-------- SANNA hho win 6 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THUR SDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1963 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE BUILDING A NEW HOUSE? Check our Special Rates under construction. for homes EMMERSON Insurance Agency Port Perry, Ont. s pt 26 Apex TV Service TELEVISION REPAIRS Port Perry -- Phone 985-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/63 EARL WALLACE ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminum Roofing Eavestroughing, also Sturgeon Paint for house or barn. We will centract for all kinds of roof work. $ phone 985--7964, Port Perry 1.26---Sept. 26/63 Real Estate FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR Sunderland, Ont. Phone 3803 1--Nov. 21/63. GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. 1: Dec. 31, "63 L. J. Skaife, C.A. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 205 Frances St. Whitby 668-8197 {by appointment only at Main St., Orono) 1-Spt. & ' A. E. "Soh OPTOMETRIST MARY STREET, PORT PERRY Eyes Examined Prescriptions Filled Wed. 9-12 noon, Mon. - Fri. 7-8 Phone for appointment 985-2383 or 723-2721 1.5--Sept. 12/63 aa a a a a a a E. G. Kennedy ® Pit Run Gravel ® Washed Sand and Stone ® Brick Sand and Chips. FOR QUICK SERVICE call 985-7982. 1.--Sept. 6/68 Goreski Roofing ASPHALT ROOFING and mg LATHING, METAL WORK INSULATION, FLAT ROOF, Phone PORT PERRY 985-2751 1--Aug. 30/68 NICK' S (Dea Stock Service Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses, Hogs and small animals removed free For fast service, 24 hours a day 7 days a week -- Phone: Uxbridge -- Ulster 2-3319 No charge to you. We pay all telephone charges. Prop. NICK MONTAGUE License No. 172-62 R.R. No. 1, Foxmead 4--0Oct. 8/68 EADE'S NURSING HOME Elderly and Convalescent Patients Semi-Private Accomodation, Men and Women, Tray Service. Reasonable rates "A home away from home" Phone: 985-2806 1.20--- Sept. 19/68 La = = a a TEACHING PIANO EDITH PLATFORD, AT.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Any age, any grade. Special courses for beginners. For appointment phone 985-7563 1-- Oct. 31/63 Your Own Home FOR AS LOW AS $40.09 A MONTH Choose from various plans, styles and sizes in York's Prefabricated Permanent Homes. Visit YORKTOWNE Display Centre or write for HOME LITERATURE. YORK PREFABS, 2020 Jane St. (Just south of Hwy. 401) Toronto, Ont. Angas 22 For Income Tax and BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD' Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 985-7031 Specializing in small business and farm operations. Aug. 29th RUE SS a a aS OFFICE EQUIPMENT Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Du- plicators, Cheque Writers, Compto- meters. Three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 1837 Brock South, Whitby, Ont. MO. 8-6849. T.F. ~RIMAR MEMORIALS GRANITE MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING DEPENDABLE SERVICE 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone : 723 - 1002 12/68 SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Feb. 28/64 Sept. | TRENCHING EXCAVATING - BACKHOE WORK - WATER LINES TILE TRENCHING, ETC. -- SEPTIC TANKS and DISPOSAL BEDS Supplied and Installed PORT PERRY 986-7648 Oct. 3/68 Ww. WARD Well Dig gging BY MACHI Specializing in 80" tile 204 Chestnut Street, West Whitby, Ont. 668-2563 Oct. 31/68 SIGNS L. LANGILLE 985-2916 Oct. 18, Well Digging PERCY BUCK 1, Omemee, Ontario Phone 799-5613 R.R. Oct. 17/63 WELLS CLEANED AND 'REPAIRED PHONE 985.7666 CLASSIFIED PRONE 985-2331 ® CLASSIFIED ADS. & COPY MUS 8E IN BY 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY FOR SALE- the Village of Port Perry. Apply to Messrs. Greer & Kelly, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Aug. 22 TYPEWHITER RIBBONS for most machines at Port Perry Star. COMBINE, Model 82, for sale. Self Propelled Massey Harris with 10° table. Used 4 seasons. Massey Fer- guson dealer, Little Britain, Phone 37. aug. 29 FOR SALE: Property of 9 acres of land on Con. 6, Reach, In village of Prince Albert. Phone 985-7568 FOR SALE: 7-room house, double garage, in village of Manilla. Cor- ner lot; 2 bathrooms; furnace; tile and hardwood floors; hard and soft water on tap. Taxes $65.