NS MEMBER OF CANADIAN WEBKLY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION BROOKLIN NEWS WHITBY TWP. COUNCIL NEWS A Special Meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitby was held in the Council Chambers, Brooklin, on Friday, August 23rd, 1963 at 4.85 p-m. with- Reeve J. Goodwin, Deputy Reeve J. Dryden and Councillor F. Thompson present, O letter from Mr, T. K. Creighton under date of August 22nd, 1963 ad. vised Council as to procedures which must be followed if an equalization appeal is entered. The time for ap- pealing the current equalization by- law at the County level is past and therefore this action is out of the question. Arbitration proceedings under The Secondary Schools Act were discussed, with a decision to proceed made by Resolution No. 1. Letters from Hon. M. B. Dymond, M.D. and Mr. R. J, Callighan, District Municipal Engineer under date of August 12th advised Council of the requirements necessary to further the Manning Road application as fol- lows: A copy of a plan showing the proposed route from Whitby to Osh- awa, including the connections to the road systems in these two municipali- ties and a resolution of Council re- questing a Main Toroughfare designa- tion on the whole road from Whitby limit to Oshawa limit. The neces- sary resolution was passed as Resolu- tion #2. A draft copy of a brief outlining the reasons for acquisition and pro- posed development of the Brooklin Conservation Area was submitted for discussion by the Council. This was left with. the Clerk so that Council members could consider this matter in detail and make the appropriate recommendations, RESOLUTIONS-- 1. Moved that the Twp. Solicitor is hereby instructed to institute arbi- tration proceedings on the division of costs on the Whitby High School Area. Also the Town of Whitby be so notified. Carried. 2. Moved that the Department of Highways be and is hereby request- ed to designate Manning Road, fol- lowing the proposed route along the centre line of Concession 2 across Lots 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Town- ship of Whitby, as a Main Thorough- fare from the limit of the Town of Whitby to the limit of the City of Oshawa. Carried. 3. On Motion meeting adjourned at 6.15 p.m. Carried. (To be continued) Utica Utica United Church service Sun. day at 11 a.m. Everyone welcome. Don't forget the Chicken Bar-B-Q Supper at Utica United Church on Saturday September 7th. Served at 6, 6 & 7 o'clock. Fay Harper visited Isabelle Corner of Columbus for a few days. Sharon & Fay Harper spent a few days with their grandparents at Taunton. Irvine Carruthers of Claremont --called_on Delia Harper one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. Crosier and Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Scott and family of Tor- onto were guests of Mr. and Mrs, B. 'Beare of Port Perry, on Sunday. Mrs. J. Crosier was viisting with Mrs. Mel Morgan of Oshawa Thurs- day. i _ Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. A, Sutcliffes were Mr. and Mrs. D, Sut- cliffes and Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray. Carol Bray is spending a few days with the Sutcliffes. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kendall visited Mr, and Mrs. Herb Leighton 6f Bowman: ville on Friday. Marion Kendall spent---Thursday with Mrs. Cassidy of Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs. B. Geer of Uxbridge were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Geer on Sunday. ) Mrs. Rusnell of Brooklin is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell. Mrs. J. Crawell of Oshawa recently was a guest of the J, Mitchells. Sunday visitors of J. Mitchells were Mr. and Mrs. B. Mitchell and family, Louise Haugen and Mr. and Mrs. I. Gray. Mrs. Watson has returned from a -trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Geo, Judd called on Mrs. Bert Mitchell on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell spent Monday at the Canadian National Ex- hibition. - ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson were in To- ronto Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, F, Clarke and family of Agincourt and Mr. and Mrs. Too- good of Port Perry were guests of Mr, and Mrs. M. Storie, Susan Boxall of