6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THU RSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1963 BUSINESS DIRECTORY - CLASSIFIED 885-2331 ® © 1] " Ea { thi F C sh CLASSIFIED ADS. & COPY MUS) avesirougning . 16. rosny OE IN BY 9 a.n. WEDNESDAY Furnaces TRAVEL AGENT i | TOURS. AIR, RAIL , HOUSE FOR RENT--8 room house SAT., JUNE 15th--Auction Sale of ! Al ' . i] -- PRESSURE PUMPS HOTEL, STEAMSHIP FOR SALES newly decorated, Olivet kitchen. Con. Auction Sales Furniture on the property formerly . PLUMBING UL. 2-3858 or 8411 6, Lot 16, Reach Toe. Avaliable STRAWBERRIES Auctioh-ale of occupied by Mrs. Stewart McCoy, " 4 UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO . I now. LE, 6-6694, Toronto, between SAT., JUNE 8t uction Sale of | Geagrave; Ontario. Terms Cash. Sale BROOKLIN 655-4591 1--June 6/68 FOR SALE--12 foot M.H. Double 0", p.m. June 20 Ford Truck, Garden Tractor, Garage | at 1.30 rin 1--May 30 - Nov. 28/63 Disc with wheels. Murray Mason, Ca a = SN Little Britain. _ APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 8 Crate Orders Taken Equipment, Tools and Furniture, the property of Walter J. Rogers, Epsom TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. MOUNTIOY EADE'S NURSING HOME | ENT FOR (RENT -- 8| These will be filled in the order | Village. Terms Cash. Sale at One | 3 . rooms an ath. one w. o . _ : ) $9900 009000000000000000009 Elderly and Convalescent Patlents FOR SALE -- Chrysler Car--good Sunderland, wolect, piv reserved ... at a season uniform O'Clock. : dah | B kh S 3 Semi-Private Accomodation, shape. Apply 390 Caleb St. Port price (not to exceed 32¢ per quart TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. I, J Skaife C A a ac oe ervice Men and Women. Perry or phone 985-2894. June 13] gTORE FOR RENT--Queen Street,| PY the crate) starting late in June - ' . J} oid. T Service. Reasonable rates ' o ' TRENCHES, DRAINS, "'n home away from home" Port Perry. Apply John Ballare Note: a few adult lady SAT., JUNE 16 --'Large Auction| CHARTEHED ACCOUNTANT . FOUNDATIONS & SEPTIC TANKS DUG and BACKFILLED Ivan Mountjoy Phone: 985-2806 1.26--Sept. 19/68 RR R.---------------- gd FOR SALE--1 Trailer 8 x 4 Box, long tongue that was for drawing 19' boat, tongue shortened to suit pur- Lumber Co. 985-2491. TF LIVE POULTRY WANTED Pickers Needed PHONE MRS. C. PARKINSON Sale of Household Furniture, G.E. Dryer, Frigidaire Stove, New Bed- room Suites, the property of John Hales, Lot 118, Con. 7, Georgina Twp, (by appointm only at Main St., Orono) chaser. 0. O. Hamilton, Ph. 986-1 also new goose & duck feathers on Hwy. 48 at Port Bolster. Terms | 1--Spt. b Rl Blackstock 986-4737 F I Tax "| 2414 or 114 Perry St. and ticks 985-2415 Cash. No Reserve, This is a large | 1.26--m. oct. or ncome BEST PRICES PAID 3" June 20 Sale and must start on time. Sale at ! d BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see = . am. . PRS NNN NNN, | 21d BO 8 FOR SALE -- 1966 Chev. 2-ton eR iy FLATT ciilaat 1.00 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk | ALEX SHEPHERD Truck, flat bottom, stock racks. Also| ~"° y INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your Insurance needs may be, consult EMMERSON INSURANCE Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 986-7031 Specializing in small business and farm operations. 1.6--T.F. BR OFFICE EQUIPMENT 8' Power Int'l Binder, both in good shape. Also hogs serviceable age. Fred Milne, Sunderland 3-r-3. FOR SALE -- Two forage boxes, 14' x 7" and 6' high. Rear unloading by chains from end gate by motor or 1"JE 27/68 Brock Motor Sales WANTED--Licensed Mechanic. Apply in person. Notice fo Destroy Weeds All noxious weeds on rural or urban lots must be cut or sprayed by June REG JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 6-- Auction Sale of Furniture, the Estate of Arthur Elliott, Brooklin, Ontario. Terms Cash. Sale at 6.80 p.m, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Spraying