8 --~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. SEPTEMBER bth, 1963 Rover News Ont were Ontario Provincial Rover Moot Atta-' (},,. wanduaron, It was Boys' The Ronald Kennedy, David Godley, Cirant und Skipper wore | Mate Ronald Bivens. Fummonds, he Labour Day week-end there attended the several events held at Rovers of There were I Rovers 22nd | the moot which gave the Frovinees a great deal of fun, such as: the bushland Olympics, Star Hike, Obstacle course, Nite Navex and Shoot Moot. These activities held at Sarnia Scout Camp rovers four who participated | the were held on Saturday and Sunddy. On Sunday there were Church Ser- vices held of every denomination an Rovers attended, were Rover Scouts Crews Province of Quebec and from the U.S.A. The motto of the Rover Scouts is Service; which means: Service to God and Country. which the There from the Dowson's food Market ror rem ADA'S DISCOUNT FEATURE! -- Reg. Price 2 for 27¢! - 10-oz. AYLMER SOUPS DISCOUNT FEATURE! -- Save 8c! - Wagslaffe or 24- EST COFF Tins TOMATO 1¢] -oz. Jar - with Pectin Aylmer Strawberry Jam 49 DISCOUNT FEATURE! -- Save 6¢! York Homogenized PEANUT BUTTER = Skim Milk Powder DISCOUNT FEATURE! -- Save 10c¢! - INSTANT MILKO DISCOUNT, FEATURE! -- Save 6¢! (Freé Coupons Under Each Cap) 41c 3-1b. Pkg. 69¢| Twinkle CAKE MIXES: 2:43] DISCOUNT FEATURE! -- Save 46¢! - 35¢ Off Pack KING SIZE OMO DISCOUNT FEATURE! - Save 12¢! - Buy 1 - Get 1 Free, $1.13 Twin Pack, 24-0z. MIR Liquid Detergent 79c DISCOUNT FEATURE! -- Save 8c! - 3¢ Off Pack 8-0z. Pkgs. Maple Leaf Cheese Slices 25c SAVE 10¢! - 6¢ Off Pack! - MAPLE LEAF CHED - R - SPRED SAVE 4c! - MAPLE LEAF MILD CHEESE WEDGES THE ECONOMY PORK ROAST! Specially Selected - Lean - Picnic Style Shoulder PORK ROAST Ideal for Frying - Lean - Well Trimmed - Boston Style 16-0z. Ice Box Jar 49¢ 8-0z. Pkg. 29 BUTT PORK CHOPS 59: Just Right for Stuffing -- Pork Lean, Meaty - Ideal with Kraut SPARE RIBS 1. 59¢ PORK HOCKS 1b.27¢ Tender, Tasty, Young BEEF LIVER SPECIAL. FROZEN FOOD OFFER! GREEN PEAS Birds Eye Brand" Your Cholce - 12-0z. Pigs for $1 Save 10¢! - Loose KERNEL Pack - Pimento - 8-ox. Club House Olives 29¢ CORN Save $2¢!"- 20 Off BACK TO SCHOOL FEATURE Extra Long Writing - Now only North - Rite PENS. 49¢ Reg. 780! - Pack - Twin Pack Rolls DELSEY TISSUE 8for$1 HEALTHO Fresh Baked - Weston or Sunbeam CHOCOLATE GUEST CAKE ca.45¢ Regular 48¢ each DOG FOOD 11 for $1 Save 180! - (26-ox, tins 2/35¢) 16-ox, Tins Standard Whole JUICE LADEN -- SUNKIST ORANGES Delicious - No, 1 - 8 qt. basket Bartlett PEARS 1.29 PEPPERS 6 for 29c Ontario - No, 1 Small - 10 1b, bag Green - Sweet Fresh and Green Reeves Mushrooms 39c¢ 3:99 10-02. Tin - Qt. Box Yellow ONIONS 49c Brussel Sprouts 33c Wedding at Trinity Church, Bowmanville BARR SINCLAIR White and pink gladioli formed the setting in Trinity Church, Bowman- ville on Saturday, August 17th, 1963 for the wedding of Eric: James Barr und Beverley Phyllis Sinclair, The bride. is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Strong, Blackstock and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- limin J. Barr, Bowmanville. Rev. for the double ring ceremony. Church organist Mr, Arthur Collison, played the wedding music and also accom- panied the soloist Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, who sang "The Wedding Prayer" be- the ceremony and "Oh Perfect during the signing of the re- fore Love" gister. The bride was given in marriage by her brother Mr. Ralph Strong and wore a floor length gown of ice blue peau de soie, designed with rounded neckline, lily point sleeves, and bell shaped skirt with tailored bow at the back of the waistline. Her shoulder length tulle veil was caught to a blue peau de soie pillbox headpiece and she carried a cascade of white carna- tions and pink roses. Her only attendant was her sister Miss Beth Strong who wore a dress of shocking pink peau de soie and headdress identical to the bride's ex- cept for three quarter length sleeves and street length skirt and she car- ried a cascade of white baby mums and pink carnations. Mr. Edward Cornish was best man and the ushers were Mr. David Row- an and Mr, Robert Strong. A reception was held following the ceremony in Trinity Church Hall, where, due to the illness of bride's mother, the guests were received by Miss Annabelle Kelly, a friend of the bride, who wore a green printed silk with white accessories, and corsage of white carnations. She was assisted by the groom's mother who chose a dusty rose, two piece dress with white'accessories and |: corsage of white mums, When the couple left on their honeymoon trip to the East Coast, the bride was wearing a beige knitted suit with brown accessories and cor-t- sage of bronze mums. Both bride and groom are teachers in South Darlington Township school area. They are residing at 16 Rehder Ave. Bowmanville, Ontario. Wedding SAUNDERS - SWEET Whitby Pentecostal Tabernacle was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday, August 17th, 1963 at 2.30 p.m. when Izella Berniece Sweet, foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har. old Wright of Stouffville was united in marriage to Ronald Melvin Saun- ders, eldest son of Rev. and Mrs. Ivan L. Saunders, R.R. 4, Port Perry. Rev. Maxwell Case was the officiating cleryman at the double ring ceremony. The organist was Miss Joyce Cameron. The soloist, Mrs, Madeline Jackson, sang "Ledd Them, Guide Them" and "The Wedding Prayer". Baskets of multi-coloured gladioli, snap