8 THE PO RT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1968 weeks mo Mexico with friends hd here at Pine Point Scugog Mrs. M. McLaren und Mrs. R. Tet- A nice congregation at Church on ) low visited with Mr. and Mrs. Isabell | Sunday. All are invited to attend at Mr. and Mrs. M. Malcovich of High Flewell recently. 11:16 a.m. 1nd Creek visited recently with My. | Sorry to hear Mrs. Gilbert is under Mr. and Mrs. A. Kreig and family, and Mrs. J. Matthews. | the Doctor's care. Hope for a speedy | and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Aldred have Myr. and Mrs. Go Smith are spending | recovery. returned after holidaying at Canabec two weeks with friends at Wilberforee. Mr. aid Mrs. Pretty, Sr, of Oshawa | Lake. Miss Gloria Fralick is spending two! and Miss Rosie Pretty spent the week- Mr. and Mrs J. Dorn of Pine Point Dowson's Food Market rot rem wh / | Gold Seal TUNA 39c CURAD Bandages 39: [TTY XLII | BONUS BUY! -- SAVE 8c! GRANULATED SUGAR BONUS BUY! -- SAVE 10c! -- KRAFT CANADIAN 1-1b. Pkg. CHEESE SLICES 53 BONUS BUY! -- SAVE 14c¢! -- 10c¢ Off Pack 6-0z. Jar NESCAFE Instant Coffee 8 5- BONUS BUY! -- SAVE 29¢! (Two for the Price of One) - (DESSERT TOPPING) * Twin Pack QUICK-WHIP Monarch 2.5- BONUS BUY? -- SAVE 19¢! 12-0z. Tins | PREM LUNCH MEAT 2: :79- =----= Quality Meats == = IT'S SCHNEIDER'S WEEK AT RED & WHITE I - SPECIALLY SELECTED -- FRESH -- BONELESS "THE IDEAL ¢ TTAGE ROLLS "ox b ROAST" FAMOUS FOR QUALITY - SCHNEIDER'S COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE PLASTIC TRAY. Ib 49c SCHNEIDER'S RINDLESS - WELL-STREAKED FLAT PACK LEAN BACON ob 79 Schnelder's - Tasty- Tempting Fronts Sliced 6-08. Flex Pack | HERD 'CHEESE 35 COOKED HAM 53: | Save 6¢! - Solid White Meat §-1b. Bag 7-02, Tin Canned Whole 3-1b, 4-02. Tin Burns Chicken i Save 7c! - Smart's Fancy "7 %0-0m, Apple Sauce 2for 39¢ Save 10c! - 40 Off Pack - Club House 16-03. PEANUT BUTTER 39¢ Save 20¢! - Fruit Drink 48-0z, Tin ADE Beverages 3for85¢ Fresh Dally! - A saten or Sunbeam FROST 'N SERY Regular 39 SHORTCAKE 35¢ =-------- Fresh Produce Sweet, Juicy, South African ORANGES 45: Finest Quality - Ontario - No, 1 Ontario No. 1 Large - 8 Ib, poly bag GreenBeans 21bs33¢ Yellow Onions 33c¢ Crisp, Bell - Sweet Delicious - Marsh Grown, No, 1 PEPPERS 3 (cr 19: CARROTS 2.5.19 RASPBERRIES 39c SUNSPUN | i FROZEN FOODS SUPREME FANCY 2-1b. Econ, Bag GREEN PEAS 49 AUNT MARY'S TREE SWEET ICE CREAM | Sliced BREAD | Lemon Juice Pint Brick 27c 24-02, oat Je ins 2G DISCOUNT PRICES! Regular 79¢ VAM Hairdressing 59c 20¢ Off Pak Reg. 1.09 Lustre Creme Shampoo 89¢ Regular 69c¢ BROMO SELTZER 59c Regular 73¢ LISTERINE = 59c Reg. $1.09 - Economy Size CREST Tooth Paste 79c ACH in checks of RED « YELLOW « BLUE 63] recently returned to Toronto after spending a month at their new cottage. Mr. Dennis Smith of" Toronto is visiting for two weeks with Mr. Fred Sanders. Miss Carol Pearcy has just returned from Switzerland and is expected to spend some time with her mother, Mrs. J. Pearcy, and grandfather, Mr. George Randall, at the cottage. It is also reported that Mr. Randall is continuing, to improve at Uxbridge Hospital and7is expected to return in the near future Mi and Mrs. Dan Healey spent a week at their cottage at Pine Point. Son David spent the week-end with them last week. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hornbostel of Tor- onto and two young friends, Arthur and Bobby spent last week-end at the cottage, Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. James Gardiner of Toronto spent last week-end at their son's cottage on Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Currie, Florida are visiting at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brodie and their daughters Lynda and Debbie of Tor- onto spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brodie at their cot- tage at Chemong. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Crowell, children of Toronto are spending two weeks at their cottage Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and son David, Ottawa are spending a month at their cottage, Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Smith and family of Oshawa are visiting with them. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chappell, Peter and David of Toronto spent Monday at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. H. Brodie on Chemong Lake. . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith of Port Perry are beginning two week's of holidays at the cottage, son David is also with them. * * * Please note that the "Head" Tur- key Supper date has been changed from Sept. 25 to Oct. 2 on account of Election Day. We wish to make a correction re- garding the Head U.C.W. which will be held on the regular date of the first Wednesday evening in Septem- ber. The following week we shall have our Joint U.C.W. of Grace, Manchester and Prospect in the "Head" Church when our guest speaker will be a rep- resentative of the Bible Society who has spent part of the summer in Europe and will have pictures to ill- ustrate his message. Last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Joe where they met Mr. and Mrs. Jack Day and son, Paul of Cleveland and Mr. and Mrs. Manzing and son, Geo. of Los Angeles. All spent a jovial and happy time together renewing