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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 May 1963, p. 5

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FRESH GRADE 'A' OVEN READY 2:3 Ib. Avg. WL. WE ARRANGE QUICK pes ~~ "\ i » vl . THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1968 -§ v . S ith 1 A 1 a : Mrs. Ait Mouse and Miss FF Muc | Mr. Bruce Suelgrove, with Mrs Meoand Mrs, Win. Keen und Brian | on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. ; Minor 0 d i lFaggart of Toronto. Suelgrove at the piano rendered were recent visitors with Mr. and | Revoolds. i' 3 Fy i " ! . Tupi . nge S 0 pen on . x wvnolds. M a violin solo. Mi Clatenve Wright of Cannington. Mio and Mrs. Koo Rodd and family | The Port Perry and District Minor S d J 1 Mr. and Mis. R. Reynolds, i und Mr. Brooks stated that the aim of Mi ad Miso Alex Muckie und fu-| of Greenbank and Mr. and Mrs, K i 3 SS0C. Wi et I sday BOL W cer, Neil and Hilly ) } bh C to » ! Mr. ob : Softball Assoc. will meet Thursday, atur ay, une si I B.1 Wansmaker/ Rei an ay the organization was to heep alive fmily of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. | Whitaker of Burketon spent Sunday i 8.00 p.m. at the Arena to draw up oo oo : See guests 0 | pr " ' S i | Barber Shop harmonies and that the | Ron Wanamaker of Port Perry visited | with Mr. and Mrs. M. Stone. ' final pluns to begin the house league. With just three week's_to get ready | for this club, is giving his all, and we | Vvanamaker for dinner on Sunday | 00 0000 Anniversary was | - - -- Entries must be in by Wed, May 15, | for their June 1st opener, who they | are looking for a hustling club. I| evening. to be hgld in Toronto this summer £ . . and to date the numberof teams is play yet, it hasn't been decided. But fre! at this moment, we will have at Mr. and Mrs. R. Nodwell entertain The Chorus sang "Give My Re i» ' very encouraging. will be on Sunday,. May 18th, when | that. . Go Pine RI surds to Bios new PY ; y The Squirt leagti® has 3 Port Paty the Port Perry and District Mino od the Cota) Messy Bi stad Sun Sires Nae Mv a n I Prince Albert and Sots Assoc. meet, Tus be eel noon. The occasion being Miss Kose- Ma on Henderson then led in i " : | % Foye Ye ech WORki Ten ToT Sea rave mary Nodwell's birthday. A number | rome a tence participation singing 4 The Pee Wee league has 4 Port|in beating the blazes out of the g a i i "Let Me Call Y 3 " ! Rs T . Q i " Lo of the neighbours were present for a et Me Call You Sweet Heart en rath sk Prince Al Faas Aninm 19 Yopning an on Mr. Glenn Wanamaker had a very | while to listen to the music. Rose BN the Light of the Silvery Moon" a || d Bi : " a ¢ : i. : AY TIE usual Lappening, on Monday morn. | mary plays with this band. ving Back My Bonnie to Me", da a i # In the Bantam, Port Perry has two] sky, who certainly hasn't been direct- i" He Sas travelling on Hightvay introducing actions in some of these BEAUTIFUL EXTERIORS... 3 'lubs, while in Midge s-- | ing the rai fr ; #. Ale was i The } a's Day Service wa well | phe oduce " : i whi e in Midge two teams-- | ing the rains away from the halo 101, with u truck owned by Mr. Cliff The Matha: Day uivjee Vie Hf then inteaduced chorus, "If You BEAUTIFULLY PROTECTED A Port Perry and Greenbank with a pos- | workouts. We hope our troubles are love uf Port Perey 1 loaded wit} attended. Since babies were being | Cup't Say Good Things About Your SOLIGNUM yurol 4 beaut d % sible entry from Uxbridge are at this | over with the rains. The kids are wo Y ll oh Fowl o2 © \ pin baptized admiring friends were in the | Nyiphbour, Just Say Nothing at All" cronies ik vidio ea RA savly Sad.oun 5 time ready to start. working real hard, going through iy L pry po Yo A a ey congregation. Those baptized were Mi. Ken Brooks explained the fou 12 colours Fast application No peeling 3 The schedule will begin on June 8.] their paces hitting, bunting, sliding. ea "li . Nl Toa oy Robert Dale, son of Mr. and Mi: Don | etivns of Barber Shop harmony as STUPC EONS LTD., Scarborough *w/obie of HARDWARE & PANT STORES, X . Teams will play two games each week. | Not content with just telling the kids ut i. He Nn oo py er Leslie; Tracey Lynn, daughter of Mr | | [oads, 2. Tenor, 3. Bass, 4. Bari- co h Gh sciiien& skins shinies AY J Umpires and some coaches are ur-| how to play, Coach Don Hurst gets | ) EP wil he on a ol and Mrs. Wm. Fitze; Diana Elizabeth, | (one Each section singing a few av gently needed so any one interested | right in there, and shows them how 10 N ely nN v fig i &t - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hlo- | jines alone and then combining them 3 ; pl : PT) \ . v : [TH [ ate 2 v A in umpiring call Charlie Bourgeois at] its done. As we suid before, Patience, oy " - - ¥ thoy not get onl zan; Debra Diana, daughter of Mi | on (he sony "Carry Me Back to : oF 2407; coaches call Carl Luke at 2660. | wins a diploma. Every kid trying | pRvement. and Mrs. E. Whitaker; Chery! Lynn bond Vigna". Mis. Gibson favoured The modern way to be if _ ee Police and firemen were soon on | daughter of Mr. and Mis. B. Standish fioh two hort readings. The Quan traditionally correct es i -- the scene. The fire was | Ronald Charles and Stephen Grant | (etre wang Nu ory Rhymes. very . 1 ee ------------ Tm Tm mT Tm === | the motor and cab, of the truck, which | sons of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Ashmore | nusing for the children and som The Bouquet ix ) x P 0 P L A R P A R K were both badly damaged. Rev. McNeil preached a very up- | older children too. . Invitation Line WH Mr. Lloyd Edwards, of Oakwood propriate sermon from the text "A Mr. Bruce Snelgrove played "My - a WEATHER PE] ING POP ARK W ; V] harpened along, with his stack truck, | eter that fears God she shall be [ Sunvenirs™ The Man in the Mow Wedding Invitations th PERMITTING POPLAR PARK WILL BE and by forming a corral of trucks praised". The Choir sang an anthem | Says Hello", by Chorus, "The Animal o 5 'OPEN FOR HOLIDAY WEEK-END and ropes, thoy ere able to load thie on the same theme, making a very | Song" for the eildren written in the Thermo-enoraved fRaleed lettering) iS ' : . : i style F Negro Spiri " : cattle into the Edwards truck, and impressive service. 5h a? New Spirituals. . Thermo-Engraving looks and feels like i ) ! SATURDAY MAY 18 proceeded to the Stock Yards. Mr. Morley Bruce called the pather- we closing humber was "Keep the hand engraving, but costs about half as ¥ - ! ing to order when the Oshawa Chap- Meany Feels Ringing". {pu h ni it's ready within the week. 4) - Later Glenn and Lloyd returned to | (oy of Barber St '} 1 Quar Mr. Brooks then invited anyone in retmo-kagraving eliminates the co x 3 me ai ve er of Barber Shop Chorus and Quai h ) p- y e Season Tickets available June 1st, 1963 the scene of the accident, and Lloyd | ette put on a performance, in Sea- | terested to come to one of their meet. oy ly th be -- ng. Select A . . . I ---- 3 . : , Ce ; , AT Tica cka oom 0 co and tun « 5 e¢ Swimming Lessons to Begin July 1st very kindly towed he truck to Osh-| rave United Church, on Friday ev- ings, in Oshawa, any luc day even from Ny pra ng: ache i (A #wa, and brought Glenn home. ening. Morley announced the Mo. | ing correct papers. 11 distinctive styles of AN FOR LARGE PICNICS The kindness and assistance of all | \)op's Day Service for Sunday morn- Morley Bree expressed the thanks lettering. Weddings priced as lof as Ni D was greatly appreciated, and espe- | ing, nlso the Anniversary Service for of the U.C.W. to the Oshawa Chapter, $9.00 for 50 and $13 50 for 100. com- 4h) » + Je . cially the helpfulness of Lloyd Ed- May 26th, when the Rev. HG" Lester Mrs. Gibson and Mr and Mrs. Snel plete with double envelopes and tissues i wards, which went far beyond the | will 'be the speaker in the morning | ¥tovV¢ one, Wud ste our complete cata. 8 : J Thi w _ wehing's a vogue alclung announcements, at y - ) enll of duty. . ~ | and Rev. Beatty of Beaverton, in the Thi, was nosplendid evening's en home cards. enclosure cards, etc. pn. J he ( Ameras were on