Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 May 1963, p. 7

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- ------ BR --~-- ----- - RC _ RT Manchester There was a good attendance at church for Family Day Service on Sunday. A full choir of Juniors with Susan Roach at the. piano gave a number that was much appreciated. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonley, Diane Susan, and son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Payton, David Anthony and Deborah Lynne were baptized. The U.C.W. met at Mrs. Meta Holtby's for their regular meeting on "Thursday, May 9th. Mrs. Holtby opened the meeting with call to Wor: ship and Hymn No. 40 was used. Mrs. J. Dobson read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Holtby's talk on Christian Family Life was cnjoyed __very much, Mrs. Lorne Thompson gave a read- ing "Thoughts for our Garden". Mrs. J. Dobson read a "Mothers Day" Poem. Mrs. Tot Holtby read a letter from Miss Ruby Wilson, a local girl now a missionary in Nigeria. Murs. Aletha Holtby presided for the business meeting. Seventeen mem- bers answered the roll with an article commencing with the letter "M" to be sold at the bazaar. Mrs. Holtby wel- comed specially, Mrs. Lloyd McKee of Oshawa a former member. Sec'y Mrs. Toombs read the min- utes of April meeting which were adopted as read. Seventeen were reported: The members who were not present are reminded that a donation of one dollar each is re- quested in lieu of a bake sale. Cookies and Fruit squares were pro- mised for the Hospital Sunday, May 12th. The June Mecting will be at Mrs. Fred Lamb's. The meeting closed with theme and prayer, follow- ed by a dainty lunch and social half hour, We are sorry to hear Mr. Chas. Coombe fell last week and broke his leg. - hy visits v nN Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDiarmid, Osha called on Mrs. M. Crosier Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Meek, Sand- ford, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Midgley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Williams, Tor- onto were recent guests of his sister Mrs. L. Thompson and Mr. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wyatt, Good- wood were Sunday guests at the Clin- ton Midgley home. daughter of Port Perry visited her parents Mr. and Mrs, Ed Donnelly on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Selby and children, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cleverton, Uxbridge were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Me- Cartney. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perkins were re- cent guests of their aunt Mrs. Han- nah Johnston, Mrs. Tom Donnelly, Mrs. Ruby Fielding and Mrs. Dolly Roberts en- Joyed a bas trip to Buffalo last Fri- day. & Last Sunday "Christian Family Day", was observed in music and story at our church. Each class marched in accompanied by the teachers and were seated in front sections of the sanctuary. It was pleasant to see and hear near thirty-five wee age sing a couple of familiar songs, The chair space was fully occupied by juniors who favoured with promising voices accompanied by the organist Mrs, B. Snelgrove.. Our pastor Rev. EK. S. Linstead delivered two stories which totally captured the attention of the young, in fact his message provided food for thought for us all. ' Another highlight of the worship was a baptismal ceremony when the following children were presented by LAWN-BOY ONLY POWER FING oN STA » If You Can Lift A Finger Lawn-Boy 949% easier to MOWER WITH R-TIP } TING 'You Can Start The New Lawn-Boy A new starter and twin:spark ignition makes the '63 start. Finger-Tip start is a |S Lawn-Boy exclusive, no other power mower has it. Unique Grasscatcher . . cleans as you cut. Detaches easily... empties in seconds . . . AY CARNEGIE BROS, « vacuum $89.50 can't clog. " nost HARDWARE No. 533 PORT PERRY, ONT. 7 SPECIAL NOTICE WHITBY INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL TRADE FAIR : Announces ia BEAUTY ® FOR: MISS TOWN CONTEST OF WHITBY; and ® FOR MISS COUNTY OF ONTARIO Contest Forms _& All Particulars of Regulations attached are available at Local Drug Stores & Beauty Parlors in y Whitby, Ajax, and Uxbridge; or From Pickering, Brooklin, \ Port Perry Trade Fair Headquarters . Box 118 Whitby ; Miss Donna Johnson, R.R. 4, Uxbridge; Mrs. Leslie Meyers, Goodwood : Rh VALUABLE i M. A. Colville, R.R. 2, Sunderland... RR Mel, Femia, Chairman Contest Committee, 331 Dovedale Dr. Whitby, Ont. MAJOR PRIZES 1 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fielding and | foe 'again on Thursday, June 6th, 1963 at EE rh SE AT rrr vl vp their parents: Susan Margaret Hun- ter; Janet Marie Sturman; Richard Lloyd Linton; Clinton Neil