fF vy Ea sds ; ¢ Na " -. & o Blackstock News A group of Junior GirM from St. Saviour's Church, "Toronto, attended service in St. John's Anglican Church SufiGay "ufoth- | ing. Canon Ashmore delivered a fine sermon from the subject --"Citizens of no mean Coun- try". The O.N.O. club held its Sept. meeting at the home of Mus. Jessie Gunter Thursday evening with 18 members and one visitor in attendance. Roll call was bring your favourite book to loan for a month. Proceeds from a bakeless bake sale plus a small donation from the club funds amounted to $25.00 to be given Port Perry Hospital. Club accepted an invitation to cater to the Federation of Agricul- ture luncheon Nov. 30. A cook- ing school was discussed and a tentative date set for Spring, 1964." Also decided to have a New Year's Eve Dance as usual. The hostess conducted a sur- name contest after which bar- becued hamburgers and coffee brought a pleasant evening to a close. Mrs. Ross Duff was hostess on Wednesday evening for a miscellaneous shower for her 0) 3 LG SLIVER WHEN BUILDERS MEET ea bite [oF 0 BUSINESS DEALINGS ELECTRIC CONTRACTING-REPAIRS ELECTRIC HEATING CE AVL EAN dA: THE BEST OF BOTH / tdian | visited Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers -{ Henrys, Bowmanville and aunt Mrs. Edna Gibson of Bow- manville. Approximately 35 kelatives and friends enjoyed a pleasant evening, and the pro- spective bride was the recipi- ent of many useful gifts. The new officers -for--High School Students Council are: President--Janice Byers; Sec'y- Treas. -- Lynda Kyte; Social convenor -- Sylvia Lawrence; Grade 13 representative--Brian Gray; Grade 12--Floyd Kyte: Grade 11--Ray Mountjoy; Gr. 10. -- Judy Swain; Grade 9-- Margaret Argue. Friday 'night the initiation i dance for Grade 9 students of Cartwright High School was held in the Community Hall. All grade 9 students were in hum- orous costumes. Prize for the best boy's costume went to War- 'ren Rohrer and Sheila Sharp, won the prize for girl's costume. Dancing to records was en- joyed. A spot dance was won by Linda Gray and Bob Kyte. Lunch was served. A good many from this area attended Lindsay fair Thursday, Friday or Saturday. The Me- Laughlin brothers are still keeping up their records in horse shoé pitching. Roy won 1st prize and Harold 2nd prize in the singles local class\_at Lindsay Saturday. Mrs. Ernest Swain and Mus. Harold McLaughlin enjoyed the Columbus U.C.W. dessert lun- cheon on Tuesday. - Mr, and Mrs. Grant Fergus- on and family, Toronto were Sunday dinner guests of Roy and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Fergus- on. Hilton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard VanCamp and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orillia visited Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Strong and family on Sunday. Mr. Herb Hooey= spent the week-end attending the Cana- Keswick Presbyterian Men's Conference. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp and Miss Mable Van Camp were Sunday supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Swain Van Camp, Oshawa. __. Mr. and Mrs. B. de Jong and : family, Nestleton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock. visited Mr. and Mrs. David Ro- meril and family, Wolfe Island Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wotten, 'Toronto, visited Mrs. Lewis Henry, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Jessie Weir, Brooklin Hl Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Fennell, Kemptville were guests of her mother Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mr. '| Smith and Oliver last. week and visited other relatives. Mrs. Lewis Henry spent the week-end with the Merrill Jack Webbs, Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tomkinson and son Erie, Weston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning on - | Saturday. TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (on easy, 5-year, budget terms) HOME HEAT SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU BURNFIELD 'BALLARD g _ Plumbing and Heating 985 - 2491 . Port Perry Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ar- cher were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson, Toronto and Mr. and iy Vincent Archer, Bowman- ville. : Saturday. | Ashburn News Mrs, M. Dryden, of Brooklin, spent a couple of days last '| 'week at the John Miller home. Mrs. W. Downing, of Toronto is visiting her daughter Mrs. Fred Daw. ; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton, were Sunday guests of Mrs. N. Wilson, at" Locust Hill. York, U.S.A. spent last week at the home of Mrs. W. Hop- kins Sr. Messrs. Russell Batten; Fred Stephen; Norman Anderson and Arthur-Holman spent the week- end at Camp Keswick attend- ing the conference of Presby- terian Men, Pleased to report. Mr. Wm. Lee progressing favourably from his recent operation in Uxbridge Hospital. ; Rally Day Service will be held in Burn's Church on Sun- day, Sept. 29th at 11.30 a.m. Greenhank News Next Sunday morning at 12 o'clock the annual Rally Day soxpice will be held. Mrs. Har- ris will be the speaker and the Girls' Choir will sing. At the congregational meet- ing held last Tuesday evening it was decided to purchase a new Baldwin Organ for the Church. Mr and Mrs. Percy Mustard of Miami, Man. were guests of. