Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 May 1963, p. 4

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TTR N 4--THE PORT ESR A A Frade ot ot As " PERRY STAR, THURSDAY,-MAY 16th, 1963 THE CHURCHES ANG LIC AN CHURCH CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A, B.D, Sunday, May 19th-- 11.30 a.n.- Holy Communion May 23rd--Ascension Day-- 11.00 a.m.- Holy Communion, "PORT PE RRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8S. B.A, Sunday, May Linstead, 19th-- Sunday School Ji. Sunday School Morning Worship 10.00 a.m 11.00 a.m 11.00 a.m. STM. Minister Coming Events NOTICE Organization representatives on the Port Perry Community Recreation Centre are: Kod & Gun, Fair Board, Reach Twp., Lions Club, Scugog Island Twp. Council, and Chamber of Commerce. We would like new members from other organizations; as we are having ua General Rink Board Mecting the end of May. Please phone Mrs. Lake 085-2395 and leave name and phone number and you will 'be phoned as to night ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH H..M .A., Minister May 19th-- Morning Worship Sunday School Rev. 1. Buntain, Sunday, 10 aan 11.00 aan and date of meeting. Thank You. Mrs. Lake, Sce'y. May 10 Euchre & Dance The United Church of Canada © SCUGOG Pastoral Charge Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. May 19th-- "i010 aan. SCUGUG 11.15 a.m. MANCHESTER i1.15 HEAD Sunday School 1.15 pan----PROSIECI sunday, Will be held mo Utica Hall on Sat, May 17th at 8.30 p.m. Prizes und Lunch. Admission 60c. Cooking School A Moffat Cooking School will be held in the basement of the United PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH fPastor--J. H. Brown Sunday, May 19th-- GH0 wan. 11.00 a.m. T.00 pan. Sunday School Morning Worship 'Fivening Worship Monday, 7.00 p.m.---Young People Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting EVEYONE WELCOME -- TT NT NN a In Memoriam CLARK In loving memory Merva, who left us May 18th, 1962. Since death its gloom, it's shadow cast Within our home, where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light. We miss that light and ever will; Deep in our hearts we keep you still. So missed and Lovingly remembered In Memoriam CLARK dear wife and mother, who died suddenly May 18th, 1962. We morn For the eall was sudden, the shock sévere, To part with one we loved so dear. Ever remembered by husband and family. In Memoriam TAYLOR oun In loving Beth and one year memory John, ago on May parents, passed away Lith, 1962, One "year has but still we miss them, Never shall their memory fade. Loving thoughts will always linger Round the graves where they are Inid. Sadly missed b ythen Annies Nora and Lena and thei husbands and families. In Memoriam HIEAYN -- In remembrance of our little son and brother Larry Gordon, who passed away May 24, 1966. A page in the book of 'memories Silently turns to-day, Just as you were you will always be Treasured-in our memory, Ever remembered by Mum, Dad, Linda and Betty Ann, passed, ALEK TRICIAN" says' ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ARE-IMPORTANT 100, WEVE THE ONES ae PRODUCTS |b Yau 4iALwAYS BEER ELECTRIC 8 985.7174 -PT. PERRY of ~ Mom & Dad. In loving memory of a Merva Clark little knew when we woke that of who Church, Port Perry, on Wed., May 29th, at 8.160 pun. Lucky prizes. Admission § May 28 Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Port Perry Hockey Club will be held in the Port Perry Arena on May 26th at 7.00 p.m. All interested folk are in- vited to attend. Spring Breeze Spectacular Variety Show will be presented by Uxbridge Trinity United Church 4-1 Another Club on Tuesday, May 28th in the High School Audi- torium. Admission Adults $1.00, children under 12, 76c. Tickets avail- able from members of Maybelle Re- bekah Lodge. May 16 At Home Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade will be pleased to receive their friends, relatives and neighbours at the home of their daughter Mrs. Roger Oke, 88 Crandel St., Port Perry on Tuesday, June 4th from 2 10 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. May?23 Bake Sale To be held on Sat,, May 18th in the Old 1GA store (next to the Post Of- fice) Queen St. Sponsored by Unit #4 of the United Church Women. C.W.L. Euchre Will be held in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church on Sat., May 18 at 8.30 p.m. Door Prize. Admission 60c. Turkey Supper Turkey