Toronto is spending a few days with the Mervin Stories. My. and Mrs. Pipher and children, Mr. Harold Hopkins amd children and Mrs, Norris Conboy and Mrs. Ray Baudie and: children of Oshawa spent Wednesday with Mrs, Harold Cornish at her cottage at McLaren's Beach, Mrs. M. McLaren and Mrs, R, Tet- low attended the Horticultural meet- ing at Mr. R. 8. McLaughlin's, Osh- awa on Wednesday evening. Mr. Brian Horton and Misses Shelia and Sharon Horton of Cooksville are visiting" with their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. R, Horton, Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Sound and Mrs. Ivan Rodd of Myrtle 'after spending a month at the cottage, three days in Stratford last week. Mr. and Mrs. McDougall of Port Colbourne and Mrs. Ethel Carupa and Mrs. W. Mark of Port Perry were Saturdey guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Cooksville are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Horton Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R, Thomas at Blackwater. Mr. John Sweetman is ill in Port PJerry hospital. We wish for a speedy" recovery. Dr, and Mrs. C. Dorland of Laperre Mich, and Dr. C. and Mrs. Werry and son of Toronto are at McLaren's Beach for a month's vacation. Sat- urday they were entertaining nineteen guests from Toronto. Pleased to r Mr. G. Bratley is home from hospi Nice to have you home again, Mr. Bratley. Mr, M. Johnson is attending the CNE. He took some of his registered Percherons. Good luck, Merrill! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cornish at tended the Manson--Cornish wedding in Little Britain on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. DeGurree and three daughters of Markham visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Math ews. z Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell of Parry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Perey Jef frey over the week end. Sunday, Sept. 1st there will be no service at Grace United Church. On Wed. at 8 p. m. the U. C, W. will meet at the home of Mrs. H. Thomas. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Norman Hickson of Belleville, a recent visitor with her sister Mrs. R. Pogue. Miss Grace Pogue returned with her for a vacation. Miss Jane Innes of Ashburn was at Pine Point on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Chappell of To ronto have just returned to the City Pine Point: Mr. Geo. Randall is resting well at the cottage, Pine Point, after his re cent lllness, Keep up the good work! Mr, James Gardner, Jr. of Toronto, spent the week end at his parent's' cottage at Pine Point. Mr. Roy Smith of Port Perry is vacationing at Pine Point. with his wife Helen, and son, Don. Roy was fortunate enough to catch a lovely 11 pound, 36 inch 'lunge early Monday. Congratulations } Mr. and Mrs. Dan Healey ar e spend ing a week at the cottage, Pine Point. Mr. arid Mrs, Wilf Tyrrell and Patricia of Toronto visited with them Sunday and also reminisced of old times with with Mr, and Mrs. Chappell. David and Tom Healey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Healey. Mr. and Mrs. Hornbostel and friend, Arthur visited the cottage at Pine Point on the week end. : Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans of Oshawa returned home after spending the summer at the cottage. Mr, and Mrs. W. Sanders, Susan, M. D. Johnson were from Listowel, Markham and Searborough. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith spent Mary and Fred of Toronto and Mr, D. Gray and daughter Helen return. Brooklin Tops Lake Wilcox 5-0 KING CITY -- Brooklin Concretes shut out Lake Wilcox Construction 5- 0 in the opening game of the Ontario Amateur Softball Association Inter- mediate C semi-final best-of-three series Tuesday night. Second game will Brooklin Thursday. Ron Jones pitched a three-hitter and struck out 14 in winning. Brooklin collected seven hits off loser Bill Jackson. Grant Jones had two hits for the winners. Glen Wright had two for Lake Wilcox. be played in spending the summer at the cottage, Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Brodie and Lynda and Debbie spent the week- end at the cottage, Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chappell, Peter and David recently spent a most in- teresting evening at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Rennick, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor of Tor- onto spent the week-end as well as Monday at the cottage, Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. C. Holt held a family re-union at their cottage at Me- Laren's Beach on Saturday. The following guests were present: Family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Smith (Zella Cooper) (4 children). Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Smith and 5 sons and 8 grandchildren.from Ot- tawa and Oshawa. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Smith and 2 sons and 3 grandchildren from Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Smith and 3 sons from Oshawa. P Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A. Holt and 2 children from Toronto and Clark- son. Family of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson (Muriel Cooper) (4 children). Mr. Ted Robinson from Oshawa. Miss Betty Robinson from Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brash and 3 children from Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Robinson and son from Geraldton. Family of the late Mr. Aubrey Cooper and Mrs. Ren Foster (2 children). Mr. and Mrs. Ren Foster. Mr. and Mrs. David McLaren and 3 children. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moore and 3 children' all from Oshawa. Seagrave (Too late for last week) Recent visitors with Mr. and Mys. R. Reynolds were Mrs. Geo. DeYPue, Mr. and Mrs. Richard De Pue and three children of Calgary, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Don St. John of Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin, Miss Maureen TobiW Mr. and Mrs. Ray Abraham, Robbie, Dean, Janet and Jeffrey visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wallace of Bolton, and Mr. and Mrs, Garth Bowes, of Maple. Visitors with Mrs. C. Tait on Sat- urday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill of Claremont, and Mrs. Stubbings of Toronto. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Hut- cheson of Oshawa were entertained at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin called on Mrs. R. Butler of Atherley, on Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wilson and Enid of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Boe. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sparling of Meaford, and Miss Mary MacTaggart of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs J. C. MacTaggart. - Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson and sons and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Ewen of Oshawa also called at the same home. A number from Seagrave were pre- sent at the Pleasant Point Decora- tion on Sunday. The Boe family enjoyed a picnic at Well Springs Park one Sunday recent- ly. Sixty-five members being pre- sent. Mrs. Maud Boe, of Oshawa, en- person present, while her three weeks old great-grand-daughter, Valerie SEAGRAVE Mrs. Herb McKnight and Mr. Mat- thew Fitzpatrick of Toronto were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott. Mr. and Mrs. G. Glenney, of Whit- by, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, E. Butt recently. Other visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. V. Sharp of Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milne of Scot- land, were recent callers in Seagrave. Mr. Milne is a brother of the late Geordie Milne, who was mail carrier in this area for several years. Mr. R. Milne had come over with a ship- ment of Hereford cattle. He and his wife were visiting a daughter recent- ly married in Toronto. They were in- terested in seeing Geordie's former home here and alo the cemetery, Pleasant Point, where he was buried. Mr. Roy Scott had « short visit with them. They had also visited Mrs. G. Milne and Ellen and Nuney at Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt had a few holidays at Moore's Beach, on Lake Simcoe. During their absence Mr. and Mrs. Grant Butt and Gail looked after the farm duties for them. Mr. and Mrs. M. Belair and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Clark are enjoying a week- end visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert! Mr. and