGE Red & White's Own Family of Luncheon Meats -- 6 on. Vue Pack a. Luncheon Moss x Loi 89. Macaron and Cheese - Plekle and Pimento - Dutch Loaf - Mock Chicken BEST BUY! --_-- Save 25c! -- § Varieties -- SWEET LIBBY RELISHES BEST BUY! -- Save 9c! -- Medium Small GREEN PEAS Groen Giant 5 1 8 9c BEST BUY! -- Save 29¢! -- INSTANT COFFEE Rod Rose 8 5c 13¢ Off Pack BEST BUY! -- Save 2¢! JAVEX Liquid BLEACH 23¢| BEST BUY! -- Save 19 -- 15¢ Off Pack! 39 Tasty - 12 in a pkg. "a for 90. 16-03. Aerosol Bomb SPRAY STARCH ide BEST BUY! -- Save 7¢! DELSEY TISSUE Extra Mild - Sweet No. 1 Grade Pkg. of 2 Onion 'Spanish Onions 33: Wax Beans Fresh Produce Delicious as they look BANANAS Sweet - Tender - No. 1 Grade Corn on Cob doz39c Carrots 2 bunches 19¢ Snappy, Fresh - GREEN OR FROZEN SAVE 9¢! -- SUNKIST FOOD FEATURES LEMONADE 4/49 SAVE 6c! -- FRASERVALE FISH & CHIPS 6-05, Tins 24-05, Pky. 59¢ FEATURE! -- SAVE 2¢! Walker Saltines 27¢ FEATURE! -- SAVE 9c! -- Plain Bravo Sauce 2 for 49. FEATURE! -- SAVE 81¢! No. 120 - No. 127 - No, 620 Ansco Films 3 rolls 99¢ FEATURE! - SAVE 20¢! FLOOR CLEANER SIMONIZ VISTA 99¢ FEATURE! -- SAVE 6c! FANCY QUALITY Sockeye Salmon 53c | 1b. Pkg. MILK SUNSFU RED & WHITE AUNT MARY'S Quart Sise FRESH BAKED !! 14's Tia 4-59: 2529: Garden Fresh -- BUNCH 10+ 49. FEATURE! -- SAVE Je RED & WHITE EVAPORATED, Tall Tins FEATURE! ~ BAVE 11e! ICE CREAM 4 or 89c Prepared Mustard 17¢ SLICED BREAD Sunbeam - Pkg. of § - Rey. Shc CHELSEA BUNS 35c 79c Ib. 45c 53c 12-0x, Jars 15.0z. Tins 6-0z. Jar 32.0z. Bottle 53 Ib. 19¢ Jif SAVE fc! KOOL-AID Powdered Fruit Drinks 6 for 79c Piat Bricks 16-08, Jar 24-05. Loaf "26s | oth Packages | 2 Full Pounds GOLDEN HOUR GANDY FEATURE "JUMBO. BO GUMS) PEPPERMINT BULLSEYES | be_given as soon as possible. | Contents noted and filed. y A] \ 4 ar } & PART EER SABLE SSA REAR AN that the ditch on Caleb Street to Scugog Street needs cleaning out, Left for the attention of the Chair- man of Streets, R. A. Kenny. SKETCH of Proposed New Bulletin Board for Port Perry Post Office and a price of $48.06 plus tax by Reesor Fuel & Lumber, Council agreed to split the cost with the Department of Fublic Works on a 50-50 basis; Mr, Charles Brignall to be advised. LETTER from the Department of Lands and Forests dated June 21st, 1962. "This is to inform you that the Order-in-Céuncil approving a grant of $2,600.00 for development of your park has heen passed (0C2044/ 62 dated June 21st 1962)" Copy of letter to be sent to the Chamber of Commerce. Ontario PARKS Association holding Annual Convention in Waterloo Aug. 23, 24, 26/62. Filed. LETTER from-the Port Perry Pub- lic Library Board dated June 27th/62 "We wish to express our appreciation of the Council having absorbed the cost of the Library Board Audit for 1960, and we assumed that the Council was willing to absorb this cost an- nually." The Clerk was instructed to advise the Public Library Board that their share of the 1961 Audit and all future years must be borne by the Library Board. LETTER from Mr. F. 8S. Wotton of Emergency Measures Organization dated June 27/62 Re Sheltering Capa- bility of Buildings. Filed for refer- ence, LETTER from the Department of Muincipal Affairs dated June 28/62 Re Municipal Employees Retirement System Act "Could Commence to par- ticipate as of Jan, 1st, 1963." Filed. MEMO --- Repairs and Painting south wall of Town Hall. RESOLUTION--That Doug Rice be contracted to repair and paint the south wall of the Old Town Hall. (Gossard Co. Building) at a cost of $200.00. Carried. MEMO--New Roof needed for the Arena us reported by Councillors Ir- ving Boyd and Bruce Beare. Councillor Bruce Beare reported that part of the roof on the Arena should soon be replaced at an esti- mated cost of $2,000.00 for material and $1,000.00 for labour. Council felt that the Arena Board should budget for a new roof and to be held over until next year if possible. MEMO -- Removal of Old Water Tank. Held over for 'the present. POLICE REPORT by Chief R. J. Cameron for month of June. Filed for reference. LETTER from the Ontario Munici- pal Board dated July 6th, 1962. "The Board has considered your ap- plication and I am directed to advise that an appointment for hearing will - The Clerk was instructed to bring this matter to the attention of the Village Solicitor, ACCOUNT from C. E. Hickey & Sons Ltd. dated June 29/62 Inv. No. 3864-62 for Thibault Pumper $8,957.00. This account to be held over until the official test has been given the fire truck. REPORT by Chief of Police on Activity at Waterfront Park on July 8th, 1962: Boats launched--221 Cars without trailers--3883 Persons in parks estimated at 400 to 500, LETTER from RB. J. Cameron re: Safe Cycling in our Community. "A Letter from Mr. R. H. Cornish, Principal of the Port Perry Public School addressed to the Reeve, Depu- ty-Reeve