~ , can Cemetery, Blackstock, and 'con- 4--THE PORT PERRY BTAR, THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1962 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH--- CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. EW. Fuller, B.A, B.D, S'I'M. Sunday, July 22-- 11:80 a.m.-- Morning Prayc: G. E. W. Bousfield. Vv PORT PERRY ---- CHURCH 3 Linstead, B.A., Minister Rev. E. There will be no services in the United Church during the month of July. The congregation are asked to worship in St. John's Presbyterian Church during this month. / NR ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH B.D, Rev. Wm. Perry, B.A, Minister Sunday, July 22-- During the month of July services will be held in St. John's Church for the combined Presbyterian and United 'Church congregations. The minister and the congregation extend a cordial welcome to all who would join us in morning worship at 11.00 A.M. No Sunday School during July and August. \ The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Sunday, July 22: 9.16 a.m.-- PROSPECT Church 10.15 a.m.--MANCHESTER Church 10.16 a.m.--SCUGOG "Head" S.S. 11.16 a.am.--SCUGOG Church 15) PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown Sunday, July 22-- 9.50 a.m.-----Sunday School for all ages. 11.00 a.m.-- 7.00 p.m.--*"Harmless Holdovers "Universal Religion" Monday, 7.00 p.m.--Young People Wed., 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Everyone Welcome -- With reference to an "item which appeared in a recent issue of the - paper concerning thie death of an old time resident of Port Perry, Mr. Geo. Davey recalls the family of MecDer- motts as having lived in the house of Mrs, C, C. Jeffrey. A mother and three daughters, according to Mr. G. Davey, lived here. The grandfather was a game warden, who was accid- ently killed in a shootng accident, Mrs, R. Sutherland and Mr. Clyde Fawcett of Brantford visited the week- end with her mother Mrs. Wm. Short, and sister Mrs. Mac McMillan, Obituary- ARTHUR RUSSEL NESBITT and Orange of ~ Nesbitt A Toronto lawyer leader Russel Nesbitt Drive died Wednesday, following a short illness. Mr. Nesbitt who was 79 was born |] near Blackstock, Durham County. He graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1910. He wag an honor- ary member of the Law Society of Canada and a Queen's Council. Mr, Nesbitt practised law in Tor- onto for 60 years and from 1916-1918 he was a- Ward 4 Alderman, Mr. Nesbitt occupied the Orange Lodge Master's chair five times dur- ing his 60 year membership of Mec- Kinley Lodge No. 276 and was a past |! county. master, For 26 years he was a member of Coronation Masonic Lodge; he was a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church, and" of the Apprentice Boys of Derry, associated with the Murray club. He is survived 'by his wife, the for- mer Sadie Harrison Brown, a daugh- ter, Mrs. Helen Lark, a granddaughter Barbara Jean and a grandson Ed- ward, " Funeral service was held in St. Paul's Angliéan Church, Toronto on Saturday, July 14th and was conduct- ed by Rev. Avery. Interment was in St. John's Angli- July 11th at] St. Michael's hospital _ Coming Events Sunday, July 22nd 2.30 p.m. -- REACH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Notice re Beginners, A child that has attained the age of 5 yeurs on or before Dec. 31st, 1961 will be admitted September 4th, 1962. Mrs. Patricia Love, R.R. 2, Port Perry Bingo THURSDAY, JULY 19th in the New Legion Hall, Port Perr; at 8:00 pan. Jackpot $120.00. Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Legion. Adults only. T.F. I Admission Tbe. Antique Display Display of Antique Glass, Old China, Books and pictures, ete., on Wednes- day, July 26th from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 4 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Ted Jackson. Sponsored by Unit 8 of the United Church Women. Refreshments served, Silver collection. July 19 Holi ; oliday Notice The Port Perry Public Library will be closed for two weeks commencing Monday, July 23, and will remain closed until Tuesday, August Tth, Librarians will be on Vacation. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Posthill, Prince Albert wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Margaret Kathleen to Mr. Donald Malcolm El- ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Elford, Port Perry. The Marriage will take place on Saturday, Aug. 4th, 1962 at 3.00, m Port Perry Baptist "Church, -- -- -- ' Engagement The engagement is announced of Donna Irene, daughter of Mrs. Picton Porter and the late Mr. Porter of Bethany to James Gary Sweetman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sweet- man of Seagrave, Ont, Marriage to take place Saturday, August 11, 1962, in Ballyduff Presbyterian Church. I would like to sincerely thank the Nurses and Staff for their care and kindness to me while in Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. The many cards, gifts, visits and inquiries from friends are sincerely appreciated and a special "thank you" to our neighbours and relatives for Perry, Sat, Interment Kena: tll Cemetery, Utica. | Marjorie loving | Frances (Mrs. J. Card of Thanks | - Deaths TUMMONDS, Myitle May -- Born May 10, 1891, Entered into rest at ANNUAL Oshawa, Wed., July 11, 1962, Myrtle h h S - May Medd, dearly beloved wife of C urc exrvice Earl Tumonds, loving mother of Inez bd BREADALBANE (Mrs. B. Riegle) of Buffalo, N.Y., in PRESBYTERIAN CHU RCH her 72nd year. Service from the UTICA Chapel of MeDermott-Panabaker, Port July 14, 1962 at 2.00 p.m. JARRETT--At Kingston, Monday, SPEAKER "July 9th, Ella May, wife of the late REV. WM. PARRY Thos. Jarrett, mother of T. Howard | eo Special Music eo UJarrett, Ottawa, Mrs. W. H. Trainor, | July 19 Kingston, Mrs. E. A. Hodgson, Miss Jarrett, Port Perry. Inter- ment St. George's Cemetary, Trenton. ALLIN, Community Eva Gertrude -- At the Hospital, Port Perry on Saturday, July 14th, 1962, Eva Gert- rude Brown, dearly beloved wife of the late Norman Allin, loving mother of Margaret (Mrs, Roy Cornish) and grandmother of William A. in her Blst year. Service from the Chapel of MeDermott- Punabuker, Port Perry on Monday, Cornish, [July 16th. Interment Orono Cemetery. FRAYER, Martha At the Com- munity Iospital, Port Perry on Thursday, July 12th, 1962, Martha Avery, beloved wife of the late Wm. Frayer, dear mother of Margaret (Mrs. A. Tilton) Ola(Mrs, K. Browne) both of Toronto, Klla (Mrs, L. Sey- mour) of Calgary, William of Detroit, Barber) of Sydney, Australia. Service from the Chapel of MeDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry on Sat., July 14th. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. Births GOODE -- Jack and Joanne (nee Till) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Stephen John, on July 3rd, 1962, at Peterboro Civic Hospital, A wee Yrotier for Deborah and Suzanne. WALSH --- Clifton and Marie are nappy to announce the birth of their daughter, 8 Ibs, 13% ozs, at the Comunity Memorial Hospital on July oth, 1962; a baby for Judy, Linda and David. sister AIRD---Born to Constable and Mrs. Dawson Creek, B.C Aird, lL, 4 son on July 1st, a brother for Dougie. In Memoriam BARTLEY our In loving Memory of mother and grandmother, Minnie Bartley who passed away July 24th, 1959 What would we give if we could say, We'll go and visit Mum today; To hear her talk and see her smile, And just to sit with her a while. dear Always remembered by her daughter and sons-in-law, Georgena and Charlie, Mary and Bob, and grand-children, In Memoriam - CAUSLEY a dear wife Ellen, who passed away July 19, 1959. The depths o1 sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep their kindness since my return home. - Stella Lee. EEE Mee eC et Jf July 23-27 "4 AE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Port Perry Baptist Church ALL CHILDREN AGES 3-12 WEL COME Her memory we shall always keep. . Ever remembered by husband Stanley 9-11.30 a.m. * Prizes Bible > Da SEE CRRREC ISIE SHC RR Sea Sa Crafts a Stories 4) o Lean Ground Beef 'ducted by Canon Ashmore, Honorary Pall-bearers were--Mayor Phillips, T. R. J. Wray, James Kerr. Pall-bearers were: Gordon, Brown, Alan Brown, Ray Claik, Tony Earl, _ Wayne Hughes, and Robt. Boyd. Rolled Plate Meat A ER RR Sr FORDER BROS. MEATS * WEEK-END SPECIALS * Sausage ............. 3 Ih. for $1.00 9" ; agp Free Delivery at 11.00 Ph. 985- 2562 | Memory of a dear father and grand- oF ' 2 pS o oh po | - i 2) bo In Memoriam CLARK -- In loving Memory of Alfred G. Clark, who passed away August 3rd, 1961, Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days Ever remembered by his wife Mae. -- In Memoriam "ST. JOHN, Wreford -- In loving father who passed away July 17, 1960. He is gone but not forgotten And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us, Many think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies in the heart concealed. Always remembered by Audrey, Shirley, Connie and Wes and families, Card of Thanks I wish to thank riofds, relatives and neighbours for cards, flowers and visits to me, also Dr. J. Diamond, Dr. Hollows, Dr, McIntyre, the nurses and Staff of the Community Memorial Hospital Port Perry, for care and kindness during my stay there. Art Dowson Card of Thanks My sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, flowers and fruit 1 received during my stay in Port Perry and Oshawa hospitals. Special thanks to Doctors Rennie, Hallet, and Pickering, also the nurses and staff for their