Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 May 1963, p. 3

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/ THE PORT PERRY STAR Special Nights .......... serine .$2,481.36 Show, which was held by the Parents at the Camp Fire this year.. Part of Receipts from-- : t Committee in April, this money is to the evening: will be held in the Re- 4 % Tykes, Bantam, go toward buying a new Mirror for ' creation Centre, then we shall all go A Atoms, Midgets, the Brownie Pack,,which-is used in| out to Camp Fire in the Fair grounds. Pee Wee, Juveniles, their Fairy Ring and represents the we ask all parents of Guides, Brown. Girls nnn Weir Aprirtarns 2,327.51.) Fairy Pool. SCARREEN APE ies, Scouts and Cubs, to make a spe- ; ' implosion ity Guide, Captain Mrs, I. Thompson re: ¢fal effort this year and attend the Total Receipts '62-'63........$4,808.86 ported that 17 badges have been a. Camp Fire. Everyone is welcome, so aia ~~ | warded since the last T.A. meeting, lring your friends along. Expenses of Opefation '62.'63 and that 12 gaides with their leaders | Captain Thompson also reported : Insurance, Equipment, Ice went to Oshawa Fire Hall, after a that 6 new tents have been ordered. 4 Time, Special Nights, very interesting tour of the Fire Sta. District Commissioner Mrs, H. Kyte ; Advertising, Trophies .....$3,870.35 | tion the girls trying for their Fire. presented the Executive of the L.A. . Referees for Season-- men's Badge, were tested by one of | with Group Committee Pins. These "Pee Wee, Midget, : the officers and we are very pleased are very attractive pins and we shall sa Bantam, Juvenile ............. ~ 212.60 | to say that all 12 girls past the tests, | all be very proud to wear them. ein roe | We are very grateful to the Oshawa | The meeting was theh-elosed and oH LEE ------+=v---|--Potal Expenses "62-83 ......$4,082.85 Fire Dept. and to the men who tested our. hostess. served us coffee and: Dai Man Kang, 6 year old Korean | ~+--~-~ vom the girls, for their interest and the ' ginger bread cake with piles of Bal. in Bank End of . hoped that it can become an annual event, : os ; Head table guests were Col. Arthur Welsh, guest speaker, Reeve Wilfred Gould of Uxbridge, Reeve J. J. Gib- son, Port Perry, Dist. and' Deputy District Commanders of the zone; Pre- Corr. Sec'y Mrs. George Hall -re- ported 32 cards sent, since the last meeting; and a number of thank-you notes received. 93 calls have been made during the past month. Mrs. Gordon MacDonald outlined the work of the supply committee, and a | fine array of Knitted articles fot the bale, were on display. : (Continued on page four) "orphan adopted by' Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, This ing present. Donations, Sale of Choc. a renewed effort on the part of Legion members toward world peace. He felt they knew best the horrors and hardships of war and veterans should lend every effort to prevent another such disaster. Canada has its own problems with the situation in Quebec, 1st Vice-President--Carlyle McGill 2nd Vice-Pres.--Ross Sweetman Secretary--Harry Short Treasurer--Leo Taylor Directors-- Rod Foster, Joe Fowler, Paul Espie, Blake Gunter, * Walter Sandison, . Mac McMillan, Considering there are over 250 boys playing hockey in Port Perry, there was a very poor turn out for this meeting with only eleven people be. i --Harry Short, Sec'y" End of Season Final Statement Bars, Sale of used Equip. | About Town ... SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION is said to have been the cause of a fire which got started in a bile of straw ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING last Sunday morning occurred when two lads were out hunting groundhogs. Scott Rolo lay down to rest and Gor- don McGowan leaned the gun they were using against a tree. The gun The Local Association of the Girl Guides met at the home of Mrs. D. Dorrell on Monday, May 13th with 9 District Commissioner Mrs. H, Kyte presided, minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Brown Owl Mrs, R. Turner gave her report, 29 badges have been a- warded, and several more are being, warked on. Brownie Pack Camp will be, held June 21st to June 23rd, at View Lake and 16 Brownies will he going. Brown Owl also reported that the Brownies made $18.46 from the sale 'of Home Made Candy at the Hydro '62-'68 Season ............$ 726.01 lad now has 88 Canadih Aunts,' ~Ross Sweetman, Treasurer, time they gave. The guides sold 46, cartons of cook. members present. "at Vines Laurel Brook Park. ies on their Cookie Day and money ia! at the home of Mrs, J. Ballingal. bought cookies, incidentally Capt. Thompson has a few boxes loft if anyone wishes te huy a few more. Guide Camp this year will be from July 2 to July 13th, and is to be held As this meeting was the last ono before Guides and Brownies break for the summer, plans were made for the Big Camp Fire, which includes the Scouts and Cubs. It is to be held June 24th at 8 p.m. This year wo have. planned something special, there will be a "FLY UP" ceremony for the Brownies going into Guides and the Guides who are trying for their Gold Cords are planning the evening and cise axes would be lost. Mink for the rural areas and not in towns.