4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1968 Port Perry has entered a team in the Victoria Independant Baseball League. Anyone interested in play- ing hard ball please contact Ross Mclean 986-2271, Notice WRIST WATCH: Would the per- son who picked up a boy's wrist watch on the High School Campus please return same to the High School of- fice or to the Port Perry Star Office. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. George Lune wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Gladys Jean to Mr. George Wilfred Mahaffy of Port Perry. The marriage to take place at Port Perry United Church on June 1st at 3 p.m. Card of Thanks I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my kind friends, relatives and neighbours for their lovely cards, flowers and gifts. Also thanks to the nurses and staff of the Fifth Floor for their kind attention given me during my stay in Oshawa General Hospital, ~--Mrs. Win. (Clara) Turner. In Memoriam ROBERTS -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father Georga Roberts, who passed away May 9th, 1962. - Ever remembered by his wife Margaret and family. In Memoriam LEIGHTON--In loving memory of au dear Dad and grandpa, Arthur Leighton, 'who died May 12, 1960. Deep in our hearts he will always "stay, New Faces Of Paris Monuments co The ever voung and Canadian visitors this year will *Seagrave "Angels" Pee Wee Soft- ball Club held their first workout on Saturday past. A good turn out was on hand, and were greeted by their Manager and Coach Don Hurst. Those on hand for the first workout were Dale Hallett, Murray & Keith Dur- ward, Frank Hoyel, Eugine Hurst, Kenneth Nightingale, and Chubby Raymond Whitfield, Billy Wanamaker, Doug Hughes, and Johnny Bright. Those who did not make it, will all be on hand, Tuesday and Thursday nights. Don Hurst on Sunday night Seagrave hold practice at the Port Perry and District Minor Softball Assoc. meeting, entered the Seagrave team in the Pee Wee soft- ball league. The club will play in a six "6" team league, Greenbank, Prince Al- bert, and thrée "3" teams from Port Perry. We hope to have a good club to carry the Seagrave colors. So with a lot of work and a little patience, we feel that we will come out all right. So come on people, Seagrave is back in the ball game again. 'I wish them the very best. USINESS FORMS from us. of any size, shape or style can be obtained If we can't print them ourselves face of Paris has taken on a Ex Sf, a Go Bidens 348 \ / new complexion, Bee patterns of heauty they dldn't .know existed in the French capital. For almost a year, Parisians _have, kept busily occupied with meticulous and expert cleansfiig of their noblest landmarks. Many architectural masterpieces now | reveal original 17th ang 18th | century lustre, Travelers with a keen eye | may have a first, distant limpse of this new fnrce of aris as their Air France 707 | Intercontinental jetliner wings over the capital before landing at Orly Airport. After arrival | they can view many fine build- ing profiles which date back to a royal age. Typical is the east facade | of the Louvre Palace and col- | 1] past, more and work vre with the Louvre monuments in 1775, the onnade pictured above. Dis- tinctly visible are the pedi- ments, capitals, and decorative sculpture. Raising the well from the terested in other than 30 specialists mer spent nearly seven weeks cleaning the Lou- water under high pressure, The delicate surface i18 now as it was in 1670, when was built. According to Air. France, the airline which flies more trav- elers to Paris than any other; some of the recently scrubbed are the Mint built Institute of France, the Invalides, Madeleine Church, and Chamber of Deputies. Afr France travelers to Paris, in- watching the cen- turies washed back, can ob- serve work still in progress on civic monuments. / we can order them from oné¢ of the specialized companies