& A a MEMBER OF CANADIAN WEEKLY ) 'Marks, Alone, Not Important NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 'Notes To Promote Education The Federal government is planning to launch a ten-million a year scholarship scheme 'in the field of higher education. This is welcome news to the universities, It does nothing however to provide funds for the new building programme that is required if we are to accommodate those who seek a university education. The administration of the new schol- arship funds .will have to be worked out with the individual provinces. Here the government should meet no opposition be- 'ause it is quite clear that the provinces are too hard pressed to do much about increasing their aid. to universities or deserving students. ) 1961-1962, the total expenditure of the government on universities amounted to only sixty million dollars. The time of final examinations in the high and public schools is rapidly draw- ing near. Few pupils are looking forward to them with anything approaching de- light. It is remarkable how many of them actually regard examinations with a spec- and Comments Where are the capital funds coming which are rieeded to provide the new facilities ? Nobody seems to know. As usual we approach the biggest problems in the most piece-meal fashion. Let the government get to work on some feasible plan for extending the fac- iitlies for university students. Pursued with vigour"# plan might well be forth- coming before next September. { At least a the problem. start could be made on And what a problem! In the next ten vears our university enrolment should triple. » and what we do with it that is important. Marks of themselves like diplomas don't mean much. The meaning lies in what we have really learned and the kind of experience that we have passed through : of the 'Ascension that day. i |] 1 again this week. Our own staff is reminded to bring their lists of pupils and of textbooks. Please note change of date to Thursday, May 9th. The Evening Guild will meet on Monday, May 13, at 8.15 p.m. at the LY home of-Mrs. Boothman. Some of the Guild members will be serving luncheon at noon on Monday to the group of clergy who are hold- ing an all-day meeting at the Church 3 On Wednesday, May 15, the Even: ~~ ing Guild will cater for a Girl Guide Mother-and-Daughter banquet in our parish hall. ' Yesterday morning a Coffee Party was held by the' Evening Guild, pro- viding a social "coffee break" for both housewives and those who work downtown. The Women's Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday,' May, 14th. - Some of the special days in the life of the Church which come soon are: Sunday, May 19th---Rogation Day-- fy the Blessing of the seeds and soil. /¥ Thursday, May 23--Ascension Day, and the name day of this parish church, : Sunday, June 2nd--Whitsunday, or the Feast of Pentecost, when the gift of the Holy Spirit is acknowledged. Sunday, June 9th---Trinity Sunday. . There will be services of Holy Com- maunion-on all of these feasts, except for Trinity Sunday, which is a Morn- ing Prayer service. We hope all Anglicans will try to be with us for these special services of worship, > - Greenbank W.I. - The May meeting of the.Green- bank Women's Institute, will be held i re . "Tuesday, May 14th, 8.30 p.m., 1963 (Note change of date), : . -Motto--Our to-days and yesterdays are the blocks from which we build, Roll Call--A current event. Hostesses--Mrs, Rodd Foster, Mrs, _.at the home of Mrs, Rodd Faster, onj. For a year or so, it makes pro-; gress, wins respect, and seems to be | on its way to position" of influence. Then, puffed up with its pragress, it goes off half-cocked. Once it went | overboard in assuming an election victory that did not materialize; and now, in its April 20 issue, it has pulled a boo-boo to even more serious magnitude. "In an article entitled "Ingidé Can- ada's Secret Police, "it attacked the work of the RCMP security and in- telligence division. Commissioner C. W. Harvison found the article so full of "misleading and confusing" state- ments, plus "fabrications and half- truths" that it had to be answered. The Minister of Justice agreed. The answer was positively devasta- ting. It pointed out that an old! dodge, detested by good journalists, was used by Maclean's--a quotation, from which a key word was dropped. The meticulous journalist leaves quotes untampered with, even to mis- placed commas or bad grammar. Dropping a key word from a quota-| tion, to serve one's argument, is con- |-- sidered a pretty punk sort of per- formance. It is much like a deliber- ate foul in a boxing match, frowned on by referee and public alike. The RCMP makes good copy. «&t is a colorful force, with a wonderful re- putation. A: sensational attack upon {. it iff certain to create excitement and boost circualtion, . Did Maclean's need circulation that badly? T doubt it. They might gain