kind- ness and attention, Allan Suggitt. Card of Thanks My sincere thanks to the many friends, neighbors, and relatives, for cards, flowers, gifts, and also the visits to me during my stay in Osh- awa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. D. Sturgiss, nurses and staff of Ward 3A, for their care and kind- ness. Again I say "Thank you". In Memoriam ST. JOHN, Wreford -- In loving Memory of a dear husband, Wreford St. John, who passed away July 17th, 1960. Time speeds on, two years are gone Since death its gloomy shadow cast Upon our home, where all was bright And took from us a shining light. We miss that light and ever will; His vacant place none can fill, Here we mourn, but not in vain For in heaven we will meet again. Fondly remembered by wife Stella. Prince Albert The congregaton on Sunday gras- ped a great deal from Rev. Perry's message and also enjoyed the vocal number by Mr. Robt. Heayn, The junior group were managed by Mrs, B. Smith and Mrs. Mildred Hope. Glad to learn Miss F. Holman is able to return home from the hos- pital, Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn have re- turned from a wonderful trip to west coast and many other notable places. Mr. and Mrs. T. Denny and child- ren, Newcastle, have been at the Martyn home during their absence, A bridal couple Mr, and Mrs. W. Kukuridz (nee Strong) of Treherme, Man, enjoyed the week-end visiting relatives at the Alvin and Grant Hunter homes, Jo-anne Martyn spent a few days with her aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs. B. Wanamaker and boys, Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Oyler have a visitor, his sister Mrs. Soffe, Brigh- ton, England, who will be remaining a month, Mr. and Mrs, E. Martyn accom. panied Mr. and Mrs, L. Hunter on an enjoyable week-end motor trip|- visiting 'Sand Banks, Picton plus a boat trip. : Mr. and Mrs. nh. Long, Mr. and Mrs, R. Hope and family, Misses V. Heayn and B. Pugh were guests at the Firizzotti - Long wedding in St. Gregory Church, Oshawa. Mr. Frank Vickery spent a few days with his daughter Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Devitt, Barbara and Neil, Oshawa, Mr. Perce Butson, Leroy, visited (Mrs. Mac) Ruth McMillan his brother Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson. The Reverend E. W. Fuller, Rector of the Anglican Parish of Port Perry and Brooklin, Ontario, is among 326 church leaders participating in the twenty-first annual Princeton Insti- tute of Theology which opened July 9 on the campus of Princeton Theolo- gical Seminary. During the Institute,, which con- tinues through July 19, the partici- pants will study under such leading Protestant churchmen as Bishop Hans | E. R. Lilie of Hanover, Germany, the Reverend Robert J. McCracken of New York's Riverside Church, Dr, Otto A. Piper of the Princeton Semin- ary faculty, the Reverend Carlyle Marney of Myers Park Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the Rev. E. W. Fuller at Princeton © | 'Theological Seminary rin Reverend William M. Elliott of High- land Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas. The opening address was by Seminary President James I. McCord, and the concluding sermon will be given by Dean Elmer G. Hom- righausen of Princeton. The Institute members attend con- vocations, lectures, Bible Study Hours, elective courses and services of wor- ship. They come from 28 states of this country, and from Canada, Puer- to Rico, Union of South Africa, Nor- thern- Ireland and Germany. They are spokesmen for 26 different de- nominations. This year's program centers on the theme, "The Holy Spirit in the Renewal of the Church." x "ADVER + PLEASE TAKE NOTICE TISERS DURING THE WEEK PLEASE ARRANGE 4 THE PORT PERRY STAR WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED WITH THIS IN MIND. _ OF AUGUST 6th, 1962. YOUR ADVERTISING i. Port Perry Star Co. Lid. * . ------ PORT PERRY REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Phone 985-7951 BLUE «© Summer Price COAL - IF. PAID WITHIN 1§ Discount of $1.00 Jer fon 'DAYS OF DELIVERY Guide Mothers Meeting The June meeting was held on June 26th at the Scout Hall. We met at 6.45 and enjoyed a lovely Pot Luck supper. After the supper we held our regu- lar meeting which opened with "The Promise", then the Secretary's min- utes were read and adopted. The cooking pots have arrived for the camping supplies and are satis- factory, the equipment list has now been filled. We wish to thank the Guides who helped with the Brownie supper. The Treasurer's report was given and Ruby Roach gave a report on the camp fund treasury. It was moved that a sum of money be given to the camp leaders in case of extra expense arising, An invitation was received for any- one who would like to see Doe Lake Guide Camp.? There will be an Open Day on Aug. 16th, The collection was taken and the meeting ended with the Mizpah bene- diction, Fach group provided two contests which were very interesting and a lot of fun, then Mrs. McDonald contri- buted a story of humour, We had coffee and the goodies which remained from the supper, then departed for our summer holiday. Old Document An interesting souvenir of the first World War was brought to the Star office last week. Mr. Len Clark was rejuvenating an olddicture frame. Taking out the picture he discovered behind jt a "Certificate of Service in the Grdgt European War" which had been i sued to Pte. A. W, Shackleford, who enlisted in the 109th Battalion at Seagrave, Nov. 26th, 1916. The certificate is 20" deep by 188" wide and is lithographed in brightly coloured inks, with flags, shields, a picture of King George V, and em- blems of-war. A place is provided for a photograph in which Pte Shack- leford's picture appears, 'Rosey World of Nutri - Bio Canadians spend $12,000,00 a year on Nutri-Bio "food supplements" that "most medical authorities and nutri- tionists say are next to useless, Sid- ney Katz writes in the current Mac- lean's. Katz talked to the men who run Nutri-Bio and some of the 14,000 Nutri-Bio distributors who are train- ed to peddle their pills with mission- ary zeal, The carcer of Nutri-Bio of Canada is probably the most bizarre Canadian business success story of recent years. Two years ago, a 46-year-old Califor- nia roller-skating rink operator named Charlgs Young founded the firm in Vancouver. Recently, an under- writer valued the enterprise at $6,- 500,000 and Vice-President Jim Rohn, a former evangelical preacher said, "Within five years well be grossing $300 millions a year. Rohn, like Young and every other Nutri-Bio executive is a self-styled Positive Thinker. Positive thinking is the first thing Nutri-Bio tries to teach its amateur salesmen, The salesmen sell the green and yellow mineral and vitamin pills door-to-door. Any customer may become an agent and receive commissions from other salesmen he recruits and, according to Katz, hundreds of Canadians have already become wealthy selling Nutri- Bio and enlisting new salesmen. Rev. Philip Romeril, Blackstock, was the guest speaker at the annual Ontario County Holstein Club Twi- light Meeting, which was held on the farm of Gray Bros, Port Perry, on Tuesday, July 10th, In his talk, Rev. Romeril gave a very fine explanation of the European Common Market; the reasons for it being organized, and how Canada may be affected if Great Britain is accept- ed as a member of the European Com= 'mon Market. ~~ The evening programme began with the judging of two fine classes of Holstein cattle. Mr. Gerry Nelson, Holstein Fieldman, was in charge of the judging competition. The official placings were made by a panel of four promiennt Holstein Breeders in the area. Some 600 people took part in 'this part of the programme; there were over 90 Ontario County 4-H Club members taking part in the Jr. Division of the, competition, The various winners were: Junior Division-- Rev. Philip Romeril Speaks at Holstein Twilight Meeting 1st--Cathie Hope, Port Perry 2nd---Ivan Disney, Brooklin 3rd--Harvey Ward, Uxbridge 4th--Gloria Cooper, Brooklin Ladies' Division-- Ist--Mrs. Mervyn Bird, Brooklin 2nd--Mrs. Betty Stone, Blackwater 3rd--Mrs, Roy Leask, Seagrave Men's Division-- 1st--Gerald Teefy, Pickering "2nd--Frank Barkey, Claremont, R.3 -3rd--Ronald Aldred, Blackwater 4th--Earl Martyn, Port Perry 5th--Harold Wer ry, Oshawa. The presentation of prizes to the i winners was made by Mr. H. L, Fair, Agricultural Representative, assisted by Mr. John Leask and Mr. R. J. Smith. ; Mr. Larry Johnson, Sunderland pro- vided some very fine entertainment. Mr. R. J. Smith thanked the speak- er for his very fine address. At the conclusion of the programme a lunch was % Served: img JULY 25th, 1962, | APPLICATIONS WANTED Corporation of Village of Port Perry $ APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY COUNCIL ¢ FOR A FOREMAN FOR THE WORKS DEPARTMENT. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT MAY BE OB- : ~ TAINED AT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE; = APPLICATIONS TO BE RECEIVED UNTIL Soon J. F. RAINES, Clerk PLUMBING - ELECTRIC Baseboard Heating - . SHEET METAL WORK GALVANIZE & 985-2473 TF. . WES LANE Phone 985-2473 HEATING GAR WOOD and McCLARY FURNACES DURO Pressure Sump PUMPS - Water Softeners AMERICAN STANDARD HOT WATER BOI . PLASTIC PIPE LERS COMPLETE BATH ROOM INSTALLATIONS ~ 24 HOUR OIL BURNER SERVICE = ® FURNACE CLEAN OUTS eo - Give WES LANE a t: PORT oy it Port Perry, Ontario HEATING Portable Style Heater + EAVESTROUGHING Call