PRONE E NRE a AAU CARRE Se bd ain tedboche dod ¢--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1962 - BUSINESS DIRECTORY yr SSIFIED Phese YUkom 5-2331 LLASSIFIED ADS & COPY MUST GILLSON & McPHADEN BE IN BY 9 am WEDNESDAY General Insurance PORT! PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2311 Office Corper John & North Sts. 1: Sept. 6/62 APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry --Phone--985-£282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man "a 5 oh 0 tt - 3 A ~~ Yv INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE 985-2421 PORT PERRY ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kifids of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. JOHN MEGENS Highest for dead prices or crippled paid Pigs or small animals removed free. Phone ZEnith 32800. No toll charge. Box 11, Argyle, Ont. 2.--Sept. 21/62 Dead Stock Highest prices paid for dead and disabled cattle, horses. For fast service phone Uxbridge ULster 2-3319 24 hour Day--7 days a week service NICK'S DEAD STOCK Nick Montague Licence 172-C-62 horses, cattle 1.6 Jy26 Cash on the Spot Dead and crippled farm stock removed promptly, For fastest service call MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario Phone Hampton COlfax 3-2721 (Collect) License No. 149162 aE ER: IH oy 1.6 Mar.22/63 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tunk checked now before trouble starts, 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry. Phone 985-2226 Jan. 11/63. Piano Tuning V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 985-2334 1.--Oct. 4/62. Mountjoy Back Hoe Service Trenches, Drains, Foundations, Septic Tanks Dug and backfilled. IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock 986-4737 1.b--aug 2/62 A. E. Johnson OPTOMETRIST i Eyes Examined Prescriptions Filled Mary Street, Port Perry Wed. 9 - 12 noon. Mon, « Fri, 7 - & Phone for appointment 985-2383 and 728-2721 1.6 Spt. 6/62 FOR EXPERIENCED "WORKMANSHIP in all Carpentry and Coherete work, also Aluminum doors, storms and scréens installed by contract or hourly. rate Phone 985-2446 CLIFF WALSH, Port Perry i Goreski 'Roofing ABPHALT ROOFING and SIDING Insulation, Flatroof, Lathing, Eavestroughing, 'Métal "Work "Phone 'Port' Perry '985:2761 1. Sept 27/62 E. G. Kennedy e Pit run Gravel @ 'Washed Sand and Stone @ Brick sand and chips QUICK SERVICE Call 985-7982 1---Ag 80/62 LAWNS CUT pe SRL oN H. Russel 2906 1--ag. 16/62 FOR 'SALE -- 17 ft. Binder in good shape. "$60.00. Apply Russell Steele, Purple Hill, Aug. 2 LOT FOR SALE--Lilla 8t. North. Apply 'F. Rolls, 19' Sharpe 8t., Scar- 'boro or-Phone 'AM 18188, Aug. 2 FOR SALE -- 7-way Thistle Baby Carriage in good condition, $25.00. Phone 985-7880. Aug. 2 FOR SALE--1950 Frigidaire Range in good condition. Phone 985-7684. FOR SALE--- 26 Holstein Heifers, vaccinated, freshening very soon, Ivan Mountjoy, Blackstock 986-4737. RASPBERRIES FOR SALE---Pick your '6wn, "(30¢ "a Quart). Phone 985-2416. For Income Tax and BOOKKEEPING 'SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 985-7081 Specializing in small business-and i farm operations. 1.6--Dec. 18/62 Ted Veenhof Well Digging CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK Phone Oshawa 728-3864. 1.26--Oct. 4/62 Water Lines, Septic Tank holes and drains dug and back filled. Complete Septic Tank Installations. For estimates Phone 985-7548 KEN MIDDLETON 1.6 Sept. 6/62 EADE'S NURSING HOME A Home away from Home for elderly "folks ~ TV., Tray Service, Pleasant Surroundings . For information Phone 985-2806 1.--St. 6/62 1-881 Propelled Gombine. NOTICE To persons taking roller skates from the Arena kindly return same or be prosecuted. IRONING done for you in my own home. - Apply 986-7973. poe McCormick || Holiday Notice The office of Greer and Kelly will be closed from August 13th to Aug- gust 20th. Notice to Creditors and others IN THE ESTATE OF BOHUSLAV SPACIL Labourer, deceased' - All persons having claims against the estate of the. above mentioned, late of the Village of Prince Albert, in the Township of Reach, who died at the Township of Whitby on the 19th day of March, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 17th day of August, 1962. After that date the Public Trustee Auction Sales SAT., AUG. 4th--Auction Sale of Furniture, the property of Mrs. Lillian Tait Estate, } mile south of Seagrave. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80 p.m. Clerks--Roy Scott and Glenn Wana- maker, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. AUG. 4th--Giving up Farm- | ing, Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, W.D. 46 Tractor, Com- bine, Baler, 4 Trucks, M.H. 16 Disk Fertilizer and Grain Drill, also 40 Shorthorn and Hereford Cattle, the property of Jack Chambers, Lot 28, Con. 2, Ops Twp., 3% miles west of Lindsay on #7 Hwy and ' mile north on Cambray Road or 3% miles south of Cambray. (Roads will be signed). Terms Cash. No Reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp. Auctioneer's Note: This sale 'eensists of many pieces of very well kept machinery and well bred cattle. West Ops W.I. will pro- Prospect On Friday evening, July 27th, Miss Erika Benschop exchanged marriage vows with Mr. Harry Kiezebrink of, Prince Albert, in Hebron Christian Reform Church at Whitby, It was a loveely wedding. Following the recep- tion at the Genosha Hotel, the happy couple left on a motor trip to Van- couver, Last week on Thursday evening, Margaret and Helen Holtby enter- tained at the former's home, in honor of the bride-elect. She was escorted to a decorated chair and presented with a pretty corsage and bridal book, which the hostess had made. Patsy Holtby assisted Erika in un- wrapping the many gifts and enter- tained with piano selections. The pretty bride expressed her thanks and appreciation to her Prospect friends. Afterwards, everyone sat down to a Benschop accompanied her daughter, who cut and served the bride's cake. This enjoyable evening concluded amid the best of good wishes to the honored guest, for a happy future, Beatrice and Douglas Maas and Diane Cornthwaite, of Hamilton are visiting at the home of Mr. and Murs, Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holtby and sons have returned from a holiday in Fen- elon Falls. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Smith and family have been holidaying on the' shores of Lake Scugog. Miss Marion Conlin spent vacation in Ottawa. her Mrs. Hopkins, of Ottawa visited at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Burnsell Webster, last week. During a recent electric storm, eight cattle lying under _an elm tree, were killed by lightning on the farm ¢ In will proceed to distribute the estate,| vide Lunch. Ward Holmes and Jack | delicious fruit salad luncheon. Mnrs.' of Gray Brothers. having regard only to the claims of | Graham, Clerks. es which he then shall have had notice. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. TI A A IIIT DATED at Toronto this 6th day of July, 1962, SH SAT., AUG. 11th--Auction Sale of Goodison threshing machine, New Idea corn picker, forage blower, house- hold furniture, dishes, antiques, ote. |B 3 PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 146 Queen St. West, Toronto. Aug. 2nd. Administrator | ALL ROADS and STREETS "Are Paved and They All Lead To { tl WAITRESS WANTED -- Full or part time. 'Bluébird Restaurant, 1% miles north of Manchester Phone 986-7631. - Frank MacKaye JEWELLERS BASCOM ST. 4. r at Prentice's New Idea Farm, Lot 21, RUBBISH REMOVED Con. 8, Markham Twp., on Highway Arrangements can be made to have | 48, 1'¢ milgs North of Markham Vil- | § lage. Propérty of Mr. Jamés;; Mr, Mc | { WOMAN wants Baby sitting jobs-- evenings or day time. Phone 986-2856. WANTED--Home for Beagle Hound Puppy. Phone 985-2856. h WANTED -- Piano player, Guitar player, Banjo player, Fiddler. Apply Box 18., Port Perry Star. WORK WANTED--Masonry, car- pentry, or a ny other type. Apply Box 16, Port Perry Star, 'FOR SALE Massey - Harris #80 -107Tt. table. Good condition. Massey "Ferguson Dealer, Little Britain, Phone 