F) w Fug, we . N oy ®- p . ~% ] » . . . S N] MEMBER OF " . Th m CANADIAN WEEKLY Thureday, September 5th, 1968 NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ee iio i i AS ere eee mee erat Hemera _ - _ i - New Series f "4H H kers Partici Greenbank ew Series for Imogene - omemakers Parficipale At the C.N.E. Vacation is over the youngsters { are back to school and the fall Last week, 172 4-1 Homemaking | very short, although Good Housekeep- y schedule has taken over in our Club members from several Counties | ing magazine is predicting that dress- A church and community life. of Ontario had the privelege of par-| cs this fall and winter will be two in- 1 ticipating in the C.N.E. programme, | ches below the knee cap. } . . A organized by the Ontario Department The following day, Thursday, mem- . , With elasing of Bethesda Senool of Agriculture, Home Economies Ex-| bers of the 4-H Homemaking Clubs ¥ ano er J us ; "¥ sy a 5 tension Branch. again enjoyed a guided tour of the b Dew ariver 8 M Th on pi . On arrival in Toronto, the delegates | Royal Ontario Museum, as well as ¥ ie Natios at 1nd 6 those in the were billeted for several days at the| the Parliament Buildings. After A Beginners' class are Debbie Cook- Margaret Addison residence of Viet- | these tours, the delegates were taken =x x Y man, Debbie Lee, Mary ens, Lew- orin College During the afternoon | by bus to the Canadian National Ex- Betsy i is Real, Grant Phair, Jim Phoenix members of the different Counties of hibition, where they attended the i 4 and Gordon Spence. Ontarie displayed their exhibits and | Grand Stand Show. The musical ride Aa y 0 gave demonstration. After a visit| was particularly enjoyed by the girls. Sd yo Red aka Ty 0, i Mr. Len Jarvis is navigating on to the Royal Ontario Museum, the Delegates from Ontario County Photo by Ontario Dept. of Health ¥ crutches these days following an delegates attended the NE, and | were Eunice Roach, Port Perry, R.R Great summertime fun, but, it doesn't take much water ; | accident last week in which he re-| * had the opportunity of viewing many | 4, Barbara Carrick, Udney, Linda Ww drown a child. Mothers must be extra vigilant when A y ceived a painful leg injury. things of interest, . a. Jane Laswick, Uxbridge, Marilyn toddlers join the swimming party. he : At the Queen Elizabeth Building, Ellery Gamebridge, Patricia Warren, a Mrs. Pearl Phoenix and Miss the delegates enjoyed the modelling of | Uxbridge, and Sheila Disney, Brook- 24 Jean Phoenix were dinner Zuesls the latest fashions Skirts are still lin, RR. 1, who acted as counseller. Dymond Discusses Health in Ontario : of Miss Olive Real, Port Perry on SA. } EE oo - 8 ' » i Wednesday of last week. Several attended the MeLaren . 3 V ' The funeral of the late Miss Scugog Beach corn roast on Saturday night Outdoor Living \ » u - . 1a oo Tryphena Rook who passed away Mr. H. Campbell of Millington, Nn he home of Mr. and Mrs. Davis. B) at Lambert Lodge was held from Mich., E. Cormack and Mrs. Cormack! * oN ely time was had by all. Matthew B. Dymond, MD, CM. | more injuries and even deaths x; the McDermott Funeral Home to of Claremont, Sunday visitors with | Next Sunday Service at Manchester Ontario Minister of Health happen each year from the mie ot . . . - a at Il p.m. Rev. J. Br i p re -- i Bethel Cemetery on Monday after- 3 Mr and Mus. H. Matthe ws. a gd ---- Braham will be One of the more familiar har- ny of sn dest s=chilires x noon. Miss Rook who was a cousin| Imogene Coca stars as Grindl,|which obtains jobs for her in var- Mrs. L. Teasley of Toronto is Kuesl 5) ards thet 406s With stamertine] 2 ya Rie: Picee uf wise : \ bf the Lee family was an Invalid |3 mild-mannered itinerant dom-|lious households. When Grindl| spending a week with Me. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford and family is the danger of drowning, Scar. |" Mone: adu kingly i i H. Ti $ f Oshawa at their cottage ri reaching into the machine to . y; for many years. estic who finds different employ- gets to her assignments, she in-|H- Thomas, of Oshawa a weir cottage, at Pine cely a duy goes by when we do clear the blade while It in ru ) A large crowd attended the ment eaeh week, in a new fall yvariably finds that her domestic Mr. and Mrs. O. Russell and Miss | Point for the holiday week-end. not hear of someone drowned pings feet slipping wodee the i shower » honour of Miss Sharon series on CBC-TV. She works|duties are secondary to the com-| Vicky Russell of Toronto visited sev. Mr. and Mrs. Watts of Toronto out while swhmining or boating in AE while pushing it uphill. / ich