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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 May 1963, p. 7

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$5 Sade sera ' mo ~ \ . BROOKLIN NEWS Twp. of Whitby Planning Board A Special Meeting of the Planning Board of the Township of Whitby was held in the Municipal Office, Brook- lin on Thursday, April 11th, 1963 at 8 p.m, with the following persons present. Chairman Geo, E. Lofthouse, Members Thos. Wilson, John Good- win, Don Roberts and A. Omand. . On Motion the mniutes of Meeting #2 and Special Meetings #8 and #4 were adopted as printed. Carrigd. CORREBPONDENCE--~ 1. From Mr, Russell Bryant, gppli- 'cation for division of land re Ldt 27, Con. 8. Parcel to be separated hav- ing a frontage of 264 ft. by depth of 660 ft. from main holding with front- age of 462 ft. by 660 ft. It was moved that consent be granted applicable to road widening. Carried. 2. Application for division of land from Mr. D. IF. McLaren re lot 28, Con. 7. Parcel to be separated hav- ing frontage of 246 ft. by 660 ft. depth from main holding with front- ange of 396 ft. by 660 ft. It was moved that this application be deferred to next meeting for more information regarding previous con- sents, school section, ete. Carried. 3. From Mr. Ross Lofthouse, ap- plication for division of land re part of Lot 20, Con. 4. Mr. Lofthouse wishes to separate parcel having frontage of 410 ft. by depth of 213 ft. from main holding having front- age of 934 ft. by depth of 1310 ft. Parcel to be conveyed to Director of Veterans -Affaira. This application was held up awaiting settlement between Mr. Lofthouse and the County regarding 17_ ft. road allowance. Mr. Sims, County Engineer, advised that agree- ment had been reached as of April 8th, 1963. It was moved that consent be granted as requested. Carried. 4. From Mrs. Francis Bezuerchny, application for division of land re Lot 28, Con. 2 (R-2). Parcel to be sep- arated having a frontage of 90 ft. by depth of 198 ft. from main holding having 1820 ft. frontage by depth of 2160 ft. It was moved that consent be denied. Carried. 6. Application for division of land from Mr. Archie W. Whitmee re part of Lot 28, Con. 6 (R-3). Parcel to be separated having frontage of 240 ft. by depth of 210 ft. from main holding having frontage of 330 ft. by 210 ft. It was moved that this application be referred for additional information. 6. From Jones & Greer, Solicitors, letter dated March 27th, 1968, re- questing Planning Board's consent to sale of part of Lot 16, Plan 687 (Re: K. Wright and J. Cormier) being the "southerly 75 ft. throughout from front to rear. " ---- It was moved that this matter be deferred until amendment to Zoning By-law "id- approved by The Ontario Municipal Board. = (error in para- graph numbering to be amended). 7. From Manning F. Swartz & Ronald L.-Swartz, Solicitors, request- ing Planning Board's approval of deed from Albert Yakeley to The Director of Veteran's Land Act re part of Lot 20, Con. 4." This item previously referred to the County re road allowance was. given clearance by Mr. R. E. Sims, County Engineer. It was agreed that deeds be stamped with Board's approval when received. 8. Application for division of land from Mrs. Clarabel Anderson re part of Lot 27, Con. 3 (R-1). Parcel to be separated having a frontage of 76 ft. (zoning requirements 100 ft.) by jrregular depth. Total area 1% acres from main holding having frontage of 800 ft. by 600 ft. Following considerable discussion ft was moved that consent be granted fn this case, subject to approval of The Committee of Adjustment, on application to build a house on an R-1 Jot with insufficient frontage. Carried. «§:- From. Mr, Frederick Morton, letter of April 6th; 1068 advising that the County of .Ontario has ap- proached 'him regarding the purchase of 750 sq. ft. of Lot 11, Plan 518 for the widening of Thickson Road, mak- ing his lot 760 ft. below the minimum required, "and asked confirmation from the Board that this will not re- strict building on this lot. It was moved that letter be sent to Mr. Morton confirming that a build- ing. may be erected in his lot less than 760 sq, ft, provided that it conforms to all other requirements of the by- law. (See Bec. (d) under General ie oO ailcation tor division of land from A. C. Craigie re part of Lot 19, Con. 8 (R-2); Parcel to be separated having a frontage of 197 ft. by depth 739 ft. from main holding having frontage of 1345 ft. by depth of 739 of ft. It was moved that consent be granted as requested, subject to 10 ft. road widening on Gerrard and Rossland Rd. Carried. 