LEAN RRO N SR UE Us 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. JANUARY 8ist, 1803 Allen, Mrs. J. Whitby a1 along. | Anglican Notes The annual Vestry meeting was held Alternate--Mur. J. Jefford lust week, and officers elected as fol Envelope S8ecretary--S. Bruton By Mary Becker lil en \ i i f lin the lows: Auditor--C. Williams Rk A new group has been formed e inl C. A. Glas: Church of the Ascension this month, Vestry Clerk-- Mrs. J. Allen Parochial Tribunal - A. Glass ' "ors ) WwW : , and J. Allen known as the "Young Peoples This Rector's Warden-- K. Bateman X ; . . } . ', + Warde H. Kr Anglican Congress Committee-- group includes teenagers over 16, and People Warden . KRraupa ) ! Glass. My , arried ¢ ) 3 - "hairme f Sidesmen--S. Glass Mr. and Mrs. 8. Glass, Mrs. the voung married couples of the par- Chairman o Fuller. Mrs. Purvis ish. The second meeting will be held Board of Management--Rector's | . u er, rs Marv . . i : } intees--Mrs. R. Kenny, Mi Great Chapter---A. Allen, R. Bivens, tonight (Jan. 31st). Various social appointees--Mrs. R. Kenny, Mr. 3. Glass. H. Gardner. HL. G ; -- } 0 Th W. Sonley. Mr. G. Taylor: S. Glass, H. Gardner, H. Germain events have been planned, as well as y, ylor; Executi \ ittee (deali ith ten ivael . : Nected--J. Jefford. J. Boothman xecutive Committee (dealing wit discussion times, and dancing and Elect ) ) Brooklin parish)--The Rector table tennis will form part of most D. Murray. (The wardens and The Wardens, W Sonley and c meetings. The group is not limited lay delegates are also on the Willi fy - ic itis : Board). Rams, to Anglicans, and it is hoped that everyone will feel free to bring friends Lay Delegates to Synod--Mrs. A. | Group Executives: CASI SAVER! -- You Save 6c! -- Aylmer 10-0z. Tins F 0 R C CASH SAVER! -- You Save 16¢! -- Skim Milk Powder 3-1b. Pkg. CASH SAVER! -- You Save 6c! 5-1b. Bag OGILVIE OA i S Minute 5 Oc "ASH SAVER! -- You Save 6c! -- GREEN or WAX 15-0z. Tins BE ! 0 R C CASH SAVER! -- You Save 9¢! -- WHITE OR COLOURED : I F 0 | R C " - N SAVE 3c¢! -- NUCOA 1-1b, Pkgs. Siscull_Bargdint | MARGARINE 2for 51 -- SUPREME ASSORTED or JIC FANCY B 3 Four Varleties Cello Pkgs. Weston or Sunbeam BUTTER RUFFS Save 4c! - Brown B SAVE 5c! Aylmer Assorted ~ f|PICKLES "waXvo Fresh Baked! - Reg. CREAMED HONEY SAVE 4c! Clark's - Wth Gravy 20-oz. Tin MEAT BALLS 49. SAVE 6c! Burns Beef BAR-X STEW 39. SUPREME - FROZEN 2-1b. Poly Bag FRENCH FRIES 53c Reg. 57c! - Bottle of 48 - Discount Price! BAYER ASPIRIN 43c 10c Size Save 1lc Chocolate Bars 6or49¢ 16-0z, Jars SAVE 17c! - Choice _ 28-0z. Tin 2for49¢| Dessert Pears 4for99c ISCUITS 89. 39¢ - Pkg. of 12 35 ear - 2-1b. Mono 3 24-0z, Tin Well Trimmed YORK CHOICE - DESSERT PEARS FOR iW) 7 FRESH PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER PORK ROAST For Frying - Shoulder - Extra Lean | Pork Steaks 1b 39! 51 Pork Steaks Steaks Ib. CASH SAVER! -- You Save 8c Quality Meats The Economy Pork for Roasting! 39: Try Steak on a Bun -- Beef Tasty with French Fries! 59¢! STEAKETTES 1b 55 CASH SAVER! You Save 5c! 12-0z. Packages Kellog's Corn Flakes 2: 5 3 SAVE 16¢! In Chili Sauce with Pork 20-0z, Tins Clark's Beans 5for99c 20-0z. Tins CASH SAVER! -- You Save 6c Green Giant - 14- NIBLETS CORN 35 | Ontario 8 Finest. Fev. Grade . 6 qt. bsk. C Mcintosh APPLES 6 3 Flavourful and Nutritious | Mushrooms - Orlspy, Fresh - No. CARROTS SAVE 7c! -- Heat and Serve . . . Kraft Dinners 4 pkgs 51c SAVE 24c¢! -- 18¢ Off Pack Giant Size FAB 63c SAVE dc! -- Hunts 7-02, Tins Tomato Sauce 4 or 35¢ oz, Tins 3c | Waxed Purple Top - No, 1 TURNIPS |b. 06¢c Mild, Sweet - No, 1 --Pkg, of 2 Onions Spanish Onions 29 Ib. 49¢ 1 - 3-1b. bag hia Women's Auxiliary Pres.--Mrs. E. Hodgson Vice-Pres.--Mrs. A. Garvey Sec'y--Mrs. J. Whitby Treas.--Mrs, G. Clarke Social Sec"y--Mrs. Purvis Jr. Auxiliary Sec'y----Mrs. S. Bruton Little Helpers Sec'y--Mrs. E, Hayes Dorcas Sec'y--Mrs. F. Wilkinson Education Sec'y--Mrs. E. Fuller Church School Pres.--Mrs. K. Bateman Vice-Pres.--Mrs. J. Boothman Sec'y-----Miss C. Snowdon Treas.--Mrs, H. Gardner Evening Guild Pres.--Mrs. "C. Boyd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. S. Glass Sec'y--Mrs. A. Dowson Treas.--Miss M. Jarrett Afternoon Guild Pres.--Mrs. A, Allen Vice-Pres.--Mrs. E. Hodgson Sec'y--Mrs, J. Whitby Treas.--Mrs. E. Hayes Young Peoples Pres.--Mr, J. Boothman Vice-Pres.--Miss Carol Ann Morrow Sec'y--Miss Doris Popert Treas.