. | ul | LB / wing | » a [ | . Two of the delegates to the Ang- THE PORT PERRY STAR SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and | SURROUNDING AREAS 4 "Apthorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" Marion Davey Wed At Niagara Falls | Port Perry Win Series EROS - DAVEY WEDDING Baskets of white chrysanthemums and gladioli adorned the altar of St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church in Niagara Falls, when Marion Lois, qQnly daughter of Mrs. Marshall Davey and the late Mr. Davey of Toronto was united in marriage to Mr. Freder- ick Allan Eros, son of Mrs. Bert Eros and the late Mr. Eros of Niagara Falls. '* The double ring wedding ceremony "which. included communion was per- : formed by the Rev. Father Walter J. urns. ; "The bride, who was given in mars riage by her grandfather, Mr. Vernon Davey .of Niagara-on-the-Lake, was radiant in a floor length gown of ite peau de foil, styled along prin- lines. It featured a chapel train, sabrina neckline and short sleeves. "The lace appliques were studded with sequins and pearls. A trio of white or- gapdy roses, clustered among petals dotted with seed pearls held in place her shoulder length veil of French mist tulle. ~ She carried 'a cascade of "sweetheart roses and stephanotis, Mrs. Robert Johnson, matron of 'honour and bridesmaids, Misses Mil- dred Martyn, Ina Kiezebrink and Irene Eros were similarly attired in blue|- rskirts. They wore matching halo eaddresses with small véils on top. pine honour attendant, Mrs. Johnson carried-a bouquet of white cernations,| - while the cascades carried by the bridesmaids featured pink carnations. r. Karl Eros was his brother's t man, while Mr, Howard Stayzzer, Mr. Francis Boulogh and Mr. John Royer escorted the guests to their fy sheath with taffeta and crystal seats. Miss Muriel Leahey was the organ- ist and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Philip Maurinac. " The bride's mother was attired in a beige lace sheath with matching three- quarter length coat. Pink carnations formed her corsage. The groom's 'mother chose a light blue sheath com- plemented by white accessories and white carnation corsage. A reception and wedding supper was held in the Georgian Room -of the Pro- spect Hotel for nearly a hundred guests from Toronto, Welland, Chip- pawa, Kitchener, Uxbridge, Prince Albert, Columbus, Niagara Falls, and Niagara-on-the-Lake. ; For the honeymoon trip to Florida, the bride chose a three-piece white linen suit accented by red accessories and a corsage of red roses, Mr. and Mrs. Eros reside at 1701 McLeod Road, Niagara Falls. Pre-Nuptial Events Miss Marion Davey, a recent bride- elect was guest of honour at three lovely parties prior to her wedding. Miss Elaine Henderson, assisted by Miss Irene Eros entertained at a var- iety shower in her home at Niagara bride. Misses Marilyn Watson, Diane Guf- fner, and Jeanne McLean, nurses at Greater Niagara General Hospital were hostesses at a shower for the hride. On June 15, Misses Mildred Martyn and Ina Keizibrink were co-hostesses for a miscellaneous shower given in honour of Marion at the home of Mrs. \llen Martyn. Many lovely and u gifts were gratefully received by the bride, ort Perry isit From Toronto Congress lican Congress, presently being" held in Toronto, spent last Sunday as ests of the parish of the Church of i Ascension. They were Reverend ox, Tanganyika, Africa; and Father Benedict of the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York. Rey, Cox srondhed the sermon, both he Ascension, and at St. Thomas's ry Brooklin. The two. visitors accompanied by Rev. Roland de Corneille, who has been priest-in- charge of the combined parishes dur- ing July and August. The Port Perry service was followed b> parish luncheon, attended by Re 100 persons, which was served fhe Iadies of the Church of the Ascension, ! The Anglican Congress of ' 1968, 'which is being held from August 18 to 23 in the Diocese of Toronto, is a meeting of representatives of the var- ious branches of the Anglican Com. munifon throughout the world. A Bishop, priest and layman from every Anglican Diocese in the world have been delegated to attend; as well as many observers, Our two guests in Port Perry, and hundreds of others, 'went