Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Jun 1963, p. 6

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Are your Policies up-to-date? Men and Women. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Sal . SAT., JUNE 16th--Auction Sale of . ' Tray Service. Reasonable rates FOR SALES STRAWBERRIES WORKS OF CANADA Auction es Furniture on the property formerly Whatever your Insurance needs "A home away from home" occupied by Mrs. Stewart McCoy, ¢ may be, consult Phone: 985-2806 T d SAT., JUNE 16 -- Large Auction | Seagrave, Ontario. Terms Cash, Sale 2 a v "a 25--Se y FOR SALE--Gco. White Threshing C 0 d T k e n e X S Sale of Household Furniture, G.E.| at 1.830 p.m. y EMMERSON INSURANCE | 1-26--Sept. 19/68 Machine 42 x 24 in good condition. rate I ers da en X Dryer, Frigidaire Stove, New Bed- . : 985 - 2421 PORT PERRY | Sorrow | \ Newlands, RR. These will be filled in the order SEALED TENDERS addressed to| room Suites, the property of John TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. ) 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, NSE RARE EERE 3 1963 WNC ARG La Lad EA LAER ER ROSE EB Sahl Fa FORLANI aT ETA a n»npinr°'?_ i BUSINESS DIRECTORY - INSURANCE EADE'S NURSING HOME Elderly and Convalescent Patients Semi-Private Accomodation, CLASSIFIED 885-2331 : CLASSIFIED ADS. & COPY MUS) 8E IN BY 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY 2, Seagrave. Secretary, Department of Public F I me Tax 986-7724. reserved . . , at a season uniform Works of Casein, B lg Hales, Lot 118, Con. 7, Georgina Twp, i A ca a orks of Canada, Room B 322, Sir| on Hwy. 48 at Port Bolster. Terms 3 or nco : ------------------------ | . price (not to exceed 32¢ per Quart | charles Tupper Building, Riverside Cash. hy Reserve. This is a large Auction Sale : = and BOOKKEEPING SERVICES 860 FOR SALE -- Kitchen cabinet all| by the crate) starting late in June | Drive, Ottawa 8, and endorsed Sale and must start on time. Sale at } p Apex Service ALEX SHEPHERD newly refinished. Apply H. Corley, Note: a few adult lady "TENDER FOR HARBOUR IM-|100 pm. Gerald Graham, Clerk. SATURDAY, JUNE 22 at 1.30 p.m. 4 Brooklin, south of Croxall's Building --Auction Sale of Household furni- 3 TELEVISION REPAIRS Port Perry -- Phone 985-2282 Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 985-7031 Specializing In small business and farm operations. Supplies, after 6.00 p.m. June 20 FOR SALE--1960 Dodge "Polaria" Pickers Needed PHONE MRS, C. PARKINSON 985-2416 PROVEMENTS (APPROACH ROAD TO" AND FILLING BEHIND EAST HARBOUR WHARF), OSHAWA, ONT." REG JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT., JUNE 22nd--Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques, Garden Tools, ture including clothes dryer, nearly new; electric stove, Refrigerator; washing machine; bedroom suite; rug; rocking chair; tables; lawn furniture; Gls Leslie McDonald, Service Man Lo--T.F. power steering, power brakes. Good § will be received until 3.00 P.M. (E.D.| the Property of Mrs. John Scott, | quantity of dishes and other articles Dec. 81/63 | PI rrr ~~~" | car. $1850 or best offer. Phone 3"--June 20 S.T.), WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1963.1 Blackstock, Ontario. Terms Cash. | too numerous to mention. Selling at ' i y 9865-2169. ANNI NSIS, | Chief Engineer, Room E-443, Sirf gale at 1.30 pm. C. Heayn, Clerk. | the property of F. G. Crosby, 56 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Plank St, Uxbrid No PORT PERRY AREA --E A ge: ressrve, EARL WALLACE ROOFING Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Du- : A -- Excellent | prive, Ottawa; District Engineer, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | me oo Cash. * : plicators, Cheque Writers, Compto- BALE STOOKER FOR SALE-- selection of homes, farms, small acre- | 295 Jarvis Street, Toronto 2; and can LLOYD WILSON. Auctioneer . » ' Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, | meters. Three hundred new and used. | $95.00. 