Liquid Fertilizer in the Evening Pays Off FOR GRAIN FARMERS a ------ 946 nl 0) 3 > J * 985 - 2421 PORT PERRY Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Du- | blower power shaft. Mounted on | 1962 Chevrolet Impala, 2-door hartop 16, 1963. After this date they will Wn hE nl IN YOR AND ONTARIO : 2 plicatprs, Cheque Writers, Compto-| rubber tired wagons. John B. Car-| 1962 Chev. 6-cyl. station wagon, be cut and charged against property| ,, po ot Mrs John Scott. . meters. Three hundred new and used. | naghan, Blackstock 986-4975. Bel Air, A.T. } without any further notice to nine De ode Y sie "Terms Cash 107 field crop checks were made in re We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton 1961 Chevrolet Impala 4-door hardtop, | acres or under. Sale aL 1.80 pin C. Heaps Clerk "11962 in York and Ontario Counties. y Apex Service Office Equipment, 187 Brock South, on ~~ 6-cyl. A.T. white with red trim Pp ' ) he W Te "| From these crop checks and crop i » Whitby, Ont. MO. 8-849. T.F.| VAUXHALL STATION WAGON,| 1961 Chev. Biscayne sedan J. C. BRETHOUR, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | checks made from previous years, it 1959 for sale. "Victor Super", one| gcc poor 4000 hardtop Ontario County Weed Inspector has now been proven that profitable . TELEVISION REPAIRS onary one driver, excellent condition. | (gre poo one WED., JUNE 26--Extensive Clear-| results can be obtained from spray- . " [ ] [] Phone - . 3 1956 Pontiac coach T- ance Auction Sale of Garage and ing a 10-20-10 liquid fertilizer. In- Port Perry -- Phone 985-2282 . Gor eski Roofing S 1960 Chev. %-ton pick-up Notice fo Creditors Service Station Equipment, Tools, | creases of 12 to 26 bushels more per | " Leslie McDonald, Service Man | ASPHALT ROOFING and SIDING b A FEW Bass hl Spa Sepags 1968 GMC 8-ton chassis & cab . Treks, New & Used Parts, Scrap pore wore Signed > La wiv l Potatoes suitable for seed. one | New Chevrolet school buses in stock ° . ron, the property of Pete Rumble, | from 1s method of fertilization, . Dec. 31/63 LATHING, METAL WORK 985-7730. New Chevrolet cars and trucks in . IN I iawn known as Pete's Garage, 19 Keele St.,| One of the most important features ! INSULATION, FLAT ROOF, stock for immediate delivery. ] Maple. Terms Cash. No Reserves. | of this typesof fertilization is that it ' ..p " EARL WALLACE ROOFING Phone PORT PERRY 985-2761 SPANISH GUITAR for Sale, Fen- Buy your new John Deere baler, now, late of the Village of Port Perry, | Proprietor quitting business. Sale at | is applied Avhen your grain is 6-8" / Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminum Roofing Eavestroughing, also Sturgeon Paint for house or barn, We will contract for all kinds of roof work. Phone 985--7964, Port Perry 1.25--Sept. 26/68 ~~ John Megans Highest Fast 1--Aug. 30/68 RIMAR MEMORIALS GRANITE MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING DEPENDABLE SERVICE 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone : 723 - 1002 1.5--July 11/68 SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned By der Electric; also Fender amplifier. Phone 986-2420. June 13 FOR SALE -- Regent Stove, 4- burner, neatly new. Also" Westing- house refrigerator; Simplicity Wash- ing Machine, both in good condition. Phone 985-2376. PORT PERRY AREA -- Excellent selection of homes, farms, small acre- ages, lots at reasonable prices. What have you to sell? Call for efficient service. Howard Mackey, Port Perry LS BOY, 16 yrs. old wants work on a farm for the summer months. Apply Box 44, Port Perry Star. at a special pre-season price-- $1896.00. Phone 235 Sunderland, Ont. SNENERNNEEAERENEEEEEEEEEER TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUS ROUTE Reach Township School Board calls for tenders on a school bus route of approximately 16 miles as follows: -- Start Greenbank School, west to '| Hwy:-12; south to corner of hwy. 12 & 47, west to town line and follow S curve in hwy. 47 and