supper will be held on May 18th in the Community Hall at 5.00 p.m. Sponsored by the U.C.W. Ad- ston adults $1.60, children 6c. Dessert Luncheon Blackstock U.C.W. Dessert Lun- cheon, May 23, 1.30 p.m. in Christian Education Centre. Guest Speaker Mrs. Jo. Rateliffe Clarke of Toronto. Tickets 7bc. Arena Board "Annual Meeling A General Meeting "of the Arena Board and the election of officers will be held at the Arena on. Wed., May 20th, 1963 at 8.00 p.m; The Public is Welcome. #8 LIVE-BETTER " Electrically .... with an..ELECTRIC | WATER | HEATER: : IN E AVE TTR LAr Uormet "egy ), gn So > --n-- a . Sh tii bo uy LAA ie! i Skating Club, Hockey Club | HOLD SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION Blackstock rte pn FREE DELIVERY AT 11 (T3133T 3332382388308 22822882832882230233] FORDER BROS. MEATS WEEK - END SPECIALS eo 100 R i FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROASTS ....oooooocovvinn 39¢ 1b § f FRESH BEEF LIVER ..ooooooooieceereseessnneescns sensi 39¢ 1h § SAUSAGE ooo snnssssssnssinsnn 3 Ib. for $1.00 i FRESH LAMB CHOPS ..ocoooooovsnsns rns .. 69¢ Ib I STEWING LAMB ...cocccoevcroerrsnesssnnsscsanssrsnsoessnsens 29¢ 1b ° Milton Heard--985-2889 May 23/63 Activities at the Arena for the Summer. PHONE Ivan Parkinson--985-2415 or | SUPERVISOR - Pari Time To manage help, and promote roller skating and other Weekly wage basis or rental agreement would be considered. AT THE UXBRIDGE KIN HARNESS RACING SPRING MEET AND HORSE SHOW Mon., May 20th, 1.00 p.m. MIDWAY -- RIDES -- GAMES ELGIN PARK, CITT LLL EEE TELL LULL LLL EEE L LULLED LLL LLL LZ) COME TO UXBRIDGE AND MEET "THE PROFESSOR" Star of "THE PROFESSOR'S HIDEAWAY" on TV. SMEN CLUB'S ANNUAL REFRESHMENTS UXBRIDGE PLEASE NOTE! fftil 2.00 p.m. He is anxious ! _The.Professor-will open. the fair at. 1.00 p.m. Following t this he, will be strolling through the grounds for 1 hour only, friends in this district, so come early, don't be disappointed. MANNA EN ANA RAN NANA AN RANE NNER RAR AN NAAR COME EARLY " a to say hello to all his young FOR YOUR HOME COMFORT & ECONOMY You don't need fo leave your own Burner Man Here is what you get as a Reesor Customer Other Features ESOR Mr. I. Nixon, presiding minister of | fear that is very prevalent in the Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell and U S I | | E S S F 0 R M S the local' congregation of Jehovah's| world today is largely due to the ex-| Margaret and Mrs. Wm. Riding, Osh- S Witnesses, announced the ncsesstil pansion of the Communist Regime, and | awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur of any size, shape of style can be obtained 8 conclusion of a three-day assem ly | its struggle with the Western world. Bailey, Sunday. " from us. If we can't print them ourselves f held .in the U.A'W. Hall this past] However, the true cause of the strug- Ek week-end. gle is greater than that of the East.| Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton and we can order them from ome of the specialized a West conflict. The East-West con- | boys, Oshawa spent Sunday afternoon companies for which we are agents. Items such »! "y flict is but a mere side skirmish in with hey wid oe Rarguion, Wt: Pore as Continuous Business forms, counter check the ~tuggle for world control. Thef WI. anc Eis. Carnes TEE 0 books, the new magnetic ink cheques, etc., can be 3 ridding of all wickedness including Perry and Miss Hazel Wright, Osh- ' pee id p the greed for world dominion by man awa, were Sunday dinner guests of obtained at reasonable prices through us. will be brought to an end when the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and fa. } creator of the universe, Jehovah God, | Mily: \ Y e SEE US FIRST e b Fi a battle SLohon about in Pe Mr. and Mrs. Walter" Wright and ¢ ] last book of the e as being the} ily visited his parents at the Lloyd Th ' Pp i Pp Si C Lid cl Battle of Armageddon." Wrights, then her parents Mr. and e , or erry ar 0. hd F Mr. MacPherson stressed the point] Mrs, Harold Stinson, Yelverton. 