--Mrs. R. Bivens At the recent Vestry meeting Mr. Fuller gave an address on the "pro- gress, conditions and needs of the parish", He called 1962 the year of the great leap forward, and mentioned a few of the many events of that year. These included the reorganization of the Chancel Guild, the attendance of over 100 at Ash Wednesday services, the Parish Action Conference, Child- ren's. and Young Peoples' Missions, Easter services, Confirmation, Stew ardship Mission, introduction of Sea. bury curriculum in the Church School, painting of the parish hall and Rec: tory, the Diocesan W.A. meeting here, the church school parent - teacher night, and the events of the Christ. mas Season. He added that, even if one didn't agree with all policies, one had to admit it was a year of variety and interest. "The first Pentecost", said Mr. Fuller, "was not a tea party. The stirring of the Holy Spirit in the parish is not tame nor always pleas. ant--it is a serious and strenuous af- fair. We must measure the year, not just in budgets or numbers in church, but in lives changed, in new concern for God and for one another, and in new wililngness to serve." Following the Rector's address, the financial statement was presented and adopted, and the proposed budget was introduced. After an amendment to include $260. for payment of the Stewardship 'officers, this also was adopted. It was decided to invite the Diocesan Stewardship officers to a conference in the near future to as- gess the results of the mission. Parish officers were elected, reports from the groups were heard, and the meet- ing concluded with coffee. Future plans mentioned by the Rec- tor at the Vestry meeting included the acquainting of the parish with details of the Anglican Congress ,to be held in August 1963 in Toronto; and the formation of a teenage Bible class, to be led by Miss Muriel New, and to be held Sundays at 10.16 a.m. start- ing this week. This is for all teen- agers, except the New Communicants who will continue to meet with Mrs. Kenny. Redecoration of the church interior was mentioned as a worth- while project for 1963 also. At their meeting recently, the Ev. ening Guild completed plans for a Valentine Hoe-Down on Feb. 16th in the parish hall. There will be round and square dancing to the music of Bonnie Belle and her Islanders, and refreshments will be available. The Guild also made tentative plans for a guest speaker in March, and for a special demonstration of bazaar crafts, to be held after Easter and to be an open meeting for all ladies of the parish, The next. Evening Guild meeting will be Mon., Feb. 4th, when Mrs. Fuller will speak on the Angli- can Congress. A Valentine Tea and Bake-Sale will be held by the Afternoon Guild on Feb. 9 in the parish hall. Euchres will be held on Thursdays, Feb. Tth and 21st. The next Afternoon Guild meeting will be on Feb. 6th: The W.A. meet Feb. 12th and the Church School Teachers on Feb, 13th, A service of Holy Communion wiil be held at the teachers' meeting, and it is hoped to have Miss M. Pezzack ad- dress the group on techniques in Christian Education. Prayer and healing service continue to be held Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in the church. Many in the parish have been ill re- cently, Among those now home from hospital are Mrs. Woods, Mrs. W, Sonley, Mr. A. Allen, and two babies, Lynn-Marie Glass and Susan Becker, We hope that all the parish will en- joy better health in the coming months. We have baby-sitting service for all those under 8 yrs. in the Rectory at 11.80 service each week now. Any Jadies willing to assist with this once in awhile are asked to call Mrs. J. Boothman at 986-7777. It might be of use to some in the parish to 'clip the lists of officers in this column and keep them for refer. ence during the year. Our congratulations and best wish- es to all who have assumed office in the parish this year. Catholic Enquiry And Study Group The last session was held on Thurs- day, January 24th, when Father Reuser continued the lesson on "Jesus Christ, the Son of God", Christ began His teaching ministry after the murder of His Kinsman, John the Baptist, in about the thir- tieth year of His life. First He re- tired into the desert for a Retreat of forty days and forty nights -- hours and days spent alone in prayer and fasting and being tempted by the Evil One. For the next three years, He went about doing good and trained His chosen disciples by word and by ex- ample. He founded the nucleus of His Church so that men and wamen everywhere, in every age, could learn of Him and grow close to Him through His teaching Church and its sacra- ments, Through the hatred of the Pharisees, the ruling group among the Jews of Palestine He was taken pri- soner, unjustly condemned and crueci- fied like a felon on the Hill of Cal. vary. On the third day following His death, He rose triumphant to re- main with His Apostles for forty days Father. The gospels of the New Testament record the doings and sayings of Christ as recorded by eyewitnesses or friends of eyewitnesses, simple, honest working people who had no reason to lie or to deceive. All