out into the churches of Toronto and neighbouring Dioceses, to tell them about the Congress at special Congress day servicés last Sunday. Port Perry Fair Fair Building, the school children pre- sent a good Sowing, with hele ex~ 'thirteen candidates. From Stouffville 0.A.58.A. BANTAM BALL Port - Perry Bantams swamped Stouffvile 28 to 4 in Stouffville. John Popowich pitched a 7 hitter and 4 struck out 23 batters in a 9 inning game. Port Perry had 28 hits lead by David Durham with 6 hits. Popo- wich and Spence had 4 hits each. Stevenson and Dale Beare with 3 hits apiecce. Two hits went to Russell Stephens, Steve Foster and Johnston. Hubbard and Vernon had 1 hit each. Port made 2 errors and Stouffville made 8 errors. Popowich did not have a walk. Stouffville pitchers, Bass and Turner walked 12 boys. Port Perry--D. Beare, c.f., S. Fos- ter, s.s.,, J. Popowich, p., J. Steven- son, 1b, D. Durham, Lf, J. Vernon, 3b, D. Spence, r.f., R. Stephens, 2b., H. Johnston, ¢., P. Hubbard, 1b. 6th inning. PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1963 On Monday, Aug. 19, Port Perry beat Stouffvile 18 to 2. Bill Beare pitched a stand-out game striking out 26 batters. He 4 up 2 hits and walked only. 3 begs In a 9 inning game. \ Catcher Hugh Johnston was hurt in the 3rd inning sliding into second base. The second baseman for Stouf- fville stepped on Johnston's unkle. This slowed his movement down, which accounts for him giving away 7 pass balls, Port boys picked up 10 hits, John Popowich and Bill Beare leading the way with 3 hits each. Dale Beare had 2 hits while singles went to Steve Foster and Don Spence." This series being the best 2 out of 3 games, eliminated Stouffville from the 0.A.S.A. play-offs. Port Perry now meets the winner between Connaught and Nipigon Park of Oshawa. 0.AS.A. Play-offs MIDGET--1st Round-- 1st Game Port Perry "Scugog Cleaners" [ Greenbank 0 2nd Game . Port Perry "Scugog Cleaners" 24 Greenbank 6 Port wins round 2 to 0. MIDGET--2nd Round-- 1st Game Port Perry "Scugog Cleaners" 20 Markham 18 2nd Game Wed. 8:30 at Port. If Port 'wins round they will meet an Oshawa team. Watch for dates. BANTAM--1st Round-- 1st Game Port Perry "Lions Club" 28 Stouffville : 4 2nd Game Port Perry "Lions "Club" 18 Stouffville 2 Port wins round 2 to 0. Now meet Oshawa. Friday night at Oshawa (if possible). = Monday night at Port 8:16 p.m. PEE WEE--1st Round-- 1st Game Pott Perry "Heys! s LGA 11 Seagrave - 8 . 2nd Game ' Seagrave -- 19 Port Perry "Hope's 1.G.A." 10 3rd Game--Wed. with winner meet- ing Greenwood. 6 p.m. at Green- wood on Sat. Aug. 24. and return Game at Port Perry or Seagrave on Tuesday, Aug. 27th, 6:80 p.m. SQUIRT--1st Round-- 1st Game Port Perry "Legion" 16 Stouffville : 8 2nd Game -- Saturday, Aug. 24th, 8 p.m. at Stouffville. Winner to meet Oshawa or Cobourg. Resulis of Couples Golf Tournament SUNDAY, AUGUST 18-- Low Gross--The twosome of Johny Grieve and Marie Snooks were tied with Fred Smith and Eleanor Shaw at the end of regulation play. Fred and Eleanor then put on a superb exhib. ition in a putting "play-off" to win top honours. Lowest Score on 6th Hole-- Bud pire in which Chapter she was a 'ren and nine great grand children. Obituary- MRS. ZULA MAY JACKSON In failing health for the past year, Zula May Jackson, died Wednesday, August 7, at Fairview Lodge, Whitby. She was in her 89th year. Born November 11, 1874 at Fuller- ton, Ontario, the deceased was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Ton- kin. After teaching for a number of years at Zephyr and Scugog Island, she was married to George Jackson] and lived for a short time on Scugog | Island. A resident of Port Perry since 1901, Mrs. Jackson had been very active in Church and Community. 