OVER 5000 ALL-ELECTRICALLY HEATED HOMES IN NOW. 39 IN UXBRIDGE AREA Ontario now has more than 5,000 medallion all-electric homes. This represents a load of-over 60,000 kilo- watts. Popularity of all-electric heating has been soaring in the past three years as architects and builders dis- cover the advantages not only for home heating but also for schools, churches, apartments, commercial buildings, and factories. Home- owners and others are reported en- thusiastic about the comforts and cleanliness of all-electric heat. No Air Pollution Electric heating also is receiving favourable attention at this time when there is growing concern for health because of increasing air pollu- tion. This type of heating does not add to air pollution problems since there is no combustion and therefore no smoke or fumes sent out into the atmosphere. In the sector of the province which Ontario Hydro calls Central Region there are some 800 medallion all- electrically heated dwellings with a total load of nearly 11,000 kilowatts, This Region which is triangular, ex- tends from Bronte on Lake Ontario almost to Port Hope. The apex is at Sutton on Lake Simcoe and included in that sector are such widely separ- ated places as Port Perry on the east and Georgetown on the west. Many in Uxbridge Area In Uxbridge town and the sur- rounding rural area there-is a total of 389 medallion electric homes. Twelve of these homes are in the town, nine having been built in the past three years and the remainder are now under construction. There is also an all-electrically heated and fully air-conditioned medical centre. There are five all-electrically heat- ed homes in Port Perry as well as three commercial buildings, 'a motel and three apartments heated by elec- tricity. New School of Nursing and 'Residence at Whithy @ ~~ MANY VARIETIES OF APPLES FOR VARIOUS USES PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Wedding Invitations Thermo-engraved (Rud tesierian Thermo-Engraving looks and feels like hand engraving, but costs about half as much--and it's ready within the week. Thermo-Engraving eliminates the cop- per plate that makes hand engraving so costly and time consuming. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. 11 distinctive styles of lettering. Weddings priced as low as $9.00 for 50 and $13.50 for 100, com. plete with double envelopes and tissues. Come in and see our complete cata- logue! Matching announcements, at home cards, enclosure cards, eto. PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. The modern way to be traditionally correct The Bouquet Invitation Line PHONE 985-2331 ge Al FOOD MARKETS Prices Effective This Week-End Wednesday -- Saturday Sept. 4-7 Prince Albert Special on Sale at Your CARLOAD Market TULIP "MARGARINE LB rr y L) - - > a wv L *) w x J ' - - I . -~ ' \ -- 1} | H ww Tan H { . | { LJ A [ * - A Ge bee A "~ | i 1] y ik bd A 7h | ¥ 1-1b. C . Pkgs. DR. BALLARD CHAMPION DOG FOOD "9 15 oz. Tins - 19 ROYAL -- 2¢ OFF Inst. Puddings 2 »« 27 MAXWELL HOUSE -- COFFEE The New No Key Can 6° off ». 79° DELSEY Toilet Tissue .; 2 rs 27° Winner 1st Prize--Mrs. E. Goulding 2nd Prize--Mrs, 1. Doyle 8rd Prize--Mr. L. Durward FREE DRAW Free Draw on Hanging Lamp with a $5.00 Order or Over. FREE DELIVERY Phone 985-2492 STORE HOURS Daily 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. . "Tuesday 8:30 to 1:00 p.m. FRESH SHANKLESS PICNICS .. e THIS WEEK'S MEAT FEATURES e 7' " LIC} FRESH LEAN PORK BUTTS .......... a LEAN MEATY - SPARE RIBS LT! J FRESH. SLICED PORK LIVER LILI I IE IE IE IE I) I' b * SCHNEIDERS -- CORNMEAL BACK BACON .......... Apple time is heye in Ontario. With it, often comes confusion about what kind of apples to buy for a particular purpose. Here are brief sketches on five popular kinds of Ontario-grown apples. DELICIOUS --This apple is medium to large in size and has a deep red colored skin. It can be distingiushed by au ring of bumps around the blos- som end of the fruit, Delicious ap- ples are rated: 'excellent' for eating and salads, and 'fair' for sauce and baking. RHODE ISLAND GREENING-- These apples can be easily identi- fied by their green or yellowish skins. Rhode Island Greening apples are rated: 'good' for baking and sauce, and 'fair' for eating and salads. CORTLAND -- These apples are large and predominantly red in color. They are rated: 'excellent' for sauce and 'good' for eating, baking, salnds and ples. McINTOSH---These apples are me- dium to large in size and a bright red in color. The red background color is striped with carmine. Some very highly colored fruit is almost purplish in color. - MeclIntosh apples are rated: 'excellent' for cating and 'good' for baking, sauce and salads. NORTHERN SPY -- The average Northern Spy apple is larger in size than the average of the other kinds of apples mentioned here. 