11. From Mr. W. A. Heron, appli- cation for amendment to Zoning By- luw 17384 re part of Lot 20, Con. b, having frontage of 466 ft. on 6th concession with depth of 191 ft.- To- tal urea of 2 acres. Present zoning designation" Agricultural, proposed | oning (1) Special C-2 and (2) C-2. (Special C-2 for retail farm equip ment, Dealer outlet & Service Shop). It waz moved that this application be deferred to the next meeting. 12, the Department of Mu- nicipal Affairs, Community Planning letter March 22nd/63 re part of Lot 22, Con, 6 (Croxall Plan. ) Mr. Adams felt that the design of this proposed subdivision should Nave furthtr consideration in order to fa- cilitute the movement of traffic avard "potentially dangerous: cross. intersections, gccesses to the lands lying east might well be provided in the vicinity of the proposed lot 6, and the line between lots 11 und 12 as well as eliminating the extension of James St. The desirable results would be having T ---Interesctions and an additional access to facilitate 'the designing of any possible future de- the lands to the cast, and requested fhe Board's: comments on these suggestions. The plan of subdivision ad justed according to these recommen- dations and approved by Mr. Croxall. It was moved that this Planning Board 'approves the revised plan and that the secretary forward same to the Community Planning Branch. Carried. 13. From Department of Municipal Affairs, Community Planning Branch, letter of March 22nd enclosing copy of comments which the Community Planning Branch forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board in regard to By-law 1860. (14, Letter of March 21st. from De partment of Municipal Affairs, Com- munity Planning Branch outlining comments they were making to The Municipal Board re By-law 1860. It was moved that copies of Item 13 be distributed to members of the Board and that Items 13 and 14 received and filed. Carried. 16. From the Department of Muni- cipal Affairs, copy of letter dated March 22nd 1963 addressed to W. W. Rankin acknowledging North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. as the new owners of part of Lot 24, Con. 6. (Ross Sub- division) 'and that it is still proposed that the lots will be for single family dwellings. On Motion Item 16 was received and filed. Carried. . 16. From Municipal Planning Con- sultants Ltd. letter of March 19th, 1968 enclosing their offer of services for the preparation of an Official Plan for the Corridor Area. Esti- mated cost not to exceed forty-two hundred dollars ($4,200.00). It was moved: that Item tabled. Carried. 17. From Municipal Planning Con- sultants, letter of March 6th, 1963 in answer to the board's enquiry con- cerning - fatal - traffic accidents on Highway No. 2 uring year 1958 to 1962 and. confirmir@f that the in- formation shown'in table 6-2 on Page 41 of their report is correct. It was moved that same be received and filed. Carried. 18, From County of Ontario, letter of March 6th, 1963 advising that the Councils of the County of Ontario and the City of Oshawa bropose to construct jointly an Administration of Justice Building for the Judicial Area of the County of Ontario and the City of Qshawa on a site at the corner of the 8rd "Corcéssion and Garden Street in the Town of Whit. by. Also the Council of the County of Ontario propose to erect on this 16 acre site an Administration Build- ing for the County purposes, and re- quested more restrictive zoning From Brauch, of und velopmeit of wis be 16 be to protect the Administration of Jus- tice and County Administration Build- ing to be erected there. - It was moved that this correspond- ence he received, 'acknowledged 'and filed. Carried. - 10, From Oshawa "Regional Plan- ning Association, letter of March 28, hm --Reovisions, page. 10_by-law. #1784.) 