a friendship formed when the latter family lived on the Island. Congratulations to Marie Healey and Lloyd Clarke upon the occasion of their marriage on Saturday. How To Look After Your Fine Woollens British Woollens News offers the following tips on the care of Woollen garments: Brush them -- with a good, long- bristled brush. Try to do this after each wearing; dirt abrasion makes fabrics wear out sooner. Never use a harsh brush. Let mud dry before bruching. << Hang them properly-- on a shaped wooden hanger that fits. Set shoulders squarely on hanger. Use a trouser press for trousers. Give em air -- at least overnight. Air helps wool spring back into shape. And try not to crush clothes in the closet. Let em rest-- even rugged British woollens need it! If possible rotate suits, Pockets need pampering too--don't leave them loaded down. when you're not wearing the suit. zo Treat stains promptly they may injure wool fabrics, Tell the cleaner what caused the stain, or if you tackle it yourself, use a cleaning agent that's made for the specific stain. Don't "toast" wet woofs--dry them away from direct heat. LIVE BETTER Electrically... with an..ELECTRIC WATER | HEATER HAL re --pe---- 4-H Girls at C.N.E. This year twelve girls will be rep- resenting the 4-H Homemaking Clubs from Ontario and York Counties at the Canadian National Exhibition from August 21st to August 23rd. The sel- ected girls will be meeting club mem- bbers from the other counties as well as participating in various activities organized by the Department of Agri- culture with a view of both enter- taining and teaching. The Schomberg club on Thursday, August 22, at the Auditorium of the Royal Ontario Mus- eum, under the able guidance of Mrs. F. Barnes, will be presenting the ex- hibit "Salads" whose commentator graciously consented to he Karen Barnes, The delegates from the counties as well as the Home Economists taking part in this event, will be living on the campus of the University of Toronto at the Margaret Addison Res- idence, thus giving a chance for everyone to make mew acquaintances and friends. The delegates, who will be participating from Ontario County are: Eunice Roach, Port Perry,R.R. #4. Barbara Carrick, Udney. Linda Jane Laswick, 116 New St., Uxbridge. Marilyn Ellery, Gamebridge. Patricia E. Warren, 12 Main St., 'Uxbridge. Sheila Disney, who will act as counsel- lor, Brooklin, R.R. #1. and from York County -are: Laurie' Benham, Queens- ville. Louise Walker, Newmarket, R.R. #3. Karen Barnes, Schomberg, R.R. #2. Joyce Foster, Nashville, R.R. # 1. Ingelise Hansen, King City, R.R. # 1. Donna Seed, who will act as coun- cellor, Woodbridge, R,R. #2. Ontario County Junior Farmers On Bus Tour The Junior Farmer Bus Tour to Eastern Ontario and Quebec is being held this year from Sunday, August 18, to Saturday, August 24th. This bus trip is sponsored by the Ontario Department of Agriculture and the Provincial Junior Farmers' Association, There will be 40 Junior Farmer |} boys and girls on this trip, and they will visit points of interest in Eastern Ontario and Quebec as far as Quebec City. They will return by way of Ot-||f Ltawa, where they will visit the Central Dowson motored to Niagara Falls| Experimental Farm, the Royal Canad- ian Mint, Public Archivies, War Mus- eum and other places of interest. The Ontario County delegates are Lois Downey, Myrtle, and Lloyd John- |} son, Uxbridge, R.R. #4. These dele- gates have been selected because of outstanding workin their Junior Far- mer organization during the past year. Both Lloyd a nd Lois will receive a grant to help defray expenses. Lloyd Johnson is being sponsored by the Riverdale Kiwanis Club, Toronto, while Lois Downey is being sponsored by the Oshawa Kiwanis Club. Mh uve SETTER "emer PORT PERRY FAIR Labour Day SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1963 HORSE RACES -- LIVESTOCK -- MIDWAY LADIES WORK -- BALL GAME -- BAND DR. D. C. CHRISTIE, President F. LAMB, Sec'y. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL LOOSE LEAF REFILL -- 250 Sheets $1.25 Value........ 88¢° 100 Sheets 49¢ Value........ 44¢ Bankers CARTRIDGE PEN with 6 refills $1.00 Value 88¢ H-B PENCILS--IL.D.A. Brand, 6 in Pack...2 Packs for 49¢ Coil Bound EXERCISE BOOKS--25¢ Value............ 4 for 88¢ COLOURING PENCIL SET, 12 pencils in plastic pouch..59¢ EXERCISE BOOK SPECIAL....."...ccccccovnnrnrrrannr 4 for 29¢ Lipstick for the. Girls FREE with $3.00 purchase Good Grooming Set of School Supplies for Boys BRUTON'S DRUG STORE PORT PERRY 985 - 2511 CAWKER BROS. -DevonSliced Bacon. ............69°" Home Cured Beef Tongue.......39'" Home Cured Brisket Point..... 65" ® BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS eo BOOK NOW for your ...- ~ FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) Official - agent for all Airlines, Steamships and Hotels throughout the world ®¢ NO SERVICE CHARGE eo 67 King St. E., Oshawa (tf) Phone : 728 - 6201 Nomination Convention OF THE ~ Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario Riding = Tuesday, Sept. 3 8:00 P.M. IN THE Beaverton Town Hall BEAVERTON SPEAKER she Sl 7 Hon. Robert W. Macaulay, Q.C, M.P. P. MINISTER OF ECONOMICS & DEVELOPMENT SUMMER HOLIDAY ne Ww » t ' | . | | a ' ) .. Je a I 5 ol -~ f s KE) all 7 4 A) : ) J J r » 4 AN oo { » s Ad wt 7 . J ) \ a