NY ou »" ' %- : ¢ i --- 3 i t Bp [a Y- 2 . wy EER J Seo gal | i ot --- 'THE PORT PERRY STAR 'SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS aputhorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1963 $2.50 Per Year, Single Copy T¢ First Port Perry Ranger Group Enrolled IL - R--Laurence Clark, Jean Tay- lor, Mrs. Lamb, Beverly Dymond, Barbara Burnett, Eunice Roach, On Sunday, May 12, at 7.30 p.m, the First Port Perry Ranger Com- pany was envolled at the Scout Hall. The Rangers formed a horseshoe, facing their altar, while everyone sang 'In Christ There Is No East or West'. . Chaplain Jean Taylor read the scripture and Beverly Dymond | welcomed the guests. District Commissioner, Mrs. A. Roach, enrolled Ranger Captain Mrs, W.: Lamb, and Division Commissionér Mrs. C. Carter enrolled the five Rangers. After tle enrollment, the guests were served coffee -and then everyone sang Taps. The guests included the parents of the Rangers, Guide Captain Mrs. G. Nelson, Brown Owl Mrs. R. Webster, the First Port Perry Rover Crew, and their leader, Mr. R. Bevins. The pianist was Miss Susan Roach. Any girl who is interested in be- coming a Ranger and who is over fifteen, plesse contact Mrs. Lamb or any of the Rangers. Bouncy... Spring Breeze for 1963 Many ofthe spring breezes which wafted our way this spring were cold and anything but acceptable. How- ever, on Tuesday evening, May 28th, a Spring Breeze blew in from Ux- bridge which was both warm andanost acceptable. -Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge, the people of Port Perry and district were able-to see, for the second year, this delightful, original and bouncy revue. After viewing so much professional (and we use the term loosely) enter- tainment on T.V.,, it is indeed a re- freshing pleasure to see a versatile and talented group of amateurs (in this case thg members of the 4-1 An- other Club of Trinity United Church, Uxbridge) able to put together a re- vue of this kind, The skits were both original and humorous, two being' especially wor- thy of mention, one a very clever ...Original satire on the Ben Casey Show, the other a take-off of the "late, late, show" a silent movie run off in three speeds, "Those who enjoy their music "straight" were treated to several numbers by the ladies trio, consisting of Chris Jay, Dulcie Colby and Jeanne Pearson, and beautiful solos by Mrs. Jay and Mrs, Pat Bailey, singers of professional calibre. . However, to this writer the origin- ality and catchiness of the musical 'numbers was.a big feature. It might be pointed out that this music is com- posed and the lyrics written by Mr. John Ricciardelli, the mainspring of the show. To: this, add the very cap- able Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Bert Law, and the excellent band under the leadership. of Mr. Peter William- son, and you _have a combination guaranteed to whet your musical ap- petite for more. One Uxbridge re- viewer suggested that Spring Thaw had better look it its laurels! After seeing them both, we would have to vote for Spring Breeze. We hope that this talented combination may be able to put together many more editions of Spring Breezel! Lucky Draw WINNER of the Legion's 50-60 Draw for June was Mr. Robert Rogers of --Oshawa. ~The prize amounted to $347.26. The seller of the winning ticket was Roger Oke of Port Perry. --) Grocery Vouchers WINNERS of 'the 1.G.A. Food Voucher drawn at Beare Motors each Saturday were--May 26th, Mrs. Harold Kyte and June 1st, Mis. Don Milne. Next draw--Sat- urday, June 8th, TEACHERS BANQUET On Wednesday, May 22nd; about seventy-five teachers from Ontario South met for the annual banquet of the Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario. This year {t took place in the United Chureh in Port Perry with Miss Donna Johnson, the president, in the chair, After a splendid dinner, business was dispensed with and Dr. Keith Kennedy, of Unionville, - the speaker was introduced, He showed pictures of places seen on a tour of Egypt, Lebanon, dsree] and Jordan 'and. his commentaris were filled with religious overtones explaining the background of -archeological .discov- eries in a land that in many ways was desolation, . 'During the banquet, our three gra- duates, Mrs, C. Watson, Mrs, R. Ao ton and Miss D. Anderson were each presented with a corsage and given places of honour at the head table. Miss L. McNeill, the Inspector, greet ed them graciously, outlining the years of devoted work ¢ontributed by these three Indies to. 0 thei community Rod and Gun Club Meets time that the Club Carp Derby has | been post-poned from June 2nd to Sunday June 9th, during the past week wus so adverse, it was thought that by Sunday the Oth that the weather would he warmer tached entry form; up to June 8rd 1 have no returns, by Friday, June Tth, so that it will be known how much bait will be need- ed--this is a must. boat house on the old Railway track, timg 7 am. at the same place. most, the largest and a draw prize. or delivered to Ott Hamilton, Box As all Club Members know by this us the weather These should be in The meeting place, Ben Smith's Check in time is b pan. Prizes for the "Your entry 'form is to be mailed 133 or to 114 Perry St. There is no entry fee. The Top in Fund The campaign for funds for the Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society has been tremendously successful. The quoto for Port Perry Branch was set at $200.00, and we have once more gone over the top. The final figures are as follows: Cartwright Twp. .... ...... $ 370.48 Scugog Township ..