~ 4 --THE FORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1968 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF "ASCENSION Rev. Roland Priest-in-charge Sunday, August 25th, 1963-- deCorneille, L130 a. m.--Morning Worship PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. EK. 8S. Linstead, B.A. Minister Sunday, August 25th, 1963- 11 wan. --Morning Worship. No Sunday School. The congregation of the United Church members of St. John's bresbyterian Church and any summer visitors to worship with them during the month of August, welcomes ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A, Minister Sunday, August 25th, 1963-- There will be no church service in Cs y John's Presbyterian Church dur- mg the month of August. Members ol the congregation are invited to juin the congregation of the United Church for mormng worship during tis period. I'he United Church of Canada SCLGUG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Sunday, August 25th, 1963-- FROSPECT--9.16 a.m. MANCHESTER--10.10 a.m. SCULUG--11.10 a.m. PORT PERRY LAIST CHURCH Pastor--J. i. Brown sunday August 25th, 1963 1.00 a.m.---Sunday School 11.00 a.m.---Mormng Worship 7.00 p.m.--kvenng Worship Monday, 1.00 p.m.--Young People nednesday, § p.m.---Prayer Meeting EVEYONE WELCOME ---- Noll Services being held temporarily in the Municipal Offices. Card of Thanks I would like to thank my relatives, friends, neighbours and: Prospect Com- munity for their kindness, cards of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes. Also to Dr. Mckinney. Special thanks to Rev. Linstead and Rev. Braham for their message of sympathy; also Mr. Panabaker and Mr. MeDermott for théir kindness. A very special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett dur- ing the illness and death of my dear brother, Richard. Ever remembered by Flossie Spencer. Card of Thanks JACKSON The family of the late Mrs. Zula Jackson wish to express their sincere thanks to their neigh- bours and many friemds for the con- soling messages and many kindnesses shown to them at the time of the death of their beloved mother. John's Shoe Hospital PORT PERRY MENDING TO SHOES, RUBBERS LOW PRICES. 1.5--Aug. 29/68 FAST | MANY AWARDS WE 'WOULD HAVE WON, "YF THEY GAVE OUT OSCARS FOR A JOB | ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRIC | 985.7174 -PT. PERRY Coming Events Re-School Beginners REACH TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS The Township of Reach School Area Board will admit a child in September, LUGS if he, she attains the age of six (6) years on or before December 31st, 1963. Aug. 29. kngagement BEARE-MORTON Mr. and Mrs. George Bearey Greenbank, wish to an- nouce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Sharon Ehzabeth, to David Chas. Morton, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morton, Port Perry. The Marriage will take place at 3 o'clock in Greenbank United Church, Saturday, September 7, 1968. son Birth CRYDERMAN- Art and Betty (nee Moore) are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Karen lor- weight 6 1b. 14 ozs. at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Tues- day, August 20, 1963, Death AVERY, Roberta Fern--sutdenly at her residence, Raglan, on Wed- nesday Aug. 21, 1963 Fern Wilson dearly loved wife of Carl Avery, dear mother of Audrey (Mrs. L. Rozell) of Oshawa and Edna (Mrs. I. Manns) of Raglan, dear sister of Frank Wilson of Oshawa. In her 59th year. Resting at the Chapel of MeDermott-Pana- baker Port Perry, for service on Saturday at 2 p. m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetary. Taine, Card of Thanks BIKARE---To our many relatives and and friends for their floral tributes and other expressions of kindness and sympathy during our recent sad ber- eavement, we humbly say-Thank' You. The Beare Family. