Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 May 1963, p. 5

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Cedar Creek dar Lree | Port Perry Junior Farmers Mrs. L. G. Jones accompanied her Mrs. R. J daughter, Mrs. John Grumond and pr granddaughter, April Laurie Abram- off of Toronto to the Ontario Baton Twirlers Meet at Kitchener for som. | petition, The April meeting of the Port Perry girls' meeting. Junior Farmers was held at the | the speaker. Greenbank Community Hall, on Tues-| At the joint meeting, they enjoyed day, April 23rd, 1963. a recreation period under the direc- tion of Bruce McMillan. The topic for the boys' meeting was The next meeting will be a ball April Laurie won a second place "Father and Son Partnership", with! game and weiner roast at Cedar Stone trophy for Strut in the 0 to 6 year Mr. Bruce Mackey ,a lawyer from the Park, Greenbank, on Tuesday, May . ' class and third place trophy for solo' Mr, Bruce Mackey, a lawyer from the | 28th. Mr. John Murray, Scottish baton in the 0 to 6 year class. Oshawa Distriet, as guest speaker.| Delegate, will be the special guest at These competitions were for Ont- | Mr. Mackey explained the details and this meeting. ario only. agreements necessary in a partner- The Port Perry Junior Farmers are ship agreement. After his talk, there holding a dance in Utica Hall on was a short discussion, May 4th. Music will be provided by Frank Barkey. All Junior are invited. Smith was Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Martin of Edmonton, Alberta, visited Mrs. Wm. v Blain and the Greenwood family. Mrs. ' Martin and Mrs. Blain are cousins. The Martins were on a six month | <= trip through Eastern Canada and the U.S.A. They left for Alberta last week. . . Farmers "Etiquette" was the topic for the day supper guests of Mr. gud Mrs. | Ron Larocque and family. Mrs. Frank Harris visited friends in Lindsay one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Willerton were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Eugene Dearborne at Prospect. LLL LEE Ty LT EMERGENCY NUMBERS PORT PERRY POLICE 2 [TTT Mr. and Mrs. Russel Doherty and of 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manelly all of Forest visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Noriss Doherty and sons last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Faulkenham and Mary of Oshawa were 1gst Sun- Of Many Things -- 985-2635 FIRE -- 986-2346 MED. CENTRE--985-7301 'suns usEEEsEEN Leonard Greenwood was home from Stouffville for the week-end. be tempting to "give them some of | triumph. All we expect of govern. their own medicine" as one person, ment is that it govern in a common. a By Ambrose Hills put it. sense manner. A TIME TO ACT BIG That would be the biggest mistake! [tf the Progressive Conservatives . el ever made. The people of Canada are wise, they will co-operate with Ris next few years wilh be testing | are Sick. of posities, They want i the Liberal govrenment with the ut- time for the Progressive Conserva- | see parliament settle down to the : Ri ef enbakar tive Party. Many of them feel they | business at hand. The vast majority | Most goodwill. Mr. Diefen " er, were done wrong by in the last par- | of voters are not partisan in the | after the votes were counted, said he liament, that the Liberals played | sense of loyalty to this party or that | hoped there would be no recrimina- politics and did everything possible | one regardless of how they act. Most tions or bitterness on__either side. 2 to obstruct the business of the na- of us have varied our voting aegord. That's the way the people want it to . - tion. Now that the Liberals hold | ing to the issues of the day. We . . . . } be. It {is quite possible that this -- = TT T7777 | country can survive no. matter what SEA AANA ARRAY 3 policies the government sets, and re- * =, PACKAGE DEAL o gardless of which party is in power. ' o We are pretty hardy people. We can- ® ? 3 revi. y wv v 3-Ton WAGON .........ccoooverennrrrnnnn.. $144.00 2 pues, ATR) US linn or '% + e oredd 0 \d p - 5-Ton WAGON (60" Track) ......... $192.00 3h 5-Ton WAGON (747 Track) .. cnr $199.00 ° MAY SPECIAL with each Wagon -- o For all parties, but particularly the = 4 New Tubes @ $3.95 Each and 4 FREE Tires. s¢| Conservatives with the second largest ' } Ri group of mmebers, it is a time to act y He hh of Bl k fo k tl big. If they do, the ywill win the 0S m 5 = ae S 0c respect of everyone, and have a good chance to regain power in due course. Prices Effective This Week- pil End - Wed.