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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Sep 1963, p. 1

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THE PORT PERRY STAR ZT SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS | MED. CENTRE--986-7801 "Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" PORT PERRY, ONT., THURS., SEPTEMBER 6th, 1963 Ld $2.60 Per Year, Bingle Copy 7¢ ey © M d at Pri Albert Chu rch | Miss Bo Wall: arried a rince ert Lhure ss Bonnie Wallace Wins - "R e e or d IN d A pam Scholarship from Queen's Univ. | I 0 WwW gain al "w. KINGSTON--A Port Perry district | eight such scholarships awarded by © girl has been named winner of a ma-| the university to students through- ¢ triculation scholarship to Queen's| out Ontario who have uttained sup- Universitly, it was announced recent. cerior marks on their Grade XIII ly by Miss Jean I. Royce, Registrm examinations. of the University, | Miss Wallace's scholarship was one | rade 4 : . i Port Perry Fuiv is Growing!!! Eue bbon for the bes ©. The vers | Afric "ole ) entice Miss Bonnie F. Wallace, a 1963 of 61 awarded to students from Van- " erry Pai ks $Opi Buel] ¥ bho i. i Dest fie Fue floweys . African Violet -- Mrs. R. Prentice, i R A : d | year we say that it is the biggest aud | and fruit made a colourful display | Kk Skerratt, V. Skerratt. graduate of Port Perry High School, | couver to Halifux and worth an esti- \ | . ) } m 3 : : est yet. and attracted much favourable atten- | Baby Tears --Mrs. K. Rodd, Miss a has been awarded The Bell Scholar-| mated total possible value of $75,000. r . : 7 ! : Faia . Fhe weatherman kept buck the rain | tion. A. Kent, Mrs. R Baird ¢ | ship valued at $900. This is one of | il all the 7000 oo ) i, ' oo until a the 00 people had enjoyed The young exhibitors in the Junior | Vase of Miniature Glads --Mrs. R . the exhibits, the grandstand show, | Building made a very creditable exhi- | Prentice. Ont S uirt Jr Farmers Soil the horse races and the midway en-| bition of their own and deserve con- ] Display of 5 House Plants Mrs. 1. tertainment ,which were all very fine | siderable so NT Guy, Mrs. S.Moore, Mrs. R. Prentice ° siderable praise for their efforts y, Mrs. 50 Moore, Mr: Prentice q ¢ {| The B & W Show (holsteins) was es : : FRUIT Ch i hi & L d U T | considered excellent and there was Seveval interesting and closely con | Coll. of Appl G Smith, Lloyd | ) Me ST tested | St FRces : \ : oll. ol Apples wo. Smith, Lloy \ ampions 1p ] an se our alsgZu very good showing of Hereford jo . - A sd de aention Smith, D. Porter. ) ' Here on Saturda [Frank Barkey, R.R. 3, Claremont, a and Guernsey cattle. The horse ' | Courtland D. Porter. Y member of the Brooklin Junior Farm pp registered a record number FOWL \ Northern Spy -- Geo. Smith, D . . i at. has been selected 1 Dress of entries. Container of Annuals - Mrs R Povter, Llovd Smith. On Suturday, Sept. a the pox | {Ontario Cra I~ the bres 4 The Ladies Work displayed was | Prentice; Mrs. L. Patterson; Miss Greening D. Porter 0% Perry and District Minor Softball As. | Tour. | very fine indeed. There were a num- | Kent. Snow or Fameuse--D. Porter 3 sociation will Prescht the 1063 0.4. / : Fran 0 a D \ ber of new ideas to attract the atten- Container of Glads - Mrs. 1. Wake Melntosh ~Geo, Smith, Lloyd id g . SA SQUIRT CHAMI IONSHII i Lethon fe Pv inden ty Club | tion of the ladies. The baking and ford; Murs. Prentice; Mrs, Dowson. Smith, D. Porter. (5 10URNAMENT. | y oe Hs Det I ! ' MARY | anning looked very dolicious. Mrs.