'Grandma Zu' as she was affectionately called by so many of the younger and middle age generation was for 50 years the prim- ary teacher and Superintendent in the Methodist and United Church Sunday School and was -a member of the Church Choir for many years, Andther great interest-was the Womans Mis- slonary Society in which she served as President of the Oshawa Presby- terial as well as the Presidency of the local Society. She was also Pres- ident of the Woman's. Association and was a loyal member and officer of the W.C.T.U. while that Society was ac- tive in Port Perry. Mrs. Jackson was Regent of the Scugog Chapter of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Em- charter and life member. For 16 years, Mrs. Jackson sexed on the Port Perry Board of Education, both as member and chairman. Her husband predeceased her in 1981. Surviving her are, a sister Mari- etta (Mrs. Fred Woods) Wyoming, N.Y. and three daughters, Myrtle (Mrs. 8. Rennie) Markham, Ont, Mar- guerite (Mrs. A. Brock) Port Perry,, Patricia (Mrs. C. Love) Port Perry, and two sons, Dr. G. Harold, U ; AN.J. dnd J. E. (Ted) Port ry. Also surviving are eight grand ehild- The funeral service; conducted by Rev. E. S. Linstead was held in the McDermott-Panabaker Chapel and in- terment in Pine Grove Cemetery on Saturday, August 10th. << « Heard and Doris Taylor. Highest Score on 8th Hole--Steve Edwards and Ev Patte. Closest Chip on 9th Hole--Bill Mil- ler and Eleanor Davidson. Booby Prize--Gil Rowntrec and Pat Strutt. Two Port Perry High Students Placed As Onfario Notification from the Deputy Min. ister of the Ontario Department of Education places as Ontario Scholars two Port Perry High School students, Bruce Ballinger and Bonnie Wallace. There are approximately 650 Ontario Scholars out of some 39,000 grade The Provincial Government established the Ontario Scholarships a few syears ago to en- Scholars courage students to achieve beyond | the pass or honour standing. Ontario Scholars must' average eighty per- cent in eight papers including Eng- lish. Bonnie and Bruce averaged over eighty percent in nine papers, The Department of Education ex tends congratulations to the two students and to the High School Staff. BASEBALL PLAY-OFF TIME Sonya to Play Little Britain Once again the Victoria County In. dependent Baseball League start their play-offs with a semi-final, best 4 out of 7 series between Sonya 'Brave' und Little Britain, on Sunday, Aug. 24 at 2:20 p.m. in Sonya Ball Park. These are the same two teams that battled for 11 games last year to decide who would walk away with the cup. The dates of the first 4 games of this series are as follows-- Sunday, August 24--2:30 p.m. Little Britain at Sonya Wednesday, August 28 and Saturday, August 31--8:30 p.m. Sonya at Little Britain Sunday, September 1--2:30 p.m. Little Britain at Sonya Obituary- RICHARD HENRY SPENCER On Thursday, August 8th, 1963, Richard Henry Spencer of Port Perry, passed away at his home after a lengthy illness. The deceased was born in Brock Township March 21st. 1889. He had lived in Reach Twp nearly all of his life and had lived o on the family farm on the "Ridges" for fifty five years, having moved there in 1906. In 1961 he moved to Port Perry. He was the fourth son of the late Thomas Spencer and Emme- line Corner. The deceased was never married and resided with his sister. He is survived by one sister, Flossie. He was predecea- sed by one sister, Pearl, (Mrs. Walter Manns) in 1969 and three brothers, George in 1953, John in! 1958 and Stanley in 19569. Funeral services were held at the McDermott Panabaker Funer- al Chapel on Monday. Services were conducted by Rev. Linstead with Rev. Braham assisting. In- terment was in the family plot at Pine Grove Cemetary. Pallbearers were Norman Birk- ett, Gordon Corner, Russell Cor- ner, Alvin Spencer and Richard Manns. Flower bearers were Tom Bell, Robert Bell, Murray Birkett, Elwood Manns, Stanley Manns, Gary Tummonds and Alvin Aldred | Pretty Wedding At "Port Perry United PRENTICE WEDDING A pretty wedding was solemnized | in the Port Perry United Church on] Saturday, July 20th, 1963, when Mise] Naney Viola Prentice became the bride of Mr. Douglas Stanley Robinson. The Rev. Mr. C, C. Gilbert of Grace United Church, Scugog Island, offie- inted. Baskets of pink and white Glad- | ioli flanked the chancel muking a fit- ROBINSON - ting background for the wedding nup- | | music was | Miss | tials, and the wedding played by the Church Organist, Glorin Hastings. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Prentice and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. | Stanley Robinson, all of Port Perry. The bride given in marriage by her | father was charmingly attired in a floor length gown of Cathedral White | silk organza over taffetta, featuring n| scalloped neckline of Alencon Lace | which descended down the front ina | panel. The large billowing skirt, form- | ing a short chapel train was gathered | at the waistline to a princess-styled bodice with long lily-pointed sleeves. Her circular veil of silk illusion was edged with a lily-of-the-valley desig- | ned lace and held in place by a pea tiara. The bridal bouquet was a cas- cade of red sweetheart rosebuds and | tiny white pinnochio ehrysanthemums. | Mrs. Bruce Haugen, Port Perry, was the Matron of Honour. and the | bridesmaid was Miss Marilyn Cuss, of | Toronto. The attendants-were gowned identically alike in Candy Pink silk organza, styled with short sleeves and bell-shaped skirts. Pearl trimmed vel- vet cirelets held their circular veils in place. They carried cascades of Pink | and White Gladioli Florets. Mr. Roland Robinson acted as best- | man for his brother and the were Mr. Neil Boyd, Oshawn, brother. | | ushers | ! Blackstock, "EMERGENCY NUMBERS PORT PERRY POLICE -- 985-2686 FIRE -- 985-2845 MED. CENTRE--985-7801 $2.60 Per Year, Single Copy 17¢ Church in-law of the groom, and Mr. Richard Prentice, of Port Perry, brother of the wide, Following the ceremony a reception wus held in the banquet hall of the Port Perry Royal Canadian Legion. The bride's mother received the guests | choosing an ensemble of Lime Green and White Linen with a small green hat of velvet leaves. Her corsage was feathered pink earnations and rose- The bridegroom's mother assisted wearing a navy blue ensemble and "white accessories, her flowers were feathered white carnations. The bride's grandmother, Mrs. Gordon Col- | lins was gowned in a blue and white | printed silk ensemble. For the wedding trip to Eastern Points, the bride chose a two piece linen suit of light blue with white ac- cessories. Her outfit was complimen- ted by a white gardenia corsage. Upon return"the happy couple will reside in Toronto. Out-of-town from Toronto, guests were present Port Credit, Oshawa, Brooklin, Scugog Island. Several PreNuptinl parties were held for the bride-elect among which was a miscellaneous shower held at { the home of Mrs. John Jefford, Coch- rane Street, when neighbours and friends gathered to honour the bride- elect. The bride received many useful gifts. Mrs. Bruce Haugen, of Bigelow Street, entertained for the bride at a miscellaneous shower. A bridal party and shower was held at the home of the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Stanley { Robinson, Oshawa Road, when the hoa- tesses, Mrs. Roland Robinson, of Port Perry and Mrs. Neil Boyd, of Oshawa entertained in honour of the bride- elect. A presentation was made to Nancy by her co-workers of tthe Honeywell Company, Toronto. Potato Growers Hold | Meeling At Farm of Albert Hockley A Potato 'Growers' meeting was | held at the farm of Mr. A. Hockley, Claremont, R.R. #1, on Wednesday, August. 14, at 7:30 p.m. ' The meeting was sponsored by the Ontario County Potato Growers' As- sociation and the Ontario Department! of Agriculture. A number of commer- cial potato growers in the County and the members of the Scott 4-H Potato Club were present. Mr. R. E. Goodin, Farm Products| Inspection Service, Toronto, gave a| talk on disease and insect control on potatoes. some The potato variety tests are located at Mr. Hockley's farm. There are 7 varities in the test among which are fairly new varities, such as Irish Cobbler and Sebago. Mr. Goodin went over each of these potato plots, outlining the strong and weak points of each variety At the conclusion of the field meet- ing, the 4-H club members judged one class of potatoes under the direction of Mr. Walter Kerry, one of the Lea- ders of the Scott 4-H Potato Club, and Mr. Lynn Fair, Agricultural Repres- entative,. Economics Minister Robert Macaulay shows|soon in Ontario. Premier John Robarts a model of [kilowatt plant, which will provide | ment Building at The 1,800,000 and Development|nuclear power plant to be built|estimated 50, 000 people, is on in the Ontario Govern- the Canadian display the proposed new $600,0000,000|jobs during construction for an|National Exhibition. lay-off Baseball - Little Britain - a Sonya- Sunday, Aug. 2 o 2:30 p.m. | Game Time | Ce, 5A pr DT ais HE i ," , Bde ow -rl 5 FO