x ARERR WR eS omik, PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1062 aa ER RE RRA ' To n | Council News LETTER FROM CANADIAN MIT- $708.69. Filed ' Ww CHELL ASSOCIATES LTD. -- Re . 3 ARTMENT 'Approved Park" dated July 23/62. LETTER FROM DEP N (Continued from Front Page) | 13/62. Lowest Tender necessarily accepted. Carried. Council decided to retain the Salvage which would include lumber and fit- July 17/62 Re Water samples. tings, etc. | Letter for LETTER FROM O.M.E.A. -- re. Waterworks Dept, questing membership--$20.00. STATEMENT OF No action taken. The Clerk to send the Chamber of not Commerce a copy of the letter. or any ers are not subsidized. FINES -- for| "ote 80% | OF HIGHWAYS--dated July 24/62: "This is in reply to your letter re- | garding covered drains. The present LETTER FROM O.W.R.C.-- dated | Department policy is that storm sew- However, BEST BUY! -- Save 16c¢ ros. Jar SALAD DRESSING Cc BEST BUY! -- Save 14¢ For Salads and Deep Frying 32.0z, Btl. MAIZOLA CORN OIL 79: BEST BUY! -- Save 4c -- Red & White 16-0z. Jar PEANUT BUTTER Homogenized 3 3 BEST BUY! -- Save 4c 48-0z. Tins ALLENS FRUIT DRINKS 29- BEST BUY! -- Save 9c -- Strawberry or Raspberry ROSE PURE JAMS BEST BUY! -- Save 10¢c -- White or Blended Gallon Size CANADA VINEGARS 69- BEST BUY! -- Save 30c -- New . . In Attractive Vanity Pack Pkgs. 200's SWANETTE TISSUES 7 ior s1 Quality Meats Specially Trimmed Cut Any Thickness Value Check'd -- "Ideal for the Barbecue!" RIB STEAKS =79- "Only at Red & White" ~~ Specially Séasoned 1-1b. cello ° Trend Wienersib.47¢ 12-0z. Jars 2:67 Maple Leaf Skinless Short Shank Defatted -- No Wasté (Shank Portion) Fully Cooked Smoked HAM 1b.65¢ "Mild Seasoned" TREND "B t its Best" -- ne Well Streaked Fresh Sliced 6-oz. Vac. Pak, | kgs LT Trenc d BACON Ib.79¢ Bologna _2pks g 539 | : tt -- C Save Te FEATURE! Club Des Millionnaires av Resist 16.03. "Th SARDINES 2for55¢|(iiken we FEATURE! Save 6c -- Culverhouse 20-0z. Tins 37 Choice PEAS 3 for 53c|a-1aKing Fresh Baked! -- Reg. 35¢ FEATURE! -- Save 7¢ -- NMc¢Larens 15-02; Jars | SUNBEAM 12 to Pkg. Corn RELISH 2 for 67 c|LemonBuns ic Yer -- Save 26c AN Leaf 13 9 Holiday { ad i= MS 3 Biscuit Features! '. Ai get $ : Supreme Assorted | I'CATURE! -- Save 3c -- With Pork 20-0z. Tins WATER ICE WAFERS elle packers 29. 'Five Varleties! 'SUPREME Fancy Biscuits 3 pkgs 89¢ "CLARK'S BEANS 2 for 39c FEATURE! -- French's 1 Save 4c - 6-0z. Jars Save Tc - 9-oz. Jars | JAUSTARD 2for25¢ 2for29c § FEATURE! -- Save 5c Wild Life Cards in Nabisco 12-oz. Pkgs. | SHREDDED WHEAT 2for41c { GRAY DULIN BISCUITS 27c Frozen Food Features! -- Save. 19¢ BIRDS EVE FRENCH FRIES Bor 59e BIRDS EYE PIES Save 0c 3for? 9c Fresh Produce SWEET, JUICY, SUNKIST Good Size ORANGES doz. 49. Garden Fresh, Home Grown "OM & 6 qt. Not ie TOMATOES Famous Walla Walla No. il SPANISH ONIONS we. or 2 28c ff Sun Ripened Yellow Shire No. 1 Grade | PLUMS 6 at. basket $1.09 Green, Sweet No, 1 Grade cello pack GOLDEN HOUR Licorice All-Sorts, 13-0z, Fillery Toffee, 11-0z. Your Cholce 39. ------------------------ " DISCOUNT PRICES JOHNSON & JORNSON Band-Aids, reg. 53¢c 39¢ Baby Oil, reg. Me 59¢ Baby Powder, reg. T5c 49¢ i the attention of the under normal circumstances entrance Mr. Bruce Beare. | culverts are liable for subsidy at the June/62 - $1,416.60 - Port Perry Phool Also the cleaning and maintaining Se | nuisance. + } a a ae LT SL SEA, of open ditches is subsidized at 60%. Under normal circumstances, the tiling of ditches you refer to is not subsidized." The Clerk was instructed to obtain the width of entrance culvert which would be approved by the