Chambers: | Daniel Alfred and Cheryl Ann Newn- ham and Cynthia Jean Mountenay. Mr. Denny Martyn and Mr. Robt. Forster gathered the offering. We were pleased to see visitors present. This proved to be a worthwhile service. Mrs. Savjuntson accompanied her | daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs Frank Gibson to Port Perry United Church" Sunday morning to witness the christening service of the grand- | daughter Elizabeth Anne, baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gibson. They, | plus the immediate family were gen- erously entertained at the maternal | grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Reesor, following church. Family day gathering with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt and two sons were Mr. and Mrs. Don Little and son; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Keenan; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker and son all of Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. Robt, Skerratt, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. DJ Williamson and son, Gordon Port Perry apd Mr. and Mrs. Ken Middleton and two children of the village. Sunday company with Mr. and Mrs. E. McCrea were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCrea, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Wu. Nesbitt and Mr. and Mrs. S. Naylor and baby girl all of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. B. Pickard aud fa- mily, Port Perry. We are glad to sce Mrs. Mulvey, Florida and Mr. and Mrs. F. Pearce, Oshawa living in their homes for the summer, Mi. and Mrs. N. Wilson had Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rodd, Oshawa on Sunday. A better bill of health is wished ' Mr. J. Keizibrink who is now in St. Joseph's hospital, Toronto. i At S. S. a week ago being mission- | ary day the convenor Mrs. B. Jeffs talked and illustrated on a very ef- fective theme for those present. Birthday pins to Mildred Martyn and John Hunter. TU a Scugog Township Council The regular meeting of the Scugog Township Council was held in Town Hall on Tuesday, May 7th, 1963 at 8.00 p.m. Reeve Anson Gerrow and Council- lors Jos. Dowson, ¢. B."Hoult and C. Carter were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting and a special meeting were read and adopted nas read on motion. CORRESPONDENCE-- : 1. Community Memorial Hospital, an invitation-to the Council to attend} the Open House and 10th Anniversary Tea to be held on Sunday afternoon, May 12th, 2.30 to 5.00 p.m. 2. Dept. of Municipal Affairs -- A memorandum re Interim payments on subsidy for Winter Works projects. 3. Richardson Road Machinery Co. Ltd.--that parts for the Richardson Grader are still available. 4. Minutes of the County of Ont.) Assessors Association, and announc- ing that the next meeting will be held in Sunderland on June 5th. 5. Ontario Municipal Board, re Re- vised Proceedure under the Planning Act to be followed in relation to ap- plications - for approval of by-laws passed under section 30 of the Plan- ning Act. BY.LAW No. 1213 being a by-law to levy rates of taxation for the year 1963 was read three times in open Council and passed. Mill rates as follows: Commercial ............. 60.3 mills Farm & Resid. ........ 55.7 mills (This is an increase over the 1962 rates of 5.4 mills for Commércial and 3.4 mills for Farm and Residential)." BY-LAW No. 1214 being a by-law to appoint Jack Kane as Trench Ex- cavator Inspector for the Twp. of Scugog. MOTION---That Ten Hance be ap- pointed to collect the garbage at the summer resorts in 1963 at $2.25 per cottage. PAYLIST--It was moved that tho following accounts be approved and that the treasurer be instructed to pay the same. Carried. Roads ..... 458.33 General ..... Nar FasaniSoarisane 633.63 $1,091.90 Motion to adjourn was made to meat 8 p.m. or at the call of the Reeve. -- Xe The three principal drugs used in TB LE streptomycin, iso- niazid and PAS (para-aminosalicylic acid). These three, and sometimes others, are used in varying combina- tions, depending on which is most ef- F times; and the patient who doo not fective for the individual patient. Vr ZX RNAA SR Hospitals, that house so much ~uf fering, also se¢ a lot of cheerfulness Doctors, nurses and other workers pleasant humour ut all show good make an effort to joke and «milo when posible, is an exception. Throughout the day wards and cor ridors hum soothingly with quict ae- tivity and pleasant voices. But not everywhere. Some rooms are quiet, all the time. So quiet that some- times a nurse will take in a portable radio to lighten the silence, while he attends to the needs of the patients They ave the men and women with brain injuries, lying motionle- + in 2 coma. Many of them are victims