a : OAL , 3 : { : p | a | 7 N x od > wil J " Commissioners and Assessors, dated THE PORT PERRY STAR SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS 'Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" Minutes of a regular meeting of Council of the Village of Port Perry held in the Municipal Office on Thursday, August 16th, 1963 at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT---Reeve J. J. Gibson in the Chair, Deputy-Reeve R. A. Kenny, Councillors John Orde, Ivan Parkinson and Bruce Beare. MINUTES -- On motion the Min- utes of July 20th, 1963 were adopted as typed. Carried. BY-LAW No. 1381 to provide for the licensing, regulating, and govern- ing of owners and drivers of taxicabs for the conveyance of passengers within the Corporation of the Vill- age of Port Perry. It was reported that the Taxi Operators would like the By-Law held in abeyance since it does not exactly meet the requirements. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Chas. Brignall, Jr, and Mrs. Mary - Sweetman that Council have had a new Taxi By-Law prepared and if they have any recommendations kindly let us have them at their ear- liest convenience. WORK on Arrow St. discussed--It was decided that a Resolution be drawn up for the next meeting, trans- ferring $740.00 from work on Ella St., By-Law #1375, to work on Ar- row St. DEPUTATIONS-- Mr. Sidney Davis, Garbage Collect- or, appeared before Council and ask- ed if he could terminate his garbage contract since he would like to make a new tender, using a Sanivan, which would be quicker for performing the work and would also be more satis- factory in so far as the Corp. of Port Perry is concerned. The Clerk was instructed to check with the Village Solicitor to see if the Garbage Contract could be leg- ally broken if there was. .a. mutual understanding between both parties concerned. RESOLUTION -- That the follow. ing statement of accounts be hereby authorized for payment: General Dept. ................... $2,321.47 Welfare ............. rrr RLS 18.64 Property & Parks .............. 206.08 Waterworks ........ccocoeveunnnnn. 243.66 Waterworks--O.W.R.C. ...... 314.00 Street Maintenance ............ 1,065.78 Sidewalks .......c.ccoevvererinnnnnnn 28.20 Truck & Tractor Acct......... 133.74 Carried. $4,331.67 COPY of the Minutes of the C.0.A.A. held in Sunderland on Wed- nesday, June 6th, 1963. Filed. MEMORANDUM to Assessment Aug. 2, 1963. Filed for reference, the Assessor having received a copy. LETTER from the O.W.R.C. dated Aug. 1st, 1963 _ Re Extension of Watermains: "Your application for the approval of watermain extensions has been reviewed by our Design Approvals Branch. The following observation and re- commendations are offered for your consideration: 1. Four-inch diameter pipe is not considered to have sufficient capa- city for fire flows. The minimum size is six-inch diameter. In this case, where the pipe is to be con- nected to the water tank and could act as a future feeder main, even a larger pipe may be required. 2. More adequate plans to a larger scale are required. The existing and proposed valve and hydrant locations as well as existing main sizes, should be indicated. 3. Possibly an engineering study of the existing distribution system would be beneficial at this time in the planning of watermain extensions, We will be pleased to receive your comments and the required additional plans at your earliest convenience. In the meanwhile your application is be- New Dwelling must have 1000 sq. ft. in ground floor The Clerk was instructed to send in a map with the requested informa- tion. LETTER from the O.W.R.C. dated Aug. 2, 1963 Re: Electrical Power Supply, Port Perry Water System Well #2: "The overload relays controlling the above pump are, and have been, for a considerable period of time, a source of trouble, Inspection and tests of the electrical equipment in- dicate that it is in good order and operating as designed. Current and voltage tests have been taken and the results of these tests lead us to conclude that much of our trouble is due to extremely unbalanced and high phase to phase voltages. As an example, on July 29, 1963, running currents and voltages on our 660V, 3 phase pump motor with name plate full load current of 24.8 amper- es, were: Phase 1---21.0 amperes-- 630 volts 2--24.0 amperes-- 620 volts 3--26.0 amperes-- 615 volts We believe you will agree that these readings indicate an abnormally high voltage and