wer Aan ae -- _ pate in the joint project. 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., SEPTEMBER 18th, 1962 rw BROOKLIN NEWS For Coming Events -- News Adticles -- Advertising -- Church Activities Whithy Township A special Meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitby was held at County Road 6A near the residence of the Road Superintendent on Wednes- day, August 29th, 1962 at 7.30 p.m. with all members of Council present except Councillor J. Dryden, as well as Chairman R. Francis and member O. Chambers of the County Road Bd,, as well as Township Road Superin- tendent M. L. Ross, Township Clerk M. Robinson and County Engineer R. E. Sims. Reeve W. H. Down acted in his capacity of County Road Board member as well, After an inspection of the portion of the County Road 6A northerly to Concession 7 and across Lots 26 and 26 of the 7th Concession the meet- ing resumed at Mr. Ross' property with Councillor J. Dryden now pre- sent. The reversion of this part of County Road 6A from the County to the Twp. was discussed and the County Road Board offered to work jointly with the Township to assist in clearing the brush and ditching the portion run- ning north from the bridge at Mr. ! Ross' property. There was some doubt expressed by Councillor Dryden as to how this offer would work since the approved Township Road Budget had made no provision for this ex- penditure. An alternate offer was made by the County Road Board in case the Township could not partici- This offer was to work, without any assistance by thie Township, to ditch and shape the 7th Concession across Lots 26 and 26 to an expenditure equivalent to that offered in the original offer. Councillor F. Thompson thanked the County Road Board and Engineer for meeting with the Council and the Council then adjourned to the Muni- cipal Office. At 8.40 p.m. the Council reconvened at the Municipal Office, Brooklin and considered the Dwyer Heights propo- sal, regarding Plan M-36 from Meet- ing #62-19. After further considera- "tion of this matter Resolution #1 was passed. The request of Mr. Crys J. Lewis, owner of Oshawa Kartways, for an extension of the operating hours was considered and it was agreed that operation of the Kart Track must be in conformity with By-law No. 1817 as amended by By-law No. 1830. The Fred Cowan building addition was considered further and the action of Mr. Carter in this regard was con- firmed by Resolution No. 2. The meeting, earlier in the evening, with the County Road Board was re- viewed and Resolution No. 8 was passed after discussion of possible budgetary sources of funds made the joint project seem to be impractical, By agreement of the Council a letter from The Ontario Municipal Board under date of August 27th, 1962 was considered at this time, This letter dealt with Restricted Area By- law No. 1860 (Humberforth Invest- ments rezoning) and enquired "if, in view of the objections, the Council wishes to study the By-law further, or whether an appointment for hear- ing is desired." To further this.mat- ter Resolution #4 was passed. By agreement of the Council a re- port from the August 23rd Meeting (#9) of the Planning Board was con- sidered. The Board considered the comments to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Community Planning Branch on By- law #1849 (Disc-Buy rezoning) as follows: The Community Planning Branch questioned as to whether or not the municipality is aware of the servic- ing, traffic and parking implications of this development and any other use permitted under (C-1). Also quest- ioned was whether this rezoning gives effect to a part of a long-range plan for development of this frontage--if 30 is C-1 the proper zoning in view of probable future pressures for C-2 development since this land is so close to the Thickson interchange on High- way 4017 A statement of purpose and effect of this by-law and a sketch map were suggested to assist in mak- "ing a" decision, -- The Planning Board agreed upon making the following report to Coun- cil on this proposed rezoning: ! he C-1 rézoning is to provide for a single building of over 100,000 sq. Council News ft. in avea to house a discount depart- ment store. Adequate parking has been provided for. Provision for Highway Commercial needs in the southerly 6 acres will accommodate a proposed motel and automobile service: centre. This project can be readily served by the existing road facilities as it is situated at the Thickson Road interchange on Highway 401 and fronts on the North Service Road and Thickson Road which is being widened as part of a Development Road pro- gramme. As early as May 26th, 1961 higher class preferred Commercial and Industrial rezoning was contemplated for the Service Road area by this Bd. with Mr. D, Little engaged on June 12th, 1961 to carry out a study and prepare a report on the same. There- fore this Board would recommend that the Council adopt this report and make any additions thought to be necessary to resolve the questions raised by the Planning Branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs. After consideration of this report it was adopted by Resolution #6. The composition of a Court of Re- vision for 1962 was discussed. The members would be 5 in number and could be Council members entirely or part Council members and part appointees from outside Council or all appointees from outside Council, It was agreed that thought be given as to possible candidates for an ap-: pointed court from outside Council. RESOLUTIONS. "1. Moved that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to notify -Dwyer Heights Co-operative and Mr. Gerry Cole of St. Paul's Separate Schoo] Board that the Council of the Twp. of Whitby has no alternative but to comply with thie directions laid down by the District Engineer of the Dept. of Hwys. re conditions of acceptance for payment of subsidy. Also the construction of the Cul-de-sac at the east end of Jeanne Court is required as shown on plan M-85. Carried. 