LJ 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, NOVEMBER 16th, 1962 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bruce v. Mackey, Farhi ren A vor & Notary Public Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 noon Apt. b, Lakeview Apartments, Phone 985-7163 APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry --Phone--986-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 81/62.| INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE 985-2421 PORT PERRY ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing. Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. Cash on the Spot Dead and crippled farm stock removed promptly. For fastest service call MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario Phone Hampton COlfax 3-2721 - (Collect) License No. 149162 Piano "Tuning V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 985-2334 1.6 Mar.22/68 1.-- Dec. 20/62. A. E. Johnson, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Prescriptions Filled 229 Mary Street, Port Perry Wed. 9 #.12 noon. Mon. - Fri, 7 - £ Phone for appointment ' 985-2383 Dec. 20/62. 1:5 FOR EXPERIENCED WORKMANSHIP in all Carpentry and Concrete work, also Aluminum doors, storms and screens installed by contract or hourly rate Phone 985-2446 CLIFF "WALSH, Port Perry 1.5---Nov. 22/62 SEPTIC TANKS | cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry. Phone 985-2226 Jan. 11/63. Ge dPALD 9 LT TITS COUNTY OF ONTARIO Sale of Land for Taxes TO WIT: BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the Count of Ontario and bearing date the 20t! day of July, 1962, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Ontario will be held at the urt House, Whitby, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 4th day of December, 1062, unless the taxes and costs fo sooner paid. Notice {is hereby given that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Gazette in the issue of September 1st, 1962, Copies of the said list may be had at my off DATED at i Whithls- this 4th day of September, A WM. G. MANNING, 418" Contre ry Sl .D . tario, , 29 RELIABLE BABY SITTING--after- noon and evening. Phone 985-2289. GILSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts, Dec. 27/62. For Income Tax and BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 985-7031 Specializing in small business and farm operations. 1.6--Dec. 13/62 TV - Radio & Antenna EXPERT REPAIRS Port Perry Phone 985-7940 JIM KIGHT Qualified Technician 1.25 --Dec. 13/62. COMET RADIO REPAIR SERVICE o_ Pick up and delivery ® [Fast Service PHONE 985-2082 1.5--Dec. 18/62 -- Back Hoe Digging Septic Tanks and Weeping Beds Installed Water Lines and Trenching Phone 985-7085 IRVINE JEWELL Owner and Operator Dec. 6/62. WES LANE # PLUMBING and HEATING Gar Wood -- McClary Phone 985-2478 1:6 TF. Port Perry -LEARN TO PLAY THE ~ ACCORDION Our beginner course at $2.50 weekly includes the FREE LOAN of an instrument in your own home. For full information Phone UL. 2-3663 or 3047 MUNDINGER SCHOOL OF MUSIC T.F. TAXI! PHONE US 98% - 7365 BRIGNALL'S OPEN 24 HOURS TAXI'S LICENSED By Corp. of Port Perry oo - and } Driven by Licensed Chauffeurs Only ~ Queen St. Port Perry The Municipal Electors of the Twp. of Reach are hereby notified that nominations for the offices of Reeves and Councillors and Township School Area Board to form the Council of the said Township for 1968 and three for 1963 will be held in the Township Hall, Manchester, on Saturday, Nov. 24, 1962, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and in the event of a Poll being re- quired, the votes of the electors will be taken on Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1962 between the hours of 10 am. and 7 p.m. at the following places--Electoral Polling Sub-Divi- sions, No, 