6 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, SEPTEMBER bth, 1963 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE BUILDING A NEW HOUSE? Check our Special Rates for homes under construction. EMMERSON Insurance Agency Port Perry, Ont. spt 26 Apex TV Service TELEVISION REPAIRS Port Perry -- Phone 985-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 81/63 SIGNS L. LANGILLE ~~ 985-2916 Oct. 18. EARL WALLACE ROOFING | Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminum Roofing Eavestroughing, also Sturgeon Paint for house or barn. We will contract for all kinds of roof work. 985--7964, Port Perry 1.25 Sept. 26/63 Phone EADE'S NURSING HOME Elderly and Convalescent Patlents . Semi-Private Accomodation, Men and Women. Tray Service. Reasonable rates "A home away from home" Phone: 985-2806 1.26- Sept. 19/68 LS a a oF a a TEACHING PIANO EDITH PLATFORD, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. any grade. Special courses for beginners. For appointment phone 9856-7563 1 --Oct. 81/68 - a aaa as. For Income Tax and BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 985-7081 Specializing in small business and farm operations, Any age, Dec. 19th FARM HOMES MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR Sunderland, Ont. Phone 303 Agents: I'red Brooks 986-7168 Joan Bagg 985-7379 Nov. 21/63 BUSINESS LOTS GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO 'I'elephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. 1. Dec. 31, 63 L. J. Skaife, C.A. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 205 Frances St. Whitby B 668-8197 (by appointment only at Main St., Orono) 1--Spt. b A. E. Johnson OPTOMETRIST _ MARY STREET, PORT PERRY Eyes Examined Prescriptions Filled Wed. 9-12 noon, Mon. - Fri. 7-8 Phone for appointment 986-2383 or 723-2721 _ 1.6--Sept. 12/63 'E. G. Kennedy ® Pit Run Gravel ® Washed Sand and Stone ® Brick Sand and Chips. FOR QUICK SERVICE call 985-7982. 1.--Sept. 6/68 ER ee NICK'S Dead Stock Service Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses, Hogs and small animals removed free For fast service, 24 hours a day Music Teacher Piano and Organ GLORIA HASTINGS 985-2539 Oct. 9/63 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Du- plicators, Cheque Writers, Compto- meters. Three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 187 Brock South, Whitby, Ont. MO. 8-6849. T.F. RIMAR MEMORIALS GRANITE MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING DEPENDABLE SERVICE 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone : 723-1002 Sept. 12/68 SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned By PUMP - EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED 'Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Feb. 28/64 LASSIFIED PHONE 985-2331 LJ CLASSIFIED ADS. & COPY MUS SE IN BY 9 a.n. WEDNESDAY TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for most muchines ut Port Perry Star. FOUND -- Hereford Steer, to farm at Lot 17, Con. 9. Brooklin 6656-4782. strayed Phone Sept. 12 GENUINE ANTIQUES -- black walnut dining table, walnut settee, oak hall mirror, small secretary. Also buffet, 65 dining room chairs, oil space heater, bed, library table. Priced for quick sale. Phone evenings or week-end 985-2563, FOR SALE -- Paymaster Corp. Cheque-writing machine. Like new. $76.00. Phone 986-7642. Sept. 12 FOR SALE -- Chest type Freezer in good condition. 17 cubic feet. 986-4360. FOR SALE--Fender Spanish Elec- tric Guitar and Amplifier; . also lady's bicycle. Phone 986-2420. FOR SALE--Thor Ironer; 11 tube cabinet Westinghouse radio; walnut tea wagon and. tray; record player; household weigh scales. Phone 986-2366. "FOR SALE -- Two boys' bicycles; also 1963 Triumph 660 c.c. Motor- cycle. Phone 985-7937. FOR SALE--Man's gabardine top- coat, size 40, zip-in lining, like new. Also car coat. Phone evenings 98b- 2836. FRESH GARDEN CORN for sale. E. W. Jewell, Simcoe South, Prince Albert. FOR SALE -- tanks. Guaranteed good. Phone 985-2160. 200 gallon used oil $156.00. TYPEWRITER FOR SALE-- Rem- ington. Standard keyboard with French accents. Good condition 986-2846. LOST -- Eyeglasses, dark rims, in brown case, between Sweetman's Garage and the Island. Reward. 