Yo FRE ------ HA VL y > ice was conducted by Mrs. ® % will make three 0.A.S.A. entries who \ % L ¥ \ ph" © swrrection", In © sang a beautiful Easter Hymn, "The THE PORT PERRY STAR SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and 1 SURROUNDING AREAS "Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" PORT PERRY, Two Life Memberships Presented by U. G. W. The highlight of the Easter meeting the Life Memberships. Keen interest in the work of the United Church Women was evinced by both donors, and ve- cipients, in the presentation of a Life membership by Mrs. Edgar Leask to her daughter Joan (Mrs. Wes, Lane), and a Life Membership to Mrs, Stan- ley Ploughman, a birthday gift from her family, and presented by her daughter, Mrs. E. Kennedy. The presentation was culminated by fitting comments from Mrs. Ray Litt and Mrs. Sam Cawker respectively. A splendid programme under the direction of Mrs. Geo. Samells was thoroughly enjoyed. Students of the Public School, who had taken part in was presentation of two the Musical Festival at Sunderland, entertained with two variety num- bers, and the piano team of Jean Bailey and Donna Mackey come' favourite duets. Mrs. Orr Jeffrey introduced Murs. | Allen Martyn of Prince Albert who | showed beautiful coloured slides, taken while on a recent trip to Ari- zona and the West, taking in the Cal- | gary Stampede. As we travelled a- | long with Mrs. Martyn, a vivid des- | cription of interesting places shown | added much to the enjoyment of the ! pictures. Mrs. Martyn was presented with a gift in appreciation, at the close, Mrs. Gord MacDonald made the pre- sentation, An impressive Easter worship ser- Robt. Walker, assisted by Mrs. Allan Rahm and Mrs. Elmer Lee,--the theme "Re- closing six girls played | Day of. Resurrection", led by Miss Gladys Joblin. The Pres. Mrs. Merlin Dowson pre- sided for the business portion. { Ploughman, Tues., April 2nd. Members are asked to keep in mind the Daffodil Tea, at Seagrave United Church, Sat.,, April 27th, and the Spring Bazaar at Columbus United Church, Wed., May 1st. Mrs, Clifford Love reported on the proposed extension to the Sunday School room. 102 visits were made to sick and shut-ins during the month of March. Corresponding Sec. Mrs. Geo. Hall reported 23 cards sent, and shut-ins were remembered with cards at Easter. Mrs. E. S. Linstead gave a report of Stewardship and Recruiting. The meeting closed with Benedic- tion. Refreshments were served by Unit #7. --X-- UNIT #3 ENJOY LUNCHEON Unit 3 met at the home of Mrs. S. Prior | to the meeting a pot luck luncheon was | . ro f enjoyed by 11 members and 2 visitors. $0.12 was realized,--the money to be cused to purchase material for the missionary bale work. The leader, Mrs. S. Ploughman "opened the meeting at 2.30 p.m. with . Prayer. Mrs. Len. Beadle reported on the .ayette for the bale, and many ar- ticles members turned in were on | display. Mrs. Beadle advised that two bunk bed quilts have been order- ed,--this projeet will be left over until Fall. Mrs. A. Buckner conducted the Easter Worship service, assisted by Mrs. H. Honey, the theme being "Re- surrection". Mrs. Buckner also gave an interesting review of Chapter 8 and 4 of "The Word and the Way". The next unit meeting will be held at Mrs. L. Beadle's, May 7, 2.30 p.m. The meeting closed with the Miz. pah Benediction, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1963 $2.50 Per Year, Single Copy 17¢ PERFECT END WINS GAME scored this eight ender Perr The Dave Thompson Team were seven points down just before they at the Port y Curling Arena. The members of the team, reading left to right are Dave Thompson, Tom Harris, Ivan Thompson, Herb Toombs. Community Memorial Hospital Open House Will Be Held On Sunday, Ma, 11 "Hundreds Laud District's New Institution on Opening Day." This heading was taken from a copy of The Port Perry Star dated January 8th, 19638. Several articles in this issue gave detailed accounts of the Official Opening of our Community Memorial Hospital. To those of us who were present on that occasion, time seems to have gone by rapidly to bring us to the 10th aniversary of this momen- tous day. In