return to town line, then south to Con. 9 Reach, east to Hwy. 12, north to Greenbank, east to starting point, A 54 - passenger bus will be required. in the County of Ontario, Clergyman. All persons having claims against the Estate of Benjamin Douglas Armstrong, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of May, 1963, at the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, are required to file proof thereof with the under- signed on or before the 4th day of July 1963, after which date the Exe- cutors will distribute the estate hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notjce. DATED at 'Uxbridge, this 3rd day of June 1988, WILLARD F. GREIG, Q.C. Uxbridge, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. June 20 1.00 p.m. All Purchases must be settled for on day of sale before be- ing removed from Premises. James Spencer, Clerk. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. THURS., JUNE 20th--Auction Sale fof Implements, Furniture, Tractor, Self-Propelled Combine, the property of Marlow Thompson, Lot 24, Con. 4, Cartwright Twp., 4 miles' East of Blackstock. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 pm. C. HEAYN, Clerk. TED JACKSON, 'Auctioneer. Auction Sale Good Used Lumber suitable" for 3 high, This feeds your crop as it is growing and weight tests show that grain sprayed with this type of liquid fertilizer increases the weight of the grain from 8-4 pounds more per bushel. - : Grain also sprayed with this com- '| plete liquid fertilizer, nitrogen, phos- phorus and potash, also shows 'a higher protein content. Farmers us- ing this method of fertilization are . advised that best results are ob- tained from evening application, Tests conducted showed very little response from morning applications, fair response from late afternoon ap- plications but the biggest response came from spraying in the evening. The use of liquid fertilizer is grow- ing, and more and more farmers are using these high analyses of liquid Prices Service PUMP EQUIPMENT WANTED -- Spring and mattress mann nnansnnansnensnnnuny | COH38C, garage or Implement shed, = 0 =" 0 a0 08S To 00 18. It SEPTIC TANKS AND for single or % bed. Also ohe| Closing date for tenders, June 8th EMERGENEY NUMBERS | SATURDAY, JUNE 8 at 10 am. 8 is only a few years ago that this DEAD FARM STOCK SERVICE | WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED | gresser in good condition. Mrs. R.[at-6 p.m. Lowest or any. tender not . PORT PERRY il the farm of Jim Batty, one 16 Yanid fertliier. Was introduced to We pick up all farm animals R Armsir Chandler, 986-2940. necessarily accepted. For further in- |¥. north of Brooklin. Proceeds: Brpok- York + aude. Ontario Teohibiss. aid Ph Blackstock 986 4861 or eg. ong a forniation wont POLICE -- 985-2636 hn Bey Soawss, £ ' farmers who have been using it are one Hiackstoc | Port P -- STRAYED from Cawker's Ranch, Mrs. Pat Love, Sec' FIRE -- 985-2846 TED JACKSON, Auctioneen ! well satisfied! 3 Zenith 32800 t erry ' 985-2226 heif A k i th : a ove, cy . : 1.6--Feb. 28/64 A DIYS Ky dy RR. 2, Port Perry MED. CENTRE--985-7301 rp License #232-63 2--June 6/63 : phone 985-2382. 986-2088. June 6 RR RAI GT CR. ; : WANTED-- Quiet home, room and | Iroittretttrentt hh. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF:THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO R 1 Estat TRENCHING board for an elderly woman. No |§ : i$ | HIS HONOUR JUDGE Friday, the 24th day of ed e nursing or special care required. . H : D 0 N S K I N E R : "J. de N, Kennedy" = May, A\D., 1963. ] FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS EXCAVATING - BACKHOE Phone 985 - 2788. i | BETWEEN: Ts Eady MARGARET BALLARD WORK - WATER LINES PLUMBING - HEATING i} THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, Plaintiff REALTOR TILE TRENCHING, W. WARD ; wh ~~ Sunderland, Ont. Phone 303 ETC. -- SEPTIC TANKS and Ww 1l Di a : : : . . i Lo And 1--Nov. 21/63, ; DISPOSAL BEDS e 