-- 1 > .Y [el] & *& . by Lynn Lashbrook, president -o'clock. 'by her father wore a traditional fitted bodice with .a bateau neckline embossed with J Ontario Hydro Opens New Power Station Just South of James Bay of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Ass'n In Hobetown, Ontario, or the back concessions, the only link with Ontario Hydro is the re- pairman who braves electrical, wind and ice storms to restore power and keep the system in repair generally. To tM newsmen who attended the opening of Ontario Hydro's new Otter Rapids generating plant, 93 miles north of Coch- rane and about the, same dist- ance south of James Bay, there was the realization many more are involved in the complex or- ganization that is H.E.P.C. First glimpse at the new Ex- tra High Voltage plant and dam' proved years of planning by many engineers in Hydro's Tor- onto head office went into the plant before its generators could be%¥ started. CL Too, it was obvious the la- bor of hundreds of men for many months were involved in taming the rapids, blasting and excavating the rock, building the dam, powerhouse and trans- mission line, before any electri- city could be ion; on to feed into the province's System. But why did Ontario Hydro select such a location so far north from centres of popula- tion and industry? The reason is that Ontario (Continued on Page 15) Mary E. Moore, Wed In Blackstock United Church Baskets of white and pink gladioli formed the setting for the. marriage of Mary Evelyn Moore and Larry John Ashton, Miss Elizabeth Hayes, of Co- lumbus provided the wedding music and accompanied the so- loist, Mrs. David Weldon of Oshawa, who sang: The Lord's Prayer and My Pledge to Thee. The Rev. Claude Gilbert of Scu- gog Island officiated in Black- stock United Church on the Seventeenth of August at 230 * Evelyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen (Sandy) Moore and Larry is the son of Mrs. Ashton and the late Mr. Bruce Ashton. Ton : The bride given in marriage gown of peau-de-faille. The its corded 'waist and lily-point sleeves had crescents of guipure lace. The full belle-shaped skirt was hea- vily appliqued with panels of guipure lace. From the lower- ed bustle back two large petal- ed roses caught the beginning of a flowing capel train. A petal rose and leaves of the same material caught a bhouffant veil of silk illusion. 'Evelyn carried a white bible with an orchid, stephanotis and carnation arrangement. The Bride was attended by her sister Miss Louise Moore as maid of honour; Miss Doris MR. AND MRS. 'Wotten. Bowmanville, the bride's mother 'linen 'LARRY 'J. ASHTON Larry J. Ashton : Ashton and Mrs. Robert Kellar! as bridesmaids; Miss Susan | Slute and Miss Janet Bragg as. flower girls. | They were gowned alike in white embroidered nylon street length dresses, with pink satin |] waistline insets, bows and flowers. Their headdresses were the same pink satin pillbox type hats, trimmed with a flat cab- bage rose and circular veils. The attendants carried nosegay bouquets of pink roses, carna- tion and gladioli florets with po-do-carpus leaves. Mr. Lloyd Wilson was best man and the ushers were Mr. Robert Kellar and Mr. Ernest For the reception, at the Fly- ing' Dutchman Motor Hotel of received wearing a dress of blue organza with white beading at the neckline. She wore white accessories and a pink rose and carnation corsage. Mrs. Ashton assisted, wearing a draped dress of gray and pink floral silk, with white accessories and a white carnation and pink rose corsage. For the honeymoon to Lake Placid the bride chose a yellow sheath with 3; length matching" coat," yellow hat and white accessories, white steph- anotis and carnation corsage complimented her ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ashton are residing in Regency Towers, 349 Marland Ave. Oshawa, Ontario. of opened Sept. 11. Ontario Hydro's new Otter Rapids Gener- ating Station, located on the Abitibi River 93 miles north of Cochrane, was officially The plant, which will "have a capacity of 174,800 kilowatts by Oct. 1, will be the first of four new plants PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. SEPT. 26th, 1963--13 SY Abitibi. to be completed in the James Bay water- shed which will provide an additional 560,- 000 kilowatts for the province by 1966. The concrete and earth power dam stretches for 1,800 feet between the steep banks of the --Ontario Hydro Photo Hilltop Herald | By-Jody Eade On Thursday 19th, the grade nine students 'of Port Perry High were officially welcomed to the School, The Student Council members prepared a party for the first year stud- ents to. give them a chance to get acquainted. The school song was sung and- they joined in some familiar school cheers which were led by the new '63- 64 cheerleaders. Port Perry High School field day was held on Friday 20th. Students who qualify will tra- vel to Uxbridge to participate in the inter-school field day ~meet which: is to be held Thurs, 26th. The championship winners of Friday's meet are: Sénior boy Larry Davidson, Runner up Grant Tummonds; Intermediate boy Bill Draper, Runner up Bob Hunter, Junior boy Arnold Heayn, Runner up. Dale Beare and Jim Nightingale tied; Sr. girl Gerry Cooper, Runner up Judy Dagenais: - Intermediate girl Marilyn Fralick, Runner up Areanne den Boer; Junior girl Betty Medd, and Runner up Pa- tricia Aldred. The South Ontario Junior Ploughling match was held on Saturday 21st, in Brooklin. Winners from Port Perry High School were boys under 16 yrs. Ken Wilson with 2nd; and over 4] vears, Robert Fawns, with Ist. = --_--X-- - Preshyterian WMS Septemher Meeting The September meeting of St. John's Women's Missionary So- ciety was held at the home of Mrs. B. D. Armstrong, Bigelow Street. Mrs, L. Paterson, the President, conducted the meet- ing and gave the.