held at the h through an employment agency edy adventures she encounters. eral days with Mr and Mrs. Horton | for the holiday at their cottage. | Ontario's lakes or rivers. But Such accidents can be prevent % Beare which was held at the home at Pine Point School re-opened on Tuesday. swimming and wading pools, | TOF if ovitiets <f thee 0 of her parents last Saturday after- CTT Mr. M. McLaren spent Saturday in| Pleased to have such a good attend- large and small, which have be: mowers maintain a careful ati. 12] noon. . Stouffville. ance present, come a large part of family out \ ' 3 " » numbers for that day. Being no fur- dour living in so many hack. tude toward them at all times. o¥ . The local W.I. booth at Port Prince Albert ther items to discuss Mrs. Jeffs of- vards, present the same hazards, | 1-0%ne should be inspected and Perry Fair was awarded second fered a suitable closing prayer. . . | "It doesn't take much water 10 | 2ked before mowing. Children 0 : ) . . A) prize for their very attractive dis- All appreciated the choir anthem on | Lunch served by Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. THIS BOOKLET | drown a child, so a mother is | should be i. wel hd fre play. Several prizes were also re- Sunday as well as a worthwhile ser-| N. Wilson, Mrs. L., Bond. ' CAN HELP YOu CHOOSE never safe in leaving small "0 fever allowed lo use { ceived on individual items. Con-| mon. Robt. Snelgrove and Don Bea- YIHAEHETs ih cen three Suchen ines, Adults should ear rurdy 0 gratulations on a first time effort. | cock gathered the offering. It is with regret we learn that pone of water when the telephone or | "hoes cut eens a - he 4 . . : - of our former well respected citizens doorbell rings. Just as rules must mel gonrzlly be alert iigiosible 4 Gary Lee entered the Sick Chil-|_. The usual routine of regular Sun-| yo Bo Spurr passed away last week. | be established and supervision | hazards while using the mower. ( drens Hospital on Tuesday for a| day School will commence next Sun. We offer sympathy to the relatives, ! majntained ot a cottage, so child. The outdoor barbecue is one { routine check. Hope he will soon | day at 11 o'clock Worship service at | oo | ron inst dv governed and watel: | of the most popular ways many ; be home again and back to school. | 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Dickinson and 1 ed carefully while swimming or fumilies find 10 enjoy the warm Sd i Judy, Toronto enjoyed the week-end ' wading at Wore: weather months at home, yet On Wednesday of last week Miss Barbara Davidson was pleased | (itn her sister Mr.. and Mrs. Ross i. | Swimming pools should be sur. | here again precautions are neces ; while on a motor trip through this [to be a bridesmaid at the Powell- Murphy. rounded by a fenve, and the gate | 9% @ avoid serious accidents, A} . 4 3 area, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bundy | Thorndyke church wedding in Whitby. N 1 I had | kept locked while not in use, to The Ontario Safety League wars ¥ brief stop in the village . " 2 r. an 13, ral son had ! i ° cigh. | that only the correct solid or | Inde p Bundy was born n Bryan Beacock visited his Devitt their granddaughter baby Elizabeth | : ) > ay aiid 3 Be jah | Liquid starters should he used to fut : ! 1909. He took: pictures of the] °usine in Oshawa and 'attended the | Reesor, Port Perry with them one day ig Ming of all parents] light the coals, never gasoline or house which is now occupied by Ex. last week : should be capable swimmers if | they chi asi I " Slecksieal By Mr: and Mrs. E. Kent and family. The August meeting of the U.C.W. Week-end visitors with Mr. and they ure 10 he effective life rye ae harm " on N FO sho [ " ' © «© Some of the older folk will rem-| was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Mrs. B. Snelgrove were their cousins guards supervising children in Td Rey os ore 4 " -) - ember the Bundy family who kept | Hunter. Scripture was read by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, A. Snelgrove and Doug- the water. | reruld be sed nly out of doors id Fs store here for several years. Dur-| R. Dorothy Hope. Mrs G. Hunter las of Sarnia. Anuther growing summer prob Laster. ciatenil ons swe colle 0s Ing the winter months they also| unfolded an interesting article for de- i lem " the igang Dies mower divipated ds | operated a skating rink in their| votion. Dues collected and dedicated. " oy Tomas and Miss 0. Hes sn Sine syns nail en " ro Ontarie Departaent of i : 0 : shawn, w oa rs. I. Bea. } . n ' anted as just another | A back yard and this prov