Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Aug 1963, p. 5

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gt "" # . ' MEMBER OF \ CANADIAN WEEKLY | » .. | » « EY 3 » | x e A A 14 ro ; i] -- N by F. Sturch that the NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION BROOKLIN Thursday, August 22nd, 1968 WHITBY TWP. COUNCIL NEWS A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitby was held in the Council Chambers, Brooklin on Monday, August 12th, with Reeve Goodwin, Deputy Reeve Dryden, Coun- cillors Sturch and Thompson present. Moved by FI. Thompson, Seconded Minutes of Meetings #23 and #24 be adopted as printed and distributed. Carried. Deputations and Interviews-- Mr. Chrys Lewis was present to _support his request for extended "hours of operation of the Family F Kartway. This matter was referred for decision from the previous mecet- ing. Mi. Lewis promised that all conces- sion Karts will be changed to new 4 cycle engines which will operate with a8 very low noise level. Also if the hours of operation are extended these 4 cycle karts only will be used during the extended time. Also mentioned was the use of a wind sock to deler- mine wind direction and if the wind is in the south the activities will be confined to 4 cycle only. Only one race has been held this year at which time an off-duty O.P.P. constable was em- ployed to direct traffic and a Doctor was also in attendance. This dealt Resolution #1. Mr. George A. Robinson, P. Eng, of Walvin Limited was present to amp- lify his preliminary Storm Drainage report on Heber Down Crescent and Montgomery Ave., Plan G01. He men- tioned the problem that some of the sump drains are likely carrying dom: estic water with the accompanying de- tergent pollution if emptied into the creek. He pointed out that the pro- posed weeping tile drains are neces- to preserve the road base as providing supplementary request was with by sary well as drainage. The Council agreed that this pro- posal should solve the problem pro- vided the project is approved for sub- sidy in an amount sufficient to allow the work to be proceeded with. Correspondence-- 1. A letter from Mr. Geo. A.TRobin- son of Walvin Limited gave a sum- mary of the drainage conditions ex- isting on Heber Down. Crescent and Montgomery Ave., in Plan 601. Also given was a suggested means of cor- recting this situation by the instal- lation of additional storm sewers, catch basins and house connections to the storm sewers. Also suggested was the installation of a weeping tile drain under the existing ditch lines on the west,yide of each street and connecting these to the catch basins. On Motion by J. Dryden, Seconded by F. Thompson the report was re- ferred to the Road Committee. Carried. 2. Notice was received from the Twp. of East Whitby that By-law No. 1843 to amend their Zoning By-law is being processed under Section 30 of The Planning Act. This proposes to change two parcels in Lot 12, Con. 8 from (C-2) to (R-2). On Motion by F. Thompson, Secon- ded by F. Sturch this correspondence was. received and filed. Carried. 3. A bulletin from the Department of Highways giving the réquirements for subsidy on Storm Sewers was read and on Motion by F. Sturch, Seconded by J. Dryden was received and filed. Carried. 4. A letter from Mr. T. K. €reighton, Q.C. and draft resolution re, Joint Committee to consider "matters per- taining to the proposed annexation by the Town of Whitby were considered and the resolution adopted as Resol- ution No. 2. : } 65. A letter from Mrs, Ethel R. Hanna Sec.-Treas, of S.8. #8 pointed out the hazards involved with the proposed school bus crossing the railways in travelling along Thickson Road. The C.N.R. was considered to be the more hazardous and Mrs. Hanna asked for some improvement here, .! Reeve Goodwin explained that the cost estimate prepared by the De- partment of Highways engineering staff "would seem to be too low for the borrow fill required. This might be solved to some extent by removing two (small hills on Thickson Road south of the crossing and using the surplus material as borrow fill. The balance required would probably come from the dump pit. Later in the meeting, Reeve Good- win suggested that if the construction could be safely delayed until next year the. proposed underpass at the C.P.R. and Thickson Road would likely be constructed and this would provide quantities of inexpensive fill. The Council agreed that the Con- struction should be proceeded with as and Mrs. Hanna notified accordingly. soon as possible 6. A letter from the Deputy Minister of Education notified of the Minister's approval to By-law 1886 which joined S.S. 8 and S.S. 9 as Township School Area No. 2, On Motion by F. Thompson, Secon- ded by EF. Sturch this letter was re- ceived and filed. 