the narratives ring with sincerity and truth. Many people are sceptical because they con- tain evidence of mircales but the mir- acles of Christ were the seal of God's approval upon Him and upon His work. Miracles still occur today-- God still answers the prayers of the faithful with evidence of His love and The personality of Christ is the Shouldn't we be saving you tax dollars ? Wide-awake people, right now, are making substantial savings on their income tax. into a registered retirement tributions from taxable inco They do it by putting money plan and deducting the con- me, They can look forward to carefree retirement, aided by income tax deductible dol- lars. INVESTORS has such a tax-saving Plan, Shouldn't we be telling you about it? Just write or call: A. 8. "Stu" DUNBAR investors 329 Cochrane Street Whitby, Ontario. Hlevnatoota Head Officer Winnipeg + Offices In Principal Cities before He ascended in glory to His: care for them. i brilliant sun that dims the light of lesser stars. After nearly 2000 yrs. He still captures the minds and ima- ginations of people all over the world. His bitterest enemies could not attack the moral beauty and goodness of His life. Even Pilate, the cynical pagan remarked, "I find no fault in Him". The traitor Judas said in his anguish, "I have betrayed innocent blood." Men and women still take up their Cross to follow Him. The age of martyrs is not past. A priest falls before a Mexican firing-squad, shout- ing, "Long live Christ the King!" In many countries today Christians are tortured ridiculed and degraded for their Faith. What do YOU think of Christ? Do YOU have the courage to accept His values as your own? Are YOU will- ing to back up your beliefs with your life if mecessary? For this is what it means to be a Christian. - "If a man will not take up his cross and follow Me, he is no disciple of Mine." Port Perry U.C.W. UNIT #38 Unit #8, of the Port Perry United Church Women, met at the home of Mrs, C. C. Jeffrey, Cochrane St. Tuesday afternoon, January 29th with 12 members present. The leader Mrs. S. Ploughman opened the meeting with Prayer. A report for supply was given by Mrs. L. Beadle, and wool was handed out to members, to be made into mitts, and socks, for the supply bale, The next meeting will be held in the church Tues., Feb. 6th, a joint meeting with Unit #4. Unit #8 are supplying the programme, An appeal for clothing, ete., from the St. Christopher home in Hong Kong was read by Mrs. M. Dowson. 21 calls have been made since the December meeting. The Annual Meeting of Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. will be held in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville on Tuesday, February 12th. Any member wishing to attend is asked to phone Mrs. M. Dowson not later than Saturday, Feb. 2nd. The Devotional was conducted by Mrs. S. Pranghmar and Mrs. G. Thomas, A thought provoking study of the first chapter of "The Word and the Way" was presented by Mrs. M. Dow- son and question and answer period followed, members discussing points of importance. The meeting closed with Benediction. Refreshments were served by Mrs. G. Thomas, Mrs. L.. Wakeford and the hostess Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. Wer === == CAWKER BROS. Devon Sliced Bacon - 1's ..... 69° Boneless Pot Roast Beef ..... 49°" Wing Steaks ................. 79" e¢ BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS eo FREE Town DELIVERY every morning until 11 o'clock UXBRIDGE PH. UL 2-3661 BOXY UXBRIDGE PH. UL 2-3661 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents Samuel Bronston's Production Adults $1.00 TO-NIGHT -- FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Jan. 31, Feb. 1-2 Preceding the overture of this picture, excerpts from "The Messiah" will be heard. The management request that the audience please stand during the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus. Admission for This Show Only Children with Parents 35c. PLEASE COME EARLY Students 75¢. STARTING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4th EVERY MONDAY NIGHT WILL BE * FAMILY NIGHT Children under 12 years old will be Admitted FREE But must be accompanied by a Parent. [| Ea 2 | u | | fH Fimey a : TOMM SUPER TECHNIRAMA ST x di 5 -- THE GREATEST PICTURE OF ALL TIMES -- 5 } | | [| [| | : 5 | : Peter Sellers -- "ONLY TWO Adult Entertainment MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY -- February 4, 5, 6 Maj Zetterlin in CAN PLAY" --_-- Selected Shorts THURSDAY; FRIDAY, SATURDAY -- February 7, 8, 9 "Adult Entertainment SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY William Holden -- Glenn Ford in -- "THE MAN FROM COLORADO" -- ov I TES a Se do COMING SOON "JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG" "PINOCCHIO"