$ 133.46 Reach Twp. ..$ 081.26 Town of Port Perry $1,063.40 $2,248.68 PILL TI er Total Mr. & Mis. Earl June 1st, 1963 over 100 friends ga- thered in community Hall Blackstock to celebrate with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn their 25th anniversary. Marjorie and Earl received the guest assisted by their two sons Don- ald and Ivan al the door, where Betty and Mary "Bradburn, nieces, looked after the guest book. Stage was decorated with beautiful bouquets of blossoms, lilac and tulips. The table, covered -with lace table cloth was centred with a three-tier wedding cake, flanked by anniversary candles and flowers, Donald pinned a corsage of pink chrysanthemums on his mother and placed a white carnation in his fa- ther's button hole. Theodore Watson of Cameron was M.C., and asked the bride and groom to come to the platform to the strains of the wedding march, played by Murs. ~--stating how they had brought hon- our to the profession, had made peo- | ple happier and better which is indeed a teacher's privilege. Miss Johnson, on behalf of the teachres, presented them each with a Federation Pin and by virtue of the length of service completed by Miss Anderson and Mrs, Watson they also received forty-year merit awards, Every associate of thése three wo- men will miss their presence, but the best wishes of every:one goes with Gordon Strong. i ___A reading by Mrs. Maurice Brad- burn "What a Mother is". Patsy, Joan, Carol, Norma Wotten sang-"It's a little more like heaven where you are", "Have I told you lately I love brated its fifteenth birthday on Sat, May gion "Hall. and sixty guests and members sat down to a"Danquet catered hy the pieces, piece was a cake especially made by Sister Mistress of Ceremonies. a toast was proposed to the Queen by Sister Harper and was responded to, by the singing of the National An. them. guests of the head table who wera past and present officers of the Re- belah Assembly. Cancer Sociely Goes Over Celebrate, Silver Anniversary you", accompanied by their mother Maybelle Rebekah Lodge #348 cele- | who was D.D.P. fifteen years ago and is ul2o the mother of our lodge, Bro- ther Bunker, Sister Georgina Moore, 26th, at the Royal Canadian Le- More than one hundred and better fishing, Ladies Auxiliney of the Canadian | Past Pres. of the Rebekah Assembly, All members got notices with at Legion. - Sister Margaret Browning, D.D.P The tubles were gay with floral district #7, and Mr. Browning. while the head table centre Rosa Philips. Sister N.G., was After grace, Lillian Harper, The dinner was enjoyed by all. Sister Harper then introduced tho! Sister May Bunker Kd Drive The Campaign chairman would hke lo express sincere thanks to all eap- tains, and canvassers, for splendid co- operation and untiring efforts in this annual drive for funds. A sincere thank you also to the many citizens throughout the canvass area, who have contributed so generously to this worthy cause, and who have received the eanvassers so warmly. Mrs. Mabel Cawker, C Campaign C hairman, Bradburn Mrs. Henry Wotten an the piano and Dave on the Guitar. A reading by Mrs. Ray Bradburn "What a father is for"; an Instrumentalist by Mrs. Gordon Strong. David Wotten sang | "Queen of the Prairie", "Keep smil- ing old pal", accompanied himself on the Guitar, Reading by Mrs. Theo- dore Watson. the "Auto Matic Car". Mrs. Theodore Watson read con- gratulatory address and neighbouys presented Gifts of Melmac Dishes and stainless steel cutlery. Relatives pre- sented a modern walnut wall clock and copper plaques. . Anniversary candles & | Slders were given by great nieces and nephews, Breda, Lenna Bradburn; Lynn Brad- ley; Kimmberley Watson; Guest Book by Mary, Betty, Ronald Bradburn, Bride and Groom made fitting re- plies and cut a lovely wedding cake, asking the friends to come and visit them at their home. A delicious lunch was served. The Bride and Groom of 26 years passed wedding cake. This brought a pleasant-evens- ing to a close of a happy milestone in their life. Earl and Marjorie ex- pressed their thanks to all for a very fine evening. Couple Honoured Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Geer were guests of honour at Utica Community Hall Saturday night, May 18th on the occasion of their 40th wedding anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Card were hosts and host- esses for their parents. ~ Corsages for the grahdparents were presented by their ten grandchildren, The first part of the cvening was spent in progressive euchre with the usual prizes given to the winners. Mr. and Mrs. Géer were then called to the front by Ralph Wilbur, acting chair- man. 