of traffic accidents. A disproportionate number are motor-cyelists, who found they couldn't stop quite as fast as the transport ahead, the Safety League. Some of them will recove pletely. Others, if they lie in a coma for more than a couple of weel EHR Ontario Cont Cmay get back their physical strength, but suffer loss of memory and other nien- tal impairment. Others will stay in a living death fora year or more before they cease to breathe. A traffic fatality will always get into the newspapers, and sometimes into the headlines. But highway in- juries are so commonplace that, as a rule, they are of interest only to the relatives and friends of the victims. of traffic fatalities are a totally inadequate index of the total human suffering caused by sel- Untario 1962 totalled 1383, but there were another 41,766 people This follows the , two or three dozen The statistics fish and reckless driving. traffic deaths in non-fatally injured. usual pattern injuries for one who dies in traffic. once are the lueky ones. every Sometimes those who die at Calling All Lorne Scots Fx-Members of the Lorne Scots are nttend the entation of the Colors Ceregionies cordially invited to pre- and Festivities which will be held at Caledon, Ontario, in October, concur- rently with the World Plowing Match, A representative of Her Majesty The Queen will officiate at the presenta- tion. or Many members of the Peel, Dufter mand Halton Counties (Militin) Re- piment with Commonwealth other Canadian Units known to have dispersed across Can- served and and are ada and to other countries following demobilization in 1945, "If you are an ex-Lorne Scot your- SUMMER e NO 57 King St. E., Oshawa "BOOK NOW for your. ... FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) Official agent for all Airlines, Steamships and Hotels throughout the workl SERVICE HOLIDAY CHARGIE, eo (tr) Phone : 728 - 6201 OF EXPERIENCE: WITH GHEVROLET- PROVES GHEVROLETS RELIABILITY ors eneral ig bY ROAD-TRY THE VALUE BUY AT YOUR CHEVROLET C "TRUCK DEALER'S NOW! y- ~~ Beare M PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PER ; } ' 1. John } TangPe Rorton. © ' march 13. red, 111 mE e000 1698p g FATD. atario- 1963 produc 18 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1963--7 self, or know the whereabouts of one, please drop us a line as soon as pos. sible so that we may extend a Formal Invitation, "states Lt. Col. E. F. Con- Commanding Officer. Com- munications should be addressed to over, the Géneral Chairman, Presentation Committee, Lorne Scots Regiment, the Armouries, 12 Chapel St., Bramp- ton, Ontario. The Regiment's New Colors include Battle Honours won in the Second World War and "are in addition to Honours achieved in the First World War by predecessor Units which were amalgamated to form the regiment. present €haplain Services (P), who will be accompanied by the Right Reverend I. H. Wilkinson, Bishop of Toronto. The October Program, now in pre- paration, will feature a Guard of Honour for the Queen's Representa- tive on 8th of October; au Mess Dinner for Officers and Senior NCO's on 9th of October, Regimental Balls for Of- ficers, Senior WO's and NCO's, and all Ranks 10th of October, and the Presentation on 12th of October. The Unit will be in full dress uni- form for the Presentation and the Pipes and Drums and Military (Brass and Reed) Band are-being outfitted in every detail of Ceremonial Uni- forms and Accoutrements. A De- The Colors will be Conseerated by | tachment of Veterans may be in- Lt. Col. J. R. Millar, Director of > - ee ee we we ww NOTICE ! cluded in the Parade. THIS IS A COMBINED EFFORT OF ® ALL VETERANS 1911 - 18- You are invited to a ® v Dinner & Refreshments | ¢ 4 y PORT PERRY and UXBRIDGE LEGION BRANCHES ' ' ' ' } > - To Honour You and Your Fallen Comrades on $ Saturday, May 25th, 1963 PLACE -- UXBRIDGE LEGION HALL TIME -- 5.00 p.m. until all old soaks have passed the time of day. ' 'ALL 1914 - 18 VETS ARE ASKED TO BE GUESTS i - > OF YOUR LOCAL LEGION . "39 - 745 VETS COME AND HELP US -- $2.00 Plate ------ i All '39 -'45 Veterans Welcome. Tickets may be ' bought at your Local Branch | - . Canadian farmers, from ASRS ARR] CR | "LOTS OF POWER... AMPLE ROOM... RIDE OUTSTANDING" Mr. Hesp's complete satisfaction with Chev- -rolet Trucks is shared by a great many other coast to coast. Truckers and businessmen also agree -- Chevrolet Trucks work harder -- last longer -- cost less! Before you buy any new truck - "for your farm, see your local Chetrolet Truck dealer. He'll show you exactly how and why a Chevrolet Truck is your best buy! A General Motors Value CT-1183D Motors Limited PHONE 986-7381 He gE _s y Fret ew A iy - ww Cr) WR tot pr i Er

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