considerable unbal- ance. : It is our feeling that this condition is primarily due to the two trans- former, open delta supply to the sta- tion. May we have your comments re- garding the possible provision of a third transformer to hold all three phases of the supply within tolerable limits?" The Clerk was instructed to con- tact Mr. Richardson of the Ontario Hydro and ask him for his comments on the letter as received from the O.W.R.C. Re Power supplied to Well #2. MEMO--Report on tons of asphalt used to pave John St. 425.85. Was the roller and operator .in- cluded in the contract? Miss Irene Shaw A unique honour was conferred up- on Miss- Shaw, superintendent of Stevenson Memorial Hospital last Sunday in New York, when she was admitted to the American College of Hospital Adminstrators. The College, now in its 30th year, was founded to provide recognition of outstanding work in hospital administration. Miss 'Shaw, whose home is in Gan- anoque, taught school for two years before beginning her nursing career. After graduation from the Ontario Hospital in Brockville and post gra- duate work at Toronto and Kingston General Hospitals, she returned to Wedding | PAISLEY - ROOT White gladioli and baby mums formed the setting in Grace Un- ited C hurch, Dunnville, on Aug. 17th, 1963, for the marriage of Joan Lorraine Root and Gordin Paisley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- e sley. "~ Rev. C. A. Dodds officiated at the ceremony and the soloist was Mrs. Harold Kyte of Blackstock. Given in marriage by her father the bride chose a floor length gown of white silk n'organza with fitted bodice, lily point sleeves and butterfly bow in the back. Her veil was triple net held by a halo of pearls and she carried white mums. : The matron of honour was Mrs. James Dunlop of Agincourt and the bridesmaids were Miss Betty Williamson of Toronto and Mrs. Richard Poole, Oshawa. They were gowned alike in ice blue ing held in abeyance." sheer with halo of ice blue mams. The Road Chairman Robt. A. Ken- ny reported that extra work was done and there would be an additional charge for the operator which was not tract. LETTER from Messrs. Ben Pick- ard and W. S. Taylor Re condition of septic tank on Midgley property at the corner of Caleb and Clark Streets. The Sanitary Inspector was ad- vised Aug. 9th, 1963. AT A MEETING of the Local Planning Board on August 9th, 1963, various topics were discussed and the following were left to be dealt with by the Village Council: (a) Resolution passed by Planning Board at a Meeting of August 9th, 1963: "That the Planning Board re- commend to Council that By-law 1222 be amended to read that the Area of a single storey dwelling be increased from 864 sq. ft. to 1000 sq. ft., more than a single storey dwelling be changed from 720 sq. ft. to 1000 sq. ft. on the first floor. Split level dwellings must not be less than 1000 sq. ft." RESOLUTION - That by-law # 1222 governing the size of a dence in Port Perry be amended to read minimum floor area of a single Storey dwelling be 1000 sq. ft., more than a single storey be 1000 sq. ft. on the ground floor, split level not. roller and included in the con- resi- to be less than 1000 sq. ft. (b) Planning Board agreed to re- lease the West Half of Lot 238 on the south side of Paxton Street for Mr. D. G. Rice to build upon with the understanding that he would provide his own road and water service and subject to the approval of Council. RESOLUTION -- That Council are agreeable that Mr. Rice have per- mission to build on the West Half of American Sociely | The best man =#oole, (Continued on back page) Honours | at New York Brockville as assistant director of nursing -and later became director of nursing at Ontario Hospital in Co- bourg. Before coming to Alliston, Miss Shaw had served as superintendent of hospitals in Orangeville, Bramp- ton and Bowmanville and, from 1957 to 1959, at North Bay where she had been asked by the Department of Health to organize the nursing staff of the new 750 bed psychiatric hos- pital. Miss Irene Shaw is the proprietor of Conway Gardens, Port Perry. was Mr. Richard PORT PERRY. ONT, THURSDAY, AUGL On Saturday, August 10th, at 3.15] the church sanctuary <uitably decorated with tall standuad diol supported by greenery, when a | Was of glu sacred was conducted by the minister Rev. FE. S Linstead who officiated at a dainty wedding for al ceremony popular girl, Mary Lina vounge t daughter of Mr. and