a few hundred | readers, but they lose influence and weight with the ones who had started to trust them once again, ! Geo. Stone. Ld f ; w BE a Ly CHT Ta 4 +! arp ik apd Woy AL i: ial kind of dread to get the marks or failed to go through : "Th not getting them. This is the time. of the year when i. . ) . . both pupils and teachers place marks on The right attitude to education is a kind of pedestal which becomes a sort summed up in the idea that learning pro- of be-all and end-all for everything edu- ceeds out of curiosity and wonder and ends ational. it it ever ends in knowledge and achieve- ment or the ceaseless struggle to gain But of course most of them are wise knowledge and to achieve meaning. enough to realize that in themselves marks i. od . are at best simply marks . , . . they are Life and the learning which accomp- symbols for what we hope is substance anies or should accompany the good life end true substance at that. is too enduring and foo precious and too - ' necessary to be lightly translated into School children sometimes look on marks. - marks the way some parents look at money . .... as though it possessed an A right attitude to learning means .. importance in itself and for itself. Nothing you don't have to worry about marks . . . could be further from the truth. It is not they follow it as naturally as the night money that is important but how we use the day. . Pg - rs L Anglican Notes | Of Many Things g | Y 95 | Ashburn By Mary Becker By Ambrose Hills The Church School Teachers' Group La Next Sunday, May 12th is Christian will meet tonight (Thursday, May 9), WILL TO FAIL? Family Sunday, when the Sunday 3 at 8 pm. in the parish hall for the| pgychologists tell us there is a will School will join in the. Serviee of second part of their two-part study | to fail, as well as a drive to succeed, Worship at 11.30 am. Representa. on the Church in the Sixties and the! ang it seems logical that magazines, | UVeS of the Sunday School will as- importance of Christian Education for | adited by people, have the same psy- | 3ist in the leadership of the service. present-day needs. The group of | chological components. Maclean's Ippo Sacrament of Baptism will also i teachers from Oshawa Anglican | magazine, it seems to me, has suffer- he observed, ; churches who were with us for' the| ed from what appears to be a persist- | } first, part of the study are expected | ont will to fail. t' The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mus. Alfred Fisher on Wednesday, May 1 at 2.15 p.m. with an attendance of eighteen. The meeting opened with the sing- ing of Hymn 296 "Our blessed bond of union". The scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Clarence Harrison fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs. M. Sparks. Our study period "Religion of the people of Formosa", was taken by Mrs. N. Anderson assisted by Mrs. | W. Gardner; Mrs. R. Mrs. Lindsay Death. Taylor and Hymn "Go Labour On", was sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. F. Lynde. Mrs. Gordon Fisher, of Brougham spehit a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Humphrey. + having a chance to meet Mrs. Ken- Mrs. William Ramsey Mis Morrish of Toronto were visited by | and and Mrs, KE. Péarson of Oshawa spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. ¢. Aldred Congratulations to Bill Prentice on his intermediate boxing ability. The Girl Guides of Seupoy, Grace Pogue, Sylvia Fralick, Janice Carter and Nancy Crosier cooked dinner for tehir mothers and it proved a won derful success. Mothers will meet Monday night. Rev. Braham will conduct morning devotion over C.K.L.Y., 9.15 w.m., the week of May 12th Mes. M. McLaren and Mrs. Mary Tetlow in Oshawa Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. D. Moore visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Inves and Jane spent Sunday in Peterborough with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sinclai | Mr. and Mrs. Evang of Toronto hero ! for the week-end. Kreg. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Minty spent Thursday and Friday in Torvnto. } Mr. and Mrs. John Sweetman visit - | ing with cousins in Wind<or and pt. | Pelee Island. Sime isp Hospital. Melarqe sen Monday mn Mr. and Mes. Cornish, O-hawa and Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford of Oshawa | at their colttapes here on Monday | Mrs. 8. ®urak and family of Tor onto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mies. Herb Matthews. Mr. Cecil Fralick of 'to the week-end at his hone Pleased to report Mr. « improving in Port Perry Mr. M. Oshawa, onto spent here ood | i to hear you were able to late Mr. Co 1. Fralick in Port Penry Hospital. Sorry to hear vou are dll Mr. Fralick. | Sunday, special service. at Grace, | Junior Choir to sing. Infant Baptism. | Will be looking forward t. out. Cen You that three visage the water on the Clo