for which we are agents. Items such . a8 Continuous Business forms, counter check books, the new magnetic ink cheques, etc., can be obtained at reasonable prices through us. e SEE US FIRST eo The Port Perry Star Co. Lid. DEBE CED OOODERE CO rl olor lor lo oni lo oo Lolo lo i lo Lo VV VOTTIPYITII00OCTOIIOOSOOOCOOOO0Ce ¢ - ADMISSION: $1.00 OSHAWA CHAPTER OF Barber Shop Chorus & Quariette SEAGRAVE CHURCH Friday Evening, May 10th 8:30 P.M. CHILDREN 50¢ Loved and remembered every day. Jennie and Frank, Mac and Hector and family. In Memoriam MITCHELL--In loving memory of our grandson Billy who passed away May 12,.1962. As angels Keep their wateh up there, Please God just let him know -That we down here do not forget We loved and missed him so. Lovingly remembered by Nanna and Grandpa Mitchell. In Memoriam LEIGHTON--In loving memory of my husband-Arthur, who died sudden- ly on May 12th, 1960. "Not Forgotten" Salvation Army Expansion Ever remembered by wife Lily. Expansion of Salvation Army fa- THE CHURCHES Coming Events 5 NGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF ASCENSION A n S | Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A, B.D., 5./I'M. uction d e Sunday, May 12th-- AL Columbus United Church 11.30 a.m.-- Morning Prayer Grounds, Friday, May 10 at 6.30 p.m. 11.30 a.m.--Church School. Pets, hay, Straw, Shetland Filly Colt, Machinery, Golf Clubs, Bicycle, Elec- trical Appliances, Furniture . . every- PORT PERRY thing including the kitchen sink. Home UNITED CHURCH bi aod relecshments. Proceeds ; 1 aid of the building fund. tev. BE. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Mays TED ACK SON, Auctioneer "Sunday, May 12th-- 10.00 g.n.--Sunday School 11.0U a.m.--Jr. Sunday School Bazaar 11.00 a.m.----Morning Worship AND AFTERNOON TEA will be held at Prospect United Church on ST. JOHN'S Wednesday, May 156. Mrs. Richardson "QRYI'I ' N of itby will open the bazaar at PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9 y Sh ape Teer Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister May 9 Sunday, May 12th-- 10 a.m. Christian Family Service NOTICE Parents and children welcomed to | tix vupdhdned, option, To those that make my business Liou am. Sunday School. theirs, While in Hampton 1 was not visited by R.C.M.I>. to be put under 'The United Church of Canada | arrest or ta have any charges laid SCUGUG Pastoral Cliarge aguinst me, therefore talk is cheap ' CL and whoever talks is as cheap ag the Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. tlk. Sunday, May 12th-- Signed: Dennis Barron ® luo am----SCUGUG . LL.1o van. -MANCHESTER T | C E ao HEAD Sunday Schools N 0 Lo pane PROSPECT Organization representatives on the PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Port Perry Community Recreation Pastor--J. H. Brown [Genie gre: vs Rod & Gun, Fair Board, Reach Twp, Sunday, May 12th-- . Lions Club, Scugog Island Twp. Sot aum.----Sunday School Council, Skating Club, Hockey Club 11.00 aan. Morning Worship and Chamber of Commerce. 1.00 pan. Evening Worship We would like new members from Mais T40 pan--Young People other organizations, as we. are having ® o To or u General Rink Board Meeting the "eanesday, 8 pome--1tayer Meeting end of May. ii EVEYONE WELCOME -- Please phone Mrs. Lake 9856-2396 and leave name and phone number and yau will be phomed as to night . and date of meeting, In Memoriam Tia You Mrs. Lake, Sec'y. TAYLOR -- 1 loving memory of | May 16 John Taylor who passed away May 14th, 1962, - Just a thought of sweet remembrance Bingo Just a memory sad and true Just the love and sweet devotion Thursday, May 9th at the Legion Of us who think of you. Hall. Sponsored by the L, A. of the Lovingly remembered by Murray, Royal Canadian Legion. Time 8 p.m. Annie and children Sharon, Marléne, sharp. Janet, Rickey, Bobby and Bonnie. ' Ai H h g i Home In Memoriam Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timms