2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1963 Township of Scugog Auditor's Report and Financial Statements - 1362 AUDITOR'S REPORT March 6, 1963 To the Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers of THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG, STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1962 REVENUE Greenbank U.C.W. The May meeting of the Greenbank U.C.W. #1 was held in the Church basement on Wed.,, May 1st at 2.00 p.m. Mrs. Phair provided quiet music preceeding the opening. Murs. Smith presided reading a verse fol- lowed by prayer. A hymn was sung. A Psalm was read in Unison. The topic "Graces of Gratitude" was given by Mri. Smith. Mrs. Phair played a piano solo. The collection was received and dedicated. The chapter on Hong Kong from the study book "On Asia's Rim" was reviewed by Mrs. lasnon and Mrs. Couves. Mrs. @G. Phoenix read a short prayer fol- lowed by the Benediction this closing the Worship Service. Mrs. Harry Phoenix presided over the Business, welcoming 28 members and 2 visitors and thanking the group in charge. The Secretary's report was adopted as read by Mrs. Spencer fol- lowed by the Roll eall. $370.02 was on a specifie T.V. broadcast réeently on the Pierre Berton hour. May 8th was the date set for the 4 cleaning of the church auditorium. Greenbank U.C.W. #1 will cater to an Institute Banquet in May, 1964. Miss Luke was thanked for her work with the flower beds. Mrs. B. Thom- son was to do further work on same. Mrs. Clements reported for the bale Committee. A goodly amount of ar- ticles were on display which were to be dispatched the following day. The next Study Book was discussed. In-| vitations were received from near-by sister organizations. Uxifridge, May 6th at which Mrs. A. H. Stevens was to be the Speaker. Prospect, May 16th, a Bazaar. Blackstock, May 23rd at 1.30, Desert Luncheon. Program consisted of two poems by Mrs. lanson, "The Margarine Song" and "The Letter E". Mrs. Smith gave two readings "Knees" and "The ving oly a Rebekah Lodge The regular meeting of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge #348 was held in the lodge rooms on Tuesday, May 7th, 1963. Noble Grand Sister Lillian Harper was in the chair, assisted by Vice Grand Sister Georgina Moore. ~ The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The report of the Visiting Committee was given. Sister Grace Love gave a report of her visit to the District Meeting. It ' was interesting to hear the various highlights of the lodges in .our dist- rict. : Please remember the Lodges Fif- teenth Birthday Party on Saturday, May 25th, 1963 at the Legion Hall. Any members wishing tickets please e contact Sisters Pearl Gerrow, Marie Wakeford, Norma Jeffrey, Dorothy Pascoe or Georgina Moore, Our lodge is also co-sponsor of "Spring Breeze" on Tuesday, May 28, 3 R.R. No. 3, Port Perry, Ontario. Actual Gentlemen: Total Revenue from Taxation ............. $49,099.67 We have audited the books and accounts of your Municipality Contributions, Grants and Subsidies for the year ended December 31, 1962, and have prepared the ap- Governments: pended financial statements in accordance with the requirements of Oniatics the Department:of Municipal Affairs. Operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $660.33 after childrens Protection rmmmm-- ' %i78 using $978.30 of prior years' surplus to reduce the current levy and iy 5 IR. n 1 mmmmmmm------ 6,995.39 after a provision of $1,600.00 for working capital. The accumulated on 1 my ita Ga ay t os 1.81.00 surplus as at December 31, 1962 was $2,807.06. This surplus should Wie a br 4p PARIS "934.76 be taken into consideration when preparing the 1963 budget in ac- biden Tir A mmm oii e 1 Se H 29 D 3 p rant : A cordance with Section 297 (2) of the Municipal Act 10,661.23 We herel re that i : ¢ hereby veport that in cur opilien Licenses and Permits ......ccceinciinnennnnne 240.00 (1) The financial transactions which have come under our notice Interest, Tax Penalties ete. ..oo.ocovvvvnievirnennnn. 