11963 advising..that. ths. Oshawa. Re. gional Planning Association levy from eich member municipality the sum of $150.00 as its contribution for the year ending January 81st, 1064. Be a To CE Ss around Garden St. and Rossland Road It was moved that the board rve- (quest the Municipality to approve this levy of $160.00. Carried. licitor letter dated April 1st, 1003, re- questing consent of the Planning Board ve Lot 28, Plan 637 registered prior to theh registration of by-law requiring 'Planning Board consent to conveyance: made on registered plans dated prior to the by-law. It was moved that granted as requested 21. the Board, appointment By-law 1850, Tuesday the 16th day of April, 1963 at. the hour of 10.30 a.m. Council Chambers, Brooklin Moved that notice of hearing re by- law 1850 be received and filed. Carried : 22 consent be Carried Ontario Municipal for Hearing. re From From the Oshawa Association, copy of Min- Mareh 21<t, Meetipg. Following a report of the meeting by the Chairman, it was moved that same be received 'and filed. Carried 23. From Community Planning As ciation of Canada, Notice of An nual Conference to held at the Park Hotel, Toronto, May 30, 31 June 1st, 1963. Moved that Item 23 be received and lied. Carried, i 20 From Johann Bues, application for amendment to zoning By-law 1784 {re part of Lot 71, C & W. Plan, hav- ing. frontage of 89 feet by depth of 165 ft. Present Eaying resto C-1, proposed zoning C-2 Special for storage and sale of 2a implements. It was moved that [tem 24 be de- Regional Planning utes of he Faza on and ferved pending decision on: [tem #11. Carried. ay " 26. Rezoning on service Roads (Highway 01). As the Board felt that this item of business warranted considerable discussion and as the hour was late it was moved that Item #26 be deferred next Planning Board meeting and given preference on the Agenda. Carried. 26. -Budget.--The Board discussed budget requirements for 1963 and the followings motion was: passed. Moved that this Planning Board submit to the Council that $2,400. i estimated to be the normal financial requirements of the Board for 1968, but that if the Board requires a ma- jor expenditure (Officinl Plan, ete.) during 1963 not anticipated at this timega further request for funds may be ninde to Council. Carried Relative to Item 20 (By-law 1860) Lofthouse and Al. Omand intro- duced a sketch of the proposed shop- ping centre for, discussion. It sug- gested a planting strip on Kendal- wood Road, exit on Kendalwood, and a foot path on Kendalwood. Following considerable discussion it was moved that if the Council re- fuires the advice of the Planning Bd. in preparation of the site plan with Humberforth that they request per- mission to engage a professional in thi field. Carried. to Geo. B OLIDAY IN shimmering lakes and FRE ONTARIO TRAVEL PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO Township of Whitby A Special Meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitby was held in the Municipal Offices, Brooklin on Wednesday, April ¥7th, 196% at 11.40 p.m. with all members present 20. From James A. MacDonald, So. | BY-LAWS Frank to introduce a Me Thompson wa leave By law vide estimates of receipts and expen- ditures of the Corporation of the Twp. of Whitby for the year 196d The By-law was read wo fust and second time. The Council went into Committee-of-the Whole on the By- law with Mr. Thompson wn the chan Lhe Committee the By law unamended and leave was tien granted to read the By-law a third time. The By-law was read a third tune, munbered 1876 and I'he Iteeve and Clerk signed the same and the Seal of the Corporation was af- fixed thereto. Mr. Fred Sturch was pranted leave to introduce a By-law levy the taxes for.the Township of Whitby for the year 1963 and to provide for the collection thereof. The By-law was read a to pro arose und reported passed, to first and second time. The Council went into Committee-of-the Whole on teh By- luw with Mr. Stureh in thie€hair The Comtnittee and reported the By-law unnmended and leave was then nrose granted to read the By law a third time. The By-law "was read a third time, numbered 1876 and passed. « The Reeve and Clerk signed the same and the Seal of the Corporation was af- Nixed thereto. Mr. Frank Thompson was granted leave to introduce a By law to amend By-law No. 1346, beiny « By-law to fix the times and mode of payment of taxes, The By-luw was read a first and second time. The Council went into Committee-of:the-Whole the By- law with Mr. Thompson in the Chair. The Committee arose and reported the