'The pale yellow skins of the apples are nearly concealed by pinkish-red stripes. Northern Spy apples are rated: 'ex- cellent' for pies and sauce, and 'good' for eating, baking and salads. " Food experts at Macdonald Insti- tute, Guelph, suggest that you try the various kinds of apples, and then, when you have determined your fav- orites, you can confidently buy them in quantity. Distributed from: BOSTON - LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AM INTERNATIONAL DAILY MEWSPAPRIR Interesting Accurate Complete Internetionel News Ceoverege The Cheistion Sshmes Meriter One Norway St, Boston If, Mane. Sond your mowpeper for the time checked, Onslesed find dhosh or meney ender, 0 0 6 menthe MN) 0 wants 95.00 vs ee ems R_ 1 2 __ 3 rr LJ E50 re-16 LIVE.BETTER Electrically ..... with an..ELECTRIC WATER HEATER & My uve TTR , "Wormer 2h, Te RD tlh THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, SEPTEMBER bth, 1968-8 LEASIDE ANNIVERSARY PLANS TAKE SHAPE l.easide, Ontario is about its birthday party which will last three days and wind up with an open air church service September 16th, in Serena Gundy Park; one of the area's Prettiest and most natural. The community of 18,850 will witness a variety of programming which in- fireworks, a "Miss Leaside" contest, a "stopper" of a parade fea- turing a long line-up of colourful floats, including a horse-drawn fire THE BEST enthusiastic OF BOTH -- sters busy thinking up reasons "Why I Like To Live In Leaside". Because Leaside happens to be the site of delivery of the country's very first air mail, young Leasiders are invited to recreate the scene June 24th, 1918, when Captain Brian Peek landed with a bag 'of mail from Montreal in JN4. being cludes a Curtiss Leaside industry is arranging "at uw Drum Corps Competition is drawing a special turnout to Var- sity Stadium and a full programme will emphasize what a vigorous sports Town Leaside 15. In short, Leaside, 1 homes"; reel and some vintage cars (Durants were made in Leaside in 1922 until the early thirties), TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (on easy, 5-year, budget terms) On the serious side will be dedica- tion of a new vocational wing of Lea-| first settled by James Lea in 1819 side High School built in 1949 and and named by CPR in 1881 when it the object of growing pains once be bought rights-of-way, is on parade September 12th through 16th Green and gold signs are signalling approach of these four fun-packed days. fore in 1064. An essay competition has youny- LHO04 100000000000 > > $ 4 ® 4 by Ld 3 USINESS FORMS 3 ® L 4 ® L 4 $ of any size, shape or style can be obtained p 4 4 from us. If we can't print them ourselves p ¢ 4 HOME HEAT 3 we can order them from one of the specialized 4 L 4 ' . r 3 SERVICE $ companies for which we are agents. Items such 3 AT NO COST TO YOU 4 as Continuous Business forms, counter check $ 1 books, the new magnetic ink cheques, etc., can be ¢ BURNFIELD and 4 obtained at reasonable prices through us. p4 ® 4 BAL $ e SEE US FIRST e $ LARD | $ 3 3 Plumbing and Heating 1 The Port Perry Star Co. Lid. p 4 4 985 - 2491 Port Perry |$ 3 DEPARTM the luxury look in CASUAL COATS ~ CN er Styled by IRVING POSLUNS leving Posluns adds that touch of luxury to his already superlative coats f ... heaps on collars of pretend fur and { thick racoon, or strokes them with i leather. How can a girl resist? . Pure wool, laminated for warmth and shope-retention. Trotter-length, mock belted . . . racoon collar $29.95 Leatherette trimmed, trotter length $27.96 $29.95 Full-length, chin-high pretend fur collar All in red, gold, camel, loden, brown or black . . sizes 8 to 20 SKI JACKETS IN ATTRACTIVE LINES S $16.95 - $19.95 PHONE: 985-2521 ~ Savage Shoes for School Children's $4.95 BOYS and GIRLS $4.95 - $5.95 PORT PERRY A ae NE i eto oI Yo NA em Nd A a Tn ra ee pr age CT ea Foy re NT a Ha Wn