- We are proud ! of Port Perry, let us keep it clean. We respectfully. request that seri-! ous consideration he given to vou | ranches are owners und drivers of taxicabs and establishing the rates or fares to be charged for the conveyance of pas- sengers within the Town of Ajax. Held over for further study. mended by the Board, that application would have to he made to the Ontario Municipal Board. = Council was satisfied. with the ex- plantion given by Mr, Harris, and so the amending by-law #1380 was (Continued on back page) 2% wm wr AY oa will have something extra speeial for us; so we hope to sec a large crowd whipped cream, Next meeting to be held Sept. 0th 3.3 t+ ' ror scharye 'ik » ) St t------ -- ' LS sidents of both Legion Branches: Ted | this condition: should be righted as | bt Friday. The shaw was lying fol soi nel dh haied on he P P H . h S h l H ld A l C d I N Jackson, Port Perry; Dr. Davis, M.C. quickly as possible in order to help | on. the fran boyy N id torist wus haled and took the boys ort erry lg cnoo 0 Ss nnua a et nspection and Guest. of Honour Herbert Buck: | bing: yor stability, ~The | ings of the Baptist Church. Bill| to the hospita where Se receive Tr , ) It , , " , : 4 land, Port Perry, Veteran of vt Ban oi ey Chapman, noticed smoke coming from aT lui tue It was a perfect day for Cadet In The trophy Best Cadet and Cadette ors. We wish them every success x . A ii ' i} : i > il: spection last Friday, not too eold for | of the year was awarded to Captain for the future. Boer War. tion could help vith this problem. between the buildings. An alarm was | taken to Oshawa General" Hospital the prirls, and not too hot for the boys. | Carol Anne Morrow, and Captain] . JRE LS ER Ei or i i wa cr ' turned in and the straw raked out. phere an Oj os was performed. The programme began, on eampus | Charlie Hastings. a ek Shensie ee he po » -- : x tiie AS © ts say . . 'e8<Ing n : : XC LIFT eC is ¥ 1X ' No Pp iP Y U C Ww H k Cl h H Id It was found that no damage resulted on report bo 1 Progressing f 41 2 ? clock, with the Inspection of The commands of dismissal were oar's a po I" hn ; oy " " ° - or err pd. 01 ad 0c ey Zh u 0 S to _the buildings, although the walls Ber isibly, -- we the: ¢ det Corps by Major Warniea, given and the corps 'broke off'. ymin, ANE Warping Br The general' meeting of the Port - were hot, Firemen washed the walls SIDEAL VR ps oh ! ed afer Commanding the Ontario On the afterndbn of May 23rd a drawings exhibited, and students are Perry United Church Women wag held Annual Meeting down with water and stayed long ar l la Wp yo ar Wh « boys Rifle Squad : ud Signals | Feneral wssembly was held in honour | wearing the numo tag of the candi- in the Church basement Tuesday af- 2 ' enough to be sure that fire had not | S€vera » aces aroun town. Work is Th bors o hy p o b 2 > of the four members of our staff, who date of their choice. The other stu- MM 14th. Mrs. Merlin : > gotten ingide the walls, also being done an the retaining wall | were next on the agenda, Cro OY Lill be lenving us this year. dents are now awaiting the soap ternal; Nay :| The Port Perry Hockey Club held along side of the Bowling Green. The | the girls' demonstration. The hand boxes and ¢ iy " Dowson. plesided, and 'apened the it's annual meeting on Sunday, May It was fortunate that someone no- business of keeping our streets, parks, | then performed, exereising it's vari- They are as follows, Miss Hastings, | O¥¢* hd campaign speeches, pS meeting with a poem. ' ; : SINE "| ticed the smoke early enough to pre- | waterworks, ete. in good condition and | ous pattern formations. Mrs. Roach, Mr. Johnston and Mu. This year's Student Council is very 3 A 26th in the Port Perry Avena. Sat oo A . y os . om . Yor . ¢ . " Progress reports of units were given ei vent the buildings from burning. clean is a full time job. I'he corps reformed to await the | Pearson. i proud to see this. It demonstrates . I by Mrs. John Hoskin (Unit I), Mrs. Officers elected for 1963 - 64 sea- ; --- - -- | comments of the Inspection Officer, Everyone is sorry to see them go, | the promise of active school spirit for J > Ernest Healey (Unit 2), Mrs. Gord.| Son were as follows: BLACKSTOCK to be used to buy another tent. The | Major Warnica, who spoke highly of | for they have been good friends as | the year 1963-64, ro Thomas (Unit 3) and Mrs. Wm. Moase President--Carl Luke Gir : ui es Guides wish to thank everyone who | the entire programme. well as good teachers and supervi- Photos by Tom Hughes (Uunit 4). z | G d L 3 # SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS "Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1968 $2.60 Per Year, Single Copy 17¢ - ) : - 1 J ---- ---- ---- a -------- : Legions Honour Vet With 'Old Bill' B "| Citi ti 1 | o g erans Wi { anquet itizens Petition Council: re -- -- ; ; LITT Rr ---------- aT BR OS SND A KZ Vi) ; hak . CRY "any 4 ) i - - 1 ~~ Some Objection x i ° : O WmiIn dncC ° \ Minutes of a Regular Meeting of | gentlemen in this matter in