- 3 LS AY LG LG 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1962 BUSINESS DIRECTORY GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. 1: Sept, 6/62 Goreski Roofin oreski Roofing ASPHALT ROOFING and SIDING Insulation, Flatroof, Lathing, Favestroughing, Metal Work Phone Port Perry 985-2751. I. Sept 27/62 APEX TV SERVICE lelevision & Iadjo Repairs -Phone--985-2282 Pit run Gravel © Washed Sand and Stone ® Brick sand and chips QUICK SERVICE Call 985-7982 Ag 80/62 © Port Perry Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 81/62, 1 Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE 985-2421 PORT PERRY ROOFING Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds LAWNS cut -- GARDENS CULTIVATED H. Russel 985-2906 I ag, 15/62 T.V. - Radio & Antenna EXPERT REPAIRS Port Perry Phone 985-7940 Ahearn gd 1 i FURAN 'E. G. Kennedy HEDGES TRIMMED, ETC. . FOR SALE -- Massey Harris #80 Self Propelled Combine, 10 ft. table. Good condition, Massey Ferguson Dealer, Little Britain, Phone 87 ; : T.F. FOR SALE Advanced chicks, cross breeds, pullets or roosters; also police and spaniel dogs. 985-7088. FOR SALE--1953 Chevrolet Con- vertible, newly painted red, fully equipped with radio. Uxbridge. UL 2-3114. Cultivator | ror SALE----Choremaster, 8 H.P. | Practically new. May be seen at Ray's Body Shop, Prince Albert. FOR SALE -- Two white women's f uniforms, size 18'%. Reasonable. 86-2840, FOR SALE --- Dining Room Site, chrome Kitchen set, continental bed (new expensive mattress) occasional I chairs, Dishes and Tools. Bert R. Dun Linton, CLASSIF ED CLASSIFIED ADS Phone YUken 5-2331 & COPY MusT BE IN BY 9 am WEDNESDAY HELP WA NTED Electrician, must have at least three years experience, UL 2-3483, Uxbridge. Jly 19 STORE FOR RENT---On or about September 1st, 1962, Presently gccu- pied by Emmerson Insurance. Con- tact John Ballard, Phone 986-2491, TF APARTMENT FOR RENT--Modern one bedroom apartment. Self con- tuined. Private entrance. Phone 0986-21569. TF - Want To Sell? LIST WITH Willoughby's We have a number of City buyers for good comfortable homes in the $8,000 to $12,000 bracket in the Port Perry- Raglan-Columbus and Brooklin areas. Call. DOUG ANDREWS Phone 655-8195 Located on Highway 12, 1 mile north of Brooklin, Auction Sales SAT, JULY 21st--Farm Bold, Auc- tion Bale of 40 Cattle, 2 Horses, Hogs, Poultry, Tractor, Implements, Hay & Furniture, the property of Geo. D. McCulloch, Lot 9, Con, 8, East Whit- by, one mile north and one mile east of Columbus. Terms Cash. Sale at one o'clock. J. H. Pascoe, Clerk, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., JULY 19th--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Cattle, Tractor, Im- plements, Grain, the property of Chris Jagers, on old Reach Road at the Village of Epsom. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80 O'Clock. C. Heayn, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Furniture, Real Estate and Store Fixtures, property of Mrs. lvy McLenachan, village of Blackstock on Sat, July 28th. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp. Terms on Real Estate made known day of sale. C. Heayn, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, Oshawa Man Killed, 6 Injured in Violent Two-Car Collision CLAREMONT -- One man was killed "and six persons were injured Sunday in a traffic accident so bad that hours later police still had no idea which way the. two cars were traveling, The accident was a head-on collision on Brock Rd. three miles north of Claremont, Dead is Edward Surette, 47, of Mary St., Oshawa, driver of one of the cars. Taken to Toronto General Hospital was Surette's daughter, Doris 20, with a fractured pelvis, hip, and' pune- tured kidney, and the driver of the other car, J. H. Morrison, 48, of Ux- bridge, with chest injuries, Both are in serious condition, Also injured were Surette's wife, Alvina, 46, with a fractured pelvis; Victor Saulnier, 22, who was treated for cuts and released: and Arthur Collette, 20, who received severe cuts to his arms, legs and head. They Police said Surette had worked iw) years for General Motors of Canada in its parts and services division, The Surette car was being driven from the Uxbridge area where the family and friends had been on a picnic. Collette is engaged to Suret- te's daughter, Doris. Police said the Surette car passengers were clad in bathing suits. It is believed that Morrison was driving back from Ingersoll where his daughter had been on holiday, Traffic was jammed for 16 minutes' while the road was cleared. Ambu- lances from Pickering, Port Perry and Uxbridge were called to take away the injured. QUALITY GUARANTEED When you order your new supply of cheques see the Port Perry Star. We can guarantee that cheques ordered Twilight Auction 3--Jly 26/62 Hospital with a broken arm and cuts, . palin LC were taken to Oshawa General Hos. | " ' ire- of work. James Kight, Qualified I'echnician Johnston Ul, 2-G500. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. pital. Morrison's dhs Donna from us will Wet te bank's pequile, J LLACE () Jo gt SATURDAY, JULY 21 at 8 pa.| 11 idge Cottage | '* fegarding the magnetic in BARL WallLacy 16 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto 12 3 ¢ Tivo P11, was taken to Uxbridge Cottage code. © Place "your orders early. Ont. sharp. Auction" Sale of Livestock, : 'ort Perr -- y . . FOR SALE -- Boy's Bicycle and a JOHN MEGENS girls bicycle, good condition. Hol- stein cows and heifers due July, Aug. Prices reasonable. Shorthorn stocker steers, young cows, : young Shorthorn bull of good quality | -- and young pigs, at the farm of Stan- | \ For Income Tax i | | Gh f 1 AN { and BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see --" a ri CA Tenders h - and Sept. Roy McLaughlin, Black- ley Taylor, 1 mile north, 2 silo eats ) a Re Ra NaN : 3 EX SHEPHERD i : ! ' » { ALEX SHEPHERI stock 985-4863. of Burketon. Note Timel { TE) X11 : Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, : . a" . ¥ Highest for dead Phone 985-7031 ------ Tenders will be received until July \ i ol « P . . 3 mn y a 2 i or crippled | Specializing in small business and - FOR SALE---56 Dodge, good con- 2st, tor fenovaiing the . Swagog 2 SAT, AUG. dth--Auction Sale af prices I fir Co "os N jn ;| Township Hall. Particulars can be Furniture, the property of Mrs. Lillian arm operations. dition. Phone 985-7604, July 26 i . . ) paid horses, eatte| | 4 ee 13/62 obtained from the clerk of the town- | Tait Estate, 3 mile south of Seagrave. ( " Co ship. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30 p.m. GROWERS Pigs or small animals removed from. s - mem its RASPBERRIES FOR SALE -- Or-| Lowest or any tender not neces- Clore thy Scott and Glenn Wana- { - } / i Phone ZEnith 32800. No toll charge. ders taken now. Free deilvery. Or | sarily accepted. maker, SERN. 5. EY JiR - = Hox 11, Argyle mt Ted Veenhof | | ~~ who would like an ! pick your own, bring your own con- R.R. 1, July 19 ~ VOTRE J Sp ~ TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. S. CHANDLER, Clerk. : 2. -Sept. 21/62 | SR. Phone 986-7846 n n TT Well Digging Dead Stock CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING Highest prices paid for dead and COMPRESSOR WORK disabled cattle, horses. Phone Oshawa 728-3864. For fast service phone 1.25--0ct. 4/62 Uxbridge Ulster 2-3319 24 hour Day--7 days a week service tainers. Peter VanKessel, Port Perry, 985-2716. July 19 BASKET DRIVE | WANTED = 6 Quart or 1 Quart F. G. CROSBY wooden baskets, To be collected on . C Monday, July 23; Tuesday, July 24; Travel Agent Wednesday, July 2b; 6.30 to 10.00 p.m. WED,, JULY 26th--Auction Sale of { -Furniture, the property of Mrs. Ellen Gilson, in the Village of Oakwood. | ) ) F ( Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 o'clock. { (0) $500 - $2500 TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, : SAT, AUG. 4th--Giving up Farm- yearly KR DI TOCK . ing, Auction Sale of Livestock and NICK'S DEAD STOCK Trenching and ROVER SCOUTS ron on Implements, W.D. 45 Tractor, Com. \ FROM 1 -5 ACRES NOW LAYING IDLE Nick Montague "L, | bine, Baler, 4 Trucks, M.H. 15 Disk "Increase Demand through revolutionary new crop develop- 1.6 Jy26 SS SU ULster 2-3853 'Uxbridge, Ontario Licence 172-C-62 Cashon the Spot Pr. | Fertilizer 'and Grain Drill, also 40 ) ment programming means HIGH Shorthorn and Hereford Cattle, 'the WANTED -- Threshing Machine; meet the requirements, Excavating PROFIT for those who i "also good working horse (mare) No service charge property of Jack Chambers, Lot 23 2 IO SAE CRT or AT LR EL AS EI EE Water Lines, Septic Tank holes and | Phone 985-7088. 