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neigh- bours, for their many expressions of sympathy during our recent bercave- ment, -------- Margaret & Oswald Croxall and Family. In Memoriam SUGGITT--In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Allan R. Suggitt who passed away, August 26, 1962. In our hearts he will always stay Loved and remembered every day. Sadly missed by wife Gladys and family. In Memoriam CROSIER--William Francis. In lov- ing memory of a dear husband and father who passed away August 26, 1960. Sadly missed by wife Maude and family. -In Memoriam GIBSON---In loving memory of our father and grandfather, Elmer John Gibson, who passed away September 26, 1969, and our mother and grand- mother, Verna Ileen Gibson who pas- sed away August 29, 1962, You, dear parents, rest in sleep R Your loving memory we will keep. Sadly missed by Keith and Brent, Marilyn, Ross and family. t In Memoriam In memory of Edgar Storry, who entered into rest August 24, 1062. Remembered by' wife and family. Ashburn Mrs. M. Sparks spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durdan of Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Downing of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones of Quebec visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw one day last week. Miss Mary Heron 1s spending the week with her cousin Donna Cromie at their cottage in the Parry Sound district. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold, Scu- gog, were Thursday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ash- ton. Mrs. H. Doble is spending a few days with her sons in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Boyes, Pick- ering, Miss Peggy Graham, Miss Faye Heron and Mr. Drew Leper of Toronto were Saturday evening gusets at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Heron, Joyce and Billy Harper of Tor- onto spent the past two weeks with their cousins, Jim, Brian and Ste- phen Daw. Pleased to report Mrs. John Hopkins was able to return home from Oshawa Hospital last week. Missse Mary and Barbara Hop- kins and Mrs. Wm. enjoyed a bus trip to Collingwood on Thursday with the Glen Major ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harris- on accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent of Oshawa on a trip to Tob- ermory and other northern points. Mrs. Russell Batten and Mrs. Luther Bradley are spending the week as councillors at the Crus- ader's Bible Club camp at Severn Bridge. Brian and Stephen Daw, Paul Bradley, Lisa Gaudaur, Reta Bath and Bonnie Middleton are en- | take this course. Port Perry Rod & Gun Club HUNTER SAFETY TRAINING The Fall hunting season is a- gain upon us and it will be nec- essary for all who haven't a hunt- ing license previously, to take the hunter safety training course so that a hunting license may be pur- chused for the coming season. It is also advisable for anyone who has lost or misplaced his license to It has been found that this course helped to decrease hunting accidents and this means that a great many lives have been saved and many accidents prevented. This course takes about six hrs. of your time, 1 evenings of 1% hrs and your field work, plus target shooting. This is time well spent in gaining proper knowledge of the handling of firearms, and the final exams are easy. Classes are to begin for the Fall and Winter Hunung Season now. For information contact Mr. O. O. Hamilton, 114 Perry S., or telephone 985-2414 for an ap- pointment. PN ib . PA - Greenbank A large crowd of friends from far and near gathered at Bethel Cemetery on Sunday to pay tribute and perpet- uate the memory of loved ones gone on before. The message delivered by Rev. K. J. Snider of Uxbridge and the recorded solos by Thos. Sharp were very appropriate for the occas- ion. Due to the recent rains the grass had become fresh and green again after the very dry weather during the early summer. Many thanks to the men who are responsible for the up-keep of our cemetery. The Church Service next Sunday morning will be in charge of the Gideons. Mrs. C. Ward visited relatives in Toronto last week. @ 0 TOYO OOL® y © @ Joying a week at camp. . | The sinvere sympathy of the! I community is extended to Mr. Arthur Holman in the sudden] passing of his wife, the former | Gertrude Walker and to Messrs. | Harold and Russell Walker in the | loss of their sister. | LY Ontario Riding August 20th, 1963. C NOTICE OF CONVENTION Hopkins Jr. |< | TO ELECT A CANDIDATE FOR | : THE PROVINCIAL RIDING OF : ONTARIO | A MEETING will be held in the PORT PERRY PUBLIC ¥ -- SCHOOL, Queen Street, PORT PERRY, Ontario, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 27th, at 8:30 P.M.. to Elect po a Candidate to Contest this Seat for the Liberal Cause at the