443.98 have been within the powers of the Municipality. Other Revenues-- } ; hises ...... y (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the in- Roms, Goneqoclons and Franchises 26 po structions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. Service Charges .........coevvrcnverrcnenennn 1,010.15 (8) The financial statements present fairly the financial posi- 1,048.94 tion of the Municipality as at December 31, 1962 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Gross Total Revenue ........ooevenvicicnininnnnnne 61,393.82 We appreciate the courtesy and co-operation extended to us by Surplus from Prior Years used to your officials during the course of our audit. reduce levy ....ocoiiinnnnce 978.30 {Respectfully submitted, 62,372.12 MONTIETH, MONTIETH, RIEHL & CO. 3 Chartered Accountants. e------ License No. 2280 . ; Total Revenue Section cocoon igre $62,372.12 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1962 " ASSETS ; General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) ........... $22,668.00 Due from Schools (for Debentures) EXPENDITURE Collegiate and High .........co $24,807.37 Actual NE 24,697.37 aE ' A ---- General Government 347,365.57 Executive and Legislative ..........cc.o.c..... $ 6540.33 LIABILITIES Administrative .. i. 3,123.71 Due to Other Municipalities Other ......coveerererernnnen raisins ees renee 890.34 4054.38 (For Debentures Assumed) ................. $24,607.37 $ 4,054. Investment in Capital Assets ........................ 22,668.00 Protection to Persons and Property ------ Fire soon - " ---- 1,189.00 $47,366.37 Law Enforcement om. © B00 Se -------- Protective Inspection--Warble Fly ...... 418.52 i Livestock killed by dogs .......cccovveveurnnnne 180.00 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET 1,687.62 December 31, 1962 CC ' » * ASSETS Public Works--Roads, Highways Cash in BARAK soninsbenmmmpnnommmmmemio $ 604.66 and Streets, etc. ---- 16,429.10 Accounts Recelvable-- - : Sanitation and Waste Removal ..................... 938.60 ] SUNATY civics erie tebe aes 7.00 Conservation of Health .........ccocrvnnennne. 51.00 Due from Province of Ontario RR 8,161.24 a - Due from Other Municipalities .................... 468.560 Social Welfare-- Die from Schools 15.12 Relief Assistance .........minninnn.. 1,120.69 Taxes Recsivable 7.308.56 Education, including debt charges ... 24,663.78 ' ' Recreation and Community Services 116.00 Total AsBets .......ocoocooeveeeviereeverreeeennn. $11,646.08 Debt Charges-- ord : LIABILITIES Debenture debt charges cers snaseas 3,109.57 TOmprsty Loans ) $3,000.00 Less own share of school debt charges 3,100.67 ad EE I f) . - < or Accounts Payable ......owmcuminsimeisisnsiis. Sy gra 714.68 : Due to Other Municipalities ................ 1,269.00 Interest and other charges ............... 180,08 Other Liabilities-- 100.08 Deferred Revenue ... . Reserves ie Taxes WHEN Off Liisi inimsmisngern 27.16 Sur Tus EE TPT 2,807.06 Joint or Special Bxpendiinros-- h plus -------------------- PTT 3 o County Rates reerserssin 10,878.59 Total Liabilities and Surplus ......... $11,645.08 Miscellaneous-- Provision for Deferred Revenue SR, 1,276.04 Provision for Allowances, Reserves and . REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT Reserve Funds ......cevcvinncrenne. 1,600.00 December 31, 1962 } mot me Debit Credit Balance Gross Total Expenditture .........cceoerererennne 61,721.79 Balance at beginning of year...... $3,136.08 Surplus or deficit included >, 61,721.79 in Current Budget wm $978.30 $2,166.78 Surplus for the Year .......crvccrnonnnens 660.33 Surplus or Deficit for the year.... I year 660.33 Total Expenditure Section .......cecvrennen. $62,372.12 Totals of Debit & Credit columns $078.30 $3,785.36 ) Balance of Surplus or Deficit y » at year end .......ccivevinennen. $2,807.06 1 A hb | 'Messrs. Lindsay Death; Arthur K "William Kenneth", son of Mr. and C d ] S urn Holman; Norman Anderson; Fred | Mrs. William Redshaw; Sherri Lynn" e ar reek Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor and Nancy, spent Sunday with relatives at Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw, sons Jim; Brian and Stephen visited Mr. and 3 Mrs.. W. Downing, Toronto on Sun- day. Mrs. Daw remained for a couple of days to attend the Annual Conference of the Ontario Association |- of Children's Aid Societies being held at the King Edward Hotel. Mrs. M. Sparks and Mrs, Ray Gra- ham "spent a day last week with friends in 'Lindsay. Mrs. 'H. Doble spent a few days with relatives in Sunderland recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron; Faye ' and Mary; and Mrs. A. Reynolds were : Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McAndless, Don' Mills. Faye Heron; Mary Heron; Diane Fisher; Joan Conibear; Sharon Walls; Ross ~ Batten; Roy Gaudaur; Jim | frees ee ----DEW; "Michael Gardner and "Clyde | 8 Johnson attended the Synod Spring #1 Fellowship meeting for Young, People | : held at Collingwood on Saturday, May 11th. Daw; Russel. Batten; Edgar Heron; John Gray and Fred Stephen attend- ed the testimonial dinner in Knox Presbyterian Church, Oshawa on Saturday evening for Rev.,R. Milroy. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parrott and daughtgr Janice and Mr. Gordon Stut- taford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Hamilton, Belleville. Christian Family Sunday was held in Burn's Church on Sunday, May 12th at 11,30 a.m. with members of the Sunday School assisting in the Service of Worship as prepared by the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Edgar Heron, superintendent of the Sunday School presided; the scripture was read by Judy Batten and prayer by Mr. Douglas Ashton. Thé members of Mrs, A. Fisher's class repeated the "Apostle's Creed and the primary class sang "Jesus 'Wants. me for a Sunbeam'. The Jr] Choir Sang an anthem. Five infants were baptized by Rev. H. Buntain: "Kevin James", son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Knight; "William Scott", son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell; and "Shelley Faye", daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cornish. The members of the Ladies Bible Class met at the home of Mrs. E. Humphrey on Wednesday, May 8th at 8.16 p.m. with an attendance of twenty-two. Mrs. Russell Richardson, vice- pre- sident, operied the meeting by read- ing a poem "A Thought on Mother". n 796 "When Mothers of Salem" was sung. The scripture lesson tvas read by Mrs. W. Hopkins and prayer by Mrs. Russell Batten, The minutes were read and reports of the visiting committee given. A thank you note was read from Mrs. W. Knight. Apron", written by Jane Scott, was read by Mrs. D, Ashton. A filmstrip on the Life of David Livingstone was shown. Mrs. Ray Graham 'gave a reading "How fortunate we are". A A reading 'Mother's |. George Kilpatrick Lorne and Lance Phare of Tyrone to Cooksville on Wednesday where they attended the funeral of the late Guy F. Martin. The service was held in Cooksville United Church. The Mar- tins, Phares and Kilpatricks were for- mer neighbours at Glidden, Saskat. chewan, accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Victor Larocque and Debbie and Paul visited Mrs, Eugene Trepanier and family in Toronto on Sunday. ' Mis. Frank Harris visited friends in Bobcaygeon on Monday. poem "Not Barren-Years", composed | by Mrs. Olga Weiss, was read by Mrs. H. Doble. ; The meeting clos ith the sing- ing of a hymn and repeating the benediction. eS A Ss El i th ll le a i Be Drensitey bulance read by rs. Value of a Smile". Mrs. A, MeMillon | 1963. . Anyage Vishiag Hebets, please ouves. Several reports o ome { woke Lilefly on the new Canada contact a member of the Rebekah R mittees were received: , Lodge. . Packer Labels and conducted a contest : . Literature--Murs. Harper " Business having been concluded, . . on "Implements". ; Stewardship--Mrs. Guy --r lodge closed in regular form. Citizenship---Mrs. F. Beare A very delicious lunch was served The Past Grands held their bake Mrs. Empringham spoke feelingly ' followed by adjournment. | sale after lodge closed. LJ Pp Here's alow, low priced car * that's clean-cut, handsome and ' then some ! The complete family fits comfortably into its roomy interior. oy Ld " Beaumont Sport Deluxe Bport Coupe Choose from 11 models 4 in 4 series. Convertibles | Sport Coupes | Sedans and Station Wagons ! All boast the added * beauty and quality of Body by Fisher. . v r Standard on _ every Acadian are an ' . "ashtray, foam-cushioned front seat, ~-@eaumont Convertible There are two » dual sunshades and front armrests. top-performing Acadian engines. The 90 hp. 4 that makes every gallon SN oa go farther, or there's z TT [J the 120 hp. 6 with - , more pep and the lf safe frugal attitude, 4 ~ v LS. bi Its sensi ' Who makes ha 5 makes We see this beautiful ses parang b wy IM | much easier. And it's bargain / RY 1 Invader 4-deor Station Wagon COTY economical with so ) many money-saving fe > much at such alow, low price | y y: giogtures A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Family Favorite... : * . See and Drive it at your ACADIAN-PONTIAC-BUICK Ll DEALER'S NOW! 5050 ._._Besuretowatch"T he Tommy Amba Shaw tha CBC. natwork:ChedkloeaHiing forties che: Be big et PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-7361 = v > a er | Pd