8 that every practical minded person Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland, Mill-; u wants to be on the winning side. He brook, visited her brother Mr. i " went on to say, "Informed persons| Mys J. A. Johnston Sunday. i a know from the Creator's own Bible Miss Audrey Hunens, W rode) d y Prophecies that neither the Democera-| ne . easy X Howl Pel.' H N 0 T 1.C E g tic South nor the Communist North po We yg a nd H in i . i : - ow, EB ; 8 g y iH] 3 N \ \ 9 will win. Both sides will fail! The Mr. and Mes. Wilbert Toms Sundiy THE ARENA IS OPEN FOR RENTALS OF ALL KINDS 2 nations must give way to God's es-| 7° © v PP S-- _ tablished Kingdom under his reign- pests l Jr. and Me a Gree | DANCES, BINGO'S, LARGE MEETINGS, ' ing King Christ Jesus." : keen and. iss Joyce Lraham, RUMMAGE & AUCTION SALES 3 . : . He continued, "The Kingdom under Mr. and Mrs. Hank Bums 20d In. ° R ble R ' 4 The featured discourse of the pro- : : grid, Kirby; Mr. and Mrs. Norman at Reasonable Rates ° "aa : : His son, Christ Jesus, and it alone, 2 ' . gram entitled "Who Will Win the 1) 'then assiine the yulersbip 'over Robinson and Jacqueline, Port Perry; Struggle for World Supremacy?" was he . py that yo Bible Per Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Ryswyk and given by District Superintendent, Mr. il " wy tent] tates thae 'God's Mr. John Gmur, were Sunday supper TELEPHONE 985-2889 or 985-2415 J. F. MacPherson, at 3 p.m. Sunday. Bon ort . ys a tterl po guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Van Ry- A record crowd of more than 477] fingdom will came and u oe "on swyk. heard Mr. MacPherson say that "The | VOY all governments in opposi WB YON "str. and Mrs. Fred Previn Lloyd ' y t 'his righteous rule' Daniel 2:44. The LR " d p h : time of decision is now. Christians pr yw Joined 2 amily gathering 5 ] must align themselves with God's atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar . to Horn, Oshawa, Sunday. ar 0 an S Kingdom for this is the government g hear Mr. F Toff. Tor : that 'will bring lasting peace and will ry by hams ! . rank Goff, Tor- I wish to thank all my friends for| crase the struggle forever for world " 3 oy ro Bsioring fall and flowers, gifts, visits and cards during | supremacy." pp oo og Ww 4 6 visiting Mr. Sid my stay in Hospital. And a specinl| The convention came to a close with io a LN on Jainevan: : 1. Wire Domestic and Commercial Buildings. » + thanks to=BbreoJ. Melntyre, Dr. John | scriptural counsel from Mr. N. Nevar, il indy vs. i Brown and fa- 2. Repair Electrical Appliances. Diamond, the nurses and staff of Port | Circuit Supervisor, and Mr. MacPher- gra mvingh unday Rossi of 3. Install Light Fixtures. » Perry Hospital for their care and| son followed with the concluding re- ren By ryans ang chilg- 4. Repair Damaged Circuits. kindness. marks on the subject, "We Need Je- Mrs Arthur Leigh May Allen hoval's Organization." Mrs Se ng' elg ton, Mr. and Ke Talks were barely over when fast- | ©" Fran Bailey, Mr. and Mrs, : ' ) . scotldiie. ClAn-ap cews Tegan dit Hector Shortridge and Bill attended So « Card of Thanks mantling equipment set up by the Pl in Patt Perry United Church Ww E S LA N E 4 = Witnesses and giving the UAW. Hall | Sunday morning, when Sharon Len, 2 ] To all my friends and relatives for} ; farewell .clean-up. aughter o rs. an Bai- |g Pl » . » fruit, flowers, gifts, cards and their | _ ___ - __. I ley was one of 12 who received the umbing Healing Eleciric prayers for me, and to all those who sacrament of baptism. helped with the extra work at the Gb ; Lig and Mrs. Milliard Fallis, Oak- 4 247 . time of the accident, 1 give my deep- ville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. - est heartfelt thanks, Sincerely, HELP YOUR RED CROSS A. Johnston Tuesday and Wednesday iCech Fralick and.vigited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gibson, : Cadmus and called on other relatives. | ¢6.0060060600006000000000006 00 6teO tO IEEE I TE dC TDS : hr FUEL = 2 LUMBER - FREE - OIL BURNER SERVICE ALL FOR. THE PRICE OF. YOUR OIL (you pay for parts only) WITH ONE IMPORTANT EXTRA \ e YOU CHOOSE YOUR SERVICEMAN * The choice of burner serviceman is yours when oi become i a REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Customer. We are support- I ing the INDEPENDANT burner service man and believe that his customers should have the option of continuing with his satisfactory service relationships that have already been established. »_ ished ZR er] 3 Annual Cleaning and Inspection of the furnace, smoke pipe, chimney base and burner by your own burner man FREE. Energenty 2 24 Hour Service FREE. Inspection Service -- FREE. tell rt th, = rr Cy 'vB : 7. FE Automatic Delivery Setvice. Accurate Metered Delivery invoices er et re te a

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