Department. RESOLUTION--Due to a change in policy in grants from the Dept. of Highways (Port Hope Division) it|- has now become necessary for the Village of Port Perry to make a change in the charge on tiling of ditches. Effective July 26/62, the property owner will be required to purchase tile and fill, the Corpor- ation will supply the labor for instal- lation. Carried, MEMO-- Mus. D. Smith re Plaza Restaurant, operating under Hawk- er's and Peddler's License. Left for the attention of Council- lor Irving Boyd. WATER PRESSURE GAUGE-- to be Installed. RESOLUTION-- That a suitable water gauge be purchased and instal- led at the Town Office. Carried. ACCOUNT OF MR. D. G. RICE-- re Painting contract at the Gossard Building in the amount of $395.00. RESOLUTION--That painting con- tract at the Gossard Building with Doug. Rice in amount of $395.00 be paid. Carried: BUILDING BOND DISCUSSED RESOLUTION--That the planning board be requested to review the $300.00 Bond requirement now. re- quired on the construction of a new home. This appears to be a needless Carried. LETTER OF PERMISSION TO ENTER--on Bowling Green Property to repair Retaining Wall. The Clerk was instructed to write the Secretary of the Lawn Bowling Club and request permission for the, "| Corporation workmen to repair the retaining wall property. MOTION TO ADJOURN -- That Council -adjourn, having heir pn meeting Monday, August 13th, 7:30 P.M. - Carried. adjacent to their Scugog Grace U.C.W. The ladies of i Grace U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Glen DeMara for their regular monthly meeting on July 18th, at 8 p.m. Twenty-five members and visitors attended. The President; Mrs. S. M. Thomas opened the: meeting" with a poem en- titled, The Ten Commandments. This was followed by the-call -to-worship and Prayer. Hymn 15, The Beauty of the Earth, was sung. Mrs. Percy Jeffrey read the Scripture. Meditation was taken by Mrs. Thomas. Hymn 86, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, was sung. } _ Roll Call, Minutes, and Treasurer's Report was given, A committee of five ladies were nominated for to prepare our regular summer supper. A letter of thanks to the Peterman's for piang was moved and seconded. Prices were to be received re Baptismal Fount. Lunch committee for August to be June, Camille, Marion;:a nd Beatrice: Program to be taken care of by Christine and Edna. The offering was received, : Friday evenipg ,July 27th, a very successful supper was held at Grace Church. Thanks to sll who helped also all who came out and made a good evening. Ladies, remember, "Bake Sale" Friday, August 10th. Your help will be grsatly + apprec- iated by the U.C.W. PN Prince Albert Rev. Perry Bas been supplying in our church pulpit for the month of July. We all éxtend to him and his family a safe journey. and the best of everything in 'their new charge out west, J On Sunday, Mr. F. Gibson and Don Beacock gathgred the offering at "| church. Mrs, C. Newnham and Mrs, H. Holtby managed the juniors. We of this community feel a keen sense of loss in the passing of Mr. Max Heidt, Wer extend sincere syms pathy to the wife and family: Several car 'loads of friends from our midst attended the funeral in Tor- onto on Tuesday. : The July medting of the U.C.W. was held in the home of Mrs. L. Beacock with eighteen : present plus one vis: itor. The meaningful devotion was capably directed by Mrs. E. Martyn and Mrs. H. "Holtby. A period of bible study was conducted by Mra, A. Robertson, as a result various opin- ions were voiced. The president, Mrs. M. Pugh dealt with the following business. Minutes read by the