a --r, -- A - Ee "tg 2 ER ET Lal ¥ sn I . LS ° MEMBER OF CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION BROOKLIN NEWS St. Thomas Anglican Church: On Whitsunday, Rev. David Jones, Di- rector of the Anglican Conference at Aurora, held an- early morning Com- munion Service for the last Confirma- tion Class. Following this service the group gathered for a breakfast at Myrt's Restaurant. Mrs. Pat Smith was co-ordinator for this important occasion. Following breakfast, a lively and intense discussion ensued, led by Miss Edith Clift, of the Angli. can Youth Centre in Toronto. At the conclusion they adjourned to the Church to join in the Whitsunday ser- vice, some to the: Choir and some to the. Congregation. Those attending were as follows: Shannon Smith, Ross Legge, Doug Bolduc, Peter Schloen, John Fowler, Francis Draper, Mrs. Noreen Draper, Jean Fowler, Charlotte Mackie, Gun. die Schnabel. The Women's Auxiliary of St. Thomas Church, are sponsoring a Social Evening and Beauty Presenta- tion at the Parish Hall, on Monday, June 10th, at 8 o'clock. St. Thomas Anglican Church is pleased to welcome back Rev. Reg. Stackhouse, who will conduct the Morning Service on Sunday, June 9th, this is a Communion Service. Brooklin Spring Fair Atfracts Crowd of 4,000, Weather Perfect Brooklin's population hit an all-time high Saturday as close to 4,000 men, women and children arriyed here to attend the 62nd annual Brooklin Spring Fair. This year's presentation opened with a 100 - colorful - unit parade] winding its way around the fair grounds -- the largest parade in the village history. Around the grounds, children were attracted to the midway, adults were summoned to a ball game, cattle and horse judging and harness racing. In Brooklin Arena, the women of area exhibited their homecrafts in- cluding baked goods, knitted goods and articles of fancy sewing. - Saturday proved to be a perfect day *. for the fair, with clear blue skies and a hot sun shining. Cold soft drinks proved to be the order of the day during the peak of the sunshiny af- ' ternoon. At the ball diamond, Brooklin Con- crete Products suffered a 2-0 defeat at the hands of the Port Perry entry in an Oshawa City and District Soft- ball League exhibition game. Around the race track, six harfiess races were run and show horses, in- cluding fine light and heavy draft horses were brought before the judges. In addition to the heavy horses, show ponies were brought into the spot- light. Children, munching on candy floss, taffy apples and guzzling soft drinks invaded the midway to ride the merry- go-round, aeroplanes, rockets and ponies. Judges were kept busy in the cattle show areas awarding first, second and third prize ribbons to the owners of many fine head of cattle brought into the ring. Blackstock The U.C.W. met in the Christian Education Centre Tuesday evening. The president opened the meeting with a poem--'Be the Best You Can". Mrs. Murray Byers was in charge of the Worship period and after the sing- ing of Saviour Thy Dying Love, her theme being "Hands", she read a por- tion of scripture from Matt.; com- mented on it; read a poem on "Hands" and offered prayer. Following the: dedication of the offering Gail and! Bonnie Malcolm of Nestleton accom- | < panied by their mother, Mrs. -Lawr- ence Malcolm, sang very sweetly "1 Forgive" and "Bless This House". The film "Lovest Thou Me" was then shown. Bonnie Malcolm rendered a plano solo. Mrs. Jim Marlow, when asked for something from the: Ob server read "The Ascension" by. Jd. A. Davidson. Roll call was answered by --A woman in the news. The presi- dent * then conducted the business period during: which brief | reports, were heard, from all departments. _ Mrs. Roy McLaughlin gave findings on Christian Stewardship from .the Executive meeting. The Supply Tea at Ebeneezer June 5th was announced, also the T.B. Survey, July 2 and 6 and the Regional Rally in Prince Al. bert, Oct. 31st. Unit 4 served lunch. Town and Country Club A film strip called "Maple Street Mystery" with accompanying record, was shown at the meeting of the Town and Country Club held at the Christ- "ian Education Centre, Blackstock on Wednesday, May 20th. The film con- tained a:good many suggestions of useful activities for this type of club: Afterwards the group was divided in four parts to'answer some questions following on