that ten years 10,000 people have been admitted to our hospital, the most of them from the municipalities of Port Perry, Reach, Scugog and Cartwright, At opening day our hospital was well equipped, but by the end of the first year it was apparent that addi- tional equipment wag necessary in order to operate our hospital ade- quately. ~ Softhall Association Meets, Sets Up Programme For 1963 The Port Perry and District Minor Softball Assoc. held an Open Meeting in the Port Perry Arena on Sunday, April 21st. A fine turnout was on hand to help set up the program for this year. A report on the 0.A.S.A. Conven- tion was given by the three delegates, Len Clark, Jim Irvine and Vin Walker. Next year the convention will be held in Owen Sound. Mr. Wes. St. John representing the Port Perry Legion was on hand to announce that the le- gion would supply one dozen balls, one dozen bats and a set of softball sweaters in legion colours to the Squirt Club which represents our town in the O.A.S.A. playoffs. This are Legion sponsored in the Squirt series; Galt, Cobourg and now Port Perry. Many thanks to the legion executive for their support. Player registration for the boys who would like to play softball this year will be as follows: . Safe Cracker Sentenced Mr. Leonard Jackson who was con- victed of a safe cracking job at the J. J. Gibson Poultry Plant some time ago has been sentenced to 3 years at Portsmouth Penitentiary. Jackson was convicted in a prelim- inary Police Court hearing and com- mitted for trial by judge in the' Ont- ario County Court. Judge A. Hall presided at a lengthy hearing, After much evidence was examined Jackson was sentenced to the term at Ports- mouth, oo 0 A Ce EMERGENCY NUMBERS PORT PERRY POLICE --- 985-2535 FIRE -- 085-2345 MED. CENTRE---985-7801 MAY 1--Squirt and Pee Wee 7 p.m, at Ball Park. MAY 2--Bantam and older 7 p.m. at Ball Park. Age Limits are: Squirt 10 yrs.--Not before Jan.1/63 Pec Wee 13 yrs.--Not before " " Bantam--15 yrs.--Not before Midget--17 yrs.--Not before * " Juvenile 19 yrs.--Not before Junior 21 yrs.--Not before Jan. 1/63 Any outside entry must be register- ed by May 15, to be eligible for lea- gue play. The Port Perry District will be classed as follows: to include Reach Twp., Scugog Twp., Cartwright Twp. and the town of Port Perry. It was also- decided that any club in these areas would be eligible to enter 0.A.S.A. Play-Offs as a separ- ate entry; for example Seagrave, Blackstock .or Prince Albert. Outside entries contacted have been: Greenbank, Scugog Island, Prince Albert, Blackstock, Seagrave, Can- nington, Uxbridge and Udora. Prince Albert, Seagrave and Udora have already started to organize and entries are expected soon.. The meeting also agreed to ask the C.K.E.Y. No-Stars to appear in Port Perry on Sat., June 22, 8.30 p.m., ta open Minor Softball Week in Port Perry. The No-Stars had been con- tacted and were awaiting a date. The meeting also agreed to help any people interested in starting a Girls Softball in Port Perry. This will be brought up in later meetings, The next meeting has been called for Sunday, May 6th, 7 p.m. at the Port Perry Arena. The following attended: Pres.-- Carl Luke; 1st vice-- Don Cochrane, 2nd vice--Jim Irvine, Treasurer--Elmer Lee, Sec'y--Vin Walker, Directors--Len Clark, Harry Short, Tod Becker, John Boothman, Norm Powell, Bill Harper, Don Hurst; and H. Jeffrey, D. Johnson, R. Shaw, T. Mark, D. Gray, R. Lee, W. St. John, C. Bourgeois and Bud Heard. Meeting adjourned at 8.10. Laundering of hospital linen proved to be a great problem, various me- thods were tried but it seemed that the purchase of Laundry equipment in addition to those pieces which had been donated, was the answer. sequently an extractor and institu- tional size Dryer were purchased at a cost of $2000.00. Can- A further problem connected with the Laundry was the "hardnc-." of the water. The addition of softening equipment at a cost of $700.00 took care of this problem. By the end of 1956, equipment and im- provements to the amount of approxi- mately $8,000. had been added, part of this donated. Among these was the donation of the most up-to-date Operating Room