[ Modernistic Plant Arrangement for Tulman Sweet DD. Porter, Lloyd A On hand for this day will be the] Cot nrmer projects wnd-competi- | prog Christie was the winner of the | T.V.- K. Skerratt, Miss Kent, V Sniith, Geo. Smith 3 following clubs: | or Skerratt. Melba --D. Porter ia one 4; Cobourg legion they oi} 1 his tour is sponsored by the Ont- Table Centre, annuals, approx. 10" St. Lawrence Lloyd Smith 2 minated Port Perry Legion 2 "10 Department of Agriculture in co. 0 A S A high- Mrs. Rodd, Miss Kent, Mrs Wealthy ---D. Porter OR games to one. operation with the Soil Science De. [] ode ° } Prentice. Delicious DL Porter, Lloyd Smith oh - Zone 3: Scarboro Bendale Lions pehneny, 0O.A C. Guelph. Delegates S B Vase of mixed flowers-- Mrs. Guy, Stark DD. Porter. Mis : they wan the Toronto aren | wilt visit the Soils Department at core oard Miss Kent, Mrs. Prentice. Blenheim Pippin - D. Porter. 0% eliminating Willowdale. | Guelph, and Jariouy farms in Went- Bouquet of Roses Mrs 1. Patter Clupp's Favourite Pears - DD. Porter, fF Zone 2: St. Catherines or Simcoe worth, Lincoln, Perth, Huron and| SQUIRT son, Mrs. Prentice, Mrs, H. Phoenix. | Lloyd Smith, Geo. Smith. hs winner not known at this time. Halton Counties during the four day 1st Game Winter bouquet of dried & Col. Bartlett Penrs- D. Porter, Lloyd tie Zone 1; Galt Legion--last yenr's period September 10 - 13. I'he ton Port Perry Legion -8 muaterinl---V. Skerratt, K. Skerratt, | Smith, Mrs W. C. Lamb. 8 ( winner as well as in 1961. rated will stress soil conservation, land use, Cobourg Legion -- 7 Mrs. Prentice. VON Apples--D, Porter. i . | A as The toon 10 Deol amin iis crop production, livestock production, 2nd Game Glads, yellow shades Mrs. Prentice 1 yout machinery utilization, and othe Cobourg Legion -- 16 Mrs. Dowson GRAIN . Atv on an TH be DATA. off phases of farm management. ' Port Perry Legion -16 Gladys, pink shades Mis, Prentice Coll of Grain Herb Swain, Jack i tals from across the pravitice in. The Ontario County delegnte is be. Jrd Game--- Gladys, red shadez Mrs. Prentice, Curmochnn, i : | cluding Past President Don Leo of | ME sponsored by the Ontutiv County Cobourg Legion ---- 12 Mis. Dowson, Mis. K. Rodd . Fall Wheat Jack Carnochan, Herb Belleville, President Andy Davidson Soil and Crop. Improvement Associn- Part Perry Legion ---0 Glad, other than nbove- Mrs Swain, . of Stratford, 2nd Vice Pres Clu tion. Cobourg wins Round. Prentice, Mrs. Dowson. : No Barb Burley --Herb Swain, Juck § , 'es. yu , . _ Carnochan, Clinton Midgley : . FE WRK se smos--Mrs. J. P 1 , . * ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coulter, the| Prince Albert Church, and will re-| Butler of Willowdale -- all three at- | <«-- bik WEE... M vo no yrs pa J. pip, Oats, Early--Harold Swain, Jack i former Miss Mary Lynn Hodgins, | side in Ottawa. tended our Minor Night in June; as om Defeated Greenwood © gales v0.0.0 BAe. "ventles, Mus, tay, Carnochdn, Les Smith N : . . | erests. I'he reports from Cobourg Meet Oshaw Port Perry--- French Marvigolds--Mrs. Brown, # Le They were married on Aug. 10th at 4 well as convenors from the various \ sleet Oshawa at Port Perry Oats, Late-- Roy Leask & 8 3 : , : and Galt are that there will be a Wed. Nigh Mrs. L. Patterson, Mrs. W. C. Lamb, Be athe ¥ song on, o-- centres on hand with their clubs. h ed. Night 6.00 p.m. . Havold Swain, Murray Holtb k good following on "hand to cheer the Back Oshawa S in Vase of Asters-----Mrs GG. Brown, Ty * » MUIray 26 thy, Lunch for all four teams will bel, - ack