Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Aug 1963, p. 4

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~ o 4 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1963 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE BUILDING A NEW HOUSE? Check our Special Rates for homes under construction. EMMERSON Insurance Agency Port Perry, Ont. s pt 26 Apex [TV Service TELEVISION REPAIRS Port Perry -- Phone 985-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/63 EARL WALLACE ROOFING "Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminum Roofing Eavestroughing, also Sturgeon Paint for house or barn. We will centract for all kinds of roof work. 985--7964, Port Perry Sept. 26/63 Phone 1.25 Real Estate FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR Sunderland, Ont. Phone 303 1--Nov. 21/63. GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. 1 Dec. 81, '68 L. J. Skaife, C.A. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 205 Frances St. Whitby 668-8197 (by appointment only at Main St., Orono) 1 --Spt. "OPTOMETRIST STREET, PORT PERRY Eyes Examined Prescriptions Filled Wed. 9-12 noon, Mon. - Fri. 7-8 Phone for appointment 985-2383 or 723-2721 1.5 -Sept. 12/63 a a aL aaa... E. G. Kennedy ® Pit Run Gravel ®_. Washed Sand and Stone ® Brick Sand and Chips. FOR QUICK SERVICE ea call 985-7982. MARY 1.--Sept. 6/68 Goreski Roofing ASPHALT ROOFING and SIDING LATHING, METAL WORK INSULATION, FLAT ROOF; Phone PORT PERRY 986-2751 1--Aug. 80/68 N I [A K' S Dead Stock Service Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses. Hogs and small animals removed free For fast service, 24 hours a day 7 days a week -- Phone: Uxbridge -- ULster 2-3319 No charge to you, . We pay all telephone charges. Prop, NICK MONTAGUE License No. 172-62. R.R.: No. 1, Foxmead ~Oct. 3/68 EADE'S NURSING HOME Elderly and Convalescent Patients Semi-Private Accomodation, Men and Women. Tray Service. Reasonable rates "A home away from home" Phone: 985-2806 1.26-- Sept. 19/68 LN a TEACHING PIANO EDITH PLATFORD, AT.C.M. 'l'eacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Any age, any grade. Special courses for beginners. For appointment phone 985-7663 1 -Oct. 31/63 lS a a a] For Income Tax and BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 985-7031 Specializing in small business and farm operations. Aug. 29th ar ayy a a aaa Music Teacher Piano and Organ GLORIA HASTINGS 985-2639 Oct. 9/63 WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS Houses, Stores, ete. Phone 985-7379. Joan Bagg, Agent for Margaret Ballard Broker Sept. 12 Nanay ae. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Du- plicators, Cheque Writers, Compto- meters. Three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 187 Brock South, Whitby, Ont. MO. 8-5849. T.F. RIMAR MEMORIALS GRANITE MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING DEPENDABLE SERVICE 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone : 723-1002 -- Sept. 12/68 SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Feb. 28/64 pT TRENCHING EXCAVATING - BACKHOE WORK - WATER LINES TILE TRENCHING, ETC. -- SEPTIC TANKS and DISPOSAL BEDS Supplied and Installed Ken Middleton PORT PERRY 986 - 7648 Oct. 3/68 © W. WARD Soar Well Di ging BY MAC Specializing in 80" tile 204 Chestnut Street, West Whitby, Ont. 668-2563 Oct. 31/68 SIGNS IL. LANGILLE 985-2916 Oct. 18. Well Digging PERCY BUCK R.R. 1, Omemee, Ontario Phone 799-6513 Oct. 17/63 WELLS CLEANED! AND REPAIRED een ag tv a tr PHONE 986-7666 CLASSIFIED PHONE 985-2331 A CLASSIFIED ADS. & COPY MUS) 8E IN BY 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY | TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for most machines at Port Perry Star. COMBINE, Model 82, for sale. Self Propelled Massey Harris with 10 table. Used 4 seasons. Massey Fer- guson dealer, Little Britain, Phone 37. aug. 29 FOR SALE: 19567 Chev. Coach, Standard 6 cyl. Radio, white wall tires. Also parts for 1966 and '66 Buick for sale. M. Oliver, Cress- well, Ont. aug. 29 FURNITURE FOR SAL E -- Steel bed and springs, book case, dressing table with mirror, library table, end table, cot and mattress. Phone even- ings or week end 986-2663. FOR SALE--20 pigs for sale, 8% 986-7442. weeks. FOR SALE--One good work horse. Phone 986-7713. FOR SALE -- perfect condition. 