Table from « former resident, water Other improvements were o brick chimney tor the boiler house, a new dishwasher, an Institutional -ize wan shing machine. The <oith wing was roofed with aluminum, which over- came a great many problems ag con- cerned the building, \ An opportunity ta wee the many improvements and added equipment will be provided for all those inter ested, when OPEN HOUSE is held at the hospital on SUNDAY, MAY 12 1963. Hilltop Herald Holidays are over! There are five more weeks to exams, although grade XII write their Confidential Exam- inations next week. Friday, April 26th the Dance" will be held, and the doors open at X15. all go, it may he our Lat before we put owr noe stone. "Spring 'Sunday Dress' So let's breather to the grind- The School's Annual Open House will be held on Friday, May 3rd. Congratulations! "Phoebe", of Phoche'- Beauty Sa- lon, has received her Certificate from the "Paul Pogue" "Hairstyling. School of Advanced Congratulations! Los Angeles--Hon, Robert Mdecaul- ay, minister of economics and devel: opment, shows the first telephone-- created in Brantford by Alexander Graham Bell--to Jesse Tapp, board chairman of the Bank of America, at left, and Werden Leavens, manager of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association, at right. Photo was taken at the Biltmore Hotel where Trade Crusade in showing Mr. Macaulay launched the Ontario California, The first telephone was part of an exhibit Canadian ingenuity and skills, i Music Man At the Roxy For five days, starting Monday, April 22nd, 1s showing one Roxy Theatre, Uxbridge of the finest musicals ever made. "The Music Man' starring Robert Preston and Shivley Jones has re- ceived only magazines and radio. to the length of this will only cach evening starting at 8.00 pn. Roxy so drop in some evening! Due picture, there be one performance is running six days a week now, World Mission Night The Board of World Mission of the United Church of Canada will hold a "World Mission Night Sunday, Apr. 2th at T00 in Simcoe St Church, The Rev. No af We Tey Oshawa tan MeMurmay, DD United heh, Montreal, tons, will preside At the aaldly three new candidates | for over-eas <evice will speak and Will present their reasons for aceept- ing the cadlenge of misisonnry work. This hould be tate an evening of unusual and inspiration, praise from newspapers, f | United | | | l, | | ( | | Ont. Poultry Farmers To Vote on Egg Marketing Plan Ontario Poultry Producers will have the privilege of voting on an egg mar- keting plan, This information was reported to the directors of Ontario County IFederation of Agriculture, at their Township Hall, Sunderland, day evening, April 16th, regular meeting held at Brock on Tues- Bob Meek, Sandford, one of Ont. County's most interested and success- ful egg producers, and Les Meyers, Goodwood, fieldman for Ont. County Federation of Agriculture, attended the Annual Meeting of Poultry Pro- ducers which was held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on April 3rd. They report that a vote will be held this fall, probably in October. The general principles of a marketing plan were presented to the Annual Meeting and the executive of the Poultry Producers feel that, at last, they have a proposal that will (a) meet with the approval of producers tb) correct the marketing abuses and wild price fluctuations and (¢) com- ply with the wishes of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board. It is expected that if the producers of ep vote in favour of a marketing Greenbank plan, an auction system, similar to that introduced by the Hog Producers will be used. The was brought to the attention of the issue of coloured margarine Ontario County Federation of Apri- culture, The directors instructed the secretary to write the Minister of Agriculture and our Member of Par- liament and request that they sup- port the farmers, in their request that "butter colour" be reserved for butter. The Federation of Agriculture in Ontario County will again sponsor the Dairy Princess Competition. It is expected that the competition this year will be held at the Oshawa Shopping Plaza, on Friday