Forthcoming Provincial Elections. Votes will be cast by Ballot and by Accredited Voting Delegates ONLY. This Convention is open to the Public, and every interested Person will be Welcome. By Order of The Executive Committee vv La aa aaa aa aaa 4 a 4 a (Provincial) Liberal Ass'n. FRANK GODLEY, Secy. conversion burne to 5 years to pay. 985-2491 TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT from economical furnaces and oil-fired water heaters, All equipment available on convenient budget terms--up THE BEST OF BOTH ESSO HOME 1s to complete for you to get ing comfort, Don't wait any longer but phone us today BURNFIELD & BALLARD PLUMBING and HEATING | ii Port Perry, Ont. Along with our regular equipment guarantee we can now also arrange Service at no extra cost. Your best . guarantee for truly carefree heat- HEAT SERVICE Esso -Home Heat Mr. a nd Mrs. Fleet Beare are en- joying a short holiday trip this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bunker, of Oshawa were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Ianson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman and family spent a few days last week in Ottawa. ood 24% Authorized MASTER FEEDS Deoler but any _cow wil 2 « more consistently when she's eating the Mrs. Tim O'Neill and daughter, Mrs. Gordon Minton of Stouffville called on Mrs. Wm. Wilson on Sun- day evening. Mr. R visiting Lee of Scarborough is €s sin" the village for SHE DID IT FIRST ON MASTER KRUMS Perhaps she won't jump over the moon-- roduce better and Master Concentrates -- Gainmaker and 32% Dairy Concentrate. She's way out in front -- in health, growth and a arance. Make your herd more profit ox Ey Master Krums way. J ZCsults al Couns" Meo-8 PORT PERRY -- Fast, Fair, and MASTER FEEDS Phone 986 - 2131 Friendly Service -- it's the year to see SEE SILVER DART r the British Empire will be on FLOWER SHOW especially for this show. GRANDSTAND "MATINEE by popular demand with their new Gorilla"! Exciting, to the merriment, THRILLS AND LAUGHS A thousand-and-one ways to show ever assemble of Internationally-known co-stars of Ceremonies Bill Walker, Added attraction: the ! your tickets early bring colourful spectacle and Two performances daily, "A memorable visual experience, ba years of film-making In Canada, of Canada. ; AUG. 16- An exact replica of the Silver Dart, LAUGH THE THREE STOOGES STAR Those wild-and-wacky funsters the delighting circus acts, The clowns are the clowning: 3 niest at the Grandstand Matinee Fun-Fest! gest, the tuna the fun amuse and amaze you, new shows, new games every step of the way! HEAR cei GRANDSTAND STARRING ROBERT GOULET] = | = CAR Producer Jack Arthur presents 'Canadiana '63," the most spectacular on the Grandstand stagel Broadway and TV - singing sensation Robert Goulet heads a brillian ; * . of hundreds in dazzling production numbers! yoy comedy cat Musical Ride of the Police. A Sy Jing Fireworks Finale climaxes each performance! Order presented by the National Film ENJOY server LIVING CENTRE All that's new, useful and decorative In modern living Is exhibited in this muitl-mifllon dollar build SEPT. 2 Not Open Sundays the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION the first alrcraft flown In Canada display in the International Building. A paradise of breath-taking blooms and foliage, raised and perfected IN THE FUN-FEST" Three Stooges return to the CNE act, "The Three Stooges Meet the aerialists and acrobats add THE MILE-LONG MIDWAY! with new rides, And an impressive list 5 will be taking their cues from Master one of Canada's jeading TV personalities. Royal nadia n Mounted BAND OF HER MAJESTY'S SCOTS GUARDS Bandsmen and 25 pipers--79 members in full dress uniform--will magnificent music tothe CNE Bandshell, Plenty of free seats! LEARN "CANADA ON FILM" sed on the story of the first sixty Board rnishings and appliances for ng. "* Grounds only. 4 adult and General Admission: Adults 75¢ SAVE ON FAMILY TICKET BOOKS! Get your special family books of tickets for admission to CNE 6 children's tickets for only $3.00, : See your local ticket agent or send money order to the CNE. Children Under 13~10¢ & M. Fraser, President EXHIBITION PARK « TORONTO : Niram E. MeCallum, Gen. Manager " # { . LJ | J 1 3 s LS 1S a A} 2 J » ) hd p! t A 1 : Pp : ) wo y T, 71