Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Sep 1962, p. 4

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TAN pty i "ed BIA IE, Vos 2 SS 7, rey Sunday, Sept. 23fd-- > A 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, SRNR AN NE ants TS FEE THURS., SEPTEMBER 20th, oA Y A 1, 5 Yoq KARATE Nn EWM BAAN 1962 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. Sunday, Sept. 23rd-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 11.30 ton Momming Prayer 0 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 28rd-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11,00 a.m.--Jr. Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship U ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A, Minister: Sunday, Sept. 23rd-- 10 a.m.--Church Service | 11 a.m.--Sunday School The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev, C. C. Gilbert, B.D. SEPTEMBER SERVICES Sept. 28rd-- ) Prospect Anniversary. Crossley Hunter. 11 aun. Mr. Larry Johnson Soloist. Sept. 80th-- Manchester Anniversary 11 a.m. only... Rev. Clande C. Gilbert. ... Preacher. ~ Scugog Choir assisting. Rev. Dr. only. IK PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown 9:50 a. m. --Sunday School for all ages. Sunday, Sept. 23rd-- 11.00 a.m.--"Are the Many Right?" | 7.00 p.m.--"Power of Pentecost" Monday, 7 p.m.-- Young People Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Everyone Welcome ( Obituary- HERMAN M. PASCOE "On Thursday, August 30, at 2 p.m. at the McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Chapel, Port Perry, funeral services were held for the late Herman Melrose Pascoe, who passed away suddenly on - August 27, in his 56th year. He was the son.of the late Oliver and- Nettie -Pascoe; Besides his - wife the former Dorothy Andrew, he is survived - by his sons, Bruce, Keith, Ivan, and daughter Doreen. --Also surviving .-are--six brothers, Cecil, Percy,. Luther, Edward, Clinton, and Walter: A sister, Pearl passed away a few years ago. Deaths WHITTER, Rachael At Fairview Lodge, Whitby, Ont. on Thursday, September 13, 1962. Rachael Hunter, beloved wife of the Late William James Whitter. In her 87th year.. Service from McDermott-Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry on Saturday, Sept. 15, 1962. Interment Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank. Card of Thanks The . Directors of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural So- ciety wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who helped to make the 1962 Fair a success, ---- Card of Thanks Our recent sad Joss leaves us with grateful hearts towards neighbours and friends. Their comforting ex: pressions of sympathy and thoughts fulness will always be remembered, Special-thanks-also-to Dr. John Dia: mond and the nurses and staff of tha Community Memorial Hospital, Pori |. Perry, for their care and kindness. . Mrs. John Doyle and son-Johnny. Card of Thanks Mrs, Gordon Heayn. and family "wish to express their sincere thanks | to friends, neighbours -and relatives for theft many acts of kindness and messages of sympathy received in the loss of a dear husband and father; also to the Community Memorial Hos- De Kandel, the MeDermott- Anniversary ~lanniversary. | Coming Events Service At Utica Unifed Church on Sunday, Sept. 23rd at 2.30 p.m. Minister Mr. Nelson K. LeGrow, B.A. Special Music by Prospect Choir, Mrs. Byron Holtby, pianist. Sept. 20 Guide Mothers The September Meeting of the Guide Mothers will be held in the form of a Tupperware Party on September 26th at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Audrey Hall. Sept. 20 Turkey Supper In Utica Community Hall on Sat., September 20th from 5 p.m. until all are served. Admission Adults $1.60, Children 12 and under 76c. Pre- school children Free. Mrs. A. Handel, U.C.W. President. Sept. 27 Rummage Sale The Church of the Ascension Even- ing Guild is holding-a Rummage Sale on Saturday, September 29th at the Farish Hall. Time 2 p.m, Sept. 27 Mr. and Mrs. George Leach will be at home to their friends, neigh- bours and relatives on Saturday, Sept. 22nd from 2.until 6 in the afternoon, 'on the occasion n of their 25th wedding N Euchre In Myrtle Hall on- September 28th and every second Friday for the season by Myrtle Community Club. Hockey Notice Hockey players registration, Oct. 6th in the Port Perry Arena from 2 to 3 pm. Due to increase in ice rental, the registration fee is $1.00, Players must register before playing. Oct. 4 Annual Bazaar The Annual Christmas Bazaar by the United Church Women will be held in the Church basement on Saturday. 'November 17th. Annual Bazaar The Manchester United Church Wo- men are holding their annual Bazaar Wednesday, September 26th, 1962, at 2.30 p.m. Bazaar and Tea On Saturday, October 20 from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Legion. Sept. 27 Euchre Partly In Greenbank Hall on Wednesday, September 26th at 8.30 p.m., spon- sored by the Mothers Group, Oshawa and District Diabetic Ass'n. Lunch provided. Admission b0c. Warning NO HUNTING OR SHOOTING on south side of 8th Con. Reach Twp, Sept.2? in the basement of the Church on | Notice ~The general meeting for the Port Perry Figure Skating Club will be held Tuesday, Sept. 256th at 8 p.m. at the Municipal Bldg. Election of the executive for 1962- 63 season will be held. Please let us have a good attend- ance, In Memoriam ESPIE--In loving memory of son- in-law and brother-in-law Bruce John Espie who died suddenly Sept. 17th, 1961. When evening shades are falling, And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts there comes a longing If only he would come home. Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they see us smile; But they little know the heartache Our smiles hide all the while. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Leach, Russell, Allison, Roy, Albert and George. Find Old Paper ..Dave Harrison brought an in- Pr document into the Star last week. It concerned the life and death of Mr. Robert McKnight who was for many years Town Constable (1874 to 1911) and gives a glowing tribute to the man who served Port Perry so well during that time. The little folder was found in an old trunk. It bore a picture of Mr. McKnight. | Pat Patterson, a versatile performer and writer in Canadian radio and television, has been named permanent hostess of Trans-Canada Matinee, the women's program heard Monday to Friday afternoons, on the CBC radio network. Pat, who became known to listeners through her Sunday evening Dominion network show, Pat's Music Room, has worked on Trans-Canada from Nonquon River Bridge west to Hwy. 12. Stu Brownlee. Matinee since 1954, selecting and in- troducing much of the music used. Wonlt you PHONE * HERE ARE * 5 Good eye Opening Reasons 8! WHY YOU'LL LIKE il, with agéurance of supply. andled. 8 your tanks filled. '1.~ Guaranteed top quality Fuel-O 2. Every gallon filtered each time it is 3. Our Automatic Delivery System keg 4. Exact, accurate deliveries with cfrtified ticket. 65. Well trained, courteouy delivery' men. onsidér us? R A GOOD RELIABLE i Dole fl 986- 7951 ately 50 guests including present near- Room on Wednesday, September 26. Scugog News On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. | Clifford Love opened their lovely new home for a warming by approxim- by neighbours, former neighbours and Lodge friends and relatives, Accomp- lished musicians supplied gay music for an evening of dancing. Later a cold, full moon looked down upon the spacious lawn where the guests en- joyed a wiener and corn roast. -Fin- ally,"Mr. and Mrs. Lee were requested to assemble with the whole gathering to receive a gift of money toward the purchase of door chimes. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of West Guil- ford are visiting their daughter Leona Barry and her family. We are tardy in extending our sympathy to Mrs. Robert Heayn and her family in the recent bereavement of her son Gordon of Prince Albert. About twenty-one. members of the Pearce family had a'reunion supper in the Head Tea Room on Sunday, Sept. 9th. In memory of Mr. [Robt. Tetlow and Mr. Lou Pearce an ap- preciation collection was taken and given toward the Sunday School. Mr. Alex Martyn will soon return from Oshawa Hospital after his recent ailment, Mary Lynne Arneson of Toronto accompanied Lynda Reader home for RR CHER He Don't forget the Turkey Supper at the Head Tea Room on Wednesday evening, Sept. 26th. Tickets are going fast. Manchester Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtby on the gift of a baby daughter on Monday, September 10. Manchester U.C.W. are holding their annual Bazaar in the Church School ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. Smurthwaite of Concord were guests of Mrs. E. Holt- by last week Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie and Mr. John Christie were in London over the week-end. Mrs. Crosier enjoyed a bus trip to Collingwood with Greenbank-W.I. last Colingwood with Greenbank W.I. last Wednesday. "Manchester U.C.W. held their reg- ular meeting at -the home of Mrs. H. Toombs last Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened with hymn and prayer followed by the Bible reading by Mrs. Toombs. Mrs. Theos Stevens gave the lesson story. President, Mrs. Franklin conducted a short business session. Fourteen members and several visitors were welcomed and various committees re- ported and the treasurer's report was heard. Correspondence was read and discussed. Plans were completed for the Bazaar on Sept. 26. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Allan Jackson gave two excellent readings. 'Mrs. Toombs, Mrs. Roach and Mrs. | temple of learning. LIVE BETTER Electrically... with an..ELECTRIC WATER | HEATER Ne @, hd ny Building of Great Pyramid On September 23, when the sun on its ccliptical journey crosses the celestrial equator for the autumnal equinox, Rosicrucians throughout the world will commemorate the building of the Great Pyramid. Mrs. Rodd Appleby, Master of the local AMORC Rosicrucian Pronaos, states that the Rosicrucians through- Order will gather for a ceremony on September 18, at which time they will symbolically re-enact the building of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. According to Rosicrucian traditions, "| States 1 Mrs. Rodd Appleby, the Pyra- mid of Cheops "at "Giza" Was" begun about 4000 B.C. on the occasion of the fall equinox. Unlike the other pyra- Egypt, it was not intended as a burial "place for a vain Pharoah who desired -a-monument.