and Councillors, expressing the appreciation of the teaching staff for the efficient work of Chief Con- stable R. J. Cameron as Public School -4, Uxbridge, placing first, and Miss The new Beaverpine, a 6,000-ton cargo vessel specially constructed for Canadian Pacific's Atlantic fleet and capable of navigiting the St. Lawrence Seaway, slides down the ways at the Company in Scotland, after Montreal, (inset), daughter of N. R. Crump, chairman and president, Can- i i r, [I Fo a HE 3 TA "0 NR "pk yard of the Burntisland Shipbuilding adian Pacific. The vessel is expected being to make her maiden voydge to Canada named by Miss: Janice Crump of later this year. jas Dairy Princess Competition The Ontario County Competition was held in conjunction with the Hol- stein Club Twilight Meeting at Gray Bros., farm, Manchester. Two young ladies entered the competition this year, with Miss Donna Johnson, R.R. Gloria McGriskin, R.R. 2, Pickering, placing second. The competition requires that the contestants give a short talk on their home county, and also milk a cow by milking machine. Judges for this year's competition were Mr. Bob Morrison, Secretary- treasurer Ontario Cream Producers, Mrs. Eldwood Hodgins, Ontario Whole Milk Froducers, both of Toronto, and Mr. Allan Lishman of Pickering. Miss Johnson will now enter the Provincial Competition, which is held at the C.N.E. << RESOLUTION--That some consi- deration be given to increase thé Lia- bility Insurance for the Village of Port Perry. Carried. RAILING at Creek next to Bowling Green discussed. "The Clerk was_ instructed to_con- tact the Department of Highways at Port Hope and bring this matter to their attention since it was under- stood that the Department would look after it. CARETAKING at New Ball Park discussed. It was decided that the Ball Park Committee should look after their own caretaking. On Motion Council adjourned until Crossing Guard; Friday, July 13 at 7.30 p.m. Carried. a --- a - : . THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 19 - 20 - sl. Cartogn t ie THREE N IGHTS WREKLY "THE BIG SHOW" Ed Sullivan says: "THIS IS. REALLY THE BIG SHOW!" Note On Summer Policy 'DURING JUNE, JULY & AUGUST Thuts, & Sat. -- One Show Nightly at 8 p.m. Friday, 2 Shows Nightly--Start 7 & 9 pm. : { Also Saturday Matinee at 2.00 p.m. News -- THURS, FRI & SAT. RAMPART CAR CLUB (Continued from Front Page) is unknown beforehand). Also he co- ordinates the mileage on the instrue- tion sheet with the mileage on the car speedometer. In case you have not guessed, the navigator is a very busy and sometimes frustrated fellow on route, but to him goes the credit for a successful win, route may be scattered with vague instructions and tricky roads ( a few rough roads don't hurt at all). Main highways are basically kept clear of in such a rally as this. At one point in this rally I was told to count twelve telephone poles before making a turn. A right turn was made at telephone pole number A-10-36, on side road 15 (know where you are?). I was not very sure my- self. lost his wrist watch out the window of his car and had to drive back a few miles to retrieve it he managed to place. fairly well in the finals. Af- "ter all its all in a nights fun. All members are compelled by club --To-keep the driver interested the Despite the fact that one Toes rules to obey traffic laws and regula- tions, points are deducted during ral- lies for such misdemeanours, the most extreme penalty being complete dis- qualification. Watch out. fellow dri- vers, there may be someone watching from behind a tree near a stop sign. The results of the night navex are as follows: First--Bill Johnson and Murray Blair, Chev. : Second -- Bruce Luke and Gwen --Otto; Corvair Monza, Third--Tim Wees and Harry Hilts, M.G. Midget. Fourth--C. Christie and Muriel MacMaster, Corvair Fifth--G. Mahaffy and John Pickard, Corvair Monza Sixth--Dave Mosienko and Jim .- MeMillan, V.W. Seventh-- Len Greenwood and John Greenwood, M.G.A. Eighe Clive Boyd and Terry "Boyd, Plymouth. w e were glad to welcome cars from both Oshawa and Stouffville, come again fellows and bring more. Let's see some of our local boys too. Watch for the coming announce- ment of the next rally, FROSPECT- IVE DATE -- AUGUST 12th. CAWKER BROS. Empire Smoked Bacon - 1's Round Steak or Roast ... ... 69' 89' ONTARIO COUNTY ® Farm Family Liabilty Nov. 29/62 ~ Federation of Agriculivre Sponsors CIA ~~ CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION = (liability to employees an optional extension) ® Accident and Sickness ® Automobile ® Urban Fire ® . AUTOMOBILE C | A Coaperalors Lusurancy ETHEL NOTTINGHAM -- Phone Brooklin 655- 4832 Myrtle, Ontario ®¢ FARM FAMILY LIABILITY (Liability to employees an optional eXtension) o ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS ® URBAN FIRE