-Sat.. May 1, 2, 3, 4 at your Carload Food Market Prince Albert ay a HEINZ STRAINED INFANT FOODS z. Tins 10: RL( FOOD MARKLTS AYLMER FANCY 20 oz. Tins . TOMATO JUICE ....................... 8 - $100 ~~ AYLMER | oo 3 sli +» [ TOMATO SOUP ........................ 8 - $L.00 CARNATION BN oo 8-3 Tins EVAP. MILK ......................1.- $1.00 KENNEL CLUB i "16 oz. .Tins >» B DOG FOOD ......................... 11 -r$1.00 CHEERY MORN -- 20¢ OFF oo 10 oz. Jar INST. COFFEE ..................... SL00 " PUREX -- White or Coloured Rolls 8 Rolls $1.00 CANADA'S FINEST LEAN -- Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROAST .......... "5 F w d 3 -- | enome -- SHORT N = riaay RIB ROAST ............. "55 One Pkg. of Wiener Buns : ; = : TIN f H eo ER yy Dur hue ° FRESH -- SLICED - On a Sunbeam Doll with every Purchase of $5.00 or Over. CINE IN IE IE I RE IR TE I I BE I J SNR N'Y TOILET TISSUE Winner The Winner of last weeks Draw was Mrs. Don Skinner. 3 MAPL E LEAF PRODUCTS -- -- Mix or Matchen : Small Link x. A ~--- STORE" HOURS Se" soe Fr 3 f ~ Dally 8:30 to 9:00 p.m, ou | : 10 oz, Py. 1 Tuenons ons-suer | BOLOGNA JY Dix . . . . . : TY ' 0 i po, . > i i power with a minority group, it may | aven't seeking revenge or revelling in, bingo. this Thursday. and another on Thursday, May 9 at 8 o'clock" sharp, «9 now we give notice 8 o'clock. Ladies Wednesday| Greenbank Night Bowling Team 'Standings-- Kittyhawks cocoons 1 655 North Stars ...... b 64 | JOU ..crviiinnnin we. 63 Mustangs . bh 48 | Lancasters ... 4 10 | Sunderlands .............. A 30 Hurricanes ................ 0 36 Flyers .......cccviininninns 2 34 Mosquitoes ............. hi 33 | Bombers ......o..... 2 31 | Helicopters ............ i 0: Spitfires 0 PE High Single-- Mary McGregor--273 High Triple-- Dorothy Venning--- Over 600 Triples Dorothy Venning--646; ( G4 loria Mus- tings -- 636; J. McL aughlin 61h; Mary McGregor--616; Shirley Brig nall -- 613; Irma Lewis 605; Joy | Ballard--607; Irene Doupe Guo. Over 200 Singles-- Dorothy Venning--266, 226; Betty Collins--211, 228; Gloria Hastings 212, 268; Shirley Brignall--232, 294: Joy Ballard--239, 282; Amy Mille 215, 217; M. Sweetman - 230: lia Lewis---237; Joy Hull--211: Jeanne Goode -- 255; J. McLaughlin 232; Ruth Short--214; Mary McGregor 273; Helen Bowers -- 225; Dorothy | Gordon--227; Evelyn Summers 21; Muriel Graham--=212; Murion Healey --222; W. McLaughlin -- 222; Willoughby--226; Marion Geer - Mary Baird--211; Carol Wumine ! 235; Irene Poupe--218. BANQUET at the Leper Hall jon Muay 8th at 6.45. Rose 236; Bowling Triple Link Team Standings Points Northenders ........ [9 Blac Hawks . iia: 17 Notsohotz ... ............. a8 Snowblows .... 26 Misshots .................... 206 Astronauts ........ 20 High Single-- Cliff Short High Triple-- Doug MceMillan--601 Over 200 Single-- Jack Healey 204; 267 Ann Spear: 223; Steve Foster -- 203: Doug Me- Millan -- 213, 283; CHff Short -- 257; Glenn Wanamaker--200; Bruce Me- Coy--210. NOTE -- May 14 will be the lust night of bowling. All spares are in- vited to attend, and partake of the! banquet following howling. > Legion Auxiliary Well here 1 am won and with a little more news than last time, at least 1 call it news. Last night we | had the general mecting for this month and quite a turned out,' thank you girls for the fine turnout.' This was a sort of special meeting as, our zone commander was paying us one of her annual visits. We thank you all very much. We had a very' enjoyable evening and after the busi- ness at hand was taken eare of we asked Mrs. Robert Williams to make a little speech and of. course. as this was an official meeting she of course complied and gave us a ligt Advice on a few little problems we had as well. Mrs. Williams was accompan- ied by Mrs. Alyn Elliott, who also is a member of the Ladies Aux. of the Oshawa Branch #49. Murs, Elliott is Mrs. Williams chauffeur and has been so far this year, as the zone comman- der nor her husband drive, this is her only way of getting