1 at Community Hall, Utica. No. 2, Walter Roger's house, Epsom. No. 8, Walter Richardson's, Lot 6, Con. 11. No. 4, Greenbank Hall. No. 5, William Keene's House, Seagrave. No. 6, Lou Bond's House, Prince Albert. No. 7, Ernfe Willer- ton's Houde, Cedar Creek. No. 8, Twp. Hall, Manchester. No. 9, Healey's Store, Sainttield. Clerk's Office, Manchester, Nov. 12, 1962, Pg 2. Jan. 4/68} 'Trustees for the School Area Board| _. CLASSIFIED PHONE 985-2331 @ CLASSIFIED ADS. & COPY MUST BE IN BY 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY FOR SALE--Body and Limb Wood, 1 foot lengths, delivered. Merle Van Camp, Blackstock. Phone Rsoanda, Tickels on Sale Advance sale of tickets for the W.H.A. Anniversary Dance at Bruton's Drug Store or A. M. Lawrence Drug Store, Dance Nov. 23. Admission $4.00 couple. WANTED TO BUY -- Duncan Fyfe Drop Leaf Table to seat 6. 986-2180. FOR SALE Ta Good condition. Raglan Scout Auxili- ary. Phone Brooklin 655-4600. FOR SALE -- Large size Electro- home House Humidifier, like new. 1, price. 986-7660. FOR SALE--Formal Dress, size 12. Worn twice; High School Tunic, size 16, worn twice. Phone 985-2096. Nov. 29 FOR SALE--Ladies Coats in good condition. Size 18-20. 986-2160. FOR SALE--Seal Coat, size 16, in good condition. $20.00. 986-2040. FOR SALE--1966 Cadillac. Perfect condition. All power. Will take cash, stock or saddle horses in full or part payment. 986-7621. LOST--Ladies Bulova wrist watch. Downtown Tuesday afternoon. Re- ward, 985-7660. AVON GIFTS - WOMEN--Christmas selling starts early with Avon Cosmetics--part or full time--valuable sales territory now available. Write P.O. Box ©5612, Oshawa. FOR SALE -- '68 DeSoto Sedan, yellow. Looks sharp. Top Running roder. Phone 985-2192. FOR SALE--Baby Carriage. Reas- onable. 985-2786. FOR SALE--At less than 34 price '| large Doll Carriage, like new; also Girl's Figure Skates, size 2. Phone 086-2804. Nov. 22 FOR SALE--Walnut Dining Room Suite, table with 8 leaves, buffet, arm chair, and 6 side chairs. Cheap for quick sale, 986-2406 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE -- Blond Dinette set, consisting of six pieces. 985-2416. FOR SALE -- Chatham and local cob corn. Thorne Mobile Feed. Phone 297-1644, Unionville. Nov. 22 FOR SALE---14 pigs, 9 weeks old. Phone Blackstock 986-4826. FOR SALE -- Purebred Yorkshire Hogs, Serviceable age and yqunger, also two good Holstein Cows and Calf for vealing. Fred Milne, Sunderland 3-r-3. FOR SALE--AIllis Chalmers Model vator. With good tires and good working condition. Phone 985-7509 between 12 noon and 1 o'clock. FOR RENT--2 rooms with private bath. Residential. Adults. Call 986-7938 after 6 p.m. TF FOR RENT--Room and Board in Port Perry. Phone 985-2276. LOTS FOR SALE--#383, 85; pt. #38, "#40, 41, 42. Phone 985-2141. FOR RENT -- Modern Apartment consisting of Living Room, Kitchen, 1 Bedroom, Bathroom, Utility Room. Available Dec. 1st. 9856-2478. - TF * FOR RENT--Heated 8 room apart- ment and private bath in private home on Queen St. Also garage. Phone 986-2485. Adults only, = TF. NOV. APARTMENT FOR RENT --. 8 rooms and bath, Phone 281w2 Sunderland, collect, TF. STORE FOR RENT--Queen Street, Port Perry. Apply John Ballard Lumber Co. 985-2491, TF HEATED APARTMENT for rent-- Available Nov. 1st -- $45.00 month. Alex Johns, Returning Officer Apply John Ballard 985-7045. TF -- 2 oil space heaters. | C Tractor with hydraulic corn culti- | WANTED -- Trucker's helper. Hours 11.80 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. Phone 985-2339. FOR SALE -- House and 9 acres. Large Drive Shed. Shirley Road, 14 miles north of Oshawa. Asking $12,000. Wm. S. Pegg, 649-5461. Thos. Shea Realtor. FOR RENT -- private entrance. 