of v "TAYLOR In loving memory of a| Manchester will be at home to their wonderful Grandmother, Elizabeth friends on the occasion of their Ann Taylor, who passed away May [Sictieth Wedding Anniversary on Ith, 1962. . May 10th, 1963 from 2 till 6 p.m. We often look out our back window To see the house that we cannot forget. E h & D Only a memory of bygone days uc re ance dy sh fof 8 Foe psoas | Will be held in Utica Hall on Sat, Knows best whan hold hs Map tih at 830 pon Prices wd Co " LLunch. Admission b0c. Lovingly remembered by grand- ' children Murray, Annie and | ao. - : Great grandchildren, Sharon, Cooking School Marlene, Janet, Ricky, ' Bobby & Bonnie.| A Moffat Cooking School will be ' held in the basement of the United In Memoriam Church, Port Perry, on Wed, May ' 20th, at 8.16 p.m. Lucky prizes. LYLE In loving memory of a Admission £00, May 23 dear son and brother, Mervyn Leon- ard Lyle, who centered into rest Ma T D 12th, 1949. J een ance ! © Beautiful memories, silently kept Myrtle Teen Dance will be held in of a wonderful son we never forget. | Myrtle Hall on Sat.,, May 11, 1968. The joys thut he missed on life's | Music by the Parisiennes. Special : highway attractions, "Two Spuds and a Dud". : - May he find in God's garden of rest. [ . i Lovingly remembered by IB J Mother, brothers and sisters ~Girl S Ball Any girls interested in playing Softball this summer be at the Ball Park on Sat, May 11th at 1.30 p.m. Age 12 to 16 years, Annual Meeting i The Annual Meeting of the Port Perry Hockey Club will be held jn the Port Perry Arena on May 26th at 7.00 p.m. All interested folk are in- vited to attend. | Spring Breeze Spring Br Spectacular Variety Show will be presented by Uxbridge Trinity United Church 4-1 Another Club 6n Tuesday, { May 28th in the High School Audi- i tarium. Admission Adults $1.00, i © ___J children under 12,-76c. Tickets avail- gl "EF able fiom -menibery of Maybelle Re: ! bekah Lodge. May 16 { # i y | i 8 '| costs" Mr. Frost declared. The Sal- cilities in Canada-is continuing at a fast pace and in response to need, said the Hon. Leslie Frost, P.C,, Q.C., LL.D., D.C.L., Chairman of The Sal- vation Army National Advisory Bd., when announcing the $3,018,661.00 national objective of the 1963 Red Shield Appeal scheduled ' for the month of May. Mr. Frost described tha objective as "a minimum neces- sity in order to maintain the Army's extensive social and character build- ing services." . He stated' that the policy toward the "ideal of self-sup- port" would continue and that insti- tutions would be expected as far as practicable to be self-sustaining. The Canadian public would be asked only to meet the deficit on such operations. "Increased services, however, can only mean increased maintenance vation Army has achieved remark- able success in its expansion program throughgthe years, he said, and the Canadial public will make certain that the National Red Shield Appeal will be "an unqualified success" so that these services, vitally needed, will be adequately supported. The coast to coast broadeast car- Figd: by the Trans-Canada network of the C.B.C. on Sunday, April 28th, TELEPHONE launched the Appeal. - INTRODUCING - A PROMPT, COURTEOUS AND FRIENDLY PERSONAL LOAN SERVICE FOR THE CITIZENS OF PORT PERRY & DISTRICT 5 LOANS Immediately Arrange IN YOUR OWN HOME By Merely Calling LOCAL 985-7172 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE Lombank Finance - (Eastern) Lid. Is A Canadian Partnership . With An Old Established United Kingdom Lending Institution "J 7, No The name to remember for MONEY! SUCH AS CONSOLIDATION OF DEBTS, HOME IMPROVEMENTS, TAXES, NEW CARS, CAR REPAIRS, APPLIANCES AND FARM EQUIPMENT. No Lost Time "From Work Nor Call Us And Finance . . Make Delay. Just Arrangements Today - tres bd rt pst - fl pe a WR Ar Ba-7172 Port Perr - oh 4 LJ EE - |) A a. &~ ' € <4 1 ¢ i 05 ¢ 1] 2 ' 1] 3 3 x v 4 JEN / 3 /