By-law unamended and leave was then granted to read the By- law a third time, The By-law was read oo third time, numbered 1877 and passed. The Reeve and Clerk signed the same and the Seal of the Corporation was af- fixed thereto. Mr. John Dryden was granted leave for the Council to again go into Com« mittee-of-the-Whole on the By-law to regulate the Township of Whitby Garbage Dump and the use thereof for the disposal of garbage with Mr. Dryden in the Chair. The Committee arose and reported the By-law as amended and leave was then granted to read the By-law a third time. The By-law was read a third time, numbered 1878 anid passed. The Reeve and Clerk signed the same and the Seal of the Corporation was af- fixed thereto. i GENERAL BUSINE SS Reeve Goodwin expressed his ap- preciation to the Council for full co- operation in budgeting to hold the line with regard to Twp. General and ull FUN- FILLED NTARI O For your. pleasure . Sonate Is generously endowed with fine beaches. Countless varieties of | s game fish abound in the cool lakes, rivers and streams. You'll relax and have the time of your life swimming, boating and fishing in fun-filled Ontario this summer. SEND FOR 40 PAGE, FULL COLOUR BOOKLET, ROAD MAP, ETC rm ot en ot ee re DEPARTMENT 000 NAME. ADDRESS PROV Eh pia KNOW Sais PE 5 Ry BEPC RES \ ONTARIO DEPARTMENT "OF TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY Hon. Bryan L. Cath ONTARIO rt, Minister (31 =A I I = wianted | business mecting in the CEB Ruylau } i United Church, together with the Sragrave i ! Guide und Brownie Leaders, Mrs, A ! Roads, i Lorne Slute, the Chairman opened the On Satwrday afteenoon the Soa hg the Road Superin asl gi Ms " eile ave he grave UV CW held th oi first Daffo- tendent be and he is hereby author | Mrs. | nd oy " Son ency of fii nd Hazanr. Since it was a 5 : mr un Irs. Ko Brown read uy nture took a great deal of ized to repair the door to the 1969] (he Treasurer's report. Mans were plants but the weather was ideal cr | G.M.C. Truck and to have the motor | jnade for the Mother-Duughter Bun | fy i LL vo " dies replaced in the Hough Loader que 3 day 24 } ned dents wud may ladiss epla juet on Saturday, May 26th, at 600, hand to enjoy the hospitality Carried. | uv'elock td fellow hap ~ 2.00 Motion this Special meeting t Ist Raglan Gil Guide Parent' ' adjourned at 12.16 a.m. Committee and Boy Scout Ladiwe i $ jected by the Prosi -- Auxiliary met recently at the home of | he ! Regpolds aud Mos. KE, R ] Mis. J. Bright. "The President Mes | VON ag an H Luke expressed pleasure at hav Phe room wae tastefully decorated ng new members out, as well as see [ith vellow and green streamers he Raglan UCW held their regula ing teh usual faithful attenders The with daffodils adding a vay touch A meeting at the home of- Mrs. R. Cor- Secretary's report was given by Mrs | henatifal table contre of daffodils de ner. Mrs. Leonard Slute, the Presi- ly Lawrence, Treasurer's report for od wed th tea table, with its gleam: dent, opened the meeting, and Hymn | (je Parent's Committee was given by line silver services #16 was sung. Following the say-| yf J. Bright and for the Ladie: ing of the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. H.| Auxiliney by Mrs. D. Manns. Mrs. I Mi feNeil spoke a few words of Luke led the devotion, the theme was | Sate, ehainman of the Local Associas| ®t 10ome, and declared the Bazaar of Easter, "The. Praphets have Spo-| tion asked the assistance of the Pay-| even The booths were well patrow- ken" The Seripture lesson was read. | en's Committee "in the Preparation ized and the tea tables, with the Mrs. HL. Bray gave the Treasurer's | fo, (he Mother-Daughter Banquet. A | VOU Ladic erving were kept report Mus. 8S. Manns reported for charge of $2. for Mothers(and Daugh- busy dure the afternoon. The re. the Flower and Card Committee. A (2 free), will be made. An inter. | HM were very gratifying and we 'pecial committee was set up to ar | outing feature of this banquet, will | "0 everyone tad a pleasant time. vange for the planning of the kitehen | he that the Fathers and the Seouts Ladies were present from Sonya, Zion, cupboards. Mrs. H. Bray reported | will be doing the serving. Kitehen | Hite Bots Pleasant Point, Osh. - on the very successful Hat Show, aiid | convenor is Mrs. M. Czerul 8 A Cony | AW Santfield