from ideas in the film. Answers were gathered and summar- ized by Jim Marlow. After a wor- ship period led by Stewart Dorrell, | lunch of fruit salad, cakes and coffee was served.' . At "tha United Church Sunday, morning the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Lloyd and Don- ald Jamieson." The Jamieson's are new residents in Cartwright Twp. living on.the farm known as the Wil- bert Vance property. Rev. Romeril chose as his subject for a very fine Sermon "The. Secret Friend". Choir sang "O Worship the King". "Canon Ashmore and 'Ms. Jack Green are attending Synod in Tor- onto this week. j Rev. P. Romeril and Mr, Earl Dor- tell attended Conference in Kingston | last week. .. ' : Mr. Weir Swain, Toronto, visite his brothers and sisters in Cartwright After the closing | The Mrs. Harold Swain was hostess to 17 ladies and five children, for a Stanley Demonstration put on by Mrs, Midgley of Oshawa on Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mus. Earl Bradburn who celebrated their 26th wedding. anniversary on Satur- day; to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Wilson on their 36th on Sunday and to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade who will be celebrating their 50th on Tuesday. 'Miss Dianne Wheeler is spending a few holidays with the Ernest Swains. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow flew to Saskatoon last Monday and attend- ed the funeral of his aunt Mrs. Min- erva Cowan, They also visited other relatives there for a couple of days. Mrs. Arthur Rahm was able to come from hospital, following eye surgery, to the home of Mr. and Murs. 'Stan Rahm Saturday. Sunday visit- ors with them were Mr, Arthur Rahm, Mrs. Stan: Hall and: Stuart Hall of Tyrone. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson attend- ed the wedding of Miss Anne Dietz and Mr. Roy Cameron in Kitchener Saturday;. called on Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Ferguson, Stratford that evening and spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Harry McKee and bro- ther Mr, Hugh McKee, Norwich. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest 'Larmer at- tended anniversary service at Enfield and visited the Harvey Yellowlees on Sunday. A number of neighbours surprised Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Ferguson Thurs- day night and welcomed the bride to the neighbourhood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beckerley, St. Catherines, are guests of Mr. and "Mrs. Osmond Wright and calling on other friends. Congratulations to Miss 'Valerie Faint, Toronto, who received her B.A. at- the graduation exercises last week, ra Lr Weekend visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Wes Pearce and Mrs. G. Crawford were Mrs, Lewis Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lane and Terry, Oshawa; Mrs. A. Newton, Mr, and Mrs, Corkham, Rose Marie and Jeannie, Toronto, and Mrs. C. Cox, Cleveland. Mr. and, Mrs. Ken Dunsmoor. and Brian and Mrs. Wilbert Archer spent the week-end with friends in Durham. Miss Marilyn' Archer spent the week-end with Mr, W. Archer and Mas Dever and Sunday visitors with them were Mr. and Mrs, Will Dugan, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Little, Billy, Janjca and Judith, Lochlin, Rev. and Mrs. C, H. Ferguson, Don Mills and Miss Eleanor Ferguson, Ed- monton, were.Sunday guests of Mrs, Cecil Hill and Mr. Roy Ferguson and Thuraday. called on other relatives, Takes Course At Guelph GUELPH -- Dr. John K. Lumsden, Brooklin, Ontario, has just completed an intensive refresher course in Dis- eases of Cattle at the Ontario Veter- inary College. - The course, which included Doctors of Veterinary Medicine from Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes, Western Provin- ces, and the United StatesAs designed to bring veterinary practitioners up- to-date on recent developments in di- agnosis, - treatment and disease pre- vention in farm livestock. Under the leadership of Dr. J. Hen- dovson, Head of the Department of Medicine-and Srugery, the course con- sisted of lectures, demonstrations, and diagnostic procedures. This short course is sponsored by the Extension Department of the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Ontario. Seagrave We are pleased to report Mr. M. Stone is home from Hospital, some- what improved in