ided many It bin Megsiag i oe Anan Croval cock. Any, young person, or his parents, will find this | garden tool. Far from that, [IE Health asks ese yane lo heed §. hours of recreation for the young | and Linda Hunter play a vi 22-page booklet of special help in deciding about the J Made revolves at $000 times per | these few precautions, for a safe & 4 p people of that day. dost, =~ Vieo president Mis, B. Jorts en Hoa 3 : minute, and can hurl objects qr | and carefree summer. ! A occupied the chair and conducted the many career opportunities in modern agriculture, he speed of 3 bullet. Mare ond _ 2 RY The Sunday School is sponsor-| pyginess, Minutes read by Mrs. L. It's free at any branch of the Bank of Commerce or fur speed of Blots Hore un or Kin ing an evening of entertainment | peacock plus a thank-you card from| - M h | ; ; ; : : i ' ; ee ou may write t r . in the Community Hall on Friday, the Jackson family, Port Perry. anc es er " y te to ou Agriathirs) Departing a Any questions on the work of the Department of Health in this wy Sept. 13, at 8:30 p.m. The enter-| Treasurer Mrs. Jewell reported detail- . . 25 King Street West, Toronto. | field, or suggested topics for these columns, should be sent to the 6) tainment of folk music will be d Gimtires on recent wedding It Keep in mind Sunday, Sept 8th - | Director of Information and Publicity, Ontario Department of f; e / . . 's Park, T . ' 3 provided by a group called the| was agreeable the secretary send an her brad Semi of Shy, BAT ar Lak. ne i Healitn Queensibark. Survie i A Underground Four who acquired | appreciation note to Manchester U.C. o'clock a.m. and at 7.30 p.r. Special TT To To TT ! | v their name by singing in the Tor-| Women and Rebekah order for arti.| > © 5k Ft. & by Scugog. Choir in the o Over 1260 branches to serve you . 1 3 onto subways. One of the group|cles loaned during catering. The morning and Mrs. Fern Tobin and y oo ro 70 . | A is a well-known local boy, Mr.| question of sponsoring a booth was Mrs. Norma Abraham, Seagrave at - | hd #1 Brian Taylor and another is Mr.| brought before the. members, the \1"%, Norm Abraham The Townsmen Trio | i Peter Lawrence of Port Perry.| vote of hands carried in favour of it. - } The proceeds will go towards the| Committee for same--Mrs. G. Hunter Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Jennings and | § ; and Mrs. E. Martyn, three children of Toronto were dinner 7% 1 purchase of folding doors for the he ; Tentative plans are also in the | £"€5tS of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks 2 ) | Ada making for the forthcoming Wilson |" SUnday- PL wedding reception. Committee for Brenda Taylor, Stouffville spent fe same Mrs. L. Beacock, Mrs. Dorothy | several days with her grandmother A Hope and Mrs. B. Jeffs, Mrs. Crosier. [ HK | hel bh 4 ' | ¥ : $i The Autumn Rally has been invited School opened on Tuesday morn- bo" \ to meet in our church Oct. 31. Mrs, | ing with Miss Margaret Johns as 2 ' --| B. Snelgrove to arrange musical] teacher. ' 4h Sa ving :: Fa Min A NSO al : Ha A if p IN +3 - [1 8 Ld 4 4, i) \ {COMPARE RC.A. VICTOR I¥ Vista T.V i i Pg Against Any Make . . . ew 1S1a oVe Xi \ : # Anywhere . , on Any Channel pi \ THE BRONTE II Wl ° x ' oy p / $259.95 W.T. N 4 5 See also Models LN ; 23-TC-731 - 741 and 801 A Special: "MY DEAR! YOU'RE NOT 'IN' UNLESS oS : . ' , ve hl & THE COPPELIA II ) YOU'RE ON MASTER KRUMS x EN Suet prices 40 Upia the Pl aa +8 i n I'm fed only the best Master x V / ' fill yous bin with steady nhs 5 Model' SHC 870 . Gainmaker 24°, Krums. It's an WN of 'blue coal' now and save: Re- 5 REGULAR $499.95 . +, excellent concentrate, mixes well ARK member, the. sooner. you order, YWrUL . -- ' with all graina. And that molasses RAE the more you save. Call us today! MODEL No. 23-TC.802 . of flavour 1 80 palatable. You get a : hE ow . ¥ rire Loe t, Mn yalanced ration with i i, COME IN OR PHONE US TODAY i MASTER Master Krums Co i 106 5 Ac - PETER VAN GINHOVEN | WS) ots aut Cot : 1 ¥ 3 t 60. \ / / Reesor Fuel i | Michael Stanbury, Scott MacCul- last year, they write thelr own ar- ms ; ed, ' 4 } RADIO AND T.V. CENTRE # loch and Don Burke are the three|rangements of French and Span- F (members of The Townsmen, a new |ish songs, as well as standard M A S T E R E E D S & Lumber BROOKLIN 655-3651 if |folk-singing group appearing on|folk-songs. Singalong Jubilee, a PORT PERRY Phone 986 - 2131 i ; BERR ed CBC « TV's Halifax-produced pro-|summer program, is their first ! 1964-986 HANOHJ gram, Singalong Jubilee. Formed |regular TV series. ' --- Fast, Fair, and Friendly Service --