the scene, and the evening. He then presented Mr. Ken tevininent, we hope to hear them NT whole episode was pictured, that Brooks, President of the Oshawa Hpi in the not too distant future. . iE ol Go. ows. Chapter, who was present, with twen- Fhe SOS fps of the U.C.W who 1 iuests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mac-| uu; . o Chorus vr sponsored the evemng served lunch ' » A J.B o Hes ty-cight members. The Chorus group } PORT PERRY STAR CO LTD - AIRD, Prop. Faggart on Sunday were Mr. Dan | jung 'We Love to Sing the Old Songs', to the entertainers, . . $ : 3 rem omen emt | McTaggart of Little Britain, Mr. & | pr Brooks spoke a few words of oo = i B etn an mm meee ~~ | #recting and expressed his pleasure J ferme ee pe ------ ---- at having such a large audience, since ; the weather was so unfavourable. He - then introduced the Director, Mr. (EH ' i Eric Booth. The program which was SA) very much. enjoyed was as follows: & ) 2 Ae "Californin Here 1 come" by the -- 2 P i N Reading by Murs. Frank Gibson of FE - Prince Albert, "I'm very good ; FEATURING CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS at She shape 1s 100 rE RE HITE os Cs ree » . ey 1 AER EARS RE A 8 L fs} Hd MALES I] , at Your CARLOAD FOOD MARKET, Prince Albert. oY nas J is Quen n AT LI I 53 OA] tie $412 Ha (REEF 1A SE IR IY { oy } t The! v4 ig, 1 © 2 MAPLE LEAF "1 1b, Pkgs. .. A Song in Memory of Mother, 0 IT "n ' L A R D 2. 17 ~~ and "All Alone". 1 TULIP -- Regular or Coloured PLUMBING : "i "MARGARINE 2 Ibs. 41° S. i § LUNCHEON MEAT--Served Hot or Cold 12 oz. Tin HEATING KAM . it | ; 84.4 3-8 4009880008400 WIRING i MAPLE LEAF 1% 1b. Tin : "J CANNED HAMS 1 RB 7 so es 0 0 0 Ww E S L A N E ) SHIRRIFF -- INSTANT "6 oz le), ) is 3 ye 0 MASHED POTATOES ~~ 20° lll viownc - mame Fo ji Abe T TIP TOP is featuring this important : KRAFT -- MIRACLE WHIP 32 oa. ELECTRIC EW ; \ ; ¢ new male colour in shades that span the "1 hs : SALAD DRE 'hen - spectrum from light to dark. See 44 / . . { Th fi > FREE DRAW 37 OFF FAB greece $1 07 : all-wool fabrics from finest ww : - : : } Ts : TRE A . a NS British mills! Have your - * . . Lh ON $5.00 WORTH OF CLOVER LEAF " choice tailored to your 3) YU od GROCERIES WITH A $5.00 PINK S ALMON - bl' measure in a new Vi ' % - EE : it / pL (1 ORDER OR OVER. L 0 A N S FLEET STREET suit! Ll ; HEINZ 11 oz. Bottles : da | KETCHUP 2 - 45 i A : ; 3 4 FREE DELIVERY | xevioces 2. vig, 8 Complete Loan ji » ' % 4 i ¢ S -- it 4 fi 4 . ; 7 3 DON'T CARRY HEAVY CORN F LAKES UE | ervice 3 : - SS -------- IN YOUR OWN HOME { wy wl ol FOOD PARCELS -- MEAT "FEATURES -- 4 Sf 7 PHONE 985-2492 CHICKENS ~9 ¢ ~ CONFIDENTIAL LOANS HANDCUT i - - Cousin nn 5 ~~ FOR ANY USEFUL Irv St "Jk MAPLE LEAF -- Half Cry-O-Vac PURPOSE AT TERMS ] (9) 2 MEASURE FC ike STORE HOURS 4-5.Average Weight--Fully Cooked, Ready to Serve YOU CAN AFFORD " one 00 3 A . : Ib ¢ - Us e ; : - , ve J Daily 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. HAMS ............... 69 ® CALL © tail 5 and Discuss Your Financial aitors A Tuesday 8:30 to 1:00 p.m. MAPLE LEAF--I1st Grade No. 1 Rindless 1b. Pkg. Wy ) , ¢ . Needs and Reach a Quick ) py PHONE 985 - 2492 'Side Bacon ................ 69 Solution i oi ~1 MAPLE LEAF 1b, WIENERS ................. MAPLE LEAF -- SLICED COOKED MEATS Mac and Cheese -- Chicken -- Minced Ham - | Assorted Meats ............. Dack Shoes BLACK, BROWN $21.95, $24.95 Stock Suits - $69.95 Wool Pants - $13.95 PERMA CREASE -- Grey, Charcoal, Brown, Olive Green AYLMER Tomato Juice mr 48 oz. Tin Ad ah ELAN A A jf Cy Fo oa JP 773 SARAN WRAPPED Ib, Pkg Par and "$16.95 A Bok ants - $16.95 ol - AYLMER ' 20 oz. Finance : Green, Grey, Summer Weight Hush Puppies § N nt Patan Renu Raswe 7 : eee - 01 for 4 - 0 ° G " Nl ' 4 A : Boston Brown Beans T- TELEPHONE Spork-Jackets-- $23.95 Tg Men" 9. 95 -- Ladles $8.95 -- Boys $8.60 | ~L PRICES EFFECTIVE THIS WEEK- END WED. - SAT, MAY 15 to 18 wan | -- ll BE woo one || "PHONE: sp5-2521 PORT PERRY a A Aa sassssssaasaaanenss 8

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