- 00. Price $7,000. Down payment $1500. Mortgage $45.00 monthly. Phone 31 r 3, Manilla. Stan Black. FOR SALE: 19567 Chev. Coach, Standard 6 cyl. Radio, white wall tires. Also parts for 19656 and '56 Buick for sale. M. Oliver, Cress- well, Ont. aug. 29 FOR SALE: 25 leghorn pullets, 4 months old; 2 Quebec heaters, medium size; 2 studio couches; 2 wangettes; 1 bed; 1957 Chev. %- ton Pick-up with camper built on. Phone 985-7767 after 7.30 p. m. FOR SALE: Hound, male. 6 mos. old. $6.00. Phone 986-7396. FOR SALE: Polled Hereford Bull. Serviceable age. 986-4863. NEED a MORTGAGE LOAN? Private party to invest in 1st and 2nd mortgages; agreements for sale and mortgages purchased. Low rates; your mortgage prob- lems gladly discussed. No fees, no waiting. Call any time. Osh- awa 723-3291 or 726-2639. spt 12. LOST--in Pine Grove Cemetary, light green sweater. Please return to Mrs. Groupe, opposite shopping centre Prince Albert. Reward. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 8 rooms and bath. Phone 231w2 Sunderland, collect. TF. FOR RENT: Bungalow in Port Perry. 985-7989. HOUSE FOR RENT: Three bed- room brick dwelling in Village of Manchester. Modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Telephone a.m, and 6 p.m. Aug.29 WANTED TO BUY--Edison Cylin- der records and Phonograph, also gramophone. Reply to Box 62, Port Perry Star. Aug. 22 DUCK HUNTER desires to lease proven Marsh or Pond. Please write to Box 64, Port Perry Star, giving full particulars. Sept. 6 WANTED: Real Estate listings. Houses, stores, etc. Phone 986- 7879. Joan Bagg, Agent. Margar- et Ballard, Broker. spt 19 STRAW WANTED off the field. Any quantity. 985-2981, ADVERTISERS DEADLINE! We ask our advertisers to take note of these times: -- Display advertising to be in by 2 p.m. on Tuesday of each week. Classitied advertising accepted until 9.830 a.m. on Wednesday of each week. Your co-operatfon in bringing your copy to us early will enable us to get your "Star" to you on time. 1 Livestock, 085-2141 between the hours of 9|- Couple with no children wish to rent 2 furnished rooms close to downtown, Apply to Box 56, at Port Perry Star. WANTED: Girl for curb service; also waitress and boy for kitchen work. Apply Haugen's Bar-B- Que, Manchester, MAN WANTS JOB driving truck. Holds: chauffeur's license. Phone 985-7064 or call at home of Miss Flossie Spencer, - RMT. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T, TUITION Piano, Pipe Organ, Vocal Coach- ing, History, Harmony, Counter- point form in Composition, Rudiments Viva Voce, Ped- agogy. Phone 985-2236. nug. 29 Auction Sales SAT., AUGUST 24th -- Lakehead Farms Auction Sale of 93 Registered Holstein Cattle, W-D 6 International Tractor, 1961 Dion Forage Harvester, Implements, 500 Gallon Bulk Milk Cooler, Stable Cleaner, Seed Drill, the property of Shaughnessy Bros., Lot 1 & 2, Con. 4, Smith Twp, 6 miles west of Peterboro on #7 Hwy. at Fowler's Corners. (Road will be signed). Terms Cash. No Reserve as owners are giving up Dairying. Machinery Sale at 10.00 a.m. Cattle Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp. For Cata- logues of this sale, write or phone Carl Hickson, Reaboro. Lindsay 824- 8912. Lunch will be served. Dick Vaughan and Ward Holmes, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., AUGUST 29th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture, 60 High Grade Pure Bred Hereford Cattle, Ford Tractor, Dodge 'Truck, the property of Ray Heeringa, Lot 6, Con, 2, Man. vers Twp., 2 miles west of Pontypool, west of Hwy. 35, or 4 miles north- east of Mossport. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Ted Spenceley & Ed. Johnson, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT. AUG. 31st--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of John Grylls, Village of Beaverton, Corner of Simcoe and. York Sts. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at "Good building lots in| WANTED to rent by October Ist. | 1.30 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer SAT., AUG. 31st--Auction Sale of Furniture, the property of Mrs. Eva Prouse, 82 Bagot St., Brooklin, on Saturday, August 31. Terms Cash. Sale at 1:00 p.m. John Medland and N. J. Anderson, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. AUG. 31 -- Auction Sale of 150 Acre Ranch, Livestock and Imple- ments, 40 Head of Beef Cattle, 1954 AR John Deere Tractor, 1963 Side Delivery Rake, International Plow, Hay, Grain and Straw. The Property of David Muller, Lot 12, South Half of Lot 11, Con. 1 - 13 Miles North of Mount Pleasant - turn West #8 Mile or 2 Miles East of Omemee on #7 Hwy. turn South at Emily Park Sign and go 3 Miles South and 3 Mile West. (Roads will be Signed)..Saturday, August 31: Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Ward