health. However Gordon Short is still in Sick Child- ren's Hospital having undergone a second brain operation. He is able to be up and around the hospital, but still requires treatment. g Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Sum- merfeldt, of Cannington, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Spence, of Lindsay, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. B. Dowson entertained Rev. H. G. and Mrs. Lester, on Satur- day evening, also Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Mark, of Searboro, on Sunday. Miss Laura Mark, of Toronto, was a guest, on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Garlick, of Tor- onto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F, Grose. Mr. and Mrs, Garry Sweetman. of Streetsville, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sweetman and family of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and family of Raglan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sweetman. Mr. Richard Hannah has rented Mr. Gordon . Sweetman's Garage and is carrying on business there. Cpl. Barry Abraham, of the Provost -| Section, is home on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clark and family of Barrie spent the week-end with Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Clark. The Seagrave Anniversary Ser- vices were favoured with a beautiful day. An unusually large crowd at- tended the morning service, when Rev. H. G. Lester, of Kingston, of the Home Mission Board, a former pastor of Seagrave, was the guest speaker. Taking as his text Joshua 24: verse 24, "The Lord our God will we serve, and His voice will we obey". He made a very strong appeal to every- one to decide what their aim in life is, and to serve God ahove everything else, Little Miss Bonnie Short sang a solo, "Praise Him, praise Him all ye little children". The children's choir sang G - double 0:D-Good". ~ . . The" evening service was -not so well attended, but very much worth- while. Rev. G. A. Beatty of Beaver- ton, was the speaker and the regular choir was. in charge of the music. Twenty-four Seagrave ladies were resent at the open meeting of the reenbank United Church Women, All enjoyed: the whole evening very much but especially the speaker Mr, Wm. J. White. Since beginning her work as a coun- sellor on CBC radio' Monday to Fri- day show, Countdown. radio-TV per- sonality Donnalu Wigmore has been living with the problems of teenagers. In reply to letters sent in by voung- DEAR DONNALU sters across Canada, Donnalu has ad- vised on such as going steady, grooming, etiquette and the like. The Dear Donnalu segment is heard each Wednesday afternoon on the national network. problems Prince. Albert At Church on Sunday morning our minister, Rev. Ii. 5. Linstead delivered an inspiring sermon. The choir anthem was enjoyable too. Offering collected by Denny Martyn and Grant Beacock. At Sunday School praver was offered by Mr. R. Butson. Birth- day pin to Nancy PFsple. Deep sympathy i: extended to Mr. A. Robertson and his two daughters in the passing of Mrs. Robertson on Saturday. We are pleased to see Mrs. [IF Brown living at her home after a few weeks convaleseing at her sister's the Sleeps' of 'Seagrave. Glad to learn Mr. J. Keizibrink, Sr., is also home somewhat im- proved from St. Josephs Tospital, Toronto. At present Mrs. H. Hodgins is attending Part 2, Nursery School Training University, Toronto. Mrs. A. Dunk former (Miss A. Weir) and daughter of Edmonton, visited the Jeffrey boys Frank, Albert and Howard on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and boys were Sunday company with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Rodd, Oshawa. : Several ladies of our midst en- joyed the 'Moffat Cooking Sshool' in Port Perry on Wednesday. Many from here attended the Dance Recital in Port Perry High School when one of our. village girls, Jerry Doyle participated in several numbers. Mr. and Mrs. B, Snelgrove at- tended the 35th Wedding Anniver- sary for their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Blackstock on Sunday. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. New- man, who are gow residing in the Martyn. house. : ---e Spuare Dance Competition On Friday evening, May 24th, a good turnout of Junior Farmer Mem- bers and friends attended the Annual Junior Farmer Square Dancing Com- petition held in the Brock District High School, Cannington. Five scts entered the competition, with the Brooklin Junior Farmers be- ing declared winners and Port Perry runners-up. Each set was required to dance one optional and one compul- sory change. s | Added to the competition this year was a competition for callers. Five persons entered this competition, with Bruce McMillan of Port Perry being declared champion, and Frank Barkdy of Brooklin runner-up. Ted Gordon and Wilfred Shier from the Beaverton Junior Farmers were in charge of arrangements for the dance," with Donna Johnson, County fdas; Ont, April Laurie Abramoff' President, acting as chairman, ' Manchester The U.C.W. will meet to-day, Thursday at the home of Mrs. Fred Lamb.' We regret to report Mr. W. D. Munro, a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Mr. J. W. Crosier is also confined to bed. Quite a numher from this area attended Brooklin Spring Fair on Saturday. Mrs. Alex Thompson of Brant- ford visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Munro recently. Guests with Mrs. Crosier on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. E."W. Crosier, Port Credit; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor, Sud- bury; Mrs. Helen Taylor and drenda, Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach and Susan. Cedar Creek On Saturday, May 26th, at Dun-, won first place trophy for novice solo and first place trophy for strute in age group 0 to 6 years. Competition was under N.B.T.A. rules. April is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Jones of Cedar Creek. Congratulations to April. Leonard Greenwood of Stouff- ville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood 'and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinson and family of Kedron visited Mr. FROM RAGLAN Ralph Sommerville on Sunday. Thursday, June 6th, 1968 hs The May meeting of the Raglan School SOS Club took place at the home of Mrs. Gi. Smith, with an at- tendance of 28. The President, Mrs. D. Solomon conducted the meeting, and expressed pleasure at the large number present. The Secretary, Mrs. [.. Luke gave the report of the last meeting, and the Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. J. Bright. Plans were finalized for the lunch to be served by the members at the Offi- cial School Opening. It was an- nounced that the Annual School Pic- nic would be at Pineridge Park, on Thurs.,, June 27th. Departure from the School is at 11.30 a.m., and lunch at the Park at 12.30. Nomination of Officers for the new term commencing in Sept, und the decision was as fol- lows: President--Mrs. Doris Layug; Vice-Pres.-- Mrs. G. Smith; Secretary --Mus. Vern Miller; Treasurer---Mrs. J. Glover. Lunch was served by the Committee, and Mrs. Layng thanked the hostess. Mrs. J. Bright will bo hostyss for the Sept. 18th, meeting. « = * The Official Opening of Raglan School was held on Sat., May: 18th. There were no ceremonies, and the general Open House, saw a large pum- ber of persons availing themselves of of the opportunity to see this fine new four room School. In addition to the large floral arrangements pre- sented by the Architect and the School Board, each room was inter- esting by efforts of the respective teachers and the pupils. The Presi. dent of the SOS, Mrs. D. Solomon, provided flowers for each room, as well as an attractive buffet-style tea table. Various members of the SOS assisted in the serving of light re- freshments. LJ] * Ll The May meeting of Raglan UCW was held nt the home of Mrs. R. Bip kett. The Pres. Mrs. Leonard Slute was in the chair. The Hymn, "Eter- nal Are Thy Mercies, Lord" was sung, and The Lord's Prayer repeated. De- votional was taken by Mrs. June Mae- leod, subject being "Praise Ye the Lord, for Hj lesson Power". The Seripture read by Mrs. Macleod. 