986-7829 after six. 5 room apartment, Available now. Nov, 22 APARTMENT FOR RENT--Heated and water supplied Bill Taylor 986-7916. Dec. 6 Auction Sales SAT., NOV. 17th--Auction Sale of 20 Reg. and High Grade Holstein Cattle, 40 Sheep, 2 Horses, Imple- ments, Hay and Furniture the pro- perty of Gibson Lowery, Lot 18, Con, 9, Manvers, 2% miles East of #386 Highway, just East of St. Mary's Church on 10th Line. Terms Cash, Sale at 12:30 O'Clock sharp. Farm Sold. No Reserve. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. TUES., NOV. 20th -- Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, Real Estate, High Grade Holstein Cattle, 990 David Brown Tractor, M.H, 33 Tractor, Mec- Cormick Baler, the property of Laughie Keeler, Lot 20, Con. 8, Ops Twp., 2 miles East of Lindsay on Downyville Rd., % mile South. REAL ESTATE--AIlso offered for sale, sub- ject to a reserve bid, 192 acre farm-- 126 acres workable, 7 room brick house, good barn, 32 stauntions, 2 wells (plenty of water). Milk con- tract and bulk tank. Terms on farm made known day of sale. Terms Cash, no Reserve on Chattels as Owner is giving up farming. Sale starts at 12.30 p.m. sharp. Wm. Graham and Geo. Greenway, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON and TED JACKSON, Auctioneers. SAT., NOVEMBER 24th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 26 Cattle, Pony, Tractor, Implements, Grain, Furni- ture, the property of Thornton Jun- #8 County Road, 4 miles East of Fenelon Falls. Terms Cash. No Re- serve. Sale starts at 1.00 p.m. sharp. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer WED., NOV. 28th--Auction Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Fur- niture ,the property of Arthur Flett, Lot 12, Con. 8, Mariposa Twp.; 4 miles north and 1%% miles west of Oak- wood. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.80 pm. Wm. Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer THURS., NOV; 22nd -- Postponed Auction Sale of 50 Beef 'Cattle, three Sows, Truck, A.C. Tractor W.D., Hay, Grain and Implements, the property of Roy Scott, Lot 28, Con. 18, Reach Twp., at Seagrave. =~ Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp, Glenn Wanamaker, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer THURS, NOVEMBER 22 -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, Massey Harris No. 44 Tractor, Ford Tractor and Loader, McCormick Manure Spreader, the property of Nacey Heitzner, Lot 9, Con. 7, Mara Twp., 3 miles North of Brechin, % mile East (off Hwy. 69). Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale starts at 12.00 noon sharp, Brechin Ladies will gerve lunch, NOTE--This is a larga sale and must start on time as the days are short, Bernard Brennan & | Gerald Graham; Clerks. REG, JOHNSON, A tinodt THURS., NOV. 20th--Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay & Grain, Pure Bred & High Grade Hol- steins, Team of Horses, ete., the pro- perty of Lloyd King, Lot 14, Con. 8, Brock Twp., % mile south of Black- water, 14 mile east. Terms Cash, No Reserve as Ownér is giving up farm- ing. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer SAT., NOV. 24th--Auction Sale of Livestock & Furniture, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Horses, Poultry, Machinery, Furniture, the property of Leslie R. Cochrane, Lot 28, Con, 9, Darlington Twp, 1 mile East of Enfield. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80 pm. Henry Adams, Clerk, CLIFF PETHICK, Auctioneer, 45 kin, Lot 21, Con, 4, Verulam Twp., on Hereford Sale At the Community Sale Barn, Lind- say on Tuesday, Nov. 27th at 1 p.m., 39 head of registered Hereford Cows with calves at foot, bred and open heifers, tested and untested bulls. Consignors J. R. Nokes, Manilla, 87 head. Dave Linton, Little Britain. Catalogues on request. Nov.22 Brock Motor Sales New 1963 Chevrolets in stock for immediate delivery. 