985-7448. June 20| ages, lots, at reasonable prices. What | he geen at the Post Office at Oshawa,| WED. JUNE 26--Extensive Clear- 2 ' Steel and Aluminum Roofing We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton have you to sell? Call for efficient | guy, ance Auction Sale of Garage and|00906900490000000000000000 . . Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, service. Howard Mackey, Port Perry i Service Station Equipment, Tools, Eavestroughing, also Sturgeon Paint Whitby, Ont. MO. 8-5849. TF. FOR SALE--Baled straw; exten-| 986-2127. H. Keith, Realtor. To be considered each tender must| Trucks, New & Used Parts, Scrap for house or barn. sion ladder 32'; electric fence; log- be submitted on the forms supplied by | Iron, the property of Pete Rumble, T en d ers We will contract for all kinds of ging chains and farm wire fence, 40| HOUSE FOR RENT--8 room house, Vie Diam it and must be necom- known as Pete's Garage, 19 Keele St., . A . E. Arm- y ; : anie the securit cified in . ° roof work | RIMAR toll PIs SRST Wn. B. prone Yisewy assisted, Gliveb Sieshion, Dot pao Bndmerngliy Maple. Terms Cash. No Reserves.) mongers will be reecived by Scugog * Phone 985-7964, Port Perry You), Restietan, 5, Low 15, Beach Tup....Avellable " Propritor quitting business, Saleat{ .. .'n...q up tin June 50th; 1968 ' now. LE. 6-6694, Toronto, between| The lowest or any tender not ne-| 1:00 Pm. All Purchases must be y x p 26--Sept. 26/63 MEMORIALS | i 6 & 17pm. June 20| cessaril cepted settled for on day of sale before be-| for the removing of old furnace and = i FOR SALE -- 16 healthy beehives essarily accepted. ) in df Premi J installi il f t Cent 3 GRANITE MONUMENTS and 16 empties in very good condi- : ; jug removed from Fronutes. James) instaiiing ney of Jurnace ay Centre 3 i ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary.| Spencer, Clerk. School, Scugog. Work to be com- Real Estate FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS MARGARET BALLARD FLAT MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING DEPENDABLE SERVICE 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone : 723-1002 Phone on week-ends 986-2673. June 20 tion. FOR SALE--2 International mow- ers, oil bath, 5 and 6 ft. cut -- also APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 8 rooms and bath. Phone 281w2 Sunderland, collect. TF. STORE FOR RENT--Queen Street, | aaa aaa cssasssasoasasand Notice to Creditors KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. THURS., JUNE 20th--Auction Sale of Implements, "Furniture, Tractor, pleted as soon as possible during. the holidays. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contact Sam Arnold, Sec'y, RiR. 3, Port Perry. ary, yc . REALTOR 5 1.6--July 11/68 Hay Loader, good condition. 986-4863. Port Perry. Apply John Ballare IN THE ESTATE OF BENJAMIN | Self-Propelled Combine, the property June. 20 a Sunderland, Ont. Phone 30 Lumber Co: 985-2491. TF DOUGLAS ARMSTRONG of Marlow Thompson, Lot 24, Con. 4, : 1--Nov. 21/63. ALES; 7 76. Wilk, 16 rr } Cattwright Twp., 4 miles East of . 5 ' Ww A N T E D | Tok AL angled to fave up and| VIVE POULTRY WANTED Jule 2 tie Vilage of Post Perry, | Blackstock. Terms Cash. Sale at ( : . . inche 4 n the County o ario, Llergyman. | 1 00 p.m. C. HEAY lerk. . . : GILLSON & McPHADEN ASSISTANT MILL down street. 