Mrs. M. Belair and Mrs. BE. Clements spent Friday evening with Brinkman at Brockville. | Thursday, August 29th, 1963 Manchester of Mrs. Herb. Toombs on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 6th at 2 p.m. important that all the ladies attend this meeting. Mr. Howard Lamb of Lindsay pass- 'ed away at his home on Thursday, Aug. 22nd. Howard was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamb, the bereaved ones. Sympathy also goes to Mr. Arch Davis of Whitby in the loss of his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were one time residents here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and Miss Edith Brooks attended the Brooks- Innes wedding at Sunderland on Sat- urday. . Congratulations to Mr. Clare Vern- on who won four first prizes and one second on hackney ponies at Black- stock fair on Saturday. Mrs. Carman Bigg and grand- daughter Wendy of London were guests_of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chris- tie last week. Miss Eunice Roach was a guest of C.N.E. a couple of days last week, representing her 4-H Club of this area. Mrs. Fielding Sr. of Utica is visit. Mr. and Mrs. Herder in Whithy. Ms. Herder and Nell are planning a visit to Holland in the near future, going by air. Mr. George Shaw, of Sutton visit- ed with his friends My and Mrs. J. C. MacTaggart. Mrs. J, Bpornson and Mrs. H. K. Reed of Newark, Del, U.S.A. were visitors at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bell of Cour- tice, visited on Sunday with Mus. E. Clements, ASHBURN Mrs. M. Dryden, of Brooklin, visit- ed at the home of Mr. John Mille organist and Mr. Danny Reesor ue- companied by Lillian was the ruest ing her son Myr. Art Fielding and Mrs. Fielding. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brownlee of In- glehart are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steer. Greenbank E The Church service last Sunday morning was in charge of the Gideons with Mr. L. Wage of Uxbridge as speaker. Miss Betty Couves was the soloist. Next Sunday Rev. Harris wil] be home from vacation and will occupy the pulpit. The U.C.W. will meet at the home It is | Douglas Parks Sp eaker at | Pasture Meeting on Redman Farm The importance of having a well balanced farm management gramme was stressed by Mr. Parks, of the Soils and Crops Branch, when he addressed a Pasture Improvement Meeting on the farm of Mr. Clifford Redman, R.R. 3, pro- Doug Director { ney Snaddon of Valentin spent a few Sri darrv , weni and spent his boyhood days in Man. | Port Perry, on Monday evening, " 2 q There were ¢ { q 1 chester. Sympathy is extended to Aurust 19. There were 90 farmers in attendance. Mr. Parks also pointed out the im- portance of establishing and main- Mr. Harvey Wright, Soils and Crops Specialist, outlined some of the Soil and Crop Demonstration Projects that being carried Ontario the direction of the Soil and Crop Improvement Associa- tion, are out In County, under There were seventeen contestants in the Ontario County Pasture Compe- tition this year Mr. Lloyd Smith, RR 2, Port Perry had the highest taining high producing hay and pas- ture fields, by the use of good seed mixtures, proper seeding methods, and | the maintenance of a high fertility | level for maximum production f Mr. Clifford Redman, host for the | meeting, outlined his crop relation] seed mixtures used, and his pasture management practices. Mr. ADH. Martin, representing the Plant Food Council of Ontario, stress- ed the importance of - good pasture | management in the over-all hay and pasture programme. - He also outlined | the programme that is being earrvied out by 'the Plant Food Council of | Ontario across the Province. attended Leaders at Whitby last Thursday. est Phair the School Ladies' for College Miss Judy Aldred and Master Rod- days last week with Mr. and Mrs R. Dusty. Mr. and Myx, Murray Lee and fa- mily enjoyed a short vacation trip recently in the Niagara and Hamil. ton area. Master Lee Snoddon of Valentin | spent the week-end with Grandpa and | Grandma McMillan, is parents came after him on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Craig of Weston | were Sunday guests of Mors. Phoenix and Jenn. Mr. Gordon Jennings has installed | a new oil furnace. one day last week. Robert