ot Oshawa Sat, Sept. 7th. Fodder Corn, Murray Holtby, David ties. The Ontario Curriculum Insti supplied by the Port P oo 4 Dist boys, so let's go Port Perry fans. BANTAM Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. R. Baird, , ar Bn, wLurray Touhy, Mavi F. W. T. A. 0. tute was formed last November in os Sm os "] gy J. This Let's show them that we know good oot po He Bowl of Double Petunins- Mrs. H Webster, W eiley Johnson. } , , ; oh i . oF Sofiha Sengiation. CM Softball too and let's fill those stands 3h fame Phoenix, Mrs. K. Rodd, Mrs. Prentice Sheaf of Fall Wheat --N. Wilson, . order to pursue research in the field or g 3 will be made up with sandwiches, d show the Mi Men in Port tt Oshawa--4. Port Perry--d4 Five Stalks of Bals Mi Wesley Johnson ' eelina. of curriculum study and at the pre- P -0oki di and show the Minor Men in Port that Y» \ we Stalks o alsam--Miss A | \ i y y 3 To: op, cookies and ice cream . . ¢nd Game-- ; . 3 | Sheaf of Late Oats--N. Wilson | sent time revision of "the" Course of ) we appreciate the job they have done 3 " 3 Kent, Mrs. Rodd, Mrs. R. Baird. 2 : . The Annual Meeting of the Federa- | Study for Kindergarten and Grades 1 Umpires will include four from our [in port Perry this year. Ushawa--15. Port Perry--2 Zinnins, Giant--Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs "1 Sheaf of Early Oats--N. Wilson. 3 . il § local association with the added help drd Game-- -- | Prentice, Miss Kent | Hop. of Woe Teachers' Asinelation 3 i nas poy started. ir. Davis from Cobourg and Willowdale asso-| The new PAL system is now in use Oshawa--5. Port Perry--2. hin Pani Porn---Mrs. Prentice rsa Cutld pay Te " Oe or ay da the Boys oral F ey FA spose | ciations. and will be used this day to add to Oshawa Wins Round. Mis Kent Mrs. L. Guy : nie ste oe Brains bop : or otel, oronto, commencing | Ora renc m e KLlementary Th ; the games as they y pl d Cran slang » rs, Lu La Smith, Roy Leask & Son, Murry . : . . : e schedule will be as follows: 1c games as they are played. MIDGET-- Garden Chrysanthemums- Mrs. S Tare V A with a Reception on Tuesday even-| Schools, as well as the schools for a *y \ ; Ve Mrs. So 1 Holthy, Clare Vernon. bi ing, August 20, 1963. Special Education. Occupational at 12 noon sharp, Zone 3 plays 4. See you at the ball park on Satyr- 5 tinge Moore, Miss A. Kent, Mrs. Prentice. Second Cutting--C. Vernon, L. , » courses, be aiated, ave morally Hotes. at 2.30 sharp, Zone I plays 3. day. Oshawa--8. Port Perry--7 Best Blooming House Plant --Mr<. Roacock. Les. Smith, Murray Holtby ) On Wednesday, Miss Ola Reith of SY and cennomieally sound. and aro at 5.00 sharp--Championship Final. 2nd Game-- S. Moore, Mrs, H. Phoenix, Mrs Lloyd Smith. ' St. Thomas, President of F.W.T.A.O, having successful results ' The Champions will be presented NOTE--The draw for the transistor Port Perry--y. Oshawa---7 Prentice. Hay Ensiluge Les Smith, Wesley told her audience that "capable child- ) a ae with the Lauria Motors Trophy as| radio which the Minor Assoc. has| 3rd Game Vase of Dahlias, Pom Pom -Mrs. } Johnson cr ' ey ren should be taught to lead, not to Business sess ions continued | well as the O.A.S.A. Crests by the | promoted to mect ¢xpenses this day Oshawa--18. Port Perry 3 Prentice, Mrs. L. Guy, Miss A. Kent. Co v 3 lean. Teachers should do everything | throughout Thursday. At the An- President Mr. Andy Davidson of [ will be held at 5 before the start -Oshawa Wins Round. One Rose, best bloom--Mrs., Pren- . VEGETARIIS & ROOTS =| y they can to develop a child's full po-| nual Luncheon held that day the| Stratford, Ont. } of the final game Have you got This leaves only Hope's IGA Pee- tice, Mrs. H Phoenix, Mrs. L toll. uf Yemetiblos--3. 