74 Burk Street, Ogh- Sieo 200 ee 4 bya téatiei All persons having claims against iid oe S ra in Liq ul id General Insurance FOREMAN awa. June 20 MEL tie alD - the Estate of Benjamin Douglas TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. p Y g > B ICES P : rt PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Preferably with Experience -- Armstrong, deceased, who died on or ' HH a 5 a } - M. FLATT ! SAT., JUNE 29th--Important Auc-' Telephone 983-2841 We would like to have a man FOR SALE--Litter carrier with 2| RR. 1 Bethany Phone 7-r-13 colleot abut she 17h 4a¥ of May, 190, at tion Sale of Modern Household Fur. erh zer n e Office Corner John & North Sts. before the holiday season gates, jack "hinge and 220 ft. track 1"--JE 27/68 the Village of Port Perry, in the niture, Electric Appliances, Dishes, . 1: Dec. 81, "63 but would hold it open for the right person. UXBRIDGE CO-OPERATIVE and motor. 985-2728. SALE--Doors Modernfold. Fabric Brock Motor Sales County of Ontario, are required to file proof thereof with the under- signed on or before the 4th day of July 1963, after which date the Exe- Glassware, Ornaments, Pictures, Gar- den Tools, etc., the property of Mr. Smith and Mrs. Newing, at 3961 Law- Evening Pays Off FOR GRAIN FARMERS IN YORK AND ONTARIO . Sh as rence Avenue, East of Hwy. 48 L k f A & Wood--Bi-fold plywood. Interior cutors will distribute the estate hav- : ) COUNTIES . J. S dl e, C. ¢ A Tune Aster 2-3321 Plywood doors $3 to $6. Exterior| WANTED--Licenced Mechanic. ing regard only to the claims of | known as Lennox Park. Terms Cash CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 205 Frances St. Whitby 668-8197 (by appointment .only-at.--------- Main St., Orono) ; ; 1961 Chevrolet Impala 4-door hardtop, be obtained f: ray- bite? pene br ETAT we Ol rite, "AR Bs Cie SEPTIC TANKS AND 1961 Chevrolet Biscayne sedan Solicitor for the Executors. | myyRs, JUNE 20--Wanted One| creases of 12 to 26 bushels more per v A E J h WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED K d 1966 Chev. coach Thousand Farmers to attend Grass. | acre were obtained on grain crops o dle 0 nson R e tron solion dog. De A gray 1966 Pontiac coach NeNEERNEENNEENSARUNNNREREY;, J PaY: Jotaiad g- Moke a Tm, 2 oon ad DE et Arms , ; i | miles East, 1 mile South of Lindsay, OPTOMETRIST i g 8th near Utica, Reward. Contact| 1968 GMC 8-ton chassis and cab EMERGENCY NUMBERS % mile North of No. 7 Hwy. SHI of this type of fertilization is that it " MARY STREET, PORT PERRY Eyes Examined Prescriptions Filled Wed. 9-12 noon, Mon. - Fri. 7-8 Phone for appointment 985-2383 or 723-2721 1.6 : Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.5--Feb. 28/64 : SEPTIC TANKS | plywood $5.00. The Wedge, 221 Queen St. 986-2423. LOST--Reward to finder of 1 ma- owner Renzo Grani, Manchester Auto Wreckers. Phone 986-7131. TRENCHING LOST--Eye glasses in brown leath- er case. Reward. Phone 986-7963. Apply in person. 1962 Chevrolet Impala 2- door hardtop Bel Air, AT. New Chevrolet school buses in stock New Chevrolet cars and trucks in stock for immediate delivery Buy Your new John Deere balers now, 'at a special price--$1795.00, Phone 235 Sunderland, Ont. which they shall 'then have notice. of June 1968. WILLARD F. GREIG, Q.C. PORT PERRY i POLICE -- 985-2536 FIRE -- 986-2346 MED. CENTRE--986-7301 0 on day of sale. No Reserve. will start precisely at 1.00 p.m. Sale James. Smith, Clerk;-=--sr---wsmree hy KEN PRENTICE, Auctioneer, CLARKE PRENTICE, strating McKee Grassland Harvesters, McKee Clipper Head, McKee Auto- matic Unloading Wagons, New Hol- land Balers and Ejectors, New Hay Rakes by Lely, Hay Fluffers and Con- ditioners, New Nuffield Diesel Trac- 107 field crop checks were made in 1962 in York and Ontario Counties, checks made from previous years, it has now been proven that profitable is applied when your grain is 6-8" high, This feeds your crop as it is growing and weight tests show that grain sprayed with this type of liquid fertilizer increases the weight of the grain, from 3-4 pounds more per tors. See all the latest in