28" Girl's bicycle, 986-2993. FOR SALE--Used text books for High School students, Grades 9; 10; 11 and 12. Phone 986-2016. NICE DUCHESS APPLES FOR SALE--3 miles south of Port Perry on Oshawa - Port Perry Highway. J. Mosienko. FOR SALE--International 2- fur- row ace bottom tractor plough; also 4 well-bred Hereford Heifers, each with calf by side. = Phone 986-2006 Norman E. Wilson, R.R. 2, Port Perry. FOR SALE--ASBESTOS clapboard 'siding, mostly 8 ft. lengths; 1 square new; 6 squares used, plus near square pieces, Worth $210.00 new--selling $66.00 the lot to clear quickly. 139 Colborne St. W., Uxbridge. Ulster 2-3221. WANTED--Full or part-time help. Apply Flamingo Restaurant. FOUND -- Hereford Steer, strayed to farm at Lot 17, Con. 9 Phone Brooklin 666-4782. NEED a MORTGAGE LOAN? Private party to invest in 1st and 2nd mortgages; agreements for sale and mortgages purchased. Low rates; your mortgage prob- lems gladly discussed. No fees, no waiting. Call any time. Osh- awa 728-8291 or 726-2689. spt 12. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 8 rooms and bath. Phone 281w2 Sunderland, collect. TF. 2 HOUSE FOR RENT: Three bed- room brick dwelling in Village of Manchester. Modern conveniences. Immediate possession. '['elephone 086-2141 between the hours of 9 am, and 6 pm. Aug.29 HOSKIN'S ~~" BLACKSTOCK, ONT. FOR SALE: --Plowshares (Cast and ductalloy) --Car, truck and tractor tires (New and Used) --Wagons and trailers (One dualwheel tip platform) --Hardware supplies --Cement, lime and Seal Bond --Tile - Glazed and weeping --Qalvanized and aluminum roofing HELP WANTED -- Woman for general housework. One day a week. UBH-2112 or evenings 986-2245. HOUSE IFFOR RENT--Scugog lIs- land. 3-bedrooms, oil furnace and all conveniences. 985-2017. TF. WANTED TO RENT -- Bungalow by office couple. Good references. Port Perry or Vicinity. Write Box 51, Port Perry Star. WANTED--Heated room, unfurni- shed, also board--or room and board for retired gentleman. Phone 986- 2419. BOARD and ROOM WANTED in farm home for middle-aged man. Box, 57, Port Perry Star. Sept. b WANTED -- Married man wanted for dairy farm. Separate house. Apply in person. Fred Milne, Black- water. Sunderland 3 ring 3. WANTED to rent by October 1st. Couple with no children wish to rent 2 furnished rooms close to downtowr. Apply to Box 56, at Port Perry Star. WANTED: Girl for curb service; also waitress and boy for kitchen work. Apply Haugen's Bar-B- Que, Manchester. .- DUCK HUNTER desires to lease proven Marsh or Pond. Please write to Box 64, Port Perry Star, giving full particulars. Sept. b Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T., R.M.T. TUITION ing, History, Harmony, Counter- point form in Composition, Rudiments Viva Voce, Ped- agogy. Phone 985-2286. aug. 29 Auction Sales THURS, AUGUST 29th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture, 60 High Grade Pure Bred Hereford Cattle, Ford Tractor, Dodge Truck, the property of Ray Heeringa, Lot 6, Con. 2, Man- vers Twp., 2 miles west of Pontypool, west of Hwy. 36, or 4 miles north- east of Mossport. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Ted Spenceley & Ed. Johnson, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT., AUG. 81st--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of John Grylls, Village of Beaverton, Corner of Simcoe and York Sts. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.3Q p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer SAT. AUG. 31 -- Auction Sale of 160 Acre Ranch, Livestock and Imple- ments. 