'The local minister, Mr, Nelson LeGrow read the address written in poetic rhyme. Charlie was particu- larly reminded of many incidents which" happened in the past which created much fun and laughter. On behalf of thei 'many relatives, them on their retirement. "BAG OF BULBS' cAmPAIGN Vt 40th Wedding Anniversary friends and neighbdurs, they were. presented with a lovely tweed broad- loom rug for their living-room. They were recipients of several other per- gonal gifts from relatives in Aurora and Toronto. Ruby and Charlie, who have spent most of their 40 years in this area, thanked everyone for re- membering them on this special oc- casion, After the presentation about 160 giests sat dowif to a luncheon held in decorated in traditional wedding style. was centred with a three-tiered wed- their daughter, Mrs. Card. The rest of the evening was spent in dancing. Best wishes and congra- tulations go to- this popular couple Oshawa belle "Perry. the basement which was tastefully V.G., Brother John Moore, Sister Flossie Ball, D.D.P. district #8, Bro. Albert Harper, Sister Mabel Disney, A welcome was extended to mem- bers of Heather, Beehive, Generaska, #3, and Kinoven Rebekah Lodges. 5 Sister Grace Love proposed a Toast to the Rebekah Assembly, which was responded to, by Sister Flossie Ball, b.h.pP. Sister May Bunker the lodge, proposed a toast to May: Rebekah Lodge. Sister Luella Kennedy who was first V.G. replied to the toast. Sister Georgina Moore, V.G., thank- ed the members of the Ladies Auxi- linry for the lovely dinner, Sister Rose Philips who made the Birthday Cake and the head table centre piece, Sister Rennick for table centres and corsages and Sister Nettie Aldred for the programme. who insituted The programme was opened with a Mayhelle Rebekah Lodge, No. 348 Celebrates Fifteenth Birthday theme of Holiday Time in Hawaii -- Many thanks to Kay Van's Ladies Wer and The Elizabeth Shoppe. In keeping with the theme, entertain- ment was provided by five Polynesian dancers, namely Brothers Morley Bruce, Charlie Bourgeois, Earl Geer, Cliff Short and Bill Bur. Brother Albert Harper then favour- ed us with two humorous songs. Mrs. Richard Murrin of Toronto sang a medley of folk songs. Mrs, Murrin's professional name is Lotus. One of the highlights of the even- ing was the presentation of small fa- vours to the Past Noble Grands, by Sister Harper and Sister Moore. The fourteen Past Noble Grands are Sis- ters Rita Boe, Luella Kennedy, Flor- ence Reesor, Lola Bruce, Doran Dow- son, Alpha Sammells, Marjorie Wana- maker, Minnie Diamond, Lucille Gray, Grace Love, Myrtle Snelgrove, Nettie Aldred, Ruby Beare and Velma Foster. A short quiz programme similar to Stump the Stars or Pantomine Quiz was enjoyed by all. After a thank-you was expressed by Sister. Ball and Brother Lloyd Short, N.G. of Wariner Lodge, the evening was closed with the singing sing song, then a fashion show in the An attractive young lady very sue cessfully conducted her first cooking: school in the United Church basement last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Me- Comisky, Home Economist of Moffats Limited kept the audience fully atten- tive a= she demonstrated the prepar- cluding a vonst, casserole, enkes, ment loaf; ete. She was assisted by Mrs, Maxwell, also of Moffats. The cooking school was sponsored Unit #8 of the U.C.W,, Port Murs. Isabel Lee, president of the Unit opened the school and in- troduced Mr. Ted Jackson of Jackson | Appliances. Mr. Jackson introduced | Mrs. MeComisky and Mrs. Maxwell, | also MP (Geo. Haywood, presentative for Moffats. by The head table with lighted candles 2 ding cake, made and decorated by ||{~ Mr. on this special occasion, MONDAY. JUNE 10 . ation of a number of tasty dishes, in- | University of Toronto- Graduate David Mosienko received his B. Se. from the: University of Tor- onto on" Wednesday of last week. Mr. duate work at Toronto University in Mosienko. is the son of Mr, and Mrs. a the fall. ~ . of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds". Successfully Conducts Her First Cooking School Mr. Dobson, the electrician who installed | the stoves and refrigerator, Mr. Howard Hall of Jackson Appliances, and the members of the unit who helped. | A Iiesta Stove with a Rotissomat was busy cooking n lion roast which wis taken out shortly after the start of the sehool. An oven-dinner was prepared and cooked in a standard 30" floor model. A 14 cu. ft. com- bination automatic refrigerator was used to store the perishable foods. The recipes were given to the audi- [ ence before the start of the school -. o 'that everyone was able to follow | the demonstrations quite easily, espe- le dally as a large mirvor-was suspended od those who assisted, Harvey District re-| He thank-! (Continued on back page) J. Mosienko of R.R. 2, Port Perry. He expects to continue in post gra- SEE AD ON PAGE 4