VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY AUDITOR'S REPORT LI + March 20, 1963 ' The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, The Village of Port Perry, Ont. Gentlemen: We have autdited the books and accounts of your municipality and all its boards and commissions for the year ended December 31, i 1962, and have prepared the appended statements in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Municipal Affairs. Operations during the year resulted in a surplus of $5,716.02 after including $1,494.00 of prior year's surplus. Accumulated surplus amounted to $4,166.31 as at December 31, 1962. Community Memorial Recreation Board We did not count the cash or attend the inventory count as at December. 31, 1962; however, we have a certificate signed by your Treasurer, certifying the accuracy of the inventory figure. There was no evidence that the Treasurer of the Board was bonded in ac- cordance with Section 2561 of the Municipal Act. Community Athletic Field There was no evidence that the Treasurer of the Board was bonded in accordance with Section 261 of the Municipal Act. Hydro-Electric System The amount due from the insurance company of $2,107.78 rep- resents the estimated recovery of a claim to the bonding company as a result of a defalcation. The foregoing does not include the costs of investigation which also may prove to be recoverable. Subject to the qualifications concerning the Community Memorial Recreation Board, we hereby report that in our opinion: ~ (1) The financial transactions which have come under our notice ? have been within the powers of the municipality. y (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instruc- ; tions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 4 (8) The financial statements present fairly the financial position 4 . of the municipality as at December 31, 1962, and the results - of its operations for the year ended on that date. J > We appreciate the courtesy and co-operation extended to us by your officials during the course of our audit. 3 Respectfully submitted, 2 MONTIETH, MONTIETH, RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants * License No. 2280. Date of Filing -- April 6. 1963. dissin S approval of proposed subdivision--pt, cugogy lot 11, Con. 12. 3 T [] C il John Beckett: re land required by : ownship - GOWRCIA | the Twp. for widening of read through | his property. > The regular meeting of the Scugog Gordon McKee: To discuss proposed | Twp. Council was held in the Town | subdivision at Lakeside Beach. = Hall on Saturday 6th day of April at 3 1 p.m. Reeve Anson Gerrow and BY-LAW No. 1211--That the Fire Councillors Jus. Dowson, Clarence Agreement with Corp. of the Village Carter, Victor Aldred and C. B. Hoult | ©f Port Perry be signed. Read three were present. times and passed. Minutes of the last meeting were MOTION -- That the caretakers read and adopted on motion. salary be increased from $76 to $100. i Correspondence-- MOTION--That the renewal for tha 3 1. Dept. of Mun. Affairs, re Quiet. [| Clerk-Treas. Bond has been inspected, 4 ing Order--Scugog Twp. R 2. Dept. of Labour, Re: Trench Ex- cavator Act and appointment of Insp. 3. Office of Fire Marshall; Fire] MOTION--That small tax arrears Safety Hints for Public Survival. amounting to 68 cents be written off. 4. Ontario County Fed. of Agr.-- " Notice of Board School to be held in ELAN = Bat the Loury revert Manchester on April 156th at 9.30 a.m. ' ' 5. Town of Uxbridge, enclosing MOTION -- To let Mr. Brethour Statement of Debenture Debt--High know that the Township of Scugog School. will follow the same spraying pro- 6. Vill. of Port Perry, enclosing gram in 1963 as in 1962. Statement of Debtenture Debt.--High 1 School, MOTION -- That the Subdivision | 7. Dept. of Agriculture, Livestock Agreement bewteen Carnegie Land | Branch, re Warble Fly Control Act,| Co. Ltd. and the Twp. of Scugog be 9 that same is still in force and no fur- | passed--re File No. T-14544, pt. Lot ther contemplated changes in pros-| 1, Con. 12. pect at the moment. 