40 Head of Beef Cattle, 1954 AR 'John Deere Tractor, 1963 Side Delivery Rake, 'International Plow, Hay, Grain and Straw. The Property of David Muller, Lot 12, South Half of Lot 11, Con. 1 - 13 Miles North of Mount Pleasant - turn West 3 Mile or 2 Miles East of Omemee on #7 Hwy. turn South at Emily Park Sign and go 8 Miles South and 3 Mile West. (Roads will 'be Signed). Saturday, August 31. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Ward Holmes, Clerk. C ARI HICKSON, Auctioneer SAT., SEPT. 7 -- Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the Estate of the late Mrs. Wm. O'Neil, in the Vil- lage of Greenbank on Saturday, Sept. 7th. No Reserve, Terms Cash. Sale at 1:80 p.m. Gerald Graham and Larry Johnson, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. Hittites: Bring your Coins in for WANTED CANADIAN COINS BUY - SELL - TRADE Tokens, Large Cent, Small Cent, 1920 to '37,-- Small Nickel, Large Nickel, 1922 to '54,~ Ten Cent 1858 to 1948,--Quarter 1870 to 1048,-- Fifty Cent 1870 to 1949,--Silver Dollar 1935 to 1961,-- All Coins must be in good condition appraisal -- No Charge. Apply BLUE BIRD RESTAURANT 1% miles N. of Manchester on No, 12 Hwy. Piano, Pipe Organ, Vocal Coach-| . - SAT. AUG. 31st--Auction Sale of Furniture, the property of Mrs. Eva Prouse, 82 Bagot St., Brooklin, on Saturday, August 31. Terms Cash. Sale at 1:00 p.m. John Medland and N. J. Anderson, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., SEPT. Tth--Auction Sale of 356 Cattle, 26 Hogs, M.F. Tractor, Im- plements, Hay, Grain, Straw, the property of Jan Kochmen. Lot 24, Con. 1, Brock, on the Andy McTag- gart Farm, Sonya. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.000 p.m. Roy Scott and Glenn Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. TUES., SEPT. 17th--Auction Sale of 60 Registered and High Grade Hol- stein Cattle, 12 Hereford Stockers, 2 Tractors, Combine, Baler, Crimper, Full Line of Modern Machinery, the property of Wm. J. Sedgwick, Lot 18, Con. 5, Asphodel Twp., just north of Highway #7 on the 6th Line, 16 miles east of Peterboro. Terms Cash. Implement Sale at 10.30 a.m., Cattle Sale at 2.30 p.m. Lunch available. TED JACKSON and TED SPENCELEY, Sale Managers and Auctioneers. Roma atta any NOTICE Slater's North End Service Station will be closed September 9th to 19th SOLD BY Reesor Fuel and Lumber PORT PERRY 986 - 7961 Tenders for Painting Tenders will be received by SCU- GOG SCHOOL BOARD until Septem- ber 17, ers to: schools, L necessarily accepted. 1963 for painting all outside woodwork on No. 1 and No, 2 brick owest or any 3, Port Perry. Tender not Address tend- Sam Arnold, Secretary, R.R. NN Ta a Ta a a a a EXTRA SPECIALS AT THE ELIZABETH SHOPPE S.S. Jerseys, 1, 2 & 3 ....cooviiniininiii 50c., & T9c. Cotton & Corduroy Overalls, Infants to 6 yrs. ........... $1.09 Lined Jackets, 1, 2 & 3 .............. REPRESS $1.27 Girl's Slacks, Cotton & Corduroy, 2 to 6X ...........ccce.e. $1.27 Girl's Clam Diggers, 4 to 6X, Clearing .............c....coooen. J T9c¢. Boy's 8 Backes, Cotton & Corduroy, 2 to 6X ............... $1.09 SPECIAL - NEW FALL (L.S.) COTTON KNIT SHIRTS WITH COLLAR FOR BOYS, $1.49 (Made in Canada) 4 to 6X Phone 985-2473 PLUMBING HEATING WES LANE PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRIC Port Perry BEST oF BOTH PRIN TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT from economical conversion burners to complete furnaces 'and oil-fired water heaters. All equipment available on convenient budget terms--up to 5 years to pay. ha \ VERE "ag ing comfort, Don't wait any longer but phone us today- 'BURNFIELD & BALLARD PLUMBING and HEATING Port Perry, Ont. 985-2491 LE dod hd ho Shs PA i ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Along with our regular equipment .. guarantee we can now also arrange - for you to get Esso Home Heat Service at no extra cost. Your best guarantee for truly carefree heat od lf \ WR

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