My Heeton Hodgins, Prince Albert Ontario and exchanged wedding vows with Moy | on of My and Mrs. Lee Coulter, Scarborough The organist, Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove | played organ music and accompanied | the bride's sister Mrs. Richard Mur- rin who sweetly sang the "Wedding Prayer" preceding the coremony. rick Douglas Coulter, only The radiant bride wa. escorted to! the altar by her father The bride | was gowned in a floor length satin | 'heath, front bodice. und Lint trim. | med in lace. The bouffant effect was full over--lnt organza | caught at middle of wait line at back | with self and fell front to display the satn piven with rosette open in| sheath. Her headdress was of hemmed | veiling in three tiers enught to a cor- | onet of tiny pearls. She carried the bride's bouquet of pink white chrysanthemums graduated pearl necklace. gift of the Bride's sister Mis. Stanley matron of honow Miss Karen Coulter, sister of the groom as a bridesmaid. and | wore roses and grroom. Glass as Little Kristine Knight, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. John Knight, of Ro- chester, N.Y. was chosen flower yirl, carrying a basket of chrysanthemums Kristine's mother was flower girl at the wedding of the groom's parents. Kristine dressed hride<maids, in shocking pink taffeta, slightly flared skirt ove Headdresses of pink veiling with pink rose in centre was same as the crinsline circles Ihe female attendants wore and were proud of pearl chokers, the gift of the bride. The rving-beaver Kevin Hodgins, young son of Mr. and Mis. Terry: Hodgins and nephew of the bride looked smart in white coat and black trousers. . Mr. Wayne Campsall, cousin of the | bride supported the groom. Mr. Gary Stanley of Scarborough und] Mr. Richard Murrin, Toronto, brother- in-law of the bride acted as ushers, | All were dressed similar to the ring- | hearer and each were recipients of leather bill folds. During the signing of the register, Mrs. R. Murrin rendered a voeal number "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes", accompanied by her Oshawa, and the ushers were Mr. Neil Bailey and Mr. D. Kyte, Blackstock, Mr. John Morris; of Burlington and Mr. Brian Walk-, er of Minden. After a reception at Rathfon| Inn the happy couple left to spend a honeymoon in the Pocono mountains, Penn. after which they will make their home here. Won Ist Place At Peterhoro Jean's Twirling Team won ~ 1st place at Peterborough Baton Twirl- ing Competition recently. There were six other teams jn their class. This was the first time this team has been in competition together. The team consisted of four, girls--Betty-Anne Foote and Brenda Waller, both of Uxbridge, and Crystal..Monahan of Seagrave. Jean Bright was the leader as well as the teacher. She is also from Seagrave. The uniforms worn by Canada's Fort Henry Guard are completely authentic replicas of those worn by British Infantry Regiments of the Line on the afternoon of July 1st, 1867, the date of Canada's | Confederation. I |, Play-off Baseball - Little Britain vs Sonya, SUN., SEPT. Cdown to enjoy the repast. Mi | sponsored n gay evening which turn. Wedding of Interest in Prince Albert United Church husband, who played his own sirange ment on the flute. Following the saviee and prior to the reception held in the church par- received at vown of beige lors the bride's mother with The two tired ina lace orange and white accessories mother bridegroom' was ina pece blue die with white acees Obie s After the reeeviving line all sat How ard Alton, Sydenham, cousin of the bride offered Grace. Mr. Terry Hodgins brother of the bride ably acted as master of cere- | monies. Mis, Wayne Campsall cousin of the bride also sat at the head table. Mr. Coulter, Sr. expressed a plea- sant thank-you to the ladies who provided bounteous welcomed and served the repast. He the guests and especially Mary Lynn also warmly ther new daughter-in-law. Later in the evening the happy "couple left amid showers of best. wishes and confetti to spend thei honeymoon in Prince Edward Island. | For travelling the bride donned a two. piece bluish green linen suite, white hat and. gloves, black patent cluteh bay and shoes. Miss Karlene Knowles was Lappy to catch the bride's bouquet. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coulter will reside in Ottawa where Douglas is a student at Carleton University. Out of town guests were present (from Iroquois Falls, Porcupine, Sud North Clarendon, bury, Bay, Capriol, Sutton, Sydenham, Searborough, Toronto, Ottawa, Oshawn, New York State, Cleveland, Ohio, Many and graciously entertained at an evening party at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hector Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter arranged a similar good-time for their relations at their home in relatives friends were Lee | Scarborough. Several pre-nuptial parties held in honour of the bride eleet, Mary Lynn. i = A group of twenty girl friends of Ottawa planned a linen shower, con- isting of varied articles and colons. Miss Karen were Coulter, Scarborough ed into a kitchen shower. The American relatives of Douglas IST 29th, 1963 . i} EMERGENCY NUMBERS PORT PERRY POLICE -- 985-2686 FIRE --- 985.2846 MED, CI | RE--985-7801 $2.50 Per Year, Single Copy Ie 5. P. Hollingsworth Liberal Candidate Samuel P. Hollingsworth, Ash- burn, won the Liberal nomination over the former Whitby Dunlop hockey star, Robert Attersley fo Ontario Riding. | Mr Hollingsworth 15 head ot the history department of Dun barton High School. He also SQUIRT Fort Perry 16 at Port Penry Port Perry 26 ut Stouffville Stouffville 8 Stouffville 10 The Legion Squirts now meet Co Wed, and returning wo Co 31st at 3 pom. Loury tating here on Auy UR oat 6.15 pom boury on Sat, Aug PEE WER Part Perry 11 at Port Penny Seagrave 8 Seagrave 19 Perry 10 at Seagrave Perry 11 at Port Perry. Hopes TGA Wins round. Port Seagrave Nursing at Ont. The Honourable M. B MD. has announced September 12, 1963, as the Official Opening of the new School of Nurs Dymond, date for the my and Residence at the Ontario Hos- pital, Whithy. In keeping with the much greater demand for well-trained nurses, this School has been completely rebuilt Ie will accommodate 125 nurses, pro- viding for a class of 40 in each' of the three Three ago, the Department of Health revieed the course of traning to place increased Venus, yenrs Roger Stephens, Graham Powell and ferent training camps. Roger Stephens, gost tender is at pave a shower of many useful gifts. Mrs. Wm, Peel of Prince Albart community played hostess to a "sur- prize" a miscellaneous shower. This much feted bride-to-be was Kitchener attending the Guelph Royal operated by the New Rangers, «€ from her can, cmployers_and fellow em presented with a lovely erystal bowl To ensure their authenticity, army orders for changes in uni- forms after that date were not in-, corporated in those patterned for the Guard. toad | The only deviation which occurs | ployees in Ottawa. is in badged and buttons. There, where regimental numbers used to appear (as in the centre of the shako plates), the initials F HG have heen substitnted. Guard uniforms are made at the Official Opening New School of Bob Lee are away this week at dif | Ths York] ply claims he is part time farmer. at his home near Ashburn. I'he Ashburn teacher pointed out that the Robarts gov- ernment Health Minister and w lawver for Attorn- ey General so "why not cducationist for school had wo doctor as have an ducation Min- fster Port Perry Teams Doing Well In 0.AS.A. Play-0ffs 2nd Series-- Part ) Perry 23 Greenwood 3 at Greenwaod 1'ot Perry 13 Greenwood 8 at Port Perry t Wn Round 2.0. Foy now meet Oshawa - Cobourg Winne Wold Sept ath at Port Perry Sat Sept Tear Oshawa, Wed, Sept 11 PEANTAM Port Perry 28 Stouffville 4 Port Penry 13 Stouffville 2 Laon. Third Game. Club Bantams wins round. Meet OZhawa Mon, Aug. 26 at «Continued on Page Two» Hosp., Whithy cmphasi= upon the education of the nun se " Student are given a monthly al- lowance of 50.00 while training, and completion of two years are then special training in The salary for thi final vem is $200.00 per month. Student worth hagrh standing in Grade NHI ane uible fon apport eat LIVen ane Yam *N payvehintrie mon ing. bursaries, and is provided for graduates Goo on to brher eduention in nurs- ng. Port Perry Boys Attending N.H.L. Hockey Camps Gradiaom Powell, 1s at St. Catharines. a Chicawro Black Hawk School. Graham plavs forward. Bob Lee as at Niagara Falls for onc week's training under Milt Sebnodt of the Boston Bruins. Bob defence. Ath who know these boys wish them the best of luck. Fort by the Regimental tailor, a former company sergeant with the Grenadier Guards. Leather equip- ment of the Guard is hand-made by a skilled artificer who also has a shop in the Fort. | Game Time 2:30 p.m. w A at" Cie pe ray Nora es 30 a" T, wl i