8. Ontario Municipal Board, re As- PAYLIST It yan xaoved Shay, the I sessment appeal: Gordon Hardy vs, zallowlii Recounts. be approved andl Tip, of Beamon, that the Board ore that the Treasurer be instructed to ders, that this appeal be and the same pay the same. Carried, kd MOTION -- That council go into Court of Revision. A GRE 4 BT Ta peers "% 1% Yoreby disitiesed, Roads SP EATERS 446.90 } 9. Bruce V. Mackey, B.A., Confirm- Relief and General .............. 1,461.62 . ing that he appeared before the Ont. ot ao Fe a Municipal Board on the 14th of Mar., ' $1,908.62 1963, on behalf of the Twp. of Scugog A -- . ti Ale: sssonmmont, appeal of Gordon DJOURN--OnR motion Council ad journed to meet again on May 7th, $Y Hardy. 1963 at 8 10. E.M.O. re Emergency measures ! PR: {Tuesdsy) Plan for Elementary and Secondary : - Schools. ire - JUS EEEANE ESE 11. Village of Port Perry, enclos- f EMERGENCY NUMBERS i ing Fire Agreement for the year 1968 | § PORT PERRY [] to be signed by the Reeve and Clerk, |8 ) H N if in order. H POLICE -- 986-2636 : 8 3 [| ym Deputations-- | FIRE -- 085-2346 i Wm. Carnegie, for the Carnegic|§ MED. CENTRE--985-7301 [ Land Co., came before Council re the Nr ---- 00007010 0% 00 80, 0 0" 80 00, 0% 00, 8% 87 00 0 S07 0 8 4 0 8A 0 0 0 0 8 00 HA A 8 Vos 0% 0% 0 ee ee A i S858545 Manchester Community Credit Union BALDWIN STREET, BROOKLIN Credit Union Building e OWNED BY THE MEMBERS e (Jan. 1963, 800) OFFICERS ELECTED BY MEMBERS Bond of association 10 miles radius from Manchester PROFITS DIVIDED ANNUALLY AMONG MEMBERS (1962 $8,409) Inspected by Dept. of Insurance under ; credit union's Act { NOT FOR PROFIT, NOT FOR CHARITY, BUT FOR SERVICE April 18/68 eo E0OROIORORS IIR ISR RE RR SSI Si SRS SARIS SAR The Corporation of the Village of Port Perry Auditor's Report CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1962 ASSETS : General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) ....... i. pte $ 92,208.08 Due from Schools (for Debentures) 3 Public and Continuation ..........ccecevene $198,600.00 Collegiate and High 58,624.99 ee -------- 252,124.99 Due from Utilities (for Debentures) Water Supply System ooo 81,700.00 a an 81,700.00 Due from Other Municipalities ............... 423,281.81 Due from Other Funds cco } 66,687.04 Cash in Bank ...oonauiimmmismmisree a 89.46 $3056.081.88 LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued and Unmatured General--Capitalized Expense ............... $ 43,900.00 - 43,900.00 Schools-- Public and Continuation .........e 193,600.00 Collegiate and High cocoon 867,000.00 ------ 550,600.00 Public Utilities-- Water Supply System iin 81,700.00 ------ 81,700.00 TOTAL 476,100.00 Due to Other Municipalities .....ccoviiinniinns 6,906.80 Other Long Term Debt-- O.W.R.C. coors ns 62,731.87 Deduct--Equity in Sinking Fund .... 7,144.33 ------ 55,687.04 Due to Other Funds ......cccviiinnnnininiiinnnn 80.46 Investment in Capital Assets coun. 67,398.08 | NO - $806.081.38 DETAILED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Year Ended December 31, 1962 REVENUE Revenue from Taxation $179,092.67 Deferred Revenue Adjustment ............... (80.67) $179,012.00 Debenture Debt Charges Recovered ....... 15,185.90 Dominion of Canada--Grant in lieu of taxes 830.83 Province of Ontario: Children's Protection ........c.cooinnne. 926.27 Direct Relief .....cocovvvviiiiiiiinnniiinnnnn 888.26 Highway Improvement ... ERI SE 8,608.27 Police and Fire coven 20.00 - Unconditional Per Capital Grant ........ 7,009.10 Special Programme to Relieve Unemployment ......cocoevevumvieeeniniinnic ons 347.69 EE 17,693.49 County of Ontario--Rebate of Road Levy... 6,768.93 H.E.P.C.--Grant in licu of taxes .......... 67.79 Licenses and Permits-- : Dog TRY cuties 366.00 Poll TAX over iiirciieiesieneieecne, ETRE 90.00 Business and Professional .................. 689.00 Building Permits ......ccocoviinninnnnnn 184.00 Bicycle Licenses ......ocvioniiiniiininin. 100.00 --_-- 1,419.00 Interest-- TAXES cuvvsivsvinmsnrssihroraisnsmmssmsss er sstass assis sissy 2,368.11 Prepayment of County Levy .......... 