evening, May 17th. Girls or married women, living on a dairy farm, between the ages of 16 and 26 are invited to enter this contest. Details will be supplied through the Department of Agricul. ture, Uxbridge or the Federation of Agricultre, Goodwood. At contestants would he least six appreciated. This promises to be one of the best opportunities that we have had, to tell the "Dairy Story" to the auming public. con W. | Holds Annual Meeting 1963 Officers Installed Greenbank W.I. met at the Mrs. A. Couves, April 17th, 8.30 p.m. The meeting was called to order and the Institute Ode and the Minny Stewart Collect were repeated. The home of I'ie president welcomed members and visitors to the annual meeting also A ; . . SOV isiting 'mbers from Be- Chairmen of the Bo:od of World Mis | everal visiting members f thesdao Institute. The secretary and treasurer reports were read and the collection was taken. Annual reports were read by the seeretary-treasurer and standing com- | mittee convenors. We were pleased to have the District Pres. Mrs. S. Cawker of Port Perry with us. Mrs. Cawker spoke to the group on insti- tute procedure, giving special atten- tion to the importance of public re- lations. The officers for the coming vear were installed by Mrs, Cawker. They are as follows: Mrs, N. Smith Ist Viee-----Mrs. H. Phoenix 2nd Vice---Mrs. M. Lee See'y-Treasurer--Mrs, President A. MeMillan Ass't--Mrs, Tait Dist. Director--Mrs. J. Ianson Alt. Dist. Dir.--Mrs. P. Diamond Branch Directors -- Mrs. FE. Clem- ents, Mrs. R. Dusty, Mrs. H. McMillan. Convenors-- Home Ec. Resolutions --Murs, J. Citizenship & Ed.-- Mrs. H. McMillan Historical Research-- Mrs. Roddy Foster Agr. & Can. Ind.--Mrs. W. Stone Pub. Rebations--Mrs. A. Couves. & Health--Mrs. K. Rodd Couperthwaite Mrs. Patterson of Port Perry dis- played several beautiful rugs and an- swered many questions from the In- dies about the art of rug making. The past president, Mrs. Diamond thanked Mrs. Patterson and turned "the meeting over to Mrs. Smith wish- ing her success in the year 1963-64 as president. Mrs. Smith gave a humor- ous reading and the group served a tasty lunch to 17 members and 13 visitors, The Port Perry Minor Hockey Club of 1962 & 1963 had some 280 hockey players from the age of 6 to 18 in- cluding some 30 girls. Each year the membership increas- es thus requiring more volunteer help to manage and coach these hockey players. A special note of thanks go to the following men women and boys who made hockey of 1062 - 63 most suc cessful, as follows: EXECUTIVE ~Milton (Bud) Heard 1at Vice-Ires.--Carl Luke 2nd Vice-Pres.----Carlyle MeGill Seeretary---Harry Short Treasurer-- Ross Sweetman DIRECTORS Joe Fowler Paul Espie Rodd Foster Leo Taylor Blake Gunner Claire Howsam ALL STAR TEAMS Juvenile-- Manager-- Don Gibson Aas, Manager---~Ken Dowson Coach-- Gary Edgar Names President Ass, Coach---~Ralph Fairman Time Midget-- Manager-- Carl Luke As. Manager--Elmer Lee Coach -- William (Turk) Cornish Bantam-- Manager-- Walter Sandison Coach Mace. MeMillan ee Wee-- Manager---Joe Fowler Coach -Rodd Foster Atom-- Manager--Ross Sweetman -IlTarry Short REFEREES Roy Leach Conch OM. H.A. Don Cochrane, Harold Jeffrey Keeper--Claire Watts HOUSE LEAGUE Directors-- Caryle MeGill, Walter Sandison, Harry Gardiner, Bantam & Midget Coaches-- James MacMaster (Champs) Rodger Pickard (Finalists) John Seott, Blake Gunner Pee Wee Coaches-- Panl Fapie & Fred Raynor (Champa) Dave Newman & Lloyd Parish (Finalists) ort Perry Minor Hocliey Club ays 'Thanks' To Volunteers Bud Heard & I.co Floyd Kyte Atom Coaches-- Howard Hall (Champs) Grant Campbell (Finalists) Carlyle McGill, Harry Gardiner. Squirt Coaches-- Don Cachrane & Fred Olsen (Champs) James Irvine (Finalist) Taylor HOUSE LEAGUE REFEREES Mac. McMillan Walt Sandison Harry Short Don Hurst Gord McMillan Bud Heard Time Keeper and Sport Editors for House League-- Gord McMillan James MacMaster Don Hurst Carlyle McGill GIRLS HOCKEY TEAM President---Mrs, Dorothy Nelson Sec'y-Treasurer--Marian Luke Manager-- Mra, Merle Short Mrs. Marg. Sweetman Managers-- Mrs, John Mappin Mrs. Ray Shaw Coaches--Mr, John Scott, Mr. Ray Shaw Ass, Ei ow; WEE a, a