seeretary. Treasurer's re- port by Mrs, E. Jewell. Kitchen floor reported in dangerous condition, Mrs. Martyn and Mrs. Pugh appointed to approach church board re same. Gen- ' #508 33 8% k ' [3201 i ee a ass Sol Sr EAP oy Sete a ial & haan ad g N ' HEAR i Ri i CA \ . ; "+ a eral plans made as to Fair booth. It was generally agreed we pack a bale in the fall, Mrs. Holtby conducted a "nut" contest. Dainty lunch served by Mesdames Newnham, Smith and Bond. Mr. J. Keizibrink, Mr. and Mrs. H. Keizibrink, Mr. and Mrs, 'L. Hunter, Mr. G. Hunter, Miss B. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock and Don Beacock enjoyed attending the Keizibrink-Ben- schop church wedding in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. Butson, Port Perry to spend a few days with the Weldon's at Rodney. Mr. and Mrs. C. Love, Lexie and John enjoyed a motor trip attending the Air Show at Trenton, Upper Can- ada Village and highlights of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson, and boys in company with the Rodd's of Oshawa motored to Orillia on Sunday at the G. Miller cottage. Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Martyn, Bruce and others enjoyed lifé at a Scugog cottage this past week. Company with Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson were Mr. and Mrs. J. Pringle and son of Rochester. Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Foster and Linda are home from a two week's motor trip to New York and the Mari- time Provinces. Distributed from: " BOSTON. LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO * np CHRISTIAN SEINE) MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Accurate I~ Complete International News Coverage : The Christion Sclence Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. " Send your newspoper. for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. [J 1 year $22. [J 6 months $11 - [J 3 months $5.50 Nome Address City Zone State ) PB-16 ! XY tow? LST JER THEATRE -- UXBRIDGE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 3, 4 ie = JERRY LEWIS as : "CINDERFELLA" Cartoon THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 10, 11 © CARL FOREMAN'S ~ "THE GUNS OF NAVARONE" Cartoon News | News | | | Note On Summer Policy DURING JUNE, JULY & AUGUST THREE NIGHTS WEEKLY -- THURS, FRI, & SAT. Thurs. & Sat. -- One Show Nightly at 8 p.m. Friday, 2 Shows Nightly--Start 7 & 9 pm. Also Saturday Matinee at 2.00 p.m. - CAWKER BROS. Rump Roast Beef .............. 79°" Sliced Bacon -1's ...... ..... 79" Crispy Flake Shortening .. 2 Ibs. 49° FREE Town DELIVERY every morning until 11 o'clock 1. f ~ ONTARIO COUNTY Federation of Agriculture 'Sponsors CIA CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION e Farm Family Liabilty (liability to employees an optional extension) ® Accident and Sickness o Automobile e Urban Fire Nov. 29/62 Cl Co-operators Insurance % "Association ETHEL NOTTINGHAM -- Phone Brooklin 655-4832 Myrtle, Ontario eo FARM FAMILY LIABILITY (Liability to employees an optional extension) eo ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS £2 e.. AUTOMOBILE eo URBAN FIRE * Kx Starring The Big Revue Of 1962 HOLLYWOOD-ALL-STARS At The Bigry: * Hk EE IN PERSON | Theatre-Uxbridge THE HA MONICIARES ~T.V. AND RECORDING ARTISTS LL BEALE "KING OF THE ACCORDIAN 23 DANCING GIRLS 23 THE FABULOUS MIDMER DANCERS re GORDON EMEF L} SON 1 WORLD FOREMOST ACROBAT = | Plus - Other Singers - Dancers, Ete, So ie MONDAY, AUGUST 6 3 BIG SHOWS 3 3 p.m. First Time In Uxbridge iekets now on gale at Uxbridge Cleaners and Box Office © Roxy Theatre Adults $1.00. Children 60c. 90pm] x Kx i 7 pm.