906.63 WPM 1. J * 1 RENERYS: i. imminent Ra ses hh 4,666.80 FINES ooviiriiieeinrecetienineses ees aeeen 3,030.02 Service Charges-- Marriage Licenses 23.00 Fires out of Town 2,814.00 -------- 2,837.00 Sale of Material and Property ........ccoeveunnns 236.00 MISCellaneous .... oimnrimieriiminriinsmmens 163.30 Total Revenue for the Year .....ccoivvirieenns } 264,047.80 Prior Year's Surplus Used to Reduce Levy } 1,494.00 Total Revenue for the Year ....ccccvvvivnnniennnn $266,641.80 YQ J ' REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT i December 31, 1962 tT i Debit Credit Balance Balance at beginning of year ........ $ 411.91 Surplus or deficit included Current Budget .......cccccervvnninnn 1,494.00 : im--re $ 1,906.91 Adjustments affecting operations of previous years-- 1961 Road Subsidy : Underestimated .............. $ 164.16 Balance after above adjustments.. ---- 1,741.76 Other transactions affecting surplus-- Forfeited Transient Traders Licenses .............. 191,06 Surplus or Deficit for year... 6,064.60 Totals of Debit & Credit columns $1,906.91 $6,419.80 Balance of Surplus or Deficit at year end $3,613.80 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 186317 Se ------ and Financial Stalemenis - REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1962 ASSETS Cash on Hand ....ocoooiveiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ine en $ 40.00 Cash In BARK .rvmmimmimnmisommsimammo tin 6,889.82 Due from Province of Ontario ............... Due from Dominion of Canada .. Due from Other Municipalities Due from Schools ...comnininrnnis mn, Due from Other Local Boards and Commissions-- Hydro Department oie. 2,168.16 Library Board ........iiinnn, 88.38 Due from Other Funds Capital Fund---By-law #13867 89.46 Taxes Receivable ie, 21,866.03 Less Allawance for uncollectible taxes. 1,600.00 Prepaid EXpenses cons 8.00 OLA ABBELS .onvvinniritmsrrsersrrsinsore LIABILITIES Accounts Payable on Debentures and Coupons Due-- Principal oo $ 1,000.00 INEETESL oviiireieiiei cirri eee eee 7,286.00 Due to Schools oii Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue oon, 326.22 Refundable Deposits 68.69 Unexpended Debenture Balance ............ 75.46 Reserves ...iuimmnmmmmiinansmmmmmsssrmsos SUrpIusS oo Total Liabilities and Surplus... 1962 $ 6,920.82 4,187.28 880.83 202.92 681.68 89.46 26,766.03 8.00 $ 40,362.21 8,286.00 106.06 465.27 28,000.00 3,618.89 $ 40,362.21 DETAILED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the Year Ended December 31, 1962 EXPENDITURE General Government-- Council Fees vere § 2,448.00 Administrative - Salaries ooo $ 9,621.28 Office Kxpense ... 1,386.26 Unemployment Insurance ...... 388.64 Hospitalization ................... 667.96 a 11,968.03 Other-- Elections .onmnsssmmissmpummions 128.30 Maintenance of Buildings Office coven. teres 1,020.93 Other .... 608.27 Insurance 1,063.49 Planning & Development ..... 200.00 Memberships & Conventions. 137.00 Miscellaneous coccinea 139.13 a 3,207.12 Protection to Persons & Property-- Fire Protection: Out-of-Town cocoons 1,636.00 Other 9,422.38 me 11,068.38 Police Protection Jone 11,398.61 Law Enforcement .............. 12.00 Street Lighting ........ I. 9,761.24 School Crossing Guard... 684.76 Jog Control w..ooimimensn he 3256.61 W EE Public Works-- { Sidewalks oun 919.33 Road Construction & Maint... 14,822.01 Truck & Tractor Operation. 1,896.78 Special Programme to to Relieve Unemployment. 828.82 Sanitation and Waste Removal ............. .Congervation of Health-- SAIATICS ooo cere aaa 400.00 'Social Welfare---- Direct Relief ........... Education-- "Trablie Schoo) cca. 48,476.12 High School oie 37,863.08 Reereption and Community Services Property and Parks 5,020.49 LAbrary Grant cco. 2,200.00 Other Grants and Donations . .... . 364.70 Debt Charges Debentures ---Principal 40,047.04 Interest ooo 38,231.16 78,278.19 Deduct: School Debt Charges .......... 31,167.29 47,110.90 Bank Interest and Charges .............. 1,008.63 "Discount for Taxes Taxes Written Off Capital Expenditures out of Revenue .. County Rate ...oovniiii iin Reserve for Working Capital ............. ! Total Operating Expendture for the Year... N Excess of Revenue over Exp. for the Year Total to Agree with Revenue for the Year r i $ 17,608.16 27,180.54 18,466.94 6,900.06 400.00 708.94 86,339.20 7,676.19 = I x v SN 48,119.43 399.16 661.81 6,617.96 "26,869.62 14,000.00 269,826.78 6,716.02 $266,641.80 Scugog Master John Walker and Miss Lynne Walker of Toronto spent their Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. R. Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. A. Krieg and girls spent some time in Brechin recently. Miss Jean Henderson of Toronto spent the week-end at Pine Point. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Best and fa- mily of Burlington, Miss Dorita Trew of Oshawa were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter. Special guests at each home on the Island this week-end were the ladies collecting for the Cancer Society. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sinclair, Deborah of Peterborough week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Innes. How good again to see our church almost full. Everyone is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cawker of Tor- onto spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. F. Jackson, John and Kay spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. School re-opened again Monday with a full attendance. Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells, Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Vyrtle Cro- sier, Toronto, visited Mr. and Murs, J. W. Crosier on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst, Midland, visit- od Mr. and Mrs. Art Fielding on the week-end. Mrs. Lillian Leach was in Toronto on Monday attending the funeral of her niece, Mrs. Shirley Nicholson who was killed in a car accident on Fri- day night. Mr. Arnold Roach is in Lansing, Michigan this week. Guests at the Frank Johnston home on Sunday were Mr. James Wood- house, Toronto, Mrs. Frank Jones, Michael and Wendy, Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Torrens, Ronald and leanne, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Art Fielding attend- ed the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Jewell, Sunderland, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Johnston and Diane Laurine of Ottawa and Ken- neth Torrens of Kingston spent the Faster holidays with Mrs. Frank Johnston and Wesley. Miss Susan Roach visited in Ux- bridge on the week-end. 0f Many Things By Ambrose Hills WHAT MAKES JOBS? Jconomists of the American labor movement claim it takes an increase of $40,000 in the grose national pro- duet to ereate one new job today. In the past (1964-56) it took only 310,- 1000. These statistics illustrate the grave difficulty. Somebody must put up quite a large sum of money to make each job. Then what will make jobs for Cana- dians? We could have jobs for every per- son willing to work hard and effici-- ently if we could sell the products of their labour at prices other workers, at home and abroad could pay. If a worker for an implement factory gets twice as much pay for an hour of his work as a farmer gets for a similar hour, how can the farmer buy? We have been selling more, recent { ly, to the United States. This is due, in part, to increased sales efforts; but to a greater degree, it is because the American workers have been de- manding higher wages and shorter hours. This has helped us to sell some of our manufactured products to American consumers. | Many Canadian labour leaders and workers, while demanding a share of increased productivity, now see that wages can be increased only when productivity is increased. Otherwise, jobs disappear. Many farmers would like to employ a man or two on the farm and in- crease the scope of their operations. Many stores and factories would in crease staff, if in so doing they could remain solvent. Countless Canadaians would like homes of their own, if they cost less. No one wants unemployment. You can't sell cars or other manufactured items to people out of work. The un- employed pay no taxes. So govern- ments, businesses and farmers suffer from unemployment. But govern- ments which increase costs by heavy tax rates help to cause it; workers who do less than their best while in- sisting on high wages and <hort hours help to cause it. To some degree, nearly all of us bear some responsibi- lity for the problem. It therefore will require the effort of us all to solve it. Rr of x ~ ln 7 ee A ik a = : RR Mr at A AAI - on RTE IEA AT AN AN Ls ne y ? 2°)