anywhere. We had a social tea after the meeting and then everyone started for home to get ready for another banquet Wed- nesday night, being held by the men's curling club of Port Perry. | On Thursday night is the Bingo and on Sat., there is another ban-' quet for the men and womens' curl-! ing club of Caesarea, excuse me folks, I made a mistake, I meant the bowl- ing club of Caesarea. On Monday night we are going to Bowmanville for a social evening and I think there are a few of us that are looking for- ward to it. There are three new members cam-, ing into our aux. at our next meeting and they are: Mrs. Olive Maycox, Mrs. Irene Whitfield, Mrs. Arleen Harri- sn, all of Port Perry and may I take this opportunity to say, "Welcome Girls". Next meeting you will meet us all at the hall. Well that's all for now, there is a few It seems everything is running late as the players don't "ET on time, régardless, we will start our games promptly at How's that Marge? See you next meeting. | ing was | U.C.W. they | honour of their daughter, [ morning a senior citizen is a person, J ris noted that birth certificates will -of husband is eligible but the wife The Church service Sunday under the auspices of the with Mrs. Harris and Mrs. H. conducting the devotional The guest speaker wus Miss nmorn- Phoenix period. | Violet Langland, Missionary on fur- lough from Japan, who gave a very interesting talk on her work in that country. Mr. and Saturday, Mrs. Art evening at Couves Not V ul crystal spent where shower in Mrs. Danny attended nu Reesor, Mrs. Sanplay of Orillia 1s spending a few weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Baylis. oe Mr. and Mrs. Grant Menzies and son have moved from Oshawa to their new home cast of Saintfield. Lester Mr. and Mrs. FF. Beare, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Phair, Mrs. Robt. Leask and Mr Cecil Leask attended the funeral on Saturday afternoon of the late Thos. Grege of Claremont. Mr. and Mrs. Don Craig of Tor- onto spent Sunday with Mrs. Alice Phoenix and Jean. . Mio Harold Tomlinson of Weston wis in the village during: the week- end. Mother's will be held on Sunday, baptismal service will that day. On Friday evening of this week at 7.30 in the church basement, the members of C.G.L'T. group are entertaining the senior citizens of the community * As announced Sunday A special Day service May 12th. A also be held our 65 years of age or over and Mr. Har- not be required to gain admission, your word will be accepted. In case has not yet reached that magic age, mst bring her alony, don't leave her TIMI CTR 10 BI | HELP YOUR RED CROSS | THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 2ud, 1968--56 > home feeling sorry for herself. On the other hand if the wife has made the grade but the husband is trailing, the same rule applies. Come along together and enjoy the evening. Thi. is an entirely new venture (at least for Greenbanky and it is hoped that all those who received invitations will come out and show their appreciation 20 the girls for-their kindness. | | | | | | A & DEPARTM LAWN-BOY ONLY POWER MOWER WITH FINGER-TIP STARTING If You Can Lift A Finger You Can Start The New Lawn-Boy y A new starter and twin-spark ignition makes the '63 + Lawn-Boy 949, easier to start. Finger-Tip start is a Lawn-Boy exclusive, no other power mower has it. '89.5 st HARDWARE o. 533 PORT PERRY, ONT. ROC ENT STOR Unique Grasscatcher . . . vacuum cleans as you cut. Detaches easily . . empties in seconds . . . can't Flog. CARNEGIE BROS., GRA C 1A Co Orthapoedic Shoes in combination lasts by the + These Shoes are built with Arch Supports for the most comfort and support for tired or ailing feet. Several of the most popular lines in stock - in several widths - BLACK OXFORDS with built-in Arch Supports - Walking Heel - DUTCHIES by Woelfle Pumps in Bone, Brown, Black with small or medium Heel. BLACK KID PUMPS BLACK MARACAIN PUMP BLACK CALF GORE PUMP Combination lust -- B and D widths me WHITE. ELK OXFORDS $1285. - | , Summer Wear and Nurses -- B-C-D widths Woelfle Shoe Co. $13.95 widths C-D-E $11.95 Widths B-C-D $12.95 B and D widths St $12.95 Med. Heel -- B and D widths $13.95 PHONE: 985-2521 PORT PERRY A | 5) - wn ret eH rt Sy yt,

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