Greenbank, Seugog, an expression of thanks was tendered Liinity event was planned for May | Pieler Port Perey, Prince Albert, to the many who worked together to gy, by way of a Fuchre party and (4 angunaton, Manchester and even make the event such an overwhelming | Social night commencing at 8 oelock. al nw. Long land. U.S.A, ---- nu i o '. " : { i ee pr idh sod lel ie Spr rine wo hn a [My AYN barthey Rodman, of Mer i otter Vines . y . ; ( re, N 2 at in Lind ay were recent Sumlay visitors on X conexant meeting will be in the CER lho My and Mis, Wm, Clark. Benediction, lunch wis served by the | Raglan United Chureh, on May 22nd Committee, Mrs. D. Ferguson and| 41 x30 o'clock; at 9 o'clock, Mr Roy | ~ Mr Hovey Chak and small daugh. MrMs. D. Evans. Fleming of Oshnwa <OCVIL will be | ter Sean, of Barrie, spent several Mrs. J. Bright was the hostess for | the guest speaker, and will demon. | diye with Meand Meso Wo Clark re the April meeting of the Raglan|. (ave Artificial Respiration, includ. Cony Hhuvey doing the seeding for School SOS Club. Mrs. F. Auld re- ing the Mouth to Mouth type. Op his father. resente v Teachers Ths Sacve . ; : Rk * a Kg on a SH by h Liking ve Lo Me. 3 co Matlin, of Bonderond, sng ¥ >. practising. Mro Flem yp pcan Main of Sutton were re- Luke, and the Treasurer's report by ing has heen a swimming mxtruetor | hd y i Ir : Mrs. Bright. The official opening of at Camp Sumac for several vem i a ts. welt Me ae). Mics. Bork \ MacTaveant the new Raglan School will take place and last venr he was Assistant Pool | on May 17th, and at the invitation of Director, Te holds high qualifien M wed Murs Ken Dorrell, ~and the School Board, the nyembers of the tions in Royal Life Saving. There i CEU hen Billy, of Huntington, S08 agreed to serve lunch. The high- | an open invitation to all interested ose Dlands New York, US AL are light of the evening, was the drawing people to attend, und avail hem pe tof Revo Bound Mrs. MeNeil, of the lucky tickets, this pleasant -clves of this important and possible | #1 the Mane task was performed by Mrs. Auld. life saving talk and demonstration Mr and M B Rev i First prize went to Mus. J. Wray, The two groups have compiled an or Lo t Reynolds visited 9) Raglan; second prize to Mr. W. Mil- interesting Cook Book of favorite a nl Mp. aud Ms W. Me ler, Oshawa; third prize to Master penceral recipes, it has heen edited in its, of Gluuding . Donald Evans, Raglan. : each member's own hand writing and Mic EL Holthy of Manchester, and The local residents were pleased to! signed. This is an all Canadian MM: Chae 1 unney, of Saintfield, see the Paper Drive conducted by the ' (ook Buok and it contains no adver. vicited on Saturday with Mr. and Mr-. Group Committee, under the leader. (ising. The project of selling these,' J SN Maelulane ship of the Chairman S. Manns, and ha. been marked as a special, event, tlie Cubs and the Scouts. It was] and all the profits are to be donated IR TT with regret that the Group Committee ' to the "Kitchen Cupboard Fund", FOR TYPEWRITER RIBBONS received the resignation of Scouter Raglan United Churchgthe new. CEB see The Port Perry Star Jack Clarke who has worked ably and ' Building. It is in this building that! well for 1st Raglan Scouts since their the Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brown. | © oT inception three years ago. ics meet, and the various related ac. ved Lo Mio Bright and her two The Raglan Girl Guides have been tivities held. A lively program fol- to.nle danchters, Penny and Mary. ~o . busy selling and delivering their lowed consisting of Kim's Game, Li ident of Raglan oa sur- i Cookies, and doing an excellent job word scramble, and a contest to test toundiny distiict, are asked to keep too. the knowledge of the Mothers in 1 nied oo future bottle drive by the The Local Association held a short. Scouting and Guiding. Lunch was Cubs = vv 4 iN A 1] One ring leads to another... A phone call...a date . . "sy CE v : ...a lifetime of happiness. How would people - < ; y Fr everget together= withotit: the phone? BELL GY rover " Built, managed and owned by Canadians © AANo.MLSOIN +34 10 _ATL7881 » : D) THE PORT PERRY STAR, T ITURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1968-7 v. oF i A ley SG ts rn prime WTI Lar Va i avis i

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