8 " "TF. HELP WANTED--Waitresses, full time and part time, Experience pre- ferred. TA bar-B-Q. Phone 9856-4236 Renovations EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Painting & Decorating © Plastering © (Carpentry Call for free estimate 985-2423 D. BICB Sept. 18/62 F. -G. CROSBY ~ Travel Agent TOURS, AIR, RAIL HOTEL, STEAMSHIP ULster 2-3853 Uxbridge, Ontarfo No service charge 1.6--S8pt. 27 Tenders Wanted CORPORATION OF VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY Tenders' for the complete rémoval of 'the Old Water Tank to three feet below ground level; will be received by Council until noon Monday, August 13, 1962. Salvage to be retained by Village of Port Perry. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk, Village of Port Perry. July 27, 1962. 4 4 el MELB arr bs For Safe Prompt ELECTRICAL Si SERVIC Roberison Elec pe PORT PERRY, ONT. tr pp HAA gn, po AR HA PA Nestleton. Aug. 2 YOUR SPARE TIME CAN BE PROFITABLE TO YOU i A VON --'Requires Sales Personnel either Full or Part Time basis. For Details Write-- : AVON PRODUCTS P.O. Box 612 OSHAWA Harvest Specials 3 to b-ton Wagons Used Rubber-tired Wagon -- roller bearings 3 ton $95.00 Grain Augers--11, 16 .21, 27 ft. from $28.60 to $41.50. 16 and 32 ft. Elevators $92. to $166. Farm Trailer 7x14 platform $129. Cast and Ductalloy Ploughshares for most makes of Plows. FRANK HOSKIN Blackstock 986 - 4971 3 aaa 'WANTED TO RENT--3 Bedroom home in or near Port Perry. Reply to'Box 17, Port Perry Star. Aug. 2 'STORE FOR RENT--On or about September 1st, 1962.. Presently occu- {#led by Emmerson Insurance. Con- tact John Ballard, Phone 985-2491. TF 'FOR RENT + Port Perry farm 'house, 'vieeds - some 'repair. "Eléetric lighting, paved road, barn big garden, véfy - reasonable, "write Mr, Cower, "925 Phlnierston Blvd., Toronto 4, Ont. moa s supe s sb ood Bo c from us: will meet the bank's require- your rubbish removed by calling ) : Where We -Are z wasn a) Co i mi Mo dies se | gr ninG ou | fo : at 1 P.M. sharp. Terms cash. No GIVING up BUSINESS -- . : Pom wloe Jit reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, WE HAVE HAD IT-- - telies Auctioneers, WE ARE LEAVING SOON uly FRIDAY, AUGUST 24-- Auction BUY NOW -- SAVE MONEY ON : 4) sale of farm stock, cattle sheep, WATCHES -- CLOCKS -- JEWELLERY ectrically| threshing machine, farm implements, - AND GIFTS hay, grain, International stake truck, your etc, on Lot 16, Concession 8, Mark- 10 T0 20% oloctric ham Township. - Property belonging ° clothes dryer to the Estate of the Late Fred Cole. And More off All Merchandise Sale at 1:30 P.M. sharp. Terms cash on day of sale. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, §, Shaves Worl HURRY! HURRY! BEFORE WE CLOSE THE DOORS Frank MacKaye CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER UXBRIDGE... 5 EAL aia Es Si _stiae a as Rae _SBel QUALITY GUARANTEED When you order your new supply of cheques see the Port Perry Star. We can guarantee that cheques ordered ments regarding the magnetic ink| code. Place your orders early. Prices reasonable. Look. Look. See the funny car. : Miles from dnywhere. -that goes around 38 miles to the gallon, But it's nice to know you haven't got And. oil that rarely needs topping up one at other times too. " betwéen changes. a You never have plumbing problems. Or If you still think we're the ones with the rl water pump repairs, Or hoses to replace. funny car, cut this advertisement out. Put Apart from the troubles you don't have, it iin the drawer where you keep your there's the money you don' tspend. repair bills, And this applieso tires that quite often go better than 40, 000 miles the set, Gas Why don't you 'éver see a Volkswagen boiling? Simply becalée there's nothing to boil. The Volkswagen's cooled with air, And air can't boil (or freeze) so there's no nédd for a radititor. Not having a radiator réally helps you keep cool when yourunintoajaom On a hot day,' Buy. now before the price changes. 'Sweetman' S Service Station 'Port Perry, Ont. Phone 985. 22 12 - i 1