7. A letter and map were received from Mr. W. R. Walters, Area Man- ager of the H.E.P.C. Bowmanville. These informed Council that the Osh- awa and Bowmanville Rural H.E.P.C. Operating Areas are to be amalga- mated with headquarters in Bowman- ville. Until July, 1964 only the north cast part of the Township will be serviced by Bowmanville but after this date all of the: Township will be included. On Motion by J. Dryden, Seconded by F. Sturch this correspondence was received and filed. Carried. 8. Mr. Ron Yarrow, Dog Control Of- ficer reported 3 dogs and 4 pups picked up apd later destroyed during the month of July. On Motion by F. Thompson, Secon- ded by J. Dryden this report was re- ceived and filed. Carried. 9 & 10. Letters from Hon. J. W. Spooner Minister of Municipal Affairs granting his tentative approval of the establishment of a Reserve for Work- ing Funds and from Mr. W. B. Bol- ton, C.A. of the Department of Mun- icipal Affairs outlining requirements to set up a Reserve for Working Funds were both considered. On Motion by J. Dryden, Seconded by I. Sturch these letters were filed. Carried. 11. A letter from Mr. Harry G. Hooke, Field Officer of The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority outlined some of the services which are available through the Conservation Authority. It Was suggested that the Flood Plain Mapping of the Township would be of great value in determin- ing Greenbelt boundaries for a future revision of By-law 1784. Also pro- posed was tree planting in the park in Westwood Subdivision (Block D, Plan 591). These were implemented by Resolutions #3 and #4. 12. The Planning Board at the July 25th Meeting recommended the follow- ing to Council: (1) That Dr. Faludi be engaged to draw up a By-law to add a special section to By-law 1784 to provide for sales and servicing of farm equipment and allied products, and also that this Board recommend to Council the re zoning of the Robert Heron property (south east 'corner of Thickson Road and 6th Concession Road) as follows: Block "A" the westerly 150' x 191° to (C-2) and Block "B" the remaining 288' x 191' to the farm equipment zone when the same is established. (2) That the Len. Carrington pro- perty in Lot 18, Con, 2, be given special rezoning to permit the creation of 6 Lots, each being 76' x 200°, These recommendations were accep- ted by Resolution #5. Committee Reports-- 1. 'FINANCE-- Chairman J. Dry- den reported that the monthly Treas- urer's Statement to the end of July will. be mailed to the members of Council in the near future. Also re- ported upon was the transfer of $4,883.95 from the Subdividers Trust Account to the Canada Permanent Trust Co., Oshawa with $2,000. in- vested in a guaranteed investment certificate and the balance placed in a 49% Savings Account. The request of local insurance agents, for a share of Confmissions paid on Township insurance, which was referred to the Finance Com- mittee has been studied and a meeting held with Mr. McLaughlin of the Frank Cowan Co, regarding this re- quest and general insurance coverage. The findings of the Committee will be reported to Council at a later meeting. The General Accounts were con- sidered and approved by Resolution No. 6. Two items under the jurisie- tion of the Water Committee were deleted. 2, ROADS Chairman J. Goodwin reviewed the accounts on Road Ae- "NEWS counts Sheet No. 8 and by Resol- ution No. 7 payment was authorized. Chairman Goodwin reported that normal construction work is in pro- gress with 7 men employed and a progress report on Construction will be given néxt month: Also reported an amalgamation of the Road and General Weed Cutting services under Mr. Carter to avoid duplication of] travel. 3. WELFARE Chaggman IF. Sturch reported that welfare™ pay- ments are still at a satisfactory level and it is intended in the future to give expenditures to date as a monthly report to Council. Resolution No. 8 was introduced supporting payment of these accounts. 4. FIRE-- Chairman son reported that both Fire Chiefs support the increase to the new maximum coverage for compensation Insurance for the firemen. Finance Chairman J. Dryden assured Council that the Finance Committee will rec- ommend this action at a later date. Council was informed that Tenders are out for new tires for the older fire truck in Fire Area #2. This will be opened on Thursday, Aug. 15th at 5:00 p.m. 5. SPECIAL F. Thomp- PURPOSES -- No report. 6. COUNTY DELEGATES-- Reeve Goodwin reported that ten- ders for the construction of the County Building will close on August 20th with a meeting to he held on the 22nd to consider the tenders. 