@alt~to Wor- ship. The Scripture Lesson 'was read by Mrs. H, Smits and the prayer offered by Mrs. H. Buntain, Miss Margaret Stuart report- ed that Fifty-two Dollars had been sent to the Reverend Mr. Chan and Fifty Dollars to The Koreans in Japan. Mrs. Pat- terson 'at 'this point presented also the Treasurer's Report. Mrs H. Smits requested that | all. articles of new and used '| clothing for the bale to be sent to her by September 28th. The Study on "Asia's Rim" | was preesnted by Mrs. L, Hun- ter and took the. form of a Question and Answer period. An invitation was received | from the Woodville W.M.S. to atend their Anniversary meet-| ing early in October. 'The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn and the repeating of thé Mizpah Bene- "| diction. They areé®going_to be greatly Prospect News |» On Saturday evening, Sept. 8th, a party was held at the school to bid farewell to a high- ly respected couple, Mr. and Mrs. W. Durham. Progressive Euchre was enjoyed during the first part of the evening and prizes donated te the winners. The honoured guests were call- ed to the platform and Leslie Smith read the address, after which, they were presented with a lovely picture. Mr. and Mrs. Durham responded expressing their thanks and appreciation. They have taken up residence in an apartment in Hamilton, where they will be near their daughter, and we do wish them good health and 'happiness. missed in this community for their faithfulness to the church, but pleasant memories will re- main with us as we recall the good times spent in their beau- tiful spacious home. A social time followed and lunch served. The U.C.W. presented Mrs. Durham with a cup and saucer. as a token of affection. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Mosienko who were married in Toronto on August 31st. The church 'parlor was the scene of a shower on Satur- |, day evening, September 14th, when friends from Prospect and Cedar Creek gathered to bestow upon the mnewly-weds many lovely useful gi An address was read by Mr. E. Dearborn, and after all the gifts had been unwrapped, David and Lynn ex- pressed their sincere thanks to everyone. They will reside in Toronto where David will fur- ther his university education. The lunch served included a beautifully decorated cake made especially for the occasion. The Anniversary Service at Prospect Church was well at- tended on Sunday. It was a great inspiration in music and prayer to see and hear Dr. Hun- nissett, his two twelve year old. boys who sang so beautifully, and their young accomplished Much credit is due r.. Hunnissett for his wonder- ful work in the past forty-five years and with God's Blessings may he continue in this field. We .do hope to have the privi- lege of hearing them again. The U.C.W. will meet on Thursday, October 10th, at the home of Mrs, Jack Holtby. Mrs. Bruce Holtby and Jan- ette spent a few days at Parry Sound, visiting with their Aunt and Unele. " organist. Scugog News Mr. and Mrs. Schmid and fa- mily of Orono visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs A. Kreig. Dr. Ray Fralick of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fralick. Master John Walker and Miss Lynne Walker of Toronto week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright of Stouffville visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. H NThomas. Miss Sandra Fralick of Tor- onto spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Fralick. Mr. R. Cawker, Mr. G. Flewell and Mr. L. Hance, visited in Argyle recently. Mr. and 'Mrs. B. Swinson and family of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Blakely and son of Picker- ing spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick. :- Miss Kay Jackson spent Sun- day with friends in Port Perry. Master Cole Humphrey is in Oshawa Hospital. Do hope you are home again soon Cole. Services next Sunday at 11.15 am. All are urged to be pre- sent. : ~ Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis of Dun- barton dinner guests of Mrs. M. McLaren recently. 'Mrs. Connie Mawhinney of Ajax visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred. Guides be present Monday night at seven at the Hall for your regular meeting. A number from the Island were present at Lindsay Fair. Announce Change of Management The Farmer and Boyd families wish to thank all those who have been both customers and friends during the past many years when they operated the printing and publishing business. We have valued not only your patronage but also your friendly cooperation. Mr, and Mrs. Pete Hvidsten of Uxbridge have taken over the shares of the Company and will continue to operate The Port Perry Star Co. Ltd. They are both experienced in weekly newspaper work and will give you the service and help you need in all your activities. Mr. Bill Harrison, who was formerly with the "Star" has returned after gaining valuable experience in other communi- ties. He will hold the position of managing editor of the business. Other members of the staff remain and there should be no interruption in the good service we have tried to give to you.