Holmes, Clerk. { ARL HICKSON, Auctioneer SAT., SEPT. 7 -- Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the Estate of the late Mrs. Wm. O'Neil, in the Vil- lage of Greenbank on Saturday, Sept. Tth. No Reserve. Terms Cash, Sale at 1:30 p.m. Gerald Graham and Larry Johnson, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. Prince Albert Mrs. B. Smith taught the juniors on Sunday during the worship hour. D. Martyn and D. Beacock gathered the offering, Welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunter who enjoyed a trip in the Western provinees visiting their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter and other relatives, | Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Heayn enjoy- ed last week in Haliburton dis- trict spending part time with her sister Mr. and Mrs. .W Webb and their married daughters. Denise and John Jeffrey were happy to have their cousin Sandra Harper, Saintfield, for a few days. Mrs. R. Murphy and Allen spent a few days with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Smith, Allen remained for two weeks. Miss Beth Hunter enjoyed at- tending the Trauseau Tea in hon- our of Miss Evelyn Moore whose marriage took place recently. Mrs. W. V. Ecclestone, Toronto, enjoyed a few days with her cous- ins Mesds. Stanton, MecKerilian and Luke. Toronto.' Mr. and Mrs. H. Snooks spent a week at a northern cottage. Miss ¥. Holman and Mrs, E. Mulvey acompanied Mr. and Mrs. E. Jewell to Peterboro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt and two sons have returned from hol- daying with relatives in the west. Grace U.C.W. The August meeting of Grace U. C. W. was held on Wed. night at the home of Mrs, Glen Demara. [Fifteen members and two visitors were present. Mrs. Prentice opened the meet- ing by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. She gave a welcome to all present and thanked Mrs. Dem ara for the use of her home, The devotional in charge of Mrs. Prentice; Mrs. D. Aldred read the Scripture lesson, Psalm 112, Mrs. Prentice read the meditation,-- Clouds, Wind and Sun. Rev. Mr. Gilbert led in prayer. Net proceeds from supper $662.40 It was moved and seconded that Mrs. R. Fralick, Mrs. C. Aldred be in charge of raising talent money for Port Perry Hospital. October 28rd, date of our tur- key supper with table settings at 5, 6, and 7 p.m.. Lunch committee for September to be Elsie Pogue, Christina Pren- tice, Ruby Slute and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Prentice entertained with a reading. September meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Oshawa and Pine Point then showed us the coloured pictures of their trip to Vancouver, The pictures were greatly apreciated. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benedic- tion. A lovely lunch was served by the group in charge. Ask Us First... ® MICF Cheques ® Continuous Business Forms ® Posters ® Catalogues ® And More. PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. Phone 985-2331 SHITE 8LTILSELLIITLILIILLLLLLLLILLLLLLLLILILILLLN SOLD BY Reesor Fuel and Lumber PORT PERRY 985 - 7951 BEESSSEESIIEISILLIILIAIEIANIIILNILILAILLIILINILIL WES wr PLUMBING - Phone 985-2473 PLUMBING HEATING - HEATING WIRING LANE ELECTRIC Port Perry | | | | ! =| | | J Have Fun. Win BIG, Prizes' in Elmer's Summer er Safety Contest No. 4 B10, A) Re CC CC CCl CCl Ct , COM: IMPERIAL MARK II BIKES handle grips, bell, mud flop ond gt streamers, 2 FLYTE Accessory Kirsh 3 uci conten ood lit. to. addres Each kit contains bieyele lock, || ody it Ag MARE foroet to fi" i 4. Any child of elementary school age 1. Cut this contest out of ¢ coe Welt mri dy raw a Cture 00ks {] 3 "One boy's and one girl's [ and color If, fo may enter. | Contest No, 4 i Win_these Prises Every Week! | | HERE'S ALL YOU DO! All en color the pl List on ate Hit. separ haat of papar ~6, Children v2 oh fo" J) newspaper, r J ond Canada Cycle and pany Limited may not enter, fiafhdos safety o Hho i iwi 88 ery ou uthorities. Hi Kid! This is the lest of my § Safety Contests, The picture ET ek eee o y! curb' hope cele: pertet Mark 11 Bicycle or a Flyte accessory kit, so start right now to find out Jhare wrong In Ihe pleture, tries become. the t Eimer the Salary Elephant be IR of this employees League Com- of the cont will be, judges' | you in schoo | Mail before Aug. 28th 10: YY, TETRA Ctl ey ONTARIO sAmTY Leoun' | ADDRESS... ide yd | i | 208 KING ST. W. Lil (€iTY, Town) i | TORONTO 1, ONTARIO A creer enr TRPHONE oo ovue. lois. opine ieess cd