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pearson last week. On Saturday they visit- ed friends at Bradford. Pleased to report that Mr. Archie Empringham is pro- gressing favourably following surgery in Riverdale Hospital. Miss Denise Dusty spent a few days with her cousins, Deb- bie and Rodney Snodden of Valentia. A large crowd attended the W.I. meeting held in the Hall last Wed evening. Over thirty ladies from Honeydale were present. The Scott Jr. Calf Club are meeting on Wed. evening of this. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask. With John as leader they will make plans for Scott Fair. Mrs. Howard McMillan was the local delegate from the U.C.W. to the Convention held at Ivy Lea during the week-end Several ladies attended the U.C.W. Rally held at Pinedale on Tues, of this week. PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., SEPT, 26th, 1963--11 Maybelle Rebekah Lodge Holds Exchange of Regalia Ceremony The regular meeting of May- belle Rebekah Lodge No. 348 was held on Tuesday, Septem- ber 17, 1963, in the lodge rooms. Noble Grand, Sister Lillian Harper presided, assisted by Vice Grand, Sister Georgina Moore who reported for the sick committee, Members were welcomed from Oshawa No. 3, Beehive, Benevo- lent, Easter, Lady Nelson, Hea- ther and Kinoven lodges. Also present was Sister Dolmage, D.D.P. of Oshawa West No 17. Under Good and Welfare, the exchange of regalia ceremony was held. This is the first time that this ceremony has been held in Ontario. Sister Flossie Ball, retiring D.D.P. and her staff and Sister Grace Love D.D.P. and her staff retired, Miss Marnie Lambert of Co- lumbus spent the week-end with Miss Lynne Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beer of Whitby and Miss Wanda Carter of Whitevale were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Foster. Mr. Reggie Foster and Mr. Donald Harper attended Lind- say Fair on Friday and Reg. spent the week-end with Don- ald's parents. then entered the lodge room forming a "V" on the floor. The 'District Deputy Presidents were escorted to the front where Sister Ball presented her collar to Sister Love. Sister Love then presented Sister Ball with her past D.D. pin. In ro- tation the retiring staff exchan- ged collars with the new staff, who then formed a semi-circle. Sister Nettie Aldred, Marshall of the installing team escorted Sister Love to the center of the floor, introducing her to the lodge. Sister Love was given the honours and her commission was read. After Sister Love made her reply, she asked her team to assemble, and the Mar- shall to escort Sister Ball to the foot of the rainbow. Here Sis- ter Love presented Sister Ball with a pot of gold as a final re- membrance to her year as D.D.P Lodge closed in regular form. Refreshments were served in the lunch room to approximately one hundred members. Please remember that Open Installation will be held in the Public School on Saturday, Oct- ober 26, 1963. Other dates to remember are Installation at Orono; October 8, Port Hope; October 17; Oshawa, October 23, and Bowmanville, October 28. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow, Rev. and Mrs. P, Romeril | Mrs. David Hill returned to| her home in Richmond Hill on Miss Alma Griffith, of New| ~ CORN SYRUP .. 35 1. aly zie ON SALE THIS WEEK-END AT YOUR CARLOAD FOOD MARKET Prince Albert This Week's Meat Features ~~ CANADA'S FINEST ~ re QUICK COOKING Ogilvie OATS ... 63 5 1b. Bag: LEAN TENDER Round or Rump 1b STEAK or ROAST ........ 89 LEAN -" 12¢ OFF Blue BREESE ... 79 Gt. Pkg. Loin HEINZ Tomato Ketchup .. 23° PORK CHOPS 09 11 oz. Btl. PORK SALADA TEA BAGS ...... 79 ~ os | LIVER FRESH, SLICED RINDLESS - NABISCO 'Shredded Wheat .. 33 SIDE 18 oz. Pkg. AERO Liquid WAX. 47° 83 BACON ......... 1b. DEVON 1b. Pkg. Wallet 63 Pts. Qts. ROYAL YORK Peanut Buffer ... 35 16 oz. Jar PURE: Raspberry or Strawberry E.D. Smith JAM .. 3% RLOAD FOOD MARKLTS Winner OF LAST WEEK'S DRAW MRS. PAUL ESPIE FREE DRAW ON SUNBEAM DOLL--With an Order of $5.00 or Over. 9 oz. Jar FREE DELIVERY Phone 985-2492 STORE HOURS Daily 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday 8:30 to 1:00 p.m. Prices Effective This Week-End WED. - SAT., SEPT. 25 - 28