New Farm | bushel. -- | Equipment. ; : EXCAVATING - BACKHOE WANTED oi? School 2L to - Rap pie t pease 204 Pui On| Grain also sprayed with this com- WORK - WATER L help with haying. Contact I. Dear- Cm - Hveryome| siete liquid fertilizer, nitrogen, phos- E Kennedy © WATER LINES J| borne, 085.7484. Welcome. Bring a Friend. ' " ° ° ! : ® Pit Run Gravel ® Washed Sand and Stone . ® Brick Sand and Chips. FOR QUICK SERVICE call 985-7982. i . . [] » Goreski Roofing ASPHALT ROOFING and SIDING LATHING, METAL WORK INSULATION, FLAT ROOF, Phone PORT PERRY 985-2761 1--Aug. 80/63 Syn Dead Stock Service Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses. Hogs and small animals removed free For fast service, 24 hours a day _ AY TILE TRENCHING, ETC. -- SEPTIC TANKS aud DISPOSAL BEDS Supplied and Installed Ken Middleton Port Perry 985-7648 June 27/63 Back Hoe Digging SEPTIC TANKS and WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED WATER LINES and TRENCHING IRVINE JEWELL 985-7085 . PORT PERRY, ONT. * 1.26--June 27/68 a aE I eS RS lS] -- Competitive Prices -- June 27/68--1.6 _ PASTURE--Have room for.10 head | Saddle mare and colt and 986-2726. cattle. saddle for sale. BARGAIN--7-room house with all modern conveniences in Port Perry. Scugog TA and Union Ave. $8600. Phone 986-2423. FOR RENT -- 3-bedroom house in Port Perry. 986-7500. PLUMBING SKINNER Oil Burner Service HYDRO WATER HEATERS INSTALLED PRINCE ALBERT 2x2--Dec. 26/63 $3332. HEATING Phone 985-2142 I Grow "NA- CHURS™ The Best C rops with McKEE FARM EQUIPMENT, -R:R+6, Lindsay. -- Phone:324-2472 Auction Sale FRIDAY, JUNE 14th at 7 pm.-- Auction sale of household furniture, including 21" T.V. nearly new; wash. ing machine, near new; refrigerator. freezer combjpation; chesterfield, power mower; cupboards; chajrs; beds; garden tools, selling at -the property of James Courtney, Lot 21, Con. 7, Scott Twp., 7 miles north of Uxbridge and % mile East of General Store, Leaskdale. Terms Cash. No Reserve, Sale at 7 p.m. LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer, phorus snd potash, also shows. a "higher protein content. Farmers us. . ing 'this method of fertjlization are advised that best results are ob- tained from evening application, Tests conducted showed very little response from morning applications, . fair response from late afternoon ap- plications but the biggest response came from spraying in'the evening. The use 'of liquid fertilizer is grow- ing, and more and more farmers ara using these high analyses of liquid fertilizer of 10-20-10 and 2-20-18. It is only a few years ago that g's liquid fertilizer was introduce York and Ontario counties, and farmers who have been using it are well satisfied] _. 2 -- GUN TYPE OIL BURNERS and CONTROLS QUANTITY OF SIDE WALL REGISTERS FOR SALE - USED ® McCLARY -- GRAVITY ALL STEEL FURNACE 1 - pa - - - - - BN . --- = | - --- - Sanitation Service PROVEN SINCE 1946 ® 24" x 70" FLOOR FURNACE (OIL) " * SEVERAL 30 AND 60. GALLON PRESSURE PORT PERRY 985-2207 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED . TANKS GALVANIZED) BY PUMP EQUIPMENT ® QUANTITY OF USED: BASINS 7 days a week -- Phone: W. WARD : : Uxbridge -- ULster 2-3319 w 1 / : : eo No charge to you. W I ell Di mg JAC ORSTER + - JOE FEDDEMA 4 i iA RE ois charg: pay © BY M Digging Prince Albert' Ph: 985-7766 y RR. 1, Nestleton Ww E S . LA N E ! Prop, NICK MONTAGUE Specializing in 80" tile : PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRIC ficense No, 172-62 204 Cheatnut Street, West - CHARLIE _REEROR WILLIAM A. HARKEY PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE: 988-2478 : RR. No. 1, Foxmead Whitby, Ont. 668-2563 Port Perry ph: 985-2326 R.R. 2, Cannington . YS La iN June 6 to Oct. 81/63 4--Jly 4/68 JUNE 20.

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