- of -his.. reign, - but. as .a of the Great Pyramid, it is said, re- sciences of that period. astronomy recognized today. Since the Rosicrucians, it is said, torically known as the first great personality in history, they commem- orate their ancient origin by the ritu- alistic construction of a miniature pyramid. The laying of each stone represents to them the cultural accom- plishments of the Order during each year of its "existence. The 'apex will be placed upon a miniature pyramid at a future time when the ideals of the Rosicrucian movement have been realized. The ceremony will be enacted lo- cally at Whitby in the Pronaos quar- ters at 103 Brock St. N. Tuesday, September 18, all Grand Lodge mem- bers are cordinlly "invited to attend; at 8 p.m. 3 alt QUAL ITY GUARANTEED When you order your new supply of cheques see the Port Perry. Star. We can guarantee that cheques ordered from us will meet the bank's require- ments regarding the magnetic ink code. Place' your orders early. Prices Teasonable. 4 IH Stevens served a delicious lunch. ICEMAKER tained from the Municipal any tender not necessa Address Tenders to I. IY a n u [| u " [| [ | | u i [| TENDERS | WILL BE RECEIVED FOR THE POSITION OF CARETAKER FOR. THE PORT PERRY MEMORIAL ARENA Until 12 noon, joruiey, September 29th Duties to commence O¢tober 1st Particulars may be ob- ffice, Port Perry. Lowest or y accepted. A. Boyd, ¢/o Municipal Office, Port Perry. ! "ALUMINUM _ STORM = Prices or Raia Coos WINDOWS mids built during the pyramid age of | 3 quired a knowledge of all the known 8 Its building | § 'entaled a mastery of mathematics and |§ | physics, and a considerable under- | standing of those fundamentals of & trace their traditional origin back to Eo the year 1850 B.C., when Amenhotep | ¢ IV was Pharaoh of Egypt and his- | 548% out this jurisdiction of the philosophic. SEE From Sunny California -- Chewy Raisin Graham. Brownles Ln del) ; mely raisin graham Hor inis are the jiffy kind that Hg hi oy Combine California:. seedless raisins, chopped walnuts and crushed graham crackers with eggs and sugar.' Add a pinch of salt and a few drops of vanilla then hake, 'They come from the oven 'chewy and soft inside with a crispy macaroon like top crust. For a dessert of distinction, cut whila warm in big squares and top with frosty ice cream. For picnics or snacking, cut in smaller squares or bars. RAISIN GRAHAM BROWNIES " teaspoon vanilla 1 cup fine graham cracker crumbs 17 cup chopped walnuts Wi WL brown sugar (packed) cup sugar i cup California ralsins V, teaspoon salt Beat eggs and heat in sugars. Stir in raisins and remaining ingredients, Turn into greased 8- inch square pan. Bake in moder ate oven (350 degrees F.) about 35 minutes. Cut while slightly warm, Makes 16 cookle squares or 9 dessert squares. BD OROR0E0ECROROROROPOROR FORDER BROS. MEATS x "WEEK-END SPECIALS * AL Hyd 3h. = $1.00 Phone 985-2562 ah «eo FREE DELIVERY AT 11.00 OROFOPOPOSIPOPOPOPOICAOPOEOPOSOFOROP DPOPOPOROPD ISSOBSS BOBO SOS SBOBIEIPBIBOSOBIA THOSOEOS SOO OOO 8% 00 0 0 0% 0 00 0 0 0 0 20 00 0 0 070 0 40 00 00 3 0 SO ON A 0] ~ OUGH .in_the County of Peterborou - NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number 7 TAKE NOTICE that The Port Perry Community Curling Club Inc. of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of "Ontario will make application at a Special Meeting 4d the .- Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to e oly at the BROCK BALLROOM, 181 Brock Street in the City of PETERBOR- ug on TUESDAY, the 16th day of OCTOBER, 1962, at thé hour of 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon for the issuance ofa CLUB LICENCE: for the 'sale 'and consumption of liqWor with or without meals in an establishment classified ag a club. for the following premise ity Curling Club Inc. the licensing district may object 1e grounds of objection in writing . J. Browne, the deputy registrar : Any person resid nti to the application, ahd shall be filed with of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lake Shore Blvd. E.,. Toronto, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at Port Perry, Ont. this 20th day of September, 1962. Directors, Port Perry Community Curling Club Inc. Port Perry, Ontario. PHONE 985-2491 John" Ballard Lumber Co. Lid. PORT PERRY AT i - Reminders ABDUL. y INSURED! iyms are zequised for Je KEEP INSURED! Cre : The Family premium must be paid to A cover husband and wife, Tell your well 4 group OR, if you pay your prémiums Ma ri od ) direct, notify the Commission, 18 x KEEP INSURED! «1 Follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Fort 104, 04, which | your. employer. is. "Always keep your | ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION |i Hospital Tnsurance | 2108 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Certificate handy, . Rote it da a A FM oh 8 a en @ GF ty

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