the in- | passed. Council of the Village of Port Perry, | terest of all concerned. | (¢) Dr. G. M. Rennie attended held in the Municipal Office on Fri- Council expressed their sympathy, | Council meeting to discuss with the day, May 24th, 1963 at 7.30 pam. but there being no zoning by-law felt members of Council the proposed PRESENT - Deputy Reeve, R. A. that they had no authority to act, but | washrooms at the athletic field. Coun- Kenny, Councillors, Bruce Beave, Ivan | if the mink ranch does become a pub- | cillor Ivan Parkinson reported that the . Parkinson and John Orde. lie hiuisance then Council would be in | washrooms would only be open for , . MINUTES -- On motion the Minutes [ a position to give the matter atten-| ball games, that big drums would be of May 10th were adopted as typed. | tion. | used in the place of septic tanks and Carried. It was left with Mr. Purvis to ad- weeping tile, and would be pumped out DEPUTATIONS vise the signatories of the petition | and drawn away frequently. Dr. (a) Petition and letter dated April | of the position of Council. | Rennie explained that proper wash. *s 24th, 1963, addressed to His Worship (h) Messrs. A. L. McDermott, H. | rooms could not be installed in that the Mayor and Councillors, Germain and Douglas Hoge appenred | tren until we have sewers in the > ¢ 3 Mr. Purvis attended Council meet- before Council on behalf of the resi- | village, but that he would approve of ing on behalf of the petition signers dents of Beech Street and vicinity af- | the proposed temporary washrooms . and protested against the establishing | foeqed by By-Law #1242. | | only, and if they are kept in a sani- JY of a mink ran in close proximity of Mr. Germain, acting as spokesman | tary condition. a he etter ee cImpiA Ry: for the Aeptation, stated that they Council decided that from= their . would Apprecinte having Clause 4 point of view they would give these We, the undersigned adjacent amended especially with regard to a proposed temporary washrooms con- property holders or residents, most public park in order to eliminate any | ideration, strongly resent permission being | chance of a commercial enterprise be- | : pranted for a mink ranch to be | ing operated in the park. Mr. W. T. (d) Chief of Police, R.J. Cameron, started in the close proximity of our | Harris, Villnge Solicitor, appeared at | reported to Council on Police matters homes," the meeting a little later in the even | and stated that his Department is } The property purchased by Mr. | ing and assured Council that the a-, still operating very cfficiently and . 7 Kight immediately West of Carnegie | mending by-law of 1242 was quite in| @3sured Council that he would check ; : Street we consider far too close to| order and that no commercial enter. | Certain by-laws of the Municipality Mr. Herbert Buckland, 81-year-old | 1st World War Veteran and guest | years old, and the oldest person at- | a veteran of World War 1. first class residential wyoperty to he | Pee could he undertiloon an veforned | $B the Oleh, veteran of the Boer War is on the | speaker of the evening, in the centre | tending the banquet at the Legion | 7 ssed for this purpose, } EERELELE inuse 1 unless under the Dey. BY-LAW #1380 to amend by-law left, Col. G. Arthur Welsh (Tiger) |and to the right Henry Parsrey, 92| Hall, Uxbridge, on Sat., evening, is | Uxbridge Times Photo Due to odor, ete./which permiate | mission of Council. He explained fury on Regulate the use of Land . our homes, we consider it would be a | ther that the amending by-law W835 and Character, Location and use of On Saturday night ( May 26th) the Over 128 men attended the banquet ] "au . Jhaiize hs So and that it would de- dren up in accordance with nstrue- | guildings and Structures, was moved « } Veterans of the 1st World Was wes EEN initely depreciate the value of our | tions from the Ontario Municipal Bd. | and seconded, 3 read three times, ] elerans.o and those in charge were well p Ire property. and that to change any Clause in the | mssed, signed, and the Seal of the i entertained at a Banquet in the bh with the success of this new venture, ) «There ave severnl lots already pur- | original hy-lnw #1242, other thun the! pr ee ied 1 Ne als \ bridge Login Hal by the combined " " 3 To chased on Carnegie Street, the | changes already made, would require | 1 room a rereto. it membership of the Uxbridge Branch Much time was spent in renewing [] ; riers of havior Fir bilndus other hearing of the bela . COPY of an By-Law #320 of the i nd the Port Perry Branch of "the Id acquantances and reminiscing | owners PE Titi nv ne show edge aniline renring N teohy fw. "Pawn of Ajux to provide for the li il a : y ph, 0 1 } ; ey f S of the proposed mink ranch. We feel other words, if further amendments | Bor rey a i Royal Canadian Legion. This was | about the days gone by. Col. Welsh . this would restrict building, in which | we required other than those recom. | censing, regulating and governing of ] called "Old Bill's Night" and it is|in his address stressed the need for - '

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