16--PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. SEPT. 26th, 1963 Raglan News The fall season started for Raglan United Church U.C.W. with their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Bryant on Sept. 4th. There was a good attendance, and the President Mrs. Leonard Slute opened the meeting with the singing in uni- son of the hymn "Eternal are Thy Mercies Lord". rd Har- old Luke read the Scripture. "Love of God" was the subject of the Devotion, taken by Mrs. Leonard Slute. Following the singing of Hymn 490, there was Roll Call and Collection. Re- ports were as follows: Flower Committee--Mrs. Roy Brown; Secretary's Mrs. Lorne Slute; Treasurer--Mrs. Harold Bray. Mrs. Norman Burkett gave details of the drive by the U. C.W. to sell chocolate Bars. The wraping on these Bars are stamped with a very fine pic- ture of Raglan Church and the adjoining New Hall. Proceeds from this sale go to the Build- ing Fund. - In anticipation of the tremen- dous response usually given to their Turkey Suppers, tickets for this affair, on Oct. 18th, at the Raglan Church Hall may be purchased only from members of the U.C.W. Tickets are-- adults $1.50; students--75; pre- school children 35c. Plans are already underway for the An- .nual Bazaar on Sat., Nov. 23rd at 2.30 p.m. Mrs, Stan Manns will open her house for the Oct pilot And Passenger Killed After Crash In Mid-Ki Killed after a mid-air crash on Sunday were J. M. Madonik, 44, of Toronto pilot of a small Chipmunk aircraft and his pass- enger, 22 year old Bruce Cald- well .of Willowdale. The pilot of the other plane, | fabric of the left wing. Mr. Greco and his passenger, 18 year old Mary Hertner of Lon- don, Ont. managed to land the craft safely after it was struck by the other plane tearing the Mr. Madonik lost complete control of his plane and it crashed to the ground from about 4000 feet. The two men in the plane had to be pried loose fram a mass of twisted metal. The only damage to the other plane was a gouge. in the :left wing and a splintered propeller, Above is a Scene from the Crash The following students from Raglan were successful in pass- | ing Grade 8, and are now attend- | ing High School: Oshawa, 0.C.V.IL. Rt. ~ Calder M.C.V.I.--Calvin Gr cerey Port Perry--John Slute, \ School met recently at the home The new | Layng | | of presenting pins to the Grade of Mrs. J. Bright. President Mrs. Elmer welcomed all those present and opened the meeting by repeat- ing together the Lord's Prayer. The new executive was intro- | Mary Bright, for duced as follows: Vice President their reports. The Principal of Raglan School, Mrs. Florence Auld - discussed the possibility 8 Graduating Class in' Novem- ber. A plaque is to be given to having the highest over-all standing in the saucer and stainless steel tea spoon. Mrs. Donald Ferguson thank- ed the hostess Mrs. Bright. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save the Queen", Lunch and a social half-hour followed. -- Dear Subscribers: 2nd meeting at 2 p.m. The meet- ing at 2 p.m. The meeting closed with Benediction, and lunch was served by the Com- mittee. da Slute, Tommy Lawrence, Mary Bright, Paul Solomon, Joyce Evans, Ronald Evans. . The 508. Club of Raglan School. The Oct. 16 Ineeiing If you have out of town visit- will be in Raglan School at 8 p.m., to this meeting each mem- 'is asked to bring a_ cup, --Mrs Glenn Smith; Secretary -- Mrs. Clayton: Miller; Treasur- er--Mrs. E. Glover. The Sec- roary and Treasurer presented! ber Port Perry Star. We 'like to publish this as a news item. 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Tins Specially Selected - Value: Check'd Boneless RUMP ROAST lb oo With the Sweet Smoked Taste Fresh Minced - Well Blended Trend BACON +: Yi fe] 3c Ground B Frozen Food Feature! - Save 4c! 6-ox, Tins Orange Jui 2:61: Dowson' S Food roy TREND Detorgent 59 'Queen St. Port Perry 31. Phone 985-7942 { ors at your home, please call ® i \ rn