2. Moved that the Council of the Township of Whitby supports the ac- tion of the By-law Enforcement Of, ficer with regard to Fred Cowan and violation of By-laws No. 16567 and 1784. Carried. 3. Moved that the Council of the Township of Whitby accepts the offer of the Road Committee of the County of Ontario to do shaping, ditching, levelling etc. as is necessary, prelim- inary to reconstruction of the 3% mile of the Tth Concession fronting lots 26 and 26 as it may do conveniently. Carried. 4. Moved that in view of the objec- tions stated by the petitioners to the passing of by-law #1850 dated Aug. 2nd, 1962, and in answer to the en- quiry by the Ontario Municipal Board dated August 27th, 1962, the Council of the Township of Whitby do here- by instruct the Clerk to make ap- pointment with the O.M.B. for a public hearing at the earliest opportunity. Carried. 6. Moved that the Council of the Township of Whitby supports the re- commendations of the Planning Board to the Department of Municipal Af- fairs with regard to the rezoning of the property owned by Disc-Buy Ltd, as fitting into desirable asset for the zoning fronting on the service roads, Carried. 6. On Motion the meeting adjourned. Jr. Farmer On UN. Tour GRANT CARSON ON THE PROVINCIAL JR. FARMERS UNITED NATIONS TOUR Grant Carson a member of the Brooklin Junior Farmers will repre- sent Ontario County on the Provincial Junior Farmer United Nations Tour to Washington and New York cities, September 23 to September 29. There will be thirty-nine delegates from various counties and two leaders on the trip. Grant has been active in many of the local club and county Junior Far- mer activities, He is presently Pre- sident of the Brooklin Junior Farmers, and was awarded this trip because of his interest and support of Junior Farmer and community activities. Delegates on the trip will visit Nia- gara Falls, Corning Glass Works, Gettysburg, City of Washington, Uni- versity of Maryland, the United Na- tions headquarters, and other places of interest in the city of New York. Blackstock Fifty-three members of the Fer- guson clan gathered in the Recreation Centre Tuesday evening in honour of an aunt and cousin, Mrs, T. J. 8. Fer- guson of Nelson, B.C. and her daugh- ter Mrs. Poisson, Victoria, B.C., who came East for a visit with relatives and to see the old home, schools, ete. }- where the late Rev, T. J. S. Ferguson was raised and educated. After a bhounteous supper was partaken of, Mr. Earl Dorrell called order and ask- ed Mrs, Ferguson to tell of some-of her experiences of early life in the Western countries, Mrs. Poisson also spoke briefly and one member of each branch of the family tree told some joke or something he or she recalled of "Uncle Joe", Following this re- miniscence, with Mrs. Ferguson (who is a great musician) at the piano, an hour of singing and some dancing was enjoyed. Forty ladies attended the 'Women's Institute meeting which was held in the Community hall, Wednesday ev- ening with Mrs. W. W. VanCamp and Mrs. A. L. Bailey hostesses. After the singing of the Ode and the Collect being read by Mrs. Stanford Van Camp, the president welcomed the 8 visitors. The Secretary read a letter from Mrs. L. G. Lymburner, presi- dent of F.W.I.O. and reminded all of the invitation to the Bazaar and Tea at Golden Plow Lodge, Cobourg, Sept. 22nd and the Cancer Films which the 0.N.O. are having shown Sept. 14th, Reports of prizes received at Black- stock and Port Perry Fairs were given. A collection was then taken to assist in the re-decorating of the children's ward in Port Perry hospi- tal. This amounted to $256.00. Dele- gate appointed to attend the Area Convention in Royal York in Nov. was Mra. Cecil Hill with Mrs. Dalton Dor- rell, alternative. The resolutions for the area convention were read by the secretary, also a letter of thanks for the birthday gift to the adopted boy in Hong Kong. The roll call--"What gives me 'Pep' " was well answered. Mrs, W. W. VanCamp now. presided. Following the singing of "The more 'we get together", Mrs. Russell Mount- joy gave an interesting reply to the motto--*""Rare is the Person who can' ONTARIO COUNTY Federation of Agriculture Sponsors CIA CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASS ATION Liabilty e Farm Family (liability Y, rel ees an optiprial extension) ® Accident and Sickn © Automobile Cog eralors Insurance GHAM -- Phone Brooklin 855-4882 Myrtle, Ontario eo FARM FAMILY LIABILITY (Liaplity to employees an optional extension) e ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS [ AUTOMOBILE Dec. 18/62 : ® URBAN FIRE weigh the faults of others without putting his thumb on the scales". Mrs. VanCamp now introduced Mrs. (Dr) M, B, Dymond, Port Perry, who gave a most inspiring address on "Develop your Bumps" -- What are your bumps? Here are a few--Con- tentment; Happiness; Cheerfulness; Appretiation; Loyalty; Tolerance; Challenges; Personality. Mrs. Dy- mond dealt with each of these separ- ately in a most interesting and help- ful manner. Mrs, VanCamp thanked the speaker. Mrs. Ray Bradburn gave the current events; then with Mrs. Lorne Thompson at the piano a sing song of old favorites was en- joyed. The group served