7. PARKS-- Chairman win reported that the general parks clean up programme was completed last Friday. By-Laws-- Mr. Frank Thompson was granted leave to introduce a By-law to amend By-law Number 1784 as amended by By-laws numbered 1794, 1800, 1826, 1827, 1849, 1850 and 1879. The By-law was read a first time. The Clerk certified the individual printed copies as being the same as the original By-law. On Matlon J. Goodwin, Seconded by F. Sturch the By-law was taken as read for the second time. Leave was then granted to read the By-law a third time. The By-law was read a third time, numbered 1889 and passed. The Reeve and Clerk signed the same 'and the Seal of the Corporation was affixed thereto. : Mr. John Dryden was granted leave to introduce a By-law to amend By-law number 1875, being a By- law to provide Estimates of Re- ceipts and Expenditures of the. Corp- oration of the Township of Whitby for the year 1963. The By-law was read a first time. The Clerk certified the individual printed copies as being the same as the original By-law. On Motion by F. Sturch, Seconded by F. Thompson the By-law was taken as read for the second time. Leave was then granted to read the By-law a third time. The By-law was read a third time, numbered 1890 and passed. The Reeve and Clerk signed the same and the Séal of the Corporation was af- fixed thereto. Resolutions-- 1. Moved by J. Dryden, Seconded by F. Sturch that no action be taken on the request of Mr. Lewis on behalf of the Kartway for amendment to the by-law regulating same. . Carried. 2. Moved by F. Sturch, Seconded by J. Dryden that WHEREAS the Township of Whitby and the Town of Whitby as adjoining municipal- ities Have many interests and problems in common relating to the orderly development aiid control of their respective areas: AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Whitby has passed its By:law Number 2459 dated June 14, 1963, authorizing an application to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order annexing to the Town of Whitby various parcels of land there- in described and now forming part of 'the Township of Whitby; NOW THEREFORE BE -IT RE- SOLVED THAT the Council of the Township of Whitby do invite the Council of the Town of Whitby to join committee of seven (7) members |- --three (8) to be appointed by each Council, and a seventh member to act as Chairman, and that the Town- ship of Whitby join with the Town of Whitby in a request to the Min- ister of Municipal Affairs for the Province of Ontario to appoint and J. Good-| delegate a chairman to act as chair- man of such joint committee with the following terms of reference; 1. To inquire into and report and to make recommendations to the two municipalities on the establishment, organization, re-organization and methods of operation of the munie- ipalities of the Town, nf Whitby and the Township of Whitby and any questions, matter or thing relating thereto. 2. To fix and scttle and to recom- mend to both municipalities the terms governing the annexation of any por- tion of the Township of Whithy ta the Town of Whitby as the committee may decide. 3. To settle and determine any other matter concerning the joint in- terests and relations of the two municipalities and_to.recommend any action to implement the same. | | 6. Moved by J. Dryden, Seconded by I. Sturch that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are herby au- thorized to issue cheques on the ac- count of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on General Accounts Sheet No. 8, numbering 1 to 66 inclu- sive, amount of accounts $8,948.33. Less Items No. 52 $58.60 and No. 66 $756.00. Carried. 7. Moved by J. Thompson, Sece- onded by F. Thompson that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue the cheques on the account of the Town- ship of Whitby in favour of the sev- eral persons whose names appear on Road Accounts Sheet No. 8, number- ing 1 to 34 inclusive, amount of ac- counts $8,423.12. Carried. 8. Moved by F. Sturch, Seconded by J. Dryden that the Reeve and the This Motion was put and carried, Treasurer be and they are hereby au- unanimously on a recorded vote of | thorized to issue cheques on the ac- 4 YEAS and 0 NAYS as follows: count of the Township of Whitby in YEAS -- Reeve Goodwin, Deputy: favour of the several persons whose Reeve Dryden and . the Sturch and Thompson. Councillor Roberts was not present clusive, amount of accounts $350.00, | at this meeting. 3. Moved by F. Sturch, Seconded by J. Dryden that the Central Lake onded by J. Ontario Conservation Authority Councillors "hames appear on Welfare Accounts Sheet No. 8, numbering 1 to 6 in- Carried. 