1. Wood tential". Reports were heard from | guest speaker, Edward N. Ruther-| This will be a big day for the local | your ticket? Wees left in O.AS.A. Playoffs. Patterson. (Continued on page 2) Provincial Convenors of the numerous | ford, told about "Teaching on Ex-| softball fans and everyone will en- | committees of R-W.,T.A.0. and Dele- | change", using coloured slides to il-| joy watching these little guys all un- ----------------i gates voted on resolutions arising |lustrate his talk. The installing of | der 10 years as they play their hearts from these reports, the new officers brought the Annual] out to' win the big trophy and those N . I. Meeting to a close, with Mrs. Hazel| . Fs, The Honourable William J. Davis, Farr from Simcoe being elected Pre. Minister of Education for the Province | 4. + oe the F.W.T.A.O. for 1963-64. Dr. Diam ul . of Ontario, was guest speaker at the . 0 WY, 4 Annual Dinner held on Wednesday Official Delegates representing evening, choosing as his topie "Ont. | Ontario North Association were Mrs. P.C. Candidate = ario Schools, 1963." He emphasized M. V. Hargrave, Woodville, and Mrs. . * : the importance of .rural central|I, Starr, Cannington, both on the For Ontario : } schools, stating that they. have done | teaching staff of Beaverton Publie ' y much to improve educational facili-: School Prize Winners at Blackstock Fair J) : 1 * HORSES Yeld Mare or Gelding--1st & 3rd 3 Clydsdale-- } Verdin Mark, 2nd & 4th C. Buckley. . 3 Yeld Mare or Gelding on Halter-- Heavy Draft Team--I1st & 2nd 1st, 2nd & 3rd--Simpson Dawson. S. Dawson. ! Commercial or Percheron on Halter-- | Belgian Team--1st V. Mark, Brood Mare, foal by side--1st Viec- 2nd & 3rd C. Buckley, 4th L. \ IN tor Cookson, 2nd Percy Mountjoy. Stephenson. / { Two Year old Gelding or Filly-- Percheron Team--1st & 2nd V. 1st V. Cookson, 2nd P. Mountjoy. Cookson. One Year old Gelding or Filly--1st Commercial Team--1st, 2nd & 3rd ~ V. Cookson, 2nd P. Mountjoy Russell Cochrane. Foal by Side of Mother--1st V. Commercial Single Heavy--1st, 2nd " . Cookson, 2nd P. Mountjoy. & 3rd R. Cochrane " Yeld Mare or Gelding--1st, 2nd, Four Horse Team--R. Cochrane, 8. # 3rd & 4th--V. Cookson. Dawson, V. Mark, v. Cookson, L. HON. M. B. DYMOND : Stephenson. - Belgian on Halter-- Commercial Single Light--1st, 2nd Hon. M. B. Dymond was again Brood Mare, Foal by side--Leonard | oo; Russelt Cochrane chosen by the Progressive Conserva- Stephenson, Clarence Buckley. Best Group of Commercial Horses | tive party to represent them in this Two Year old Gelding or Filly-- | po Cochrane, riding in the forthcoming election. 1st & 2nd L. Stephenson. 'Road or Carriage on Halter-- The nomination convention was » i One Year old Gelding or Filly--C. Brood Mare, Foal by side--Ivan | held in Beaverton on Tuesday, Sept. " Buckley, L. Stephenson : 3rd. Dr. Dymond. has made a fine , of 1 Cochrane, Joseph Guest, Earl Durward : J Foal by side of Mother--C. Buek- : contribution to this riding during his This scene of the Midway at Port | winning pictures by K. Skerratt--who | Competition. ley, L. Stephenson, (Continued on page 7 past term of office. Perry Fair was taken from the Prizo | won a first place in the 1963 Photo | AGL NN Play-off Baseball - Little Britain vs Sonya, 'SUN. SEPT. Lr ) Game Time 2:30 p.m.

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