3 1.6--Spt. 27 | Con. 2, Ops Twp, 3% miles West of {ror REE DETAILS MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY . . | Dead and crippled farm stock drains dug and back filled. aR Lo } oo rT Lindsay on #7 Hwy and % mile north TIE et -- ---- ii Set en mas removed promptly, Complete-Septic Tank Installations. on Cambray Road or 8% miles south wes | of Cambray., (Roads will be signed). Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp, Auctioneer's Note: This sale consists of many pieces of Growers Plan, Suite 213, The Queensway, Ontario Food Terminal, Toronto 18, Ontario. | WANTED -- Sidewalk Bicycle in | good condition. Phone 985-2280. For fastest service call MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario Phone Hampton COlfax 3-2721 (Collect) I~ ree For estimates Phone 985-7548 KEN MIDDLETON Lh Sept. 6/62 | pr > Notice to Creditors and others WANTED--Small type cutting box ARN Ph am PRN an S--_ a op Gentlemen: Please forward details of . 00 1 \ . in good working order. Apply Phone very well kept machinery and we ' ERA TE TE Ta 10 License No. 149162 Mar.22/63| Ags NURSING HOME 70576117 after 5:90 pm. July 26 IN THE ESTATE OF bred cattle. West Ops W.L. will pro- your profit for Growers Plan, e---- ATR A Home away from Home for BOHUSLAV SPACIL vide Lunch. Ward Holmes and Jack Today | Name : SEPTIC TANKS elderly folks WANTED Berry Pickers--Girls or Labourer, deceased Graham, Clerks, ; 3 i A aati RN pi ep ns 1 . TV., Tray Service, Pleasant women only. Phone 985-2749 or 985- All persons having claims against CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer, Addr -- : one . the estate of the above mentioned RSs SIE : : Tess ween EE LIT LI TTP TEIT cleaned by Surroundings 2602, Popowich. July 19 etal ils BE Poets y \ TU RI For information : illage of Prince ert, A . ; PUMP EQUIPMENI1 Phone 985-2806 1 in the Township of Reach, who died Number of Acres Available eens RAL CLIT ITI Have your tank checked now before| 1.-- St, 6/62 APARTMENT FOR RENT--2 bed- | at the Township of Whitby on the a ao trouble starts. 24 hour service, 19th day of March, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 17th day of August, 1962, After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate room, self contained. Heated. Dryer | facilities. Bob Howsam, 985-7880. tf Greenbank A large crowd attended the S. S. picnic which was held last Thursday evening at Cedarstone Park. Although » | the weather ODER GN TVVVVOYO0OOO000e REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry. Phone 985.2226 Jan. 11/63. ROR CORON OION NNN NNN DAP PPP PPP PN bs 7 TYVYVVVYVIVRROO0OO0000000000000009 Memo from Master Feeds: i - APARTMENT FOR -RENT--2 bed- room self contained. Heat and hot n Renovations | ---- EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ® Painting & Decorating NY . A was rather damp and ; 7 -- -- : . water supplied. $60.00 per month, having regard only to the claims of i Th ® Plaster i rn - . chilly there were no com laints as the ; nh Piano Tuning op ty A evln S108 Jy 18) which he tn Sl nv ut nc 07 re wore mo comnts hol There's | + . po --_-- pm DATED at Toronto this 6th day of : i 2 = Call for free estimate ~~ One ame, that of Andy VanHam!|® 279. = 3% ges EY py | V. P. STOUFFER | Cl for fr oly, 1062, ooo ZIT ONS ame, that 3 ldden Miarvation Ye . STOUF 985-2123 D. RICE 2 INT--6 + pitty | "HY as onfit -|@ : Piano technician and tuner EE Sept Ne. -~ ey he oh ogh Es Ds PUBLIC TRUSTEE, bin 3 ops list ho) pam p 4 : 0 : ! PORT PERRY, ONT, A ni , - we : FI erry. 146 Queen St. West, Toronto. Tost Kk ) pup : p 4 h SL 3 h d u - Phone 985.2334 ; : - Avaliable now. Phone 985-2368, Aug. 2nd. ~ Administrator | Bnd Mrs, Ros Phoenix and|D even when your -fnera 1s 1.---Oct. 4/62, ET, "ey : ® : : : ee T e n d e r ) oo . . eesmitiing family also Mr. and Mrs. Almer Ren. b 4 d i he | a! ib. WALSON as sn his Hosur nie find "family spent Sunday with b 4 on goo pas ure : Mountjoy REACIITOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA | business. Mr. Bo eran, the new Mrs Pearl Phoenix, . $ ) SPS : ™ Responsible persons are invited t Som ol jing ut 5 mpathy. is extended to Mr. Me), $ Pasture bs Js Cow's thai) food--hut we're demanding > GE [ : sons are e ol Kd, Hson's - stoe ; . . 