and Lenore McAndless, of Don Mills, are spending the week For various reasons there was wv rather slim crowd at the W.I, picnic held last Wed. at Cedar Stone Park. Mr. Earle Dobson visited his par | ents over the week-end. [the Zone Pasture Competition, Alico | _ number of points, and will compete in He Was a previous winner, and was un- able to win the County Competition this year. Mr. Clifford Redman, Port Perey, had the second highest num- ber of points, and was declared the winner of the Ontario County Pasture { Competition, Mr. Muir Dack, President of the Ontario County Soil and Crop Im- provement Association, Mr. Cliff Red- man, Chairman of the Pasture Com- mittee, and Mr. Lynn Fair, Agricul tural for Ontario County, were mm charge of the meet- Representative Ding. Prince Albert We wre pleased to learn Mr. Geo. progressing favourably in our local hospital. 1s Ferris Mr and Mrs. B. Snelgrove and Jean erjoyved recent trip in Ottawa district. i Neil Devitt, Oshawa spent a fow days with his grandfather Mr. Frank Vickery and Beacock cousins. Bonnie Pugh is home from a holi- day with her grandparents Mr. and Miso Gostik, Claremont. Mroand Mrs. John Lake, and baby Brenda, Little Britain with Mr and Mrs I Martyn. eR HELP YOUR RED CROSS joyed the honour of being the oldest ; NOMINATION "MEETING OF THE Ontario Riding N.D.P. PARTY Wed., Sept. 4th, 8.00 p.m. Colborne Street School ~ WHITBY, ONTARIO 'EVERYONE WELCOME Guest Speaker ed to Toronto at the week-end after Young, was the youngest, . - a a a at aa a ee a a a NN NNN NNN wt Nw Nw Nal Na Na NaN var y : x Sho £,%%%% 0% GAARA SAAR XR ERX ORRIN AR RRXRRRRRRER RRR with their grandparents Mr. and Mry/ However Tse wha did attend spent] " ) ' Fes ERrey " Edgar Heron. fun enjoyable. afternoon together. o RS Mr. and Mis. Nelson Ashtgf at-| bans SserLIBR Eas hekith "Port B COMPARE R.C.A. VICTOR N Vi t T V p tended the funeral of their cousin the y faparepiinge. bi Against Any Make . . . ew 1S d oe Vo " Le Wolter Ashton in Oshawa on Mrs. dlunter of Scgrboro with Mr. IN Anywhere . , on Any Channel . " Saturday. and Mrs. Neil Hunter over the week- | 8 PRR m o Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton and | end. # HE BRONTE 11 R | . boys; Mr. and Mis. H. Ashton and | A shower was held last Sat. even. EH $259 95 Ww T o Mrs. H Doble spent the week-end at! ing for Miss Sharon Beare at Car. | 38 bd ode BS Lake Placid. | negie's, Port Perry. i See also Models " Mr. and Mrs. F rank Mitchell and | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask were i 23-TC-731 - 741 and 801 i" family, of Deep River, are visiting | 0 asts last week at Mr. and Mrs, 3 - K] relatives: in the village. Andy Davidson's cottage at Crystal ¥ Special: Ri Misses Mary and Hilda Hopkins | Lake. i THE COPPELI " attended the Bazaar and Bake Sale| Sorry to report the accident last i STEREO . oo In i" at the home of Mis. J. Jones, Glen! week in which Doug Empringham lost | TH R7 # : I Model SHC 870 + Major, on Saturday afternoon. {one of his fingers. He is at home REGULAR $499.95 " Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker, of | after spending a few days in ati poopie v i Calgary, Alberta; and daughter Mrs. | Uxbridge Hospital, : Now $399 95 . MODEL No. 23-TC-802 Ki David Howlett, of Bashaw, Alberta Mrs. Paul Diamond and Mrs. Ern- be K returned home last week after spend- | ¢ be ing a few days with Mr. A. Holman. | be PET of During the month of August ser- Mr and Mrs. E. W. Batten, of |#] ER VAN GINHOVEN o vices have been held in the evening Thornton's Road, North with be at i wn at 7.30 in Burn's Church with Rev. | home to their friends and neighbors i RADIO AND T.V. CENTRE 4 E. S. Linstead of Port Perry in| on Sunday, Sept 1st, afternoon and|% IY y | pil : 14 . 1205-365 : charge. Commencing Sept. 1st ser- | evening, on the occasion of their 50th 4 BROOKLIN 633-163 " vices will be at 11.30 a.m. Wedding Anniversary. RO RR RRR RII Effective September 3 BREWERS' RETAIL PORT PERRY » WILL CLOSE EVERY WEDNESDAY (EXCEPT WED. SEPT. 4th) AND FROM 1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. Daily Except Saturday OPEN TO 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY Brewers' Warehousing Company Limited OPERATORS OF BREWERS' RETAIL STORES