986-2634. NEED a MORTGAGE LOAN? W. WARD . ] Well Digging BY MACHINE Specializing in 30" tile 204 Chestnut-Street, West Whitby, Ont. 668-2568 Oct. 31/68 TRENCHING EXCAVATING - BACKHOE WORK - WATER LINES TILE TRENCHING, ETC. -- SEPTIC TANKS and DISPOSAL BEDS Supplied and Installed Ken Middleton PORT PERRY 986 - - 7648 Oct. 3/63 - Well Digging PERCY BUCK R.R. 1, Omemee, Ontario Phone 799-5518 Oct. 17/68 WELLS CLEANED AND REPAIRED PHONE 985.7566 7 days a week -- Phone: Uxbridge -- ULster 2-3319 No charge to you. We pay all telephone charges. Prop, NICK MONTAGUE License No. 172-62 R.R, No. 1, Foxmead A Private party to invest in 1st and 2nd mortgages; agreements for sale and mortgages purchased. Low rates; your mortgage prob- lems gladly discussed. No fees, no waiting. Call any time. Osh- awa 7238-8291 or 726-2589. spt 18. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 8 rooms and bath. Phone 281w2 Sunderland, collect. TF. FOR RENT--6-room ground floor apartment, also basement; garage and garden. Furnace. $60.00 per month. 986-7078. FOR RENT--Apartment consisting of Living room; kitchen; one bedroom bathroom and utility room. R. A. Gibson, 986-2478. AVON NOW IS THE TIME To look into the Avon Opportunity. Write today for Interview, P.O. Box 612, Oshawa, Ont. HELP WANTED -- Woman for general housework, One day a week. 986-2112 or evenings 985-2245. Sept. H WANTED Heated room, unfurni- shed, also board--or room and board for retired gentleman. Phone 986- 2419. Mr. Frank Staples. DUCK HUNTER desires to lease proven Marsh or Pond. Please write to Box b4, Port Perry Star, giving full particulars. Sept. b NOTICE Slater's North End Service Station will be closed September 9th to 19th Sept. bth Farm Wanted I have a client looking for a 100 acre to 150 acre farm suitable for dairy- ing. He prefers a house with con- veniences and a reasonably good barn, with water and hydro, in the $20,000 price range. Large down payment available. Write or phone Collect to: John M. Baird REAL ESTATE BROKER MARKHAM, Ontario Phone Markham 294.1431 Sept. 12 Tenders for Painting GOG SCHOOL BOARD until Septem- ber 7, 1963 for painting all outside 1 and No. 2 brick Lowest or any Tender not woodwork on No. schools. necessarily accepted. Address tend- Sam Arnold, Secretary, R.R. Sept. b ers to: 3, Port Perry. > en . ADVERTISERS DEADLINE! We ask our advertisers to take note of these times:-- Display advertising to be in by 2 p.m. on Tuesday of each week. Classified advertising accepted until 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday of each week. Your co-operation in bringing your copy to us early will enable us to get your "Star" to you on time. f Tenders will be received by SCU- Auction Sales SAT, SEPT. 7 Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the Estate of the late Mrs. Wm.- O'Neil, in the Vil- lage of Greenbank on Saturday, Sept. Tth. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Gerald Graham and Larry Johnson, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SAT., SEPT. Tth--Auction Sale of 36 Cattle, 26 Hogs, M.F. Tractor, Im- plements, Hay, Grain, Straw, the property of Jan Kochmen. Lot 24, Con. 1, Brock, on the Andy McTag- gart Farm, Sonya, Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Roy Scott and Glenn Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. TUES., SEPT. 17th--Auction Sale of 50 Registered and High Grade Hol- stein Cattle, 12 Hereford Stockers, 2 Tractors, Combine, Baler, Crimper, Full Line of Modern Machinery, the property of Wm. J. Sedgwick, Lot 18, Con. 5, Asphodel Twp., just north of Highway #7 on the 6th Line, 16 miles east of Peterboro. Terms Cash. Implement Sale at 10.80 a.m., Cattle Sale at 2.30 p.m. Lunch available. TED JACKSON and TED SPENCELEY, Sale Managers and Auctioneers. WED., SEPT. 18th--Auction Sale of Furniture, the property of Whit- ney Durham, Lot 14, Con. 1, Reach, just east of Prospect on #7 & 12 Highways. Terms Cash. Sale"at 1.30 pm. C. Heayn, and G. Wana- maker, Clerks, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS. SEPT. 26th -- Auction Sale of Chev. Truck, %-Ton 1960 Mo- del, 3 Tractors, Int. Combine and Full line of Implements, the propeity of Ernest Paradine and Estate of C. Gordon McMehen, Lot 5, Con. 9, Reach, on the Paradine Farm on #47 Highway. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Further Information Apply to: F. H. Burnaby, Canada Permanent Trust Co., 263 Bay St., Toronto. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED., SEPT. 18th--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the Estate ,of the late Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kaiser, will be held in the Village of Sutton. Terms Cash. No Reserve. "Sale at 1.30 p.m. Plan to attend. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer FRI. EVENING SEPT. 6th--Aue- tion Sale of 'Household Furniture, In- cluding: Refrigerator, Elect. Stove, Dining Room Suite, Bedroom Suite, Dinette Chairs, Lawn Furniture, Qu. of Hardwood, the property of Mrs. Ruby Staley, 86 Mechanic Street in Uxbridge (one street south -of Post office). Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 7.00 p.m., sharp. LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer. and buildings. Must be locat Realtors, PLUMBING - Phone 985-2473 4--0Oct. 8/68 A PLUMBING WES LANE .HEATING - HEATING WIRING ELECTRIC Port 'Perry FARM WANTED Client with substantial cash has- just been expropriated by the Railway and is anxious to move to the Uxbridge, Port Perry, Brooklin area. Would like farm 50 to 100 acres with sound buildings and barn, to carry on small farming operation Can pay up to $20,000.00 depending on acreage Call or write VERN GRIFFIN % Thos. N. Shea Ltd., ed before October. Box 3, Markham. 294-1372. SOLD BY Reesor Fuel and Lumber PORT PERRY 986 - 7961 Ee 2 ; tan hain Ea Photo--Ontcrio Dept. of Health Ontario's Department of Health took part in the World's Congress against Tuberculosis held in Ontario in September, 1961. Dymond Discusses Health in Ontario Tuberculosis -- The Silent Enemy Matthew B. Dymond, MD, CM. Ontario Minister of Health progrannnes among prisone rs, homes for the aged, recipients of { public assistance, foster purents, {bush camp workers, new admis. sions to general hospitals, school board and hospital employees, miners, food handlers, and many others in various walks of life. The Branch of your Ontario Depart- ment of Health also provides a provincial mass tuberculin test. ing and chest X-ray service. Near- ly 375,000 people attended these surveys last year. Once a person has been found to have the discase there is no ° While there has been a dram- atic decline in the -tuberculosis death rate in recent years the incidence of active disease con- tinues to be a significant prob. lem. Ontario is in a relatively fortunate position compared to a few years ago, but tuberculosis is still far from conquered. Dur- ing 1961 there were 137 deaths and 1703 active cases of tuber culosis. Such figures, though con. siderably less: than in past years, certainly show that tuberculosis constitutes a- public health prob. lem of major importance. Tuberculosis' 'may be called the silent enemy because of its in sidious onset. It gives little; if any warning of its presence in the early stages. Consequently great emphasis must be placed on detection and! diagnosis through regular examination, to prevent development in the patient him. self and its spread to other mem- | bers of his family and com- munity. " There are 213 clinics located in 247 different centres" in On. tario operated by various agencies including the Department of Health. County and district tuber- . culosis associations contribute to- wards the cost of over 200 of these clinics through funds raised from the sale of Christmas seals. There are special case finding Tuberculosis Prevention quick cure. The chronic nature of the disease means a lengthy period of treatment. A period of 18 to 24 months is required to ensure u satisfactory result: Patients are able to leave sana. sooner than in earYier years, but they continue their treatment as prescribed to prevent the disease from becom ing active again. Tuberculosis can be prevented and cease to be a public health problem. In order to accomplish this goal public awareness of the problem is a necessity. Your On- tario Department of Health and local tuberculosis associations do all they can to detect and con. trol this dis¢ase, and by regular X-rays and participation in mass survey programines, you can help do your part. torium must FEMALE HELP "WANTED EXPERIENCE & LEARNERS ON : POWER SEWING MACHINES 40 hr. week. Incentive system APPLY IN PERSON CANADIAN H. W. GOSSARD co. Port Perry ~~ lll iii i - \! \ NN \ -- L 4 . ~ a | * Ny PE SNE