eway at this had still not highest paint. It was noted that on the 13th Laverne Martyn rowed his boat right along over the road. On Sunday over 20 of the Dowson family enjoyed a birthday dinner in the Head tea-room in honour of Mr. Frank Dowson': birthday. The previous Sunday Mrs. Laverne drove Mr. and Mro Alex Martyn to Toronto to spend the day with their daughter Inez and her husband. The former Donna Collins with her husband and baby spent last Sunday at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Collins. . On Wednesday evening it was a pleasure to again have Mrs. -Ashton and Mrs. Rodman of Oshawa joining in our meeting. We also enjoyed Can you remember foll time teen lois Causeway nedy who lives on the Stichman farm. The executive and yroup leaders of the Head U.C.W. will please meet at Mavie Healey's home on Thursday night. If a group leader cannot be present she will please try to have her group represented. Mrs. Clifford Redman is a ticket agent for the Rebecca Lodge for the I May program. < Jimmie Daw had the break a bone in his band while play- ing ball on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron ave in Toronto this "Mr. i attending the Assessor's Convention there, week, Heron is 4 Cam Aldred and family on Saturday | Remember the Guide | Lindsay at misfortune to | THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE To Attend Oshawa Programme Leeman Nixon, the presiding min- ister of the Port Perry congregation The second objective is to assist the ) ; J of Jehovah's Witnesses, is making his Ministry Development Program to be. held in the UAW. Hall, 44 Bond Oshawa, May 10th to 12th. At least fifty arrangements to attend. a pot be going alone. St. a! He will! other delegates from the Port Perry | "comgreration of Jehovahls Witnesses Swill also be attending. The assembly is arranged by the Witchtower Bible and Tract Society | MacPherson, District Supervizor, will for in attendance is keenly anticipated. "The puacpest'of the convention is a towfold Mr. Nixon Jehovah's Witnesses, one", UPON MY WORK! Frank Muir and Dilys Powell (top) prepare to match wits with their op- ponents, Nancy Spain and Denis Nor- (helow) the My Word, which is back once more on the CBC Mon- den ll radio program, radio network on Hundreds | states. | Pherson at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 12th, First the general objective of the! on the subject "Who Will Win the assembly is to spiritually feed and Struggle for World Supremacy?" -------- ee fe train the many Witnesses attending congregations in their personal visits at the homes of the people" | A Baptism service will be held on Saturday afternoon, and other ses- sions devoted to Bible talks, discus. and practical demonstrations will take place in the evening. Mr. Nixon further reported that several representatives of the Watch- Janeluding Mr. J. sions tower Society speak at the assembly, Highlight of the convention will be the public address by Mr, J. F. Mue- per acre. This hilarious half-hour from Britain, which starts off to be a. quiz show but ends up as a free- for-all of spontancous wit and com- ment, is now heard by listeners in 40 countries, day nights, 0 | Thursday, May 9th, 196: 100 Bushel Corn Club For the past nine years, Grain Corn Growers in Ontario County have or- ganized and carried through to com- pletion a very successful high yield corn club. This club has for its ob- jective, 100 bushels of shelled corn per acre. ' The winner of the 1962 competition was Mr. Norman Lehman, Claremont, R.R. 2, with a yield of 129.9 bushels Mr. Bob Lewis, Claremont, RR. 3, was second with a yield of 127.7 bushels per acre. Contestants may use any variety they wish, and they may use any means at their disposal to secure the highest possible yield from the three ucres that they use for the competi- tion. Anyone interested in joining this high yield corn club for 1963 should send theirapplication together with a $3.00 membership fee to the Depart- ment of Agriculture Office, Uxbridge, by June 1st. The officers and committee for 1963 are as follows: Chairman--Jack Morgan, Claremont Vice-Chair. --Jack Meek, Sandford See.-Treas.--Lynn Fair, Uxbridge Committee Members-- Jack Morgan, Claremont Bert Lewis, Stouffville, #3 Murray Dunkeld, Claremont, #2 Albert Foster, Claremont, #2 Norman Lehman, Claremont, #2 Malcolm Allbright, Balsam Jack Leck, Sandford Cecil Disney, Brooklin, #1 Gordon Hunter, Brooklin, #1 Cedar Creek Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Willerton wero entertained on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborne, Quaker Road. Forty-five relatives gathered to honour the Wil- lertons on their recent 25th Wedding Anniversary. "They were presented with a bedspread. Relatives were present from Rockwood, Guelph, Tor- onto, Oshawa, Greenbank and Prince i Albert. 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