a lovely lunch. Rally Day was observed in St. John's Church on Sunday. Rev. Can- on J. Douglas Patterson, Toronto was guest speaker and in a most impres- sive manner presented "The Challenge of Rally", Rev. Romer chose as the theme for his sermon, in the United Church, "For the Third Raters" from the Par- able of the Talents. The choir sang the Anthem "I Heard the Church Bells Ringing". On Saturday evening, Norman and Jessie Dysart, Betty and Ardis Me- Arthur held a Surprise Party in hon- our of their parents, Dr. and Mrs. John McArthur, on the occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary. Re- latives and a few friends were in- vited to a buffet supper at 5.30 p.m. and a happy time was enjoyed by all. Some 30 relatives from Stratford, Toronto, Montreal, Warren, Sebring- ville, Etobicoke, Sundridge, Green- bank and Minden attended. Mrs. Robt. Ford spent a couple of days with Mrs. G. Swift of Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tomchi- shin, Caesarea. Mr. J. A. Johnston is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston and girls, Belleville. "Mr. and Mrs. Russel Lasning, Tor- onto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Smith and Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Leighton and Mr. and Mrs. Sewell and Ricky, Bow- manville, visited Mrs. Arthur Leigh- ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milliard Fallis, Oak- ville, spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Everard Sanderson, Galt, spent Tuesday night with Roy and Bill Ferguson. Miss Elaine Shenson, Toronto, was week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer and boys. Sincere sympathy is extended Mrs. Walter Wright and family on the death of her sister Mrs. Walker in Lindsay, Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mackie Calgary, spent a few days, and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Morrow, Hilton were" Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp and girls, Mrs, A. Devitt and Miss Helen Devitt, Bowmanville, and Mr. L. K. Devitt, Toronto, visited Mrs. David Hill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor at the latter's cottage on Rice Lake. Jr. Farmer Awarded Scholarship Frank Barkey, R.R. 8, Claremont, a member of the Brooklin Jr. Farmers, has been awarded one of four Provin- cial Junior Farmer Travelling Scho- larships to attend the 1962 Rural Youth Conference in West Virginia. Along with the other three dele- gates, he will attend this conference, September 11 to 16. Frank is a past president of the Ontario County Jr. Farmers and has been very active in many of the County and local club activities. He is presently President of the Junior Farmer Choir, and a member of the editorial board of the Junior Farmer and 4-H Quarterly. The conference will have as its theme this year,--"Frontiers for Leadership", Conference Nothing succeeds like success, and the success seems assured by the plan- ning committee, for the Seventh An- nual Conference of the Bay of Quinte United Church Men, which will be held at Elim Lodge on Pigeon Lake, in the beautiful Kawartha Lakes District near Peterboro, Sept. 28th, 29th and 380th. . Seven Presbyteries make up the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church of Canada, represent- ing 193,000 Church members, Mr. Ralph Wilson, Associate Sec'y for the Board of Men, will be Moder- ator at this rewarding and inspiring gathering, Rev. Robert Blair B.A,, B.D. St. James United Church, Montreal, will deliver the address "The World and the Way". Mr. Blair represents the United Church Montreal Presbytry on the Montreal Council of Social Agen- cies.- He served in the Royal Cana- dian Navy during the War. Rev. John R. Leng M.C,, B.A, B.D,, D.D.,, St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, will present "The Place of the Church in the World". During the War he served as Chaplain in the Army. Dr. Leng has held the posi- tion of Associate Secretary, Board of Home Missions. Mr. and Mrs. James Beattie will be directing a session on Family Life, "The Changing Family Pattern", Jim Beattie is national chairman of the Family Life Committee, United Church, AOTS. Men Clubs and mem- ber of the executive of the Board of Men. A panel of distinguished speakers including representation of Labour, Management, Farm and Religion, will handle the discussion on "The Chang- ing Social Order". The following as- pects will be emphasized; Industriali- zation of the Nation and the decline of prosperity; The reaction of Society and the work of the Church, There will be Group Discussions for everyone, Meditation, Relaxation and also time for fishing. An invitation to those of other Des- nominations is heartily extended. QUALITY GUARANTEED When you order your new supply of cheques see the Port Perry Star. We can guarantee that cheques ordered from us will meet the bank's require- ments regarding the magnetic ink code. Place your orders early. Prices reasonable. HOW MANY BANKING SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE HERE? A complete range of banking services --because this is the site of a new branclf of a chartered bank [Future customers will come here aad i to do all their/ banking, because only in a chartered bank is it possible for/e all banking to be done under one roof [Each branch, large or small, gffers a full banking service, from cashing a cheque to financi the } ' THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ng foreign trifle. Hach has a staff trained and eager to render A standard of service that features chartered banking tr Cans, ~~ TTT