'Following the collection and roll eall, was the Seeretary's report by Mrs. Lorne Slute, and the Treasurer's re- port by Mrs. H. Bray. Mrs. R. Brawn reported for the Flower and Card Committee. Donations for a bale of good used clothes may be left at the home of Mrs. R. Brawn. Murs. R. Birkett spoke for the "Kitchen Cupboard" Committee and said that they had been started. The members of the UCW decided to provide for the sale of lunch at a local Auction Sule. The June meeting is on tho 5th at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. R. Nottingham. Benediction closed the meeting and the lunch Committeo was Mrs. G. Luke and Mrs, L. Ma. haffy. was * * * » The Mother-Daughter Banquet, on Sat., May 26th, in the CEB at Rag- lan United Church, was enjoyed by a perfect attendance of Leaders, Guides, Brownies and Mothers, in osm o y spite of the confusion of the sawdust and cupboard construction. Mistress of Ceremonies was Brown Owl, Mrs, Mary Pearson, who introduced head table guests as follows: Licut. Marion Luke, Capt. E. [Leader E. Greenley, Assistant Shute, Snowy Owl Maple Owl Clarke, Love, Chairman of the Brown. Tawny Marie Rev. R. HH. Local Association Mrs. Leonard Slute, Pres. Parent's Committee Mrs. Lois Luke. Guide Carol Bray proposed the toast to the Church, Rev. R. H. Love Brownie----Donna Sutton proposed the toast to the Mothers, and Mrs. R. Nottingham read a poem as the reply. Various awards and bad- were given to the Guides and followed by demonstra- tions of their activities and achieve- ments throughout the year, The full comse turkey banquet was convened by Mrs. J. K. Lawrence. Those in charge of the tables were: Mrs. D. Solomon, Mrs. B. Bryant and Mrs. J. Glover, The following good Scouts, and good Sports did an excellent job of serving without a broken dish, Paul Solomon, Tom and Bob Howard, Ger- ald -Layng, Neil Brown and Tommy responded. Res Brownies, Lawrence. The kitchen was ably manned by: Mrs. C. Fice, Mrs. D. Layng, Mrs. A. Mahaffy, Mrs. E. Manns, Carving turkeys was in chargo of J. K. Lawrence. Last but not least, the pre-feast clean-up group consisted of: Mrs. D. Bray, Patsy Bray, Martha Anne Lawrence, Mrs. J. K. Lawrence. CIE I The May meeting of the 1st Rag- dan Ladies Auxilinry and Parent's Committee was held in the CER, Rag- lan United Church. Because the program was "Artificinl Respiration", the meeting was attended by Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Brownies and their The President Mrs. L. Luke welcomed all present. God Save the Queen was sung, with Mrs. Lorne Slute at the piano. The Secretary's report was given by Mrs. E. Bray. leaders. Mus. J. Bright gave her report for the Parent's Committee, Mrs. D. Manns for the Ladies Auxiliary. It was agreed to have a Home Baking Sale in the near future. The special guest for Mr. Roy Fleming, was introduced by Mrs. J. Lawrence. Mr. Fleming is well qualified to speak on Artificinl Respiration, having been a swimming instructor at Camp Sa- mac for several years, assistant Pool Director last year ,also the holder of Royal Life Saving Certificates. Of special interest was the demonstra- tion of the Mouth-to-Mouth type of artificial respiration. Mrs.. Luke ex- pressed the sincere thanks of every- one, for. Roy's interesting and pos- sibly life-saving talk. The last meet- ing before summer adjournment, will be a pot-luck supper and camp-fire sing song at the home of Mrs. J. K. Lawrence on Wed., June 26th, at 6.30 o'clock. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. the evening, L] * - Shortness of breath on little or no exertion is never normal, regardless of your age, your "out-of-condition" state, or your general way of life. BFE WE US AS MT, TMNT LOW Tae Be Safe wie eae J SH i _ if waiting for! " i | EATON'S Hearing Aid Consultant, W. E. Lang, will be happy to test your hearing scientific- i ally and thoroughly . . . either in Eaton's Hearing Centre or in your own home. " § All you need to do is to phone for an appointment . .. you will receive an Audiometric test \V 4 and Analysis at no charge or obligation. At the same time, Mr. Lang will show you ) Eaton's own "VIKING" line of hearing aids... a complete range that make it possible a fi to fit any person who has a correctable hearing loss. A on parts and service. _-- ~ ow If you have a hearing problem, DO read this message . .. factory or Money Refunded; EATON'S In OSHAWA Offers a specialized service to the hard of hearing PHONE 905-7363 TODAY . Remember, every purchase is covered by the time-honoured Eaton guarantee: Goods Satis- | it could he just what you've heen. 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Open Friday nights until 9. fc eS ee) nr? and each instrument is covered by a two-year warranty Eaton's Hearing and Optical Centre Oshawa Store Hours: Monday to Saturday. . ARTO SINGIN OSI OE SAAN HE NIL LOMO NL LAIN IIL LN A AN RY LJ '