dragons and asters decorated the front of the church, Given in marriage by her foster father, the bride wore a floor length gown of white chantilly lace over net with a high, scalloped neckline and lily point sleeves. Sequins accented the neckline and the lace appliques on the front of the skirt. The shoul- der length veil of tulle was held by a small coronet. of aurora borealis stones and seed pearls. She carried a cascade of red sweetheart roses and lily of the valley, = Maid of honour, Miss Sharon Saun- ders, sister of the groom, wore a ro- mance blue nylon over net dress with matching headpiece and acecssories. She carried an arc arrangement of blue carnations' with blue and white streamers. The bridesmaids, Miss Heather Saunders, sister of the groom and Miss Linda Wright of Stouffville wore identical dresses of pink nylon over net with matching headpleces and accessories, They carried. a three tiered cascade of pink and white mums. Mr. David Saunders, brother of the groom, was besgmani"and the ushers were Mr, Ted Colbourne and Mr, Cal- vin Jackson, : For the reception, held in Grace United Church, Scugog, the bride's step-mother received in a blue and white flowered silk sheath dress em- broidered with blue sequins, She wore matching accessories and a cor- Wm. K. Houslander officiated |, "| years ago, the youngest son of Wil- suge of baby white carnations. The groom's mother chose a navy blue luce over taffeta dress with match- ing accessories and a corsage of baby pink carnations. Following the re- ception the guests were invited to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Thomas to view the gifts. The bride chose a two piece match- ing turquoise sheath dress and coat with white accessories and a corsage of baby pink carnations for the honey- moon which was spent in Pennsyl. vaunnia. The happy couple are resid- ing in Stouffville. Obituary- ELI WESLEY THOMPSON TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL Tenders are invited for supplying fuel oil during the 1963-64 heating season for the Port Perry Legion Hall. Tenders close by Noon, September 13, 1963. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Address sealed tenders to : MR. FRANK GODLEY, Secretary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 419, Port Perry, Ontario. At Fairview Lodge, Whitby, Ont, on Aug. 8th, 1963, Eli Wesley Thomp- son passed away suddenly. He was born in Scott Township 76 liam Thompson and Emly Sibly. Forty seven years ago he married Daisy Timbers, who predeceased him April 13, 1961. They farmed on his father's farm on the 4th of Scott for a number of years, then moved to a farm west of Sandford, and was there until retiring to Port Perry 20 years ago. He had been living with his daugh- ter and at Fairview since the death of his wife. Left to mourn his passing is one daughter, Margaret (Mrs. Oswald CAWKER BROS. Devon Rindless Sliced Bacon-1's 69° " Boneless Pot Roast Beef ...... 49°" Home Cured Beef Tongues .... 35°" e BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS eo FREE Town DELIVERY every morning until 11 o'clock Croxall) Port Perry; three grand- children, John, Murray and Anna, also one brother James of Mt. Albert and two sisters, Ezella (Mrs. Geo, N. Burnham), Uxbridge and Eliza (Mrs. Frank MacRae) Pickering. Predeceased are one sister Bessie (Mrs. Thomas Kydd) and three bro- thers, John, Steven and Walter. Funeral was from McDermott-Pana- | & baker Chapel, Port Perry and inter- ment .in Pine Grove Cemetery. Rev. E. 8S. Linstead conducted the service. Pallbearers bearers were nephews. and flower-| 3 WEEKS OVERSEAS (OCT. 1st - MAY 1st) SAVE $150. Four Seasons Travel (Oshawa) 728-6201 57 KING E. OF THE MANY REASONS WHY Good Government deserves YOUR support ) 3 4 5 Prime Minister John Robarts Fair pay for all--action by your Conservative Government set mini- mum legal wages for your protection in our Province. Action in agriculture--rural Ontario's future' depends on young farmers. The Conservative Government pro- vides loans and other measures to encourage them. Higher standard of living--Govern- ment projects have increased Ontario's farm income and employment; ensure the most productive use of land. Bold new approach to housing--Your Government's efforts in co-operation with private enterprise is providing better, safer accommodation for Ontario families. You enjoy Canada's finest highways-- and the Robarts' Government in- tends to see you get more. 1,700 miles of new multi-lane highways are scheduled, 6 8 9 10 More parks, more visitors, more recreation-- In 1962, your Conserva- tive Government had 81 provincial parks operating. Visitors rose 26% to 7.8 million! Finest education for your child--Your Government is determined that there will be no limitation to the creative and productive capacity of students. University education available to all-- this is the goal of your Conservative Government, New universities are to open in Peterborough, Niagara Falls and Windsor. Allowances for the aged and disabled boosted to $65 monthly--it is only one of many welfare increases. Your Con- servative Government aims to im- prove conditions further. Vigorous leadership--a measure of good political leadership is the abil- ity to get things done for the people quickly and wisely. John Robarts' administration is for you. Vote Progressive Conservative 'in Ontario PUBLISHED BY THE ONTARIO PROQRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION s | i | a | oy ea aon' A