9. Moved by F. Thompson, Sece- Goodwin that the reg- be | ular Council Meeting of August 26, requested to provide floodplain map-| be called off for summer recess. ping for the Township of Whitby. Carried. Carried. 10. Motion by J. Dryden the 4. Moved by J. Dryden, Seconded | meeting adjourn at 11:00 p.m. by F. Thompson that the Central] Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be requested to provide recommend- ations and to plant trees in Block 'D' of Plan 591 at an appropriate time. Carried. 5. Moved by F. Thompson, Secon- ded by F. Sturch that this Council does hereby authorize that By-laws be prepared to re-zone the Heron and Carrington property as recommended by the Planning Board. Carried. Carried. BROOKLIN EMERGENCY NUMBERS POLICE --668-3388, Whithy FIRE -- 728-1161, Oshawn MED. CENTRE--066-3321 .in the _Crosier one day last week. ---- --_-- TT TT ET = 3 Manchester Mr. Woodland Pauptecp, a Jr. Farmer from Prince Edward Island was the guest of Mr. Ted Lamb last week. ) Mrs. Aletha Holtby left on the week-end for a trip to the West Coast. "Anniversary Services will be held United Church here on Sun- day, September 8. Rev. J. K. Braham, Bobcaygeon will be guest speaker. Mrs. Meta Holtby and granddaugh- ters, Barbara Mary Lynn with relatives in the West. Murs, fot | by will visit Vancouver. | Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach, Eunice and | Susan have returned from vacation in! Haliburton, Miss Carol Herbert returned to her home in Mount Albert after spend- ing the summer with Mr. and Mrs Fred Brooks and Mrs. Crosier. Recent guests at the Frank Johns- ton home were Mr. James Johnston, Mrs. Johnston and sister of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Johnston and daughter of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. J Torrens and children of Kingston., Mrs. John Roach and Mr. J, Ross Roach, Detroit spent the past week here. With Mrs. Crosier on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hedges, Brooklin, Gerald Crosier and friend, of Toronto Mrs. May Clark, Myrtle Station and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Crosier, Stouf- fville. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scarlett of Richmond Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie on Wednesday evening. a Mrs. Nellie Kydd and Mrs. Fred Sheehy of Uxbridge called on Mrs. and are | - Ontario County Agri. Calendar Thursday, and Friday, August 22nd and- 23rd, 9.00 a.m.-- Toronto, Canadian National Exhi- bition 4-H Homemaking Girls from Western and Central Ontario visit the C.N.E, Monday, August 26th, 7.30 p.m.-- Claremont, farm of Roy Wilson - August Meeting for the Brougham Junior Calf Club. Tuesday, August 27th, 8.00 p.m. Sunderland August Meeting for the Sunderland and Beuverton LH Dairy Calf Clubs. aren Friday, August 30th, 8.15 a.m.-- Toronto Junior Farmer Judging at the CNL. Monday, September 2nd-- Port Perry Fair Wednesday, September (th, 8.00 p.m. Brechin distriet-- September Meet - ing for the Mara and Beaverton 1-H Calf Clubs. Thursday, September 5th, 8.30 pon, Brooklin Township Hall -- Septem- ber Meeting for Brooklin Junior Farmers. Tuesday, September 10th, 9.00 a.m.-- Udney- Udney School Fair. Tuesday, September 10th, 8.30 p.m.-- Uxbridge High School -September Meeting for Uxbridge Junior Farmers. Tuesday and Wednesday, September 10th and '11th-- Sunderland Fair September 10th to 13th-- 0.A C., Guelph --Soils Tour of OAC and Guelph district Juniop - Farmer Representative from Ont. County --Frank Barkey., September 12th, 13th, 14th--- Beaverton Fair, F YOUR HOME is not complete with- Tou a hippo, you'll have to import one. Search as you will, not a hippo can be found from St. John's to Victoria. But almost everything else can, and the wise buyer knows that every dollar spent on Canadian goods keeps Canadians working. To keep our-economy strong, to make better job opportunities, to create jobs for those young people coming on to the labour market, we all must be "label conscious." Before you buy, look at the label. If the new jobs! tunity to serve "Canada produces almost everything" Buy a hippo if you must, but for almost everything else, check the label before you buy. I's in your own best interest. You help yourself, your neighbour and the whole province by giving Canadian products the oppor- price, design and quality are right, buy the product that is mad&here. ; ; % If each of us could divert just $2.00 a week from imported to do- mestic goods, the result could total $600,000,000 in Canada in one year! And that could help create 60,000 MORE OPPORTUNITY en and satisfy you. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TRADE + CRUSADE J a a oA J re a } od HI, Se i Tihs vs a Se ENT rr tt

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