1962 Chev. 4-door Biscayne sedan, radio, white walls, windshield washers, very low mileage. 1961 Chev. V-8 Bel Air sedan, A.T,, radio, very clean 1958 Chev. Del Ray 2-door 6-cyl A.T., "very clean 1959 Chev. ¥%-ton pick-up 1956 Chev. 3-ton stake, D.R. axle, good tires, runs perfectly 1961 Chev. %-ton fleetside pick-up, long box 1955 Studebakér %-ton pick-up Used John Deere twine-tie baler. Buy now and save! Used John Deere 3-furrow 3-point hitch plow. Buy your outboard 'motor now and save, Phone "235 Sunderland, Ont. REAL ESTATE SALES WOMAN We are expanding our resident sales department. We have'an enviable re- putation, perfect commission split with field personnel, closing and sales management assistance. If you are honest, ambitious, and have the desire to succeed, call our Mr. Cook for a confidential interview. You should be a resident of long gianaing in your chosen area. FRED COOK REAL ESTATE LTD., 59 Main St. 294-2990 Markham, Ont. AX. 83-7922 La a a a a Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ERNEST HAYES, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of Ernest Hayes, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the|l County of Ontario, Retired Bank Manager, who died on or about the 20th day of September, A.D. 1962, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 80th day of November, 1962, full particu lars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties "entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 18th day of October, 1962. GREER AND KELLY Barristers, &ec., Box 181, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above estate. Nov. 8 TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG NOMINATION MEETING Public notice is hereby given to the electors of the Township of Scugog, that I require the presence of the electors in Scugog Town Hall on Saturday 24th day of November, 1962 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the purpose of nominating candidates to the offi- ces of Reeve, Council and School Ares Board. Nominations must be in writing and signed by two electors. If a pro- posed candidate is absent his consent must be in writing and be presented with the nomination. Port Perry Public School. Christmas Holidays. Cornish, Principal. Tender? Secretary-Treasurer, Norma before December 10th. In the event that a poll is required votes will be taken on Saturday, Dec. 1st, 1962 at the Town Hall between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Nov. 22 Tenders will be received for de Workf to be done during the : For infor Lowest or any tender no brating 2 rooms:at the : tion contact Mr. R. H. gl be in the hands of the ayn, Port Perry, on or ecessarily accepted. S. R. BRUTON, Chaim of Board R. H. CORNISH, Prices on Request ORS WINDOWS PHONE 985-2491 John Ballard Lumber Co. Lid. a PORT PERRY © RENOVATING 11] hess WALLPAPERING 5 CARPE Adj 5 | PAINTING -- H PLASTERING 4 iN \ 221 Queen St. PAINT FLOOR and CEILING TILES Eo © PANELLING Sil sire = bv = 985-2423 WALLPAPER ; Jp SHE est erie fier The following 2 big bonug huys are failable at Animal Health Departments Dealergl Also ask for Terramycin Animal Formula in-Bultry-Formula-with-AG-77. 1. FREE ALLING Buy the NEW 24 Tablet Ey Pack of Potent Terramycin ASD Scours "BH Tablets and balling gun-- ment today. . MASTE Phone 985-2131 a FREE tog value. STOP. SCOURS IN HOURS! Potent Terramycin A&D Scours Tablets provide the fastest, most effective treatment of scours for farm animals. Be prepared! Get this safe, convenient and economical treat- | treatment that pays for itself by gett ASTITIS BEST! Potent Terramycin Liquid . la for Mastitis gets you back to' Milking for -- Faster! Here's the convenient, i ne acted animals back in production -- Faster! PFIZER CANADA Agricult FEEDS Port Perry, Ont. &