1gging Oil Burner Service fl. GEORGE ALBERT STONE, Defendant a : - Supplied and Installed BY MACHINE : UPON the application by counsel on behalf of the Plaintiff for an order = op Specializing in 30" tile : HYDRO WATER HEATERS INSTALLED permitting service of the writ of Summons herein upon the Defendant b % GILLSON & McPHADEN x 204 Chestnut Street, West } mailing a true.copy thereof to the said Defendant by prepaid registered mail > General Insurance Ken : Middleton Whitby, Ont. 668-2563 H PRINCE ALBERT Phone 985-2142 addressed to the said Defendant in care of Marilyn Luke at Port Perry, in on H 6/68 , the County of Ontario, and mailed on or before the 27th day. of May, 1968, PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Port Perry 985-7548 June 6 to Oct. 81/63 = 3 2x2--Dec. 26/63 and by publishing this order, to eter with the notice thereon endorsed, once Telephone 985-2341 : = ' a week for 2 weeks preceding the "7th" day of June, 1968 in the Port Perry fice John & North St June 27/63 Star newspaper published at Port Perry, Ontario, in the presence of counsel 0 lee Corbis, o BD a or 8. i for the Plaintiff, upon reading the affidavit of Joseph Draper, filed, and ' : ec. 81, the Writ of Summons herein, and upon. hearing counsel for 1, IT IS ORDERED that service of a true copy of Writ of Summons in this action and of a true copy of this Order by mailing, the same by gre paid registered post, on or before the 27th day of May, 1963, addressed to e Plaintiff; cul SEPTIC TANK Cleaning PHONE 985-2207 1--June 6/68 the Defendant in care of Marilyn Luke, Port Perry, Ontario, and by pub- lishing this order, together with the notice thereon endorsed, once a week for 2 weeks preceding the "7th" day of June, 1968 in the. Port Perry Star newspaper polished at Port Perry, Ontario, shall be good:and sufficient Ag service of the said Writ of Summons on the Defendant herein. : : 2, AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that. the:Defendant do enter an / appearance to the said Writ of Summons at the County Court Clerk's Office NICK Dead Stock Service The Best Crops with "NA-CHURS" at the Court House, Whitby, Ontario, on or;before the, "17th" day of June, Liquid Fertilizer p88 : : : : iB 2 ws 4 » * "0,B. Folio 266 ; ; "J. de N. Kennedy", Back Hoe Digging I Fre CRE kaki vod Wy PROVEN SINCE 1946 : : wi B EE NOTICE . $3,314.26 upon two promissory notes made by SEPTIC TANKS and WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED WATER LINES and TRENCHING IRVINE JEWELL 985-7085 : PORT PERRY, ONT. 1.26--June 27/68 0 K : (J LJ " The Plaintiff's claim is for the Defendant, namely: 1. Promissory. note dated Sept. 17, 1062 payable on' demand to the -- Plaintiff at Port Perry with interest at 6% per annum as well after as be- fore maturity and made by the Defendant George Albert Stone........$1,160.00 t ' Interest thereon from April 22, 1963 to May 17, 1968 .......cvvirmrinmrees 4.91 - 2. Promissory, note 'dated May 80, 1062. payable on demand to the. hy Plaintiff:at Port. Perry with interest at 86% per annum as well after as before - maturity and made by the Defendant Caotge Albert Stone .............. 2,800,00 Interest thereon from April 22, 1968 to May 17, 1968 .......ccrnriure 9.36 Highest prices paid for dead or ¢rippled cattle and horses. Hogs and small animals removed free For fast gervice, 24 hours a day 7 days a week -- Phone: Uxbridge -- ULster 2-3319 JACK W. FORSTER JOE FEDDEMA BY PUMP EQUIPMENT _ = Competitive Prices -- 3 | June 27/68--1.5 . , No charge to you. We pay all , ng » a y Prince Albert Ph: 986- ' R.R. 1, Nestleton ; % y x 1 $3,464.26 8 yr - adc AT 'Sanitation Service Phe 955-4788 5" RE. 1, New RI 1 g Prop. NICK NONTAGUR PORT PERRY 985.2207 CHARLIE REESOR WILLIAM A. BARKEY ia ig ------ 160.00 'wT cense No. 172- ; i : ' aa ; W hie ; : R.R. No. 1, Foxmead SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Port Perry ph: 985-2826 : i % Cannington $9.814.20 Cn } 4-Jly 4/68 s