1 3 : Back Hoe Service tender for the pruchase and removal furniture oy a AT, any Me i Whose father passed away Teg b 4 more of ou) good milkers than nature ever intended. This tial Cn en n % " = hiraud . Trenches, Drains, Foundations, of the schaol buildings at Bethel, Sea- | ginal cost. It is now being cleared and ih Both of Tornie $ means it is gn tant to Provide a balanced Supplementary R32 Septic Tanks grave and Saintfield, I'hese "build- | at "sensational reductions". Come in speg thei week-end with Los and. Mra 4 ra on -- not only when pasture is poor hut all the time, : 41 Dug and backfilled, inl removed efpe ar Al ma and see the many wonderful bargains Hardy Phoenix, ------ |g especially for the big producer. Without, this supplement, - IVAN MOUNTJIOY Yous removed before November 1st, | Chrome kitchen chairs ....... $3.60 ea. Congratulations to Miss Lynne Fos-|$ - the cow draws on her body reserves to keep up production Blackstock 986-4 a LE. ! inteéd hookcases : ; * TE. ac Soe 984. 737 "Tenders must be marked ri Uapaine Tio asen Srreentrirs $1.99 ea. ter who won the McMillan trophy for 4 The best way to supply this supplement ration, while: - Lb---aug 2/62 1 vee ; Floor coverings by the roll obtaining the highest average stand. |$ : eos | MIC accompanied by a guarantee bond ; i g Pasture is still fairly good, is with Master 14% Pasture ; " r. COVE) _-- y asture: of $100.00 which will be returned jf fie-cover your rooms wall ng in the Grad 8 Class for 1802, The $ Pellets. The are rich in the v lue ticul ly ? A. E. Johnson and when contract jg completed satis. | tO Wall woven, 23c. per foot trophy was donated to the school by a hic y trod . ; ; 8, particularly energy, 3 OPTOMETRIST factorily or if no contract, Continental beds, spring filled '$26.73 : Mr, Armour MeMillan in honour of | | ' even fresh pasture is lacking, Cows find the - Ey i y § Further information may be obtain. Table lamps with shades .._. $2.99 JAMES K. LAWRENCE his father, the late Mr. George A.|® pellets highly palatable. They eat them with relish for ag 'yes Examined ed from the undersigned, Closing : McMillan and will be presented each Spring filled mattresses from $11.88 Chesterfield Suites and Prescriptions Filled fully balanced intake of essen- 'g' : | Mary Street, Port Perry ' date for tenders ¢ p-m., August 10th, tial nutrients, Having been an inspector for | 1962. year to the Grade 8 student winning 4 y fourteen years with the Maple |f{the highest average marks. wll il Wed. 9 - 12 noon. Mon. - Fri, 7-8 Mrs. Patricia Love, Davenport Suites from ..... $94.78 Leaf Farmers Mutual Fire In- | Greenbank friends will be sorry to b ie ae rotizes N+ We i a he G Fi if Phone for appointment Phone 985-2088, WILSON FURNITURE (0. surance Company, "Mr; Law- learn that Miss Nettie McMillan is a MASTER . cored } you.as the. ; 985-2383 and 723-2721 R.R. 2, Port Parry 20 Church St, Oshawa, Ont. rence has joined our firm as [ff patient in Lindsay Hospital, While orrect type and quantity of ; 1.6 Spt. 6/62 ANN INA . Farm and Raval Sales Repre, staying atthe home 'of her sister, FEEDS Spplementary feeding for. all I : ||| fentative. He offers the ex- [|| ms, Frank Dobson of Sunderland ato er - weights of cattle on all qualities 1 2k Tne : - il [ann ---------------------- a ----.------------------------------ perience and integrity for [|| she foll and fractured her hip. , a ---- : of Paskiire. Gone: n lea. I "XPERIENCED For Safe Prompt which this office is known. The W.I, ladies held a very success- and place an order for Master WORKMANSHIP WR. a || ful bake sale last Friday afternpon. ; ) 4 | ELECTRIC AL SERVICE Paul Ristow On Wednesday of this week they are 14% Pasture P ellets, : u pr ( in all Carpentry and. Concrete . ' y es Stes having a piente at Cedarstone Park. or q 4 work, also Aluminum doors, ' PHONE 985-2471 Mr. Ron Hancock left Malton Air- storms and screens installed y contract or hourly rate Phone 985-2446 Aug. 2 CLIFF WALSH, Port Perry |} 2" - MASTER FEEDS lo { PORT PERRY A ~~ Phone 985-3131 TF © * Fast, Fair, and Friendly Service * | port Saturday evening on a: teacher's tour of Europe, {| Mrs. Grace Taylor of Port Perry. "||| and Miss